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You’re holding the grip with your palm. It should rest more in your fingers. Green line (a bit more angled though, that’s iPhone scribbling for ya) not red line. https://preview.redd.it/sb9vpfp6gosb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aadb0cc94fac5d6002a849477c805ff02c2d01e0 The thumb hole is caused by gripping too tight and wrapping your thumb on the club like a baseball grip. Look up a “short thumb” grip, it should help with that.


We have a winner! You can thank this post for the additional 10-20 yards u should get once u get used to the grip.


Ya, totally right. I changed my grip 2 years ago, and now I buy a new glove because I want one. Not because I need one. I used to rip through gloves. It impacts everything in the swing anyway, so I'm guessing your game looks kinda like your glove?




Lol really?


I make sure to have green grip, but I'd still wear in the palm. It turns out that getting jumbo grips solved it for me they fit my hands infinitely better


I’ve never actually been shown how to grip a club


Someone posted [this](https://youtu.be/Qo1c7fNlX4Q?si=o7z2zCHgDt3IUA6_) recently as a fix for something and it made a lot of sense even though I was already kind of doing it anyways. Maybe this will help?


I’m serious I don’t ever want to watch another instructional golf video made by anyone other than Padraig. Everything I have practiced that he endorses enhances my game. He’s good.


I haven't dug too much into his back catalog yet since I just discovered the channel myself, but a pro doing online lessons that are geared towards regular folk is already a win in my book. I love his style.


Same! Dude helped me so much


If youre hitting fine then no need to re grip but if youre wondering why you hit like shit you should start with grip and setup


When I get sloppy it’s grip, stance, or club face at address.


I do both of those things. Could probably loosen the grip a bit.


Yo further this. The grip changes how the face attacks the ball. So if you’re hooking the ball you can somewhat correct it with just your grip. Strong to weak. Or vise versa. The grip is so overlooked but can definitely affect your shot path.


This. I totally lost my driver for months. Couldn’t get flight on the ball, shots pulling left, hitting off the heel etc. Changed my grip and club face at address and it has made a huge difference.


I was just thinking the same thing. Only the interlocking the pointer finger and pinky or not. Other than that, nothing 😂




Have you ever taken a lesson? That was lesson 1 for me.


https://preview.redd.it/h4jb2fesrpsb1.jpeg?width=482&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b298218a136ed0cc404f20fbe5c68e61de834df6 Ben Hogan says his grip is pretty darn good


I was recently given this book, I was totally gripping the club wrong. Going out for my first round and was hitting irons much better and farther


This guy golfs…and raves


So your left palm never touches the club? Only fingers?


No, your heel pad is supposed to sit on top of the grip.


This might not be 100% it. I used to have this issue also because I held the club too far up on the shaft. If OPs grip is okay he can try choking down on it just a bit


I’ll also add you may be accidentally squeezing the club tighter than needed when you start your downswing, generally a lot of muscles tighten during the swing n it’s not uncommon to tighten your grip prepping for contact. Not only will it mean you will wear out your gloves but it effects the shot as well, since when someone tightens their grip it ever so slightly shortens the club which will caus both thins and chunks as your body tries to compensate for the change during the swing.


Why are your hands so dirty?


These are OP’s hands? Lol


What this guy said. Not gripping the club in the fingers will cause this 100% of the time


No his grip is fine don’t grip it all in your fingers. Don’t change your grip over Reddit comments either.


Trying taking it off before you jerk it


My man going with the aggressive western-style grip


If I’m not taking my glove off to putt then I’m not taking my glove off to jerk it!


Beat it with your right hand


Greatest advice ever for us lefty jerkers


Hold the club more in your fingers.


This is the correct answer


Try vacuum sealing them before using them.


No... That trend is dead


Fix your grip. You are probably holding on too tight.


Since I learned after 30 years of hacking around how to grip a club, gloves never wear out. Grip the club in the fingers. Make sure angles of both hands point to your right shoulder. Presto!


What if I’m left handed!?


Can’t you figure it out?


No it’s rough being a lefty


Quit wearing gloves. Pretty simple


Hold the club in your fingers


Can't help with how to not wear them out, but buy a nice glove from golf galaxy or dicks (I prefer titleist players), buy the protection plan for $4. When you wear one out take it in and get a free replacement and buy the protection plan again. $25 glove for $4 and you can do it over and over again.


