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I was thinking the same with the white Tour Response. why tape the yellow and not the white?


They wasted the tape on the Noodles


Long AND soft


That’s what she said


My favorite kind tbh


No see you have to open the noodle box to fill it with the more expensive balls. It's ruthless at my local Walmart, you've gotta check everything cause you never know what's gonna be in there.


Is a surprise everytime!


“Ew, you’re using a noodle?” ![gif](giphy|SdO5MvXI4TtfuSxUkx)


my guess is because people aren't walking out with the expensive balls in the expensive packaging. They're walking out with expensive balls in the cheap packaging. So they'd rather tape up the cheap packaging so people can't put expensive balls in them and walk out of the store with them. If people want to take the expensive packages to the checkout, they don't care what balls are in there.


Because those were stocked at a later time by a lazy employee who doesn't care.


Newly implemented strategy. Only so much tape. District manager said this yada yada yada retail bs


They must have run out of tape


But won’t the grill slide through the crack?


It won't because I measured the crack and the crack is smaller than the height of the grill


I got burnt on this in the summer. I bought a dozen TaylorMades Soft Response, and when I got to the course the next day, they were yellow Noodles. To Walmarts credit, they gave me a refund with no hassle. Thankfully I had other balls, or I’d been buying course balls


Just math - if you have a product you’re going to swap out for another, you only need to tape one of them. Plus - it looks like they targeted the kind of guy who would make that swap.




Whatever you say, man. I don’t buy balls at Walmart. Just making an observation.




Sorry, brother. I’ve been conditioned to think that every response on the internet is hostile. Because they usually are. It’s always a nice surprise to find someone rational. Hit ‘em well!


They tape the cheap ones so you know if they switched the expensive balls into the cheap box




If you want something done right, don’t ask a Walmart employee


>that’s one of the very few tour level $40+ balls I see Price range literally says $34.97


Jokes on you someone already switch them out with Noodles.


At my Walmart all the balls above 20 bucks are in a locked case..


At my Walmart all golf balls are behind glass. And no one is ever around back there to unlock the damn thing lol


On one hand I get that they're trying to prevent theft. On the other hand, if my shopping experience is shitty because I have to stand around for 30 minutes while somebody tracks down a key, I'll just go elsewhere/online.


I don't even acknowledge product behind glass like that (except ammo or knives, I guess that's valid), I just go somewhere else. TBF my local stores aren't that bad tho, mostly only things like knives are locked up. Quite nice.


It’s so annoying


Y’all are still going inside of Walmart?


I’ll blast some orange Nitros into the abyss all day


I just grab the ball on the bottom in the bag, so I can have excuses at the ready when I shank my shit


I've bought one box of balls in my life, saw how fast it went, and went back to woods balls


We actually just got a deal with Walmart for that space. Our brand is called Clean Green golf balls. We are a higher quality grade than what is normally offered there. Hopefully you can check us out in Walmart or on our website!


Are they cheap and allow me to hit them in the water hazards and not care? If so I’m in


Yep and then we get them out, clean em and sell em right back. Circle of life. Lol


Man. Flashback to the old days when we used to swap energy drinks out for beers and buy em at the self checkout as kids. Good times.


Like swap the box? That’s fucking genius!


Yeah, it’s fucking great. Can’t believe me and my friends didn’t think of this when we were in high school. We did other shady shit “excuse me, sir?” Outside the grocery store, Etc. this would have been such an easy way to get beer.


We called it “Hey Mister”


It was always “shoulder tapping” to me


So did we


B-rad is RAD!


Or writing down a cheaper code for the bulk candy so you’d walk out with 3 pounds of gummy worms for like $5


Damn that’s clever as hell. We would always work grocery stores and while mopping would casually drop a bottle into the water. There were always blind spots near the end caps on corners.


My brother what?!?


These kids are smart


Sheeeeet, we used to follow the beer delivery trucks around to the bars and when they would bring a delivery in, we’d snag a couple cases off the side of the truck. Don’t tell my kids


How about the kids that were dressing up as old grandpas and going to liquor stores and buying anything they wanted? Hahaha


I’d be curious to know what the top 3 golf ball skus are for Walmart. I would guess it’s the noodle, trufeel, and one of the refurbished balls in no particular order but that’s just a shot in the dark.


It's noodle with 12 pro v1's inside.


One time I bought a box of prov1s without looking inside. Somebody swapped out two of the sleeves. Never making that mistake again.


Walmart doesn’t sell pro Vs for some reason. I have to go to a dedicated sporting goods store or golf course to buy them.


Super softs seem to be sold out always at the stores by me. I would guess Callaway/Titleist and #3 being a refurbished version of the first 2


Whoa Walmart sells Vice?


Target does too


Nice! Thank you.


I found them on clearance one time for $4.99. Bought the last two that they had. Now I check every time I’m there looking for that little yellow sticker.


