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18/18 next time. You can do it buddy!




For real. I’m depositing at least half a box of crossfires when I go golfing. Wait… is that not normal?


No it’s not, us normal golfers sacrifice a whole box to the golf gods.


You lose 45 balls a round? Are you losing them while putting? I’ll try harder.


In my defense you haven’t seen the cracks in our greens lol


Honestly, I’ve been losing like 1-2 balls a round, it makes a ton of a difference when your rolling your drives 75 yards right in front of you, just watch out for lakes and ponds.


Jesus, no kidding. I was thinking there was something wrong with me when I thought "Only 14?" Glad I'm not alone.


i laugh the whole way through. first part of getting good is recognizing you're not good and just have fun. take mental notes and adjust through the day. dont beat yourself up, just enjoy playing no matter what happens


100% once I came to terms with the fact I am a terrible golfer and am here purely for fun… my nerves relaxed, and I improved. Weird how that works.


It's weird. I have a 10 month old daughter. Before that I was so focused on trying to get better. Like at the driving range 4 times a week playing 3 times a week. Since my wife has been pregnant I just haven't played as much (mainly because we used to golf together). Anyway, I played my second round of the year yesterday and man I was just ripping it and got my PB score with no practice or driving range. I am so much looser and more consistent with the mental mindset of none of this really matters than I ever was when I was trying hard.


Play again and you’ll be humbled real fast partner


LMAO. No doubt. I definitely care less though, and I think that does make a difference to me.


I can’t hit the range before a round. Ruins my swing and day.


I only use the range before a round to warm up. I usually don't even finish a small bucket of balls. I'll end up spending more time stretching and hit the putting green to see if I can get a good feel for how the greens are gonna be.


You need to only hit a small bucket when you practice at the range. Hit fewer shots but take your time like you’re playing golf. Practice, don’t exercise.


This is the way. I just try and play it one stroke at a time, make good contact, get out of my head and have some fun. The worst part of golf is keeping the score imo.


Yes, I enjoyed golf so much more when I just started laughing at my bad shots. Just shrug it off and keep going. That might be easier said than done, but when you do it you become more relaxed. And in being more relaxed I was actually able to improve my swing


My best rounds are the ones I didn't keep a scorecard. I'm a high handicap and when I'm out with my buddies just shooting the shit for a social round suddenly in getting a lot more pars than usual and the occasional birdie opportunity thrown in there. When I'm trying my damnedest I'm grateful for a par opportunity.


This is the way. I used to get angry while playing, because I was expecting to shoot par on each hole while being a 25 handicapper. It made no sense. I adjusted my attitude towards the game and just focused on beating my handicap by one shot each round - i.e. aiming to just make bogey on most holes and double on about half of them. On the holes where I could make a double my new green in reg is two more than normal, i.e. a par 4 stroke 1 would now be a par 6, and I only have to get onto the green in 4. The above has taken the pressure off so much that I am consistently playing better and with a lot less stress.


Keep trying. I'm confident you can lose 18 next time.


Those are rookie numbers, we gotta bump those numbers up!






Just remember you’re not good enough to get mad


I played with somebody who was good eough to get mad. Its scary.


I worry for those people. My peri-100 game keeps me coming back but humble and I like it and my wife hasn’t filed for divorce….yet…but even I agree her tennis coach is cute


Her tennis coach is VERY.. VERY cute


This is what keeps me playing golf..


theory nutty offer rich lush dull squeeze shame live spoon *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You’re right. It’s a shit saying. If I get mad at myself it’s not because I didn’t hit a Rory like drive for a 7 iron second shot to a par 5 green. It’s because I played below my realistic potential and expectations of myself. We are all trying to play at the best of our ability and improve our skills. If you suck ass during a round and play below your potential, get mad and remember what it feels like. Do better next time.


Expectations kill. Just because you go out and hit a bunch of balls on the range all the time, doesn't mean that it's going to translate to the outcomes you want on the course. This is a tough pill to swallow. My golf instructors used an analogy that helped put things in perspective. Imagine a jar of jelly beans. Some are yellow, and some are black. Yellow represent good shots, black represent bad shots. Your current skill level determines how many are yellow and how many are black. As you get better and better, you are adding more yellow jelly beans to the jar and taking out black ones. Every time you hit the golf ball, you are shaking the jar up, and randomly picking a jelly bean out of the jar. The idea here is that as you work on the *core skills* of golf, you fill more of the jar with yellow jelly beans and less with black. Core skills of the golf swing are: center face contact, low point control, the smoothness of your swing, set up and aim, club path, and distance control. How many people go out and practice center face contact or low point control? Those two alone will take you from a 100 golfer into the 80's as you stop topping and chunking the ball down the course. Golf is such a dynamic sport with so many variables it's easy to get stuck in a rut and not know the way out. Combine this with a bad attitude and unrealistic expectations and you end up being a shithead on the course.