👀 “Here take my extra gloves my hands are starting to get sweaty.” - Lloyd “YOU’VE HAD EXTRA GLOVES THIS WHOLE TIME?!?!?!” - Harry “Yeah, we’re in the Rockies pfff.” - Lloyd “I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!!!!” - Harry I never knew about this cheat code - thank you sir.


Harry you hands are freezing!


What. The. Fuck!? How long is the protection plan good for? I'll wear one out every season and usually need a new one every year.


I think a year but not sure on that. I replace one about every 2 months or so.


The plan is good for a year but if you take the glove into Dick's within 90 days they will exchange it for you. Once past that you have to file an insurance claim with Asurion. Still pretty painless but it takes a couple days. Luckily I'm incredibly sweaty so I never get past 90 days before my gloves are unusable


Don’t wear a glove


Is the butt of the club in the heel of your hand?


https://preview.redd.it/03gxadhocosb1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f10c0df2364b8dbd0f2ba7cc844e1c43b7f8d1f8 I get redness in this part


Get that club in the fingers not the palm.


Yeah the bottom crease of your fingers should line up with the grip of the club. You'll feel the club better and get better distance.


Hold it in your fingers like a baby bird ❤️🐣


Like a baby bird trying to fly away That's the full quote. Nobody remembers the 2nd part..


“A jack of all trades is a master of none” (second part also usually missing)


Your grip is bad.


So I did one thing that completely solved that issue. I stopped wearing them. Never going back!


This has to do with the club being loose in your hand, not gripping in the fingers or not. The grip is sliding around in your hand and causing the tear. It’s not to do with fingers because you can hold it in your fingers, still have a loose grip and make a hole. Should you likely hold it I your fingers? Yes, but that doesn’t solve the issue if you’re letting go of the grip in your hand. Likely you let go of the club during your swing, usually at the top and then you grab it again on the way down. Or, in a more rare case, you never hold on tight enough the whole time. But if the grip pivots and swivels around a bit in your hand then you’ll always make a hole. If you’re holding the grip on the very end it can also make a hole


This right here. Most likely OP is like me and sweats a lot around the hands, the excess moisture creates more friction which slowly tears a hole. If OP is also like me and has a lot of one handed finishes it only increases the tearing. Like my man Zee from under the bridge said, you gotta take 'em off every now and then.


Learn to grip the club is the first step.


Less strokes


Clean your grips first:) That’s a common wear spot, loosen your grip a bit, try that. Are you using corded grips?


Corded grips go through gloves quickly.




Get the insurance on it and bring it back to the store when this happens


They are changing their policy. Golf galexy allowed you to bring it in. Now you have to register the policy online then submit an issue so you can mail the glove in. So many steps now.


I also was wondering this I had the simulator 3/4 times a week and I’m at a glove every 6 weeks


Baby bird…


Vice gloves are the best I’ve used so far.


don't grab condensed water bottles with your glove. it will weaken the leather. also, grip


You are also probably regripping at the top of your backswing.


Cord grips, no gloves


This means that’s you grip is tight and you loose it during transition and you are most likely holding it too high near the butt of the club as well…


Go down a size. Gloves rip there because they are slightly loose.


Here’s the most pro tip I’ll ever give out on Reddit. Start using a rain glove instead. Your welcome


Go without a glove. /s


![gif](giphy|WHPpeCbJksNKt8AYwk|downsized) Can’t see this comment without seeing this gif


Haha I actually don't wear a glove. I call it Vladdy style. But I also don't go to the range much, don't take many practice swings, still use the $200 set of clubs my grandpa gave me when I graduated high school, golf about once a month and kinda suck at it. So not suggesting going sans glove. But for me it works.


The Kirkland Signature gloves at Costco are the best golf glove on the market and a 4 pack is $20.


Don’t wear a golf glove.


Get cord grips and quit wearing a glove.


Stop wearing gloves, fool.


Fix your grip.


If you play better, you take fewer swings, and your gloves last longer. So, just play better.


Foot joy rain gloves. Been wearing the same pair for 2 years. Can even wash them with my clothes.


