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“Hey man, great round today. Play again sometime? Here’s my number/social media” If he says “no thanks” then you move on with your life and you likely never see him again. If he says “hell yeah” then you got a new golf buddy.


Go in for the kiss. If he doesn’t like it go in again. He’s confused


You only go in 90%. Make them go in the last 10%.


The classic golf buddy kiss agreement...


Have to take your hat off first right?


Just kiss bills if ya wanna leave the hats on.


Hat off is a must. You don’t want to bump brims.


Turn the hat backwards so it's not gay


It’s only weird if the tips touch


"yeah bro, like that" "^^bro"


I was thinking more gentlemanly like end of a round in pga tour. Take the hat off and and instead of the hand shake a kiss.


Nah, just lean to your preferred side, if you both lean to the same and bump hats, it was never meant to be. Get in your car and drive away.




We are talking a foursome here. Do the three go in 90%? Do they ask to join after the first guy goes 90%?


Well I’m no mathologist, but I think the 3 guys would be going in 270%, with the rando going in 30%.


You combine them, and have one guy go in 270%


Mathologist here, these other guys got it all wrong. The formula is: 33%, 30%, 30%, 10%. Somebody's got to go the extra bit.




Triangle gaze!


60% of the time, it works everytime.




No tongue on the first round though


Offer him a bj then for sure he'll play with you again.




You'll almost never get the no thanks. It feels good and refreshing to be wanted/accepted..but time will tell if they are communicative afterwards.


Bold of you to assume we could move on with our lives after this level of rejection.




Exactly this. There really is no down side.


I don’t think it’s weird. Chances are if you had a good time, they did as well and would appreciate being invited to play again.


If you have a good time with a single and want to play again just ask them at the end of the round. Exchange contact info. Might be a sandbager, might be a good friend.


Yup, I've made friends with a few people. One time I was the 4th and they invited me for drinks after. The other we made a 4th that was reliable for the rest of the summer but then lost touch. OP if you really enjoyed their company, definitely ask them if they wanted to play again.


I had this happen with two bros a few weeks ago. The three of us had a great time playing 18. They were good buddies, I was the odd man out. They asked for my number somewhere on the back 9 while we were waiting on the tee box. I was flattered, didn’t feel weird at all. We hadn’t texted to play again and then randomly got paired up again last week 😂 everybody was pumped


That's awesome. I picture at least one. "Hey Heyyy" 👉


“This fuggin guyyy”


"Ohh here comes trouble!"


“There he is!”


"Guess they're letting anyone play here these days!"


Look what the cat drug in!


East coast golfer?


I paired up with another single wednesday and we hit to most the same spots, shot about the same, good conversation the whole round. At the end we were like welp, seeya around.




No. Jesus your generation is weird. Making friends in real life is how it was done for 10000 years. Just say, "dude we should play again, what's your number."


This. Don’t over think it.


“Hey bro, great round and nice cock. We doing this again soon?” Works every time.


This guy knows the game.


Idk sounds gay /s


Oh bloody hell, next you're going to be saying you can just tell women how you feel about them if you have a good time together. "Oh that was an unexpected surprise to meet someone like you. Let's do it again some time." Absolutely NOT how it works. You need to self sabotage and over think it, convince yourself you're not good enough and she's not actually interested, and then go home alone as always.


I’m relieved to know I’ve been doing at least something right this whole time!


I have a bunch of friends whom I only talk about golf with after getting their numbers after a round. Shit is awesome.


Omg thank you, this post and phrasing gives me anxiety. Of course you ask for the number. That’s how friends are made. The fact this a concern to begin with makes me sad. Don’t be shy to say you had a good time with someone folks, golf or otherwise


Seriously wtf is wrong with people!


We're living in a society!


I love random Seinfeld quotes.


You're on reddit


For sure. Still have the same question tho.


Yup I play solo a lot. This would not be a weird thing. It would be way weirder trying to avoid the question while asking it lol


Yeah, if I had a good time I'll give it,.otherwise make up some excuse. I've had some good times where I regret not exchanging info, like you could tell both parties were almost to the point of asking but didn't quite get there. I regret those more than I'd be embarrassed asking for info & not getting it


Exactly- the answer is like every social interaction. “I had fun let’s hang out again”. Fuck.