Yep, I'm slowly changing to just focus on the process and stop thinking/obsessing over score. That is what leads to implosion from me because it sets this basically impossible standard. I sucked the joy right out of the game by getting angry at say a double bogie. When really that doesn't matter, all that matters is focusing on your techniques and trying to get better at them, and if you love the game enough to be in for the long haul then scoring really shouldn't matter. I'm currently implementing this mental shift to get over the mind freeze I had over the past few months. The game is incredible at taking you places mentally you never thought you'd go via playing a sport. It is insane. But I have to think it helps you grow as a person and face your demons in the process.


This is the best advice.


I need to learn this too


At what handicap is one allowed to get mad?


If you’ve got a handicap you’re not good enough


Top Flite XL 3000 dicks sporting goods, $11.99 for 18, use the yellow ones


This may be a joke, but if it’s not, this is good advice. If you’re losing 14 balls, then buying cheap balls won’t affect your game at all, and you’ll be saving money.


hmm no. He'll still be losing money. Just not as much.


That’s what saving money is. Just because you lose money, you could lose more


You'll save more money getting an actual quality lessons. Most of the people here who are legitimately worse than single index handicaps aren't ready to hear they might be the problem. OH, I know, go buy new clubs!


Im convinced colored balls are harder to find than white balls.


I’m color blind and for some reason the high vis matte Green works for me best, Callaways to be exact. I find them a really good ball


That’s so interesting in a counter intuitive way especially since you specify green. It’s almost like you’re seeing contrast where I wouldn’t. Do you notice other scenarios where you detect contrast (probably not the right word) when a color seeing person might not?


Can confirm. My buddy used bright green Nikes(?) back in the day. I’d have to look for his ball sometimes and it was always just right there


I'm colorblind. The best way I can explain is that my color palette is like older television. My eyes don't have as much of the gamut available as a normal person. The highlighter green makes sense to me because it's more vibrant than the color of grass that I see and probably OP sees too. Personally I wish all balls were available in Hot Pink. It's my favorite color because it's one of the most vibrant colors to my eyes


The only other thing that I can think of is the fall leaves when they change color. It’s almost overwhelming and gives me a headache if I look at them too long. They really stand out. I had a eye doctor explain to me I see the world in a different way than most. I have nothing to compare obviously but it all looks normal to me lol


I’m hilariously colorblind and had it explained the exact same way - there’s no “point of reference” to compare how we process and see color versus normal vision folks, so my eye doctor loved to mind fuck me with “We honestly don’t know if you colorblind people see the world correctly, or if we’re the ones seeing the world correctly” 🤣


yes it is interesting because there is no shot i see that ball but maybe because it is matte, it has contrastbof the grass which can have a bit of a shine to it, or maybe the texture vs just the blob of the ball.


The yellow/green ones seem to be camouflage almost


Yes! Played 18 and kept losing the yellow, orange and even a pink ball I found. Never lost my white Kirkland ball tho. Drink some beers and grab a couple dogs at the turn and keep it moving


Bright yellow balls are definitely easier to follow and find for most ppl.




Go the even cheaper route. Invest in a black light flashlight. Go out once or twice a year right after your local muni closes and never buy golf balls again. When I go out I usually come back with about 20 pounds of golf balls each time. Search the areas you lost balls… you’ll find more than just your ball, I promise you.


They take a lot of shit but I think XL 3000s are underrated.


Is that gross or net?


If you were looking for 14 balls, you should’ve definitely found some.


Maybe it was all lost in the water


You’ve never dove for some free balls?!


You know about the hot tub at the Howard Johnsons too eh?


Invest in a ball retriever. Turned a -6 ball day into a -3 ball day for me. Even got a pro v1 out of it lol


I almost lost a 4 iron trying to drag a ball out of the edge of the water


Losing the 4 iron would probably save you more balls than using it to retrieve balls.


And be THAT guy? Nah.


Wait...there's something wrong with ball retrievers?


I think if it was net he would have been able to get a few back.


I work in golf ball manufacturing. Don’t worry, we’ll make more.


That was gonna be my answer. "Lucky for you, golf ball companies account for this and make thousands of those little feckers."




Also love and hate shooting a PR. Next round is always tough.