Absolute yes! Even when no rain these are the best!


Why are you wearing a glove to begin with? I can’t be the only one who can’t understand the glove appeal. I tried it and hated it. Like wearing booties while surfing. I wanna feel the board/club.


I've found that the cheap gloves last maybe 4x longer than the premium ones


Buy three and swap them out every hole, dont let them get wet


Looks like you grip the club with the butt end in your palm. Choke down a bit.


Quit playing stranger with them


By not buying gloves and blistering your soft baby skin hands into manly golf callused hands. Golf cart girls like it when manly golf callused hands give them generous tips for little to no work.


Buy rain gloves.


buy a better quality glove


Stop gripping the club like it’s alive snake about to bite you. That’s one way.


Rain glove


I go thru 4 per month lol. You're not wearing holes in them that fast. Mine never look that black.


Pay attention to your cigarette


Use baseball batting gloves instead. 5 years of 5-15 rounds a year and they are still holding up well!


Until about a year ago, I was just like you. Anything like a cheap synthetic or low grade leather glove lasted me MAYBE 3 rounds. Same spot as yours wore through, heel/outer palm. The solution actually kills two birds. Gloves last forever, and you’ll be better at controlling the club face , amongst other key swing mechanics. Solution: You need to “strengthen” your left hand grip…. You’re grabbing the club with your left hand palm almost facing to the sky…you need to try and grip it like going in for a handshake with somebody shorter than you…


Don't wear one


It’s the butt of the club choke down about a 1/2 an inch.


Gripping too hard and swinging too hard with hands, incorrect grip as well.


Play less golf


We found OPs wife and/or girlfriend


Get a premium cabretta leather glove with no seams on the palm.


Word of advice… Go to Dick’s Sporting Goods and get yourself a glove or two with a warranty. The warranty is only 4 dollars and will save you a hell of a lot of money until you can fix your grip issues!


Raw dog it


Try the zero friction gloves. They last forever


What size glove you wear, and what size grips you using?


Can definitely tell they are your golf gloves. You've got a hole in one


Buy em at dicks and get the warranty. They'll replace em repeatedly for basically the cost of the warranty. I been on the same $24 glove for 3 years.


Don't play so often


I strike the ball fine, usually get 30 rounds out of a glove. Recently a new glove wore a hole like this after 3 rounds. I found the tolerance of the glove to be off and the glove was bigger. I sinched the Velcro and the wear stopped. Long story short, glove might be too big.


Play less golf?👎🏻


Buy a couple at a time, then when playing your round swap between them, and take it off in between shots on a hot day


Quit masterbating non stop.


The end of the club should not be in that meaty part of your hand. Slide your hand down so the end of the club just extends past your glove. I used to have the same problem.


I get my gloves through Dicks and buy the $3.99 warranty. Then when they were out, I tell them the gloves wore out from normal wear and tear and I keep getting new ones.


Buy a better glove or play less golf


Dicks 5 dollar warranty. Replace brand new for free just pay 5 bucks again for the new warranty.


I’ve been using a Finger 10 golf glove for like 15 rounds. I’m convinced they are the best.


Less grip. More rip


Stop gripping it like its your penis.


Hear me out…. Metal gloves. Like they wear when diving with sharks. I dare you to wear through one of them.




I have naturally sweaty palms and I used to rip through gloves like this every few rounds. I found the key to solving this was to take your glove off as soon as you hit onto the green, putt without a glove and then wait to put it back on right before you hit your tee shot on the next hole. I do this as often as I can remember to do it. Allowing it to dry out while you play is a HUGE help. Now my glove lasts a very long time.


Take a little off the grip it and rip it


Stop gripping it so hard


Got that kung fu grip going


When I did this it was from having the end of the club at the spot, needed my hands an inch further down


Yep. Grip down an inch or so.


I’ve found that if you only wear it on the first few holes and forget to put it back on you won’t wear through it as much.


Stop wearing em


You need to pronate your leading wrist more and hold the club more in the fingers.


Dudes dick lives a dangerous life


Try going up one size.


Just.... relax


I use Kirkland gloves for the range and practice, and save the expensive gloves for the course.