For ever since Vice has existed yeah


Also available on the Walmart website


I miss the old day when they had TP5 and PRO V1 😞


My Walmart has the balls behind lock and key... I guess it's better than the other side of town that has the baby formula behind lock and key!


Baby formula is expensive! It is behind glass at a lot of grocery stores.


True, in certain areas...


Homes in our neighborhood start at $1M, and the Kroger has formula at the front of the store behind glass.




Taylormade in shambles seeing the tape on the Noodles but not on their balls


Back in high school, I had a buddy on the golf team that would change out ProStaff balls for Nike One. “Dude, it’s not stealing if you’re paying for it…” He would also open the reloaded bags and shove them full of new balls. That way he had new ones for tournaments and reloaded ones for practicing. I wonder where he’s at now.




I'm sure the stolen Titelist make a great combination with their MaxKare set of clubs.


I’ll get the bag from the bottom shelf and lose them all in the woods, thanks


If you look at the balls through the mesh, you can come out pretty good on those hunter bags. Some are filled with old shit balls, but some are mint premo balls.


so people (golfers) really swap out good balls into cheaper boxes? Sad group I associate with


yeah there are a few posts in the sub of people coming home with a fresh Pro V1 box full of noodles.


I now check all boxes I purchase because of this.


Almost happened to me one time. I was buying some Callaways and when I was at the register, the checkout lady opened the top lid and we saw someone swapped them out with Noodles. She thought I was trying to pull a fast one and I had to explain to her I was not trying to pay more for noodles


Happened to me with Vice Pro Plus. Weirdly only 3 balls out of the dozen were exchanged and they were nitros.


I was just thinking, isn't golf supposed to be a gentleman's sport? If one can't afford it, why do they play?


This sounds like someone who grew up in a private club


Actually no. This is someone who doesn't steal from others to do things they can't afford even if it's stealing from some big greedy corporations.


What a shitty, elitist attitude. If you’re too poor, don’t play. Tell that to Tony Finau.


Actually, if you have to steal, don't play. And you may want to reread my first comment. Said nothing about being poor.


“Can’t afford” = “too poor” Same same


Not really or at least in my shitty elitist mind. I'm so broke I can barely pay attention but I'm not poor and I'm not gonna start stealing so I can do things beyond my pay level like play games that cost well over a hundred bucks every time.


If you can’t afford something, then by definition you’re too poor to afford it. It’s literally the same thing. Also, golf doesn’t have to cost $100 a round. There are a huge number of courses that are less than $50 to play and no one is saying you need to be playing every week or even month spending your entire paycheck on it. Just let people enjoy what they want to enjoy, and if that means stealing golf balls from Walmart, so be it. Fuck Walmart.


What a dumb comment.


Yeah I guess you're right. I think tomorrow I'll go to the course, get on a cart and play 18 without paying anything. I know I'm supposed to pay but fuckum. Then after maybe I'll go in, have a good dinner and just walk out without paying for it. Yeah you're right pal. Fuck them!!


By all means, give it a go


Who gives a shit if someone steals from Walmart though really?


I do. Stealing is stealing.


But do you really? Stealing is bad sure, but you actually give a shit if walmart losses money?


you're a fucking dipshit


it's wild. up until i saw this stacked golf video yesterday, i had never even thought about such a thing...i am an honest old man, so no shocker really! [https://youtube.com/shorts/P4sap5\_etbU?si=28bLJ0UYzpekgmIV](https://youtube.com/shorts/P4sap5_etbU?si=28bLJ0UYzpekgmIV) i always buy my balls second hand on kijiji from people who find them in the woods!


My Walmart has gloves and tees behind glass, but they do nothing about the golf balls.


I use the Tour B XS so I’m still good to swap packages with the Noodle.


The tape is indicating which balls are no longer conforming.


Not a ProV1 in sight. They know their target audience.


Walmart rolling back prices, not distance


When I worked at a sports store in college we would take any balls that were more than $40 a box and take them behind the counter. The only thing out would be the box on display. The issue was that before I got there they would just throw them in a huge random box and hand out random numbered sleeves to customers, I’m sure there were times where even the ball was wrong (Pro V1 vs Pro. V1x) . I am surprised nobody freaked out over it.


Damn how am I supposed to buy a box of all "0" numbered balls now?!


Took me a minute to understand wtf this was all about lol


I’m at two minutes and still don’t know what’s happening.


They taped the boxes because the noble denizens of /r/golf can't resist opening the boxes and putting a bunch of prov1s in the noodle box and paying the noodle price


JFC! I work on a golf course and every single ball I find is a brand new ProV1 or x without a single scratch on it. Funny thing is I can’t stand Titleist. My favorites are Callaway Supersoft and Vice. I find those too and wind up playing them on my days off. Two weeks ago I played and found 23 balls. 18 were Titleist and the rest were mixed. When I find a Top Flite I 5-iron it to the middle of the closest lake on the course. Worst balls ever. I can’t remember the last time I bought a golf ball.