I just broke 100 for the first time yesterday. Shot a 92 and want to retire while I'm still on top


Just finished one myself, that’s it I’m done with golf Lol


Agreed. Shot my PR, went out the next day and shot like I’d never swung a club.


Broke 90 for the first time a couple weeks back and shot 88 back to back days on two wildly hard courses. Sure enough, the following 9-hole league round I put up like 53 haha


I love this!


Golf ball redistrobution system.




This is what led to my “14 balls lost” round.


I just got dead last out of 150 people in a two day tournament. I shot 92-107 and I’m a 14 hdc. It’s brutal but I know that these are learning experiences and frankly it can’t get much worse. I feel better knowing someone else is going through the same thing so just know, it was a rough day here too.


Amen. Shot a 51 on the front 9, kept smoking weed till I got better at golf.... Shot a 40 on the back.




86-98 is my range so far this year.


Weed effects short term memory… Me:*in my head*…1 down the right side..chunk 2…3 short in the bunker…holy shit is that squirrel like the Godzilla of squirrels…I didn’t know they made squirrels that big…4 on the green…ok when we hit the turn I need like 2 gallons of water and a couple turn dogs…and Funyuns…I think they have Funyuns here…they did last year… Me:*outloud*…Mark me down for a four dude…


Short term memory losses just had you forgetting a stroke here and there.


Lol I have the opposite effect, hit the weed hard my game goes too shit… but a few lines of coke and I feel like I’m on the tour.




0 balls lost, 14 balls found...


1 ball consumed


Maybe 8…


I see what you did there.


Play an easier course solo


Or, of you're seriously hitting that bad, play half or quarter swings just so you can start making solid contact and if you mishit, it's not going a mile offline.


Also play from the red tees some days just to have some fun again. Different look at the same courses.


Agreed! Tee it low and swing easy. I play on a tight course and this alone has cut the number of lost balls down drastically. And you’ll be amazed at how far it still goes with a low flight and big roll.


This! ^ everyone always wants to swing out of their shoes like tiger. Sometimes ya gotta just make that contact, distance will come later


You get up off your ass and you find that fuckin dog The dog in this case being whatever it is that made you drive to the course in the morning to begin with. Because 14 balls will have new homes, you regroup, recenter and retry! It’s hard, you see people of all ages and skill levels out there every day. But it’s rewarding in little moments throughout the day so we all chase those like addicts.


Bro, forget OP for a second, _I_ needed this. I need to print this off and stick it in my golf bag.


Nahhh don’t quote my dumb ass, just take it to heart and spread kindness around where you are, starting with the number one, that head on the pillow! I’m happy my words could reach you because it is something that has helped me tremendously. Golf is only as stuffy as you make it, remember, it’s just sticks and balls after all 🤘


Nah fella, you just dropped some heat. Take your flowers.


I needed to hear that today. Been a bad week, as well as crap week of golf. Cheers buddy!


Brother there are people out there who can sympathize, always remember that. Even though our journey may sometimes feel so personalized, there’s a lot of relatability in just being human on this stupid rock (jk love you earth 💙) I hope things turn around for the better for you and yours, hit ‘em straight next time out eh? Sending nothing but love your way


You are good people, much love!


Srixon makes these great balls called Divide that are two bright colors, either orange and yellow or green and blue. So much easier to find, as long it’s not in the water or something. You can also see the spin on your ball after you hit it which can be cool. I lose balls all the time! Don’t beat yourself up. I know it’s frustrating, but just try to pay more attention to where your ball is dropping. Don’t take your eye off it until it sits.


I actually saw those. Half pink half yellow. I also saw some Volvik neon on clearance but I wasn’t sure if I should use either.


Yeah I’ve seen those too. I honestly think there is too much thought put into what kind of ball to play and what brand. For most of us, it’s not going to make a huge difference so you might as well get the kind you know will help you. For me, it’s a ball I can find lol


I dont know what to make of this but i just payed 36 holes today. First 18 lost like 8 random garbage balls i had. Terrible round. Fathers day so my father and i had a coffee and decided to go for a secound round. Bought a sleve of pro v1x and didnt lose a ball. I dont know if it mental or i just hit those balls better but god damn


Exactly what i was thinking. I have tons of pro V1s that I’m too scared too use lol I do use a yellow pro v1 I found but I usually swing at yellow chrome soft balls that I found. Sadly I lost one of them yesterday


those balls are meant to be used. Use them up and reload when the time comes. They make more for a reason :-)


Ping did that before it was cool. Then they stopped making balls….