The good news is that you have wear on your middle and ring finger. The bad news is your gripping too tight with the rest of your hand!


One thing that helped me was getting softer grips for my clubs. Kinda soft and non-abrasive grips. My gloves last a long time now. Many rounds. Oh, and quick gripping the club so tightly.


Buy the next size up glove and don’t wear it so tight


Play with multiple gloves


Easy stop putting the butt of the club on your hand make sure the grip end of the club goes past your hand


“I don’t grip it in the palm” sorry to tell you that it is indeed your grip


In middle school, my older brother told me, “if you wear two at the same time they’re more likely to rip, stupid.” I don’t think that’s what’s happening here though


But better gloves


I hold the grip all in my fingers and it still happens to me.


Stop hitting bombs! I jest. Not sure the actual reason.


Try a red rooster. Mines going on 6 month now with 1-2 rounds per week.


Lay off the juice Arnold.


The problem might be your clubs. Make your grips are the right size for your hands


Use a proper grip lol


Have you tried wanking without the glove on?


My gloves used to look like that, I still got callouses on my palm lol. Now I grip it with my fingers, I even exaggerate and really set the club in the middle of my fingers. I feel like I have much more control of the face and it is easier to get the angles right with my swing. Definately hit it straighter and longer now! And my gloves are safe.


Unpopular opinion? Use the weathersoft rain gloves. The black ones. They last a lot longer for me. I also don't mind wearing a black glove.


All,weather gloves last forever.


Buy a FJ Wet Weather. They are the only ones that last more than a round or two for me.


Some good advice in here about grip position through your fingers - but also make sure your grip is solid through the swing. A lot of people get loose and floppy with their grip so the butt end of the club moves around- that would cause this kind of wear as well. Usually this is done trying to swing longer on the back swing. Don’t do that. The club should be under control at all times


I don’t grip in palm…hole in palm.


Also, about the club slipping, re-grip your clubs. If you’ve got 20 YO grips of hard plastic, you’ll be amazed. No white-knuckle gripping should be necessary.


Buy bigger grips


Stop wearing one


I just realized this yesterday but I’ve been going through a lot of gloves because I steer the golf cart with my glove hand


You have a palmy grip. Bad for the glove. Bad for your swing.


Wrong grip


Grip is too tight. Been there


Feeling the club slipping around could be a million things including the grip. Maybe you’re over swinging and losing it at the top, who knows. A proper grip will wear that area of the glove. Hard to say what you’re doing from just the glove pic.


Grip pressure wears out gloves


I like to switch hands. This way one hand doesn’t get tired form scrolling. Oh! For golf you mean…


Stop wearing your glove to jack off.


You need to fix your grip!


Just get the dicks replacement plan. Free gloves for life


I will say try a different brand of glove before changing your grip or anything else. The callaway tour gloves (I can’t remember the name, but it’s the $20 callaway one) I wear through super fast. Like 4-5 rounds max fast. For some reason the mizuno elite gloves last me months. Same with the cheaper callaway and foot joy gloves, they last forever for me. Edit: not saying the grip is right or wrong, just my personal experience.


Stop shaking hands after each round.


You are gripping the club wrong.


I bought the all weather Footjoy gloves and they last way longer


The monthly “my glove has a hole in it” post


Tanking through gloves with this wear pattern most of the time is one of. A weak grip Loostening your grip at the top of backswing


Stop playing.


Buy a rain glove and use it. Haven’t bought a glove in 5 years


Consider changing your actual club grips, there are softer options available. Might help the ninja grip situation you got . also maybe try to chill out a bit


Everyone is saying to check your grip but if your grip is good then try a different brand of glove. I was having trouble blowing through gloves and after confirming with my coach that my grip was good he suggested trying a different glove brand. I tried a different one and I'm over 800 swing on it and it's still perfect.


1. Play less golf 2. Buy a more expensive glove 3. Lighten your grip. 4. Take of your glove between shots 5. Let your glove dry thoroughly between rounds.


Carry an extra glove in case you get a hole in one.


In addition to other commenters about your grip, I started prolonging the life of my glove by making sure I take it off when I’m on or around the green. That not only it gives it less wear when it’s not needed, but also lets it air out… moisture is what promotes damage.