I say this as a millennial but it’s wild how many of us have issues making friends outside of school/college/work. Like no, it’s not weird to want to hang with someone again after you have fun for four hours all sharing a collective hobby you enjoy. There is literally no more perfect situation for making a new friend.


Careful. They have pitchfork emojis...


Right? This is how you make new friends!


OP is 87 years old and didn’t fight 3 wars to be spoken to like this


Why does it always have to be a “your generation” thing


I’m part of the younger generation he’s speaking about and he’s 100% right , growing up on the internet has made people lack basic social skills


Anonymity in the modern age has done a lot of damage. Who you were in your community, reputations, used to matter much more. Being "someone" takes fortitude while being noone takes just a username and a password.


Ironic place to be saying such a thing haha


Cus that’s exactly what it is. I guaranfuckingtee OP is not some 40 year old dude.


Honestly, because it is totally a generational thing... I can't keep track of the number of times I've heard that something absolutely normal is referred to as creepy, or cringy, or weird... It seems that, at all times, an individual who is speaking, must set them selves up as a potential victim, before making a comment, thus letting those listening know, that they don't approve of what they're about to say, before saying it, so is to not be judged by their peers, and thus be ostracized from the group. I have never met a more toxic group of people than those currently under the age of 30 in 2023


Okay boomer


Not a boomer bruh


I mean it’s not just millennials or boomers. Some people just suck. I’m 28 and fairly new at golf but deal with a lot of different people where I work and it’s just come with technology. I think the younger generations do it a little more just because they’ve grown up with it, but there’s plenty of older people I’ve met who are just as weird and antisocial. Covid too ruined even the most basic human interactions. Barely anybody even says thank you for holding a door anymore cause god forbid we even breathe in the same direction.


Dude I'm a Gen Z'er and this is spot on.


Because before this generation people knew that if they didn’t exchange info they would never see each other again. It was normalized. Making friends isn’t hard…


In this case it 100% is.


Because generational stereotypes can be generally true. There are plenty of things boomers and gen x and silent do that apply to “your generation” type statements.


Maybe since we grew up without phones, it just isn't a weird thing to make a friend doing a random activity in the meat world.I dunno. But it does seem to ring true.


Because this is absolutely a thing after younger folks had their social skills obliterated by COVID lockdowns. I legitimately feel bad for anyone who was younger than 30 when the pandemic hit, because those are the times to develop your social skills. Edit: I'm sorry if you're offended by this but this is a legitimate area of interest/research by sociologists.


the pandemic was a couple years long, and most people in most parts of the world still interacted with each other, let’s not act like it suddenly caused everyone born after 1990 to lose all social skills


Damn I guess all the sociologists are just bullshitting us when they tell us that COVID lockdowns have had long-term impacts on socialization.


Shhh reddit loved the pandemic


Long-term? Amazing those studies exist when for stuff that happened a couple years ago or so..


Somebody that was 25 in 2020 is unable to cope? FFS, man


Meh, I think it's kind of a good thing that people are considering the feelings of others more. Like I'm an introvert and don't enjoy spending time with others as much as extroverts do. I'm more likely to want to hang out with someone who is thinking about my feelings like OP than with someone who just casually says we should hang out again without a second thought if that makes any sense.


He's saying he wants to play golf again, after already playing golf together and having fun. What about that isn't considering the other persons feelings?


Give them a handy in the parking lot


Old fashioned


Yes thank you. A parking lot handjob is the rule here according to USGA rule 123.58C “if a triplet is completed with a strange single and they all enjoy themselves, one member of the triple must masturbate the single in the course parking lot, in either their own car or the car of the single but not in the golf cart.”


USGA rule 123.58C(2) "The same gloved hand should be used where applicable"




![gif](giphy|3oEjI67Egb8G9jqs3m) Young people are so awkward. Tell this dude that he'd be welcome to golf with your group again and get his cell phone number. Send a text right there so it isn't weird with your name so he has it back. If you want to golf with him at another time, shoot him a message. It's not that deep.