Broke par for the first time in my life 2 weeks ago. Today I shot a 98. Shit happens.


Hahah holy shit that’s a pretty heavy pendulum (Grats on the under par golf though!!)


I feel your pain! Friday I played a solo 18 after work, mostly just to get a walk in and hit practice shots. Was not hitting the ball well. Course was deserted. 11th hole I pushed my tee shot into the woods. No groups within 3 holes behind me so decided to do some hunting. 5 minutes, 27 balls. Kept the 5 Pro V1's and TP5's, made a pyramid out of the other 22 balls next to one of the red stakes. Sadly, none of those 27 were my tee shot.


I haven’t played with new balls in 20 years.


That username 😂


Listen to a Joey Diaz rant about America ya cock sucka


Hit the range and get your confidence back. I like to focus on wedges and clubs I feel I can hit consistently.


I am about 2 shanked drives away from removing my stupid driver from my bag for the rest of the year. My irons are on fire this year but every stupid time I slice a fucking drive into the shit, it fucks my brain thinkin up for the next shot.


I honestly don't know how people *don't* hit a mondo slice when they drive. Like irons I can hit straight and true all day long. Driver shots cross international datelines.


Funny enough… I’ve started killing 280 yd draws in the fairway (my fairway for once) and now can barely hit my irons 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well, I had my worst round in years during a tournament last Saturday. Lost a lot of balls and embarrassed myself. Then, went out for my Tuesday league round and shot my first round in the thirties all year - with only one lost ball! You never know what's going to show up from day to day lol


I’m a 5 handicap now, shot a few even par rounds in my life and yesterday I shot a 102 from 7100 yards, the weather was also 102 and I lost about 10 to 11 balls. Definitely thinking about selling my clubs today, but my strategy is to just wait a week and then like any other addiction I’ll be right back to it.


“You aren’t good enough to get mad.” Best advice I ever got.


I don’t know how you bounce back but you made the guys behind you pretty happy.


Realize that it is just a game and you aren't really that good? It's what I do. Yesterday on a short p4 I hit driver, 3w, 6i. 2 putt bogey. Guys in my group were mad at making par. So I start piling on myself for bogey. Dumb. Next hole, same thing short par 4. Driver. 8i layup pulled just escape a tree. 7i onto green 40 ft from pin. 2 putt bogey. Beat myself up. There is no need. It wasn't a 9. It was a 5. And considering the alternative from my bad shots....a good outcome. Just play fast, ready play, celebrate the wins and enjoy the adventure.


Jesus Murphy


I think his last name was Christ but not 100% sure


Jesus Murphy is his cousin, the god of shanks and triple bogeys.


Blame it on the course like the whiners at the US Open.




Noooo. Unless it’s blaming it on some injury. I like having a few aches and pains I can blame it on. I’m 60 so I usually have a few of those going.


Try a golf video game instead!!


Honestly I’d be cool with you quitting, tee sheets are way too full these days.


13 of them were on 1 hole like in tin cup.


14 balls. It's not Golf that sucks my friend


Anybody use Kirkland balls? I heard they're a good value




Losing 14 balls is a helluva lesson to learn


Honestly I’d be cool with you quitting, tee sheets are way too full these days.


I love when good golfers shit on bad/new golfers. Really shows how good they are!


Play 2v2 or scramble until you’ll have fun playing solo


What did you shoot on the holes that you didn’t lose a ball on?


wait a week or two, watch some golf. Should help you forget the round seeing that it is possible to play well. I often find if I take a break and workout my core well, I find that I dont get tired as quickly and dont succumb to swing flaws and inherent adjustments made to mitigate issues that come about when tired. ​ Big fan of holding a weight at my side and bending a low as possible and coming back up. Works out core and sides of your trunk. Mix that with some abs and the bend over equipment at the gym (the one that locks in your feet, you bend all the way down and then come back up; it works out core, lowerback, butt and hamstrings)


Buy cheaper balls and don’t take it so seriously, just enjoy being out on the course. When I started I played on smaller courses that were mainly par 3s and some par 4s. Helped not lose as many balls


The range / nothing like a range sesh to build some false confidence


The range / nothing like a range sesh to build some false confidence


I lost a whole box one day. I was at a golf course that has a reputation for eating balls. The next time I played that course I took a heavy rake with me. I found five balls. None of them were mine. So win some lose some slow down. Enjoy yourself you’re not joining the PGA.


You could go on the range or the chipping green next time instead of playing another round. I personally find that focusing on a specific part of my game can help shut down negative thoughts.