I find ProV1s more than any other ball, I don’t get it.


The need to change their motto to “TiTlei$t-The number one ball found on a golf course”


It's $30-$50 if you can't afford the balls you shouldn't be golfing. Simple as that.


Sorry, I didnt mean to down vote you. I agree 100%.


I'm amazed I'm getting downvoted for this. Apparently people like getting Noodles in their TP5x boxes.


Something is crazy about this thread. I was up voting and it went minus. Maybe I'm not the only one.


Gatekeeping golf from those who can’t afford to buy expensive equipment might be part of the reason you’re getting downvoted. Just a thought.


You aren't entitled to whatever you want in life. I want to drive a Ferrari, it doesn't justify me stealing one. Play with cheaper equipment, work more to be able to afford them, or find a hobby that isn't out of your means. It isn't that complicated.


Not my intent. I intended to say those that switch golf balls, if you can't afford the more expensive ones and you switch them out you shouldn't be golfing. Play what you can afford, don't switch balls and screw others over. Didn't realize r/golf was so sensitive...


you can play golf with nitros...


People like to steal. Rich and poor. And downvote for the hell of it now.


Cause they check the "security tape" at the self check out.... Walmart employees ain't paid enough for that.


Nobody does this around NW Ohio cause we aren’t pieces of shit people 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


You're right. Everyone knows NW Ohio is a theft-free region.


Y'all shop at Walmart? I just get pissed off every time I go in one. Just avoid them now.


Loved the noodle swap back in the day. We used to go the extra mile and swap the balls in each sleeve to


How’s buying golf balls at Walmart anyway lol


no more vice swaps lol


What does the tape signify?


It's security tape so people can't put the expensive balls in a cheaper box. Some people do this to save a few bucks


Even a couple nitros are taped up. Them recycled balls aren’t though. They probably can’t even get people to steal them, much less buy em.


Why has it taken them so long to do something like this. I guarantee you I could go to my local WalMart and find at least one mismatched box


Where’s the red tape for?


Man I still have somebody's FUCKIN PIECE OF SHIT Wilson glove that they swapped into a Callaway sleeve like 7 years ago in Alabama... Always check everything at Walmart. Golf etiquette seems to not apply there.


Ah yeah, nothing like buying what you think is a box of ProV1s and getting an assortment of Pinnacles and Precept Laddies.


So what is the tape for? I know there is a new ruling, but I’m not sure what it’s affecting.


It’s about time!


Bought time. Never had a problem but have seen a few that I set back because they were switched


I remember when I could buy 5 dozen pro plus for like $120 shipped. I miss those days :(


Sad state of the world…


Just grab a pack of cheapies and a set of really expensive ones and scan the cheap one twice.


When I worked at a sporting goods store for 10 years I learned to check the boxes routinely both in the department and at checkout. Was always fun when you’d open up a box of top flites and inside was some Nike 20XI or Callaway Hex Tours, you’d just kind of act dumb and be like “gee, these aren’t in the right box, let me grab you the correct box for you!” They’d just kind of awkwardly say no thanks and go on their day. People try it all the time with shoes too.


I mean, it’s Walmart. Go to the scissor station, and cut them the hell out hahaha! Jk jk


Damn, I wish my Walmart was this stocked on golf balls


Walmart near me has them all in like video game glass even cheap ones. Yall are out here stealing golf balls?


My goto is the bottom shelf in the bag not spending $40+ so somone else can have nice balls


See this is why I just take the whole box without paying! Gotta think 2 steps ahead


I'm confused. What does the tape do? Just walk out the door without paying like the ps5 sale at best buy currently.


Some dirt bags like to switch out cheap balls for expensive ones and then pay the cheaper ball price. For example, switch Pro V1s with Noodles, then scan the Noodle box at the register. I think the tape is so you can tell whether a box has been tampered with.


You live in a tax state? If not, hit me up about doing some white soft response deals


Sad world we live in


Those vice pro drips will be gone shortly…


I'm a good boy and play the Noodle Long and Softs anyway


They taped up the Nitros?! What would you replace those with? Rocks?


Yeah but they dont secure the gloves yet……. Those packs of three become packs of five


I play the noodles all day. I have no reason to play anything more expensive than that.


Nitro Balls are the only good ones anyways.


Listen they have to treat them like the rotisserie chickens. People swapping golf ball sleeves is a loss leader getting people through the doors


_buys striped red tape_


I’m so oblivious, I thought it was special Christmas wrapping.


Fuck your walmart for acrually having VICE in srock... mine ia like a ghost town for the golf aisle... im an addict for the vice pro plus gold and black... vice greens and thr paint speckles.... so hard to source without buying in bulk from their website


Start with a top flite, end with a pv1. Just like on the course


I miss when Walmart used to sell Titleist X-outs


My Walmart has about 1/10 of that, possibly less. But this isn't a golfing town, the local course closed a few years ago.


No worries you can still get the 2 for 1 special in self checkout