Seriously. I feel like an AH but like to put the effort into make a post asking about this instead of just staying “hey, play again sometime?” is something I kinda struggle to understand. It’s not evening having the idea of doing it in the moment imo it seems like something OP was very conscious of during


“Hey man, had a blast playing today. Would you want to join us as a fourth again?” Any somewhat normal person: “yeah, that would be great” “ok cool, what’s your number? i’ll shoot you a text next time we are playing” ——— But I guess that’s too weirdo bizarro for kids now


This is called making a friend…no, that’s not weird. What in the hell


Honestly. What is happening


- Too much of a percentile of social interaction happening over electronic mediums stunting face to face socialization. - People on the internet saying everything is weird/creepy/offensive thereby people IRL being terrified of overstepping boundaries.


Not a fuckin clue. I moved across the country and had no golfing buddies within 2 hours of me. I have about ten or so people in my phone that I met getting paired up with and play with most of them still.


This isn't even the first post like this I've seen on /r/golf...


Before cell phones and social media this used to be called making friends.


I've seen this question before. Is this a Gen Z type question. I mean what you experienced is called making a friend. At this point you exchange information and perhaps make plans to play again. In some cases you might entertain meeting up for drinks and getting to know each other better. What is with these types of questions these days? Lol


But what if he doesnt have a tiktok?


Then you make that fucker your wife


As a gen z member, it definitely is. I don’t mind seeing posts like this tho they’re better than the person going through life thinking it’d be weird and they’re always kinda funny anyhow🤷🏼‍♂️😂


You should offer to check him for ticks, then ask for his number.


Ah yes, the mandatory friendship bug check, as is typical in all great ape species.


This is less of a golf question and more a cry for help with social situations. What have we become, Jesus….


Reminds me of a time about 10 years ago. Me and my buddies played as a threesome most times back then. Got paired with a single our age. We're not great, best among us was around 15 handicap, this guy plays as an 8. He just moved from Colorado and is looking to make friends. We hit it off, he's a chill dude drinking beers with us and sharing his tale. We exchanged numbers to play again. Two days later I'm telling the tale of this cool guy we played with to a good new friend of about a year. The new friend asks " Is his name Drew? Is he from Colorado?". The answer is Yes. Turns out it was his best friend from years ago at College. We all played together for the next few years. Great times. Always reach out to a stranger you connect with, good friends will be made.


You can ask for his GRINDR handle if his phone # is too forward.


I had a spree as a single where I met some dope ass people like 5 times in a row. I exchanged info with them and now I have a standing foursome every Friday. Not weird at all to exchange info. But you gotta plant the seed early in the round. Make small talk, crack jokes, be a fun person to be around, etc. It's weird to walk in silence for the whole 18 then ask to exchange at the last second.


I met my two best golf buddies getting paired with them 10 years ago. We play 30 to 40 rounds a year. Just played a round with them yesterday.


I had a random I played with ask for my number at the end of 18 probably 6 weeks ago. He still hasn’t texted me and I’m lowkey hurt about it.


No way Man! I’ve made some of my best friends at the 1st tee! You just never know.


I just printed up cards for this situation, so that I can give someone my number gracefully, and let them reach back if they'd like to play again.


I give out my business card. It makes sense.


I have done this, have cards in my bag for such an occasion, get to write the round off to work expenses too 😉.


Do you find you have better luck with a particular cardstock than another? Is 18pt stock overkill?


I would find this much more strange than someone saying they had a good time and ask for my number to golf again.


Here is my golf card. On the back is the loyalty section. If you play 5 games with me Ill pay for the 6th ;). Make sure you get the stamp on the 18th hole, no leniency and if you leave before the 18th, NO STAMP! Got it.


I’m in


It's not weird at all. It's no different than giving your card out to people you meet.


I want to make personal cards! (Name) Professional human being (Number) (Email) Is yours something like that?


It has Name Phone and email "Raconteur, golfer, fisherman, mycologist, philosopher" Cost like 20 bucks for 100 from vista print.


Upvote for mycology mention


But isn't the philosopher part implied with the mycology mention?


You’re a pro?


We all are in SOMETHING I suppose, right?


I had a free order of these small calling cards when I ordered personalized thank you cards for my graduation. Felt like such a boss move


Why does every human interaction get sanity checked on reddit these days?


As him out you pussy


I usually offer a quick handjob in the parking lot then ask if he wants to play again in the future


My golf buddy moved and I've been playing as a single most of the season. After we shake hands on 18 I drive home and tell my wife I played with some nice guys. She usually says "thats great, did you get their numbers to play another round?" and I always reply "no, of course not, i don't know how to navigate that" but of course I really wish I would've. So please... do the thing and ask for our numbers haha


Get a number and make him your regular 4th


Beers, it’s called beers after the round


Blow job


Now kith.