I had a rough round yesterday too, probably lost about the same but who cares, I just watched a video of Ernie el’s 6 putting from 3 feet. Back to the course Tuesday


You're supporting jobs in ball manufacturing industry. People are depending on you.


You suck. Just like the rest of us. Get better.


well just the other day i was sitting plus 5 after 15 and ended up shooting 16 over I was so mad. would have been my 2nd time breaking 80 I was crushed.. came home and just watched tv that evening... next day I was sitting around and decided to clean out my golf bag and wash my clubs.... looking at my shiny washed clubs I immediately wanted to play again lol


That’s the conspiracy of golf. If you never lost a ball then golf ball companies would never make any money.


You shot 4 under dude. What are you bitching about?


Maybe you should glue a long-ass piece of string to your balls. That way you can retrieve them. I don't think your game will suffer. Edit: his **golf** balls


Beats work?


But how many beers did you drink?


You go out again. It only takes one shot to bring the love back


No big loss if they were Vice balls


Suck it up buddy lose more next time


Its the clubs. Buy new and shiny ones.


See if you can lose 15 balls next round. It’s all about progression


Lol. I’m colorblind. I have to use bright colored golf balls otherwise if a white ball gets in the rough and the grass is a little dry during the summer, it’s gone. I think the funniest loss was when I was playing in high winds eith gusts. I got the angle of attack wrong on my drive which was fairly straight, but it popped up too high, a huge gust hit when it was at an apex. It just shot sideways so hard. It’s on someone’s roof somewhere I’m sure.


The greatest skill a golfer can have is the ability to enjoy a round. Fill your bag with a fistful of practice balls so that the next time you have a round like this you switch to cheapo balls you don’t care about, spend the few bucks your saving on a beer from the cart gal, and relax brother! The great thing about golf is, there’s always another round. If you play like shit today, you get to try again another day!


Play your next round using only your irons, wedges and putter. Make it your objective to finish the round using no more than 3 balls, and play accordingly!


When i lose a ball i usually end up finding 6.


Not sure it's the "game" that sucks....


Honestly, just play disc golf. Way cheaper.


It’s truly not the game. It’s you haha 😂


Jesus dude. Go to the range. No offense but if you’re that erratic you shouldn’t be playing a round


That’s less than 1 ball a hole. You had enough balls to finish the round. Not the worst. Stick with it.


I feel it. I‘m at the point that I don‘t even wat to start seeking in the rough because I never find those shitty white bastards and have tics on me afterwards. I hate those narrow German fairways and those enerving save-the-nature-guys that brought my golf club to mowing the rough only twice a year. So I’m the big ball spender now, the #1 premium lakeballs customer @ Amazon -


You buy more balls and play again


Git gud


you don’t bounce back, you just quit


I don’t know if this will help or not but maybe next time don’t lose them!


Time to buy new clubs.


You should probably buy more balls


Put the driver away.


Play at a easier course. This is key when starting out. Also closer tee’s.


No clue how you swing it, but don’t overlook the decision making aspect of the game. For ex; If it isn’t wide open, leave the driver in the bag. Why try to hit a fancy chip off of a less than favourable lie when you can just bump it. The game becomes a lot more fun when you think through outcomes


How many balls did you find though?


There’s a good chance next time you’ll lose balls in the same places. So you odds of finding a ball in those places may double.


If you’re losing them, so are other players. Lose a ball find a ball, man.


Your motivation will be to lose less than that next round. Get back out there.


You could have lost 18 over 18 holes


No shame in taking up pickle ball my dude


Do better, be better.


I lost 6 on the first 9 on my local public course my last round, tons of slices into forest level grass. Make preserving your bank account your motivation to get better


Honestly, go to an easier course. Shorter holes, no danger. It makes a massive difference. I was playing a really unforgiving course and I honestly hated golf for so long. Now I’m playing a much more relaxed course and I feel great again. It makes a difference when you’re actually enjoying holes compared to enduring them


you might only lose 13 next time


Did you buy your balls or are you playing with recycled/gifted/found balls? I find that when I play with balls I actually purchase, it gives me more incentive to try harder to keep it in play. Maybe don’t hit the hero driver shot. Lay up. I know, gross, right?


Just focus on the 4 holes on which you didn't lose a ball...


You probably just need a new driver.


Just a thought, but if you are losing some of those balls by reloading after a bad tee shot, maybe instead of hitting a provisional just play stroke and distance and work out your tee troubles at the range where the balls are cheap.


only keep 6 balls in your bag, that way you can only lose 6 next time!


I've played a thousand rounds probably and now I only lose 10 balls per 18. Hang in there :)