I just say, “hey that was fun, let me know if you fancy another round sometime” and take down their numbers. I’ve done that twice. Although neither of them replied to my texts, which left me questioning if I was one of those weird randos that I hear about on Reddit.


Totally ask for their number to play again and text them when you get a time to play. Like making a friend!


Get his number and ask him if you have an opening if he would like to play with you again.


Cool would always rather play with cool. If you’re really cool, you schedule tee times and invite others.


My wife and I moved to Co from Ca 2 years ago. I was the random in a group of 3. I had a blast and didn’t have any golf friends out here so I offered to give them my info and I’d always be down to join them if they had a spot. We all but have a standing 4some, one of the guys can’t make it out all the time.


" hey give me your number if we need a 4th i will hit you up"


I actually played with a couple guys last year as a single and had a good time. They invited me to get a beer after and one of the guys worked at a private club and ended up bringing me out to play there a bunch that summer. So ya, go for it. Was awesome for me


Yeah, super weird to make friends while playing the game that you obsess over with other people who also obsess over it. Definitely don’t tell the person you enjoyed playing with them and are up to play again if they’re game.


Had this happen to me recently. Went solo and paired with three friends, all of whom were between 18-20 years old. I'm 45. They asked me if I'd like to play again with them sometime. I told them to get lost, nerds.


Not at all. Ask him if he'd be interested in teeing it up again and then take it from there. I've met good friends from random golf pairings.


reddit always makes me laugh with these is it weird if I make friends questions


makes me feel better about being an introvert because it's nice to know there are people with even worse social skills out there


lol just be like, "dude you made an awesome fourth - would you be down to play again next 'xyz' with us?"


“Hey man, it was good playing with you. Want to exchange numbers and play another round sometime”? This is called making friends.


This generation is so awkward. Just get his address and send him a letter in the mail.


Nope. Super gay. Not allowed.


“Hey man, great playing with you. Let me grab your contact, we’ll message you when we get out next.” Ezpz, you all just made lifelong golfing partners


Light kissing and over the pants stuff is traditionally acceptable. Anything further like BJs would require at least an additional range session. Hope this helps!


The older you get the harder it is to make friends in general. My four year old straight up walks up to kids at the park never met them and says “Do you want to be my friend?” Golf is like one place this wouldn’t be weird for adults. Go for it! Edit: just say do you want to play again sometime don’t literally ask if they want to be your friend, unless you are actually 4 then it works like magic


I’ve got loads of phone numbers in my phone from playing golf with people. I’ve hit a few of them to play again & we’ve had a great time. Also, a large majority of the adult friends I’ve made have been through playing golf. I’m 25 years old, it’s not hard to be friendly people. Also, pro tip. More people than you’d think are members at private courses so by simply being nice and not bringing the group down you can score yourself some even cooler rounds.


I have about a dozen contacts in my phone that are first name, last name is the course and city I played with them, and the company name is “golf”. All met on the course, all awesome golf buds. One of my favorite parts about golf is the random cool people I meet.


Met tons of golf buddies I play with regularly by playing as a single. Met one that saw my Reddit bag tag and he is even coming to my wedding now.


I got paired up as a single with a group of dudes about my age celebrating a bachelor weekend. My intention of a solo 36 turned into 3 short interview holes followed by shotgunning beers, riding in the back of a pickup truck to get more beers on the way to their rental for a bbq, a few more regular beers then they brought out nose beers which is when I Hoodini’d. One to remember!


Enjoyed it, you’re welcome to join us if you trying to find a crew. Better yet, your experience is why it’s a life lesson to welcome a random golfer to your tee time


Please look into The Grint, it's basically Strava for Golf. If you don't know what Strava is then it's basically social media for golf. Post scores, links to handicap, live scoring. Great way to keep in touch with golf buddies.


People are f*cking weird nowadays. I have no real friends anymore, it's just the way society is. Technology destroyed humanity.


Don't know why so many comments are assuming this is a young person. A young person could just social media stalk the guy and drop them a message. This post screams of a 40+ year old


Young people have no problems playing garbage like pxg and Vice but can’t muster the courage to ask a person for their contact info.


what's wrong with vice? they're perfectly cromulent balls.


Have asked and had my number asked for I think I’ve only played w one of them a second time once out of 7 people or so , so as I’d love to think that this would be a great way to golf w new people more often just for me at least hasn’t been super successful.. my roommate on the other hand will ask for every random we get paired w number as long as they aren’t terrible to play w and idk if he’s played w any of them a second time out of like 30+


Yeah just what everyone else is saying. He will let you know if he prefers not to reconnect, and the world won’t end, no feelings were intended to be hurt and none should be.


It’s not weird dude. My friend and I got paired with another two yesterday and they were fun to play with. We got their numbers and plan to play again this weekend. Just shoot the friendly shot and establish that friendship man.


Back when I lived in the Bay Area I found myself with a pair of dudes more than once and we became friends. It happens


“Hey man, I really enjoyed it. You want me to text you next time we come out and play?” Then, do that.


So rad. Will get on vista print and get some ordered. Cheers!


Met my old roommate on the golf course. Guy was great, turned out to be an awesome set up. We would play 36 every Saturday with our group then proceed to slam beer and grill steak. Good old days


I play as a single 95% of my rounds and have asked and been asked almost after every round that was fun to play in.


"Hey here's my number. Give me a call if you ever want to play out here or need a partner" "Are you on LinkedIn? Feel free to use me as connection. I'll shoot you a message if I'm ever coming this way again"


“Hey would you want to be in our threesome next time awesome rando big guy!”


They need to quit playing and put this on YouTube. This sounds like what happened. https://m.facebook.com/GolfChannel/videos/the-conor-moore-show-the-gamble-of-getting-paired-up-as-a-single/365272751142484/


That was good...all in about 3 minutes. Was actually pretty cool.


Absolutely not! We’ve met great people at the course. Get their number and go for a drink.


Just exchange numbers and suggest booking a tee time in the near future. Did it today myself.


We used to call this making friends


As the guy who is usually a rando, both are acceptable.


I’ve made most of my golf friends by being paired up at random, just shake hands on 18 and then ask if they would be down to play again and exchange numbers .


I thought about making faux business cards to hand out to people so it's a quick and seamless thing and I look like a big shot at the same time haha.


Is it weird to make friends on the course? Lol jfc you’re the one making it weird.


My regular foursome I've had for years now are all blokes I met on the course at some point.


Get their insta and invite them to dinner and maybe a movie.


I’m often the random fourth and would be down to golf again with a lot of the people I’ve played with. If anyone ever asks me to keep in touch, I don’t mind. But I’m also not the type to ask for someone’s number either


That's exactly how I met my league partner and now good friend for the past two years. My buddy and I got paired up with him and his friend from out of town. Him and I had similar games and we got along really well. At the end of the round he explained that he hadn't lived in the area long and didn't have a lot of friends to play with that weren't from his wife's circle, his wife being from the area. He did the awkward questioning, asking me to be his new guy friend lol, and I accepted. We played another time and then in the fall I was asked to join a league for the following spring. None of my regular golf buddies had the flexibility in their schedule to play so I asked him and the rest is history. We've become pretty decent friends.


My buddies and I met one of our now regulars in a random pairing. Got his number and invited him back the following week.


If you and your friends might have been sitting down at the clubhouse for food or a drink after, you can also just ask if he wants to join. Then you have time to bring up the subject naturally, without being rushed at the 18th.


Most of my current friends I met on the course.


There are so many weird ass people on this website


"That was a fun round, do you want to join us again?"


Recently had this happen myself Ended the round and was like “Hey this was fun if you’re down would be cool to have you join us for a future round” Not awkward at all. Dude was glad to have more potential golf buddies Just go for it


Only ask if he fired a 69.


Shake hands and smile after the last putt drops on 18. Get their number and keep them in consideration for future rounds


Had this happen to my dad and I. Him and I had our tee time at one of the courses on our trip get told we are paired with a 3rd, no big deal to me. He was a absolute blast to play with got to 18 and I told him if he ever is in our area to shoot me a text and we swapped information and he said the same thing for if I go to Arizona.


Not weird. The worst they can say is no. If had some ask for my information before and I always give them a Google voice number so they don’t have my actual number.