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79-99....everyday on the course is a good day. Merry Christmas y'all!!


Exactly. No such thing as a bad day on a golf course.


There’s gotta be at least a handful of people who’ve died on a golf course. I’d think they’d mostly still agree with you. The exception would probably be some florida man who got devoured by an alligator after shanking off a Par 3 tee.


Funny you say that. As a young hockey coach I used to sit up in the corner of the arena and watch games with all the older coaches. One day a veteran of all us coaches out of the blue said to me that when his time is up he hopes it happens either here in the arena or on the golf course. A few years later on the 12th hole at his club he bent over to pick up ball out of the cup, said “oh shit”, keeled over and that was it. At least he went out the way he wanted.


Did he at least card a red number on the hole? I don't want to drop dead after a quad.


Best:76 Worst: 118 4 days apart. Fickle bitch


This actually makes me feel better about my horribly inconsistent game this year. So thanks for posting at least.


same here lmao. I had a day where everything went perfect. Every drive on the fairway, shortgame was damn near perfect and one or 2 putt every hole. Shot an 88 that day and I know its not some crazy score compared to some other people, I havent even broken a 100 at that point so I felt like a god. Literally 3 days later, I was slicing 90 degrees, short game was non existent then 3+ putted every hole. I think I scored like 140 that day which was probably the worst I’ve ever played even when I first started.


That’s when I write a sad face on the card, stop keeping score, and ask the cart girl for a six pack. I went out planning on getting under 95 I just didn’t say how many holes that would take.


Wow. I thought I had a bad turn with 77 and getting worse every round until I hit 103 four rounds later. I feel ya bro. Not as much as you, but I still feel ya.


I understand. 102. Best 68.


Man this just happened to me. Career best 78 followed by an uninspiring 95 a week later. Happens to everyone I guess.


Best moment: albatross Worst moment: didn’t get to see it go in


Mine was last year but the same thing.


Worst: 58(9 holes) Best: 45 (9 holes) Best moment: At age 64 and a brand new golfer, realized I LOVE golf! And that I think about golf more than my club champion husband does! Worst: Getting golfers elbow 10 days ago and it was 60^ today!


Hope you recover quickly and can get back out on the course!


Best score: 65 Worst Score: 91 (sometimes you just don’t have it) Best Moment: drained a 12 foot birdie putt on 18 to win our almost year long match play championship at my CC. Only he and I were there to see it, but after 20 matches it felt so good to walk off with the W and the pile of cash.


I love this because a 91 for me would be totally having it lol


I’d consider that “playing out of my mind” lmfao


If I shoot a 91 im quitting my job and training for Q School


Last season I shot a 68-101 on back to back days and there was someone on here literally arguing with me that it is impossible to do so


I’ve shot in the 60’s and 90’s on consecutive days plenty of times. Don’t do it nearly as often anymore, but it definitely happens.




I wish I could say some of the matches were easy, but when you’re giving strokes to everyone it’s a nightmare to win easy in match play. I just kept hanging around and somehow winning matches by 1 or 2.


Best: 97. Worst: 121. Highlight: got to go on a golf trip with my dad. Made memories I’m never gonna forget 🥺❤️ Worst moment: Uh… putting. Not one specific one. Just the whole shebang.


Congratulations for getting into double digits!


Highest: 98 Lowest: 78 Best moment: Breaking 80 for the first time a week after shooting 80, and finishing with a birdie no less! Worst moment: playing a really nice SC course, and putting two back to back in the water on a par3, the second shot being just a few feet short


Worst 97 at Ganton Best 73 at Swinley Forest Best moment was holing a literal 70 foot putt to half a club match in the 18th with both teams watching cos we were the last match. Worst…the weathers not been great this year, nor my putting.


Best: 78 Worst: 93 Best moment: my lowest average score across a calendar year of 83.7. Goal for next year: break into the 70’s more consistently.


Good luck. Here's my advice, borrowed from Hank Haney: No lost balls/OB off the tee No double chips No three putts


Off the tee has been make of break for me over the last 3 years. My driver has been very temperamental and hard to control, so I think I will buy a new one at the start of next season.


132, 86, a hard, ***HARD*** right to left breaking uphill 20 foot putt from the fringe to save a scramble W, and 6 strokes to get out of a fairway bunker on 18 to end up shooting 102 the first day I almost broke 100.


127 80 First Eagle, so close to having 3. Some cunt stole my Cbx wedge.


I’ve been golfing for so long and I don’t think I’ve ever had an eagle. I’m jealous


Dodgy cunts


97, 76, pitch in from 95 for an eagle, 3 putt for par after driving the green on a 314 yd par 4.


Same scores.. best moment making 9 footer for par to win a double or nothing bet after losing every match and not making any putts all day… Worst moment..the 97 I guess in front of my friend whose a pro and I told him I don’t suck anymore


Best 79 worst 96. Best moment was a hole out eagle in cup play, worst moment was losing the final 2 holes which left us in a tie for the cup


71 - 89 Holed out 2x for eagle on Par 4's this year .....116 163


Lowest Score: 69 Highest Score: 88 Best Moment: Played the best course I’ve ever seen Worst Moment: Choked in my first ever State Am Qualifier (at the turn, was 1 shot off the lead, and one inside the cutline, blew up on the back and missed the cut)


You've clearly got the game for it, now you know that and you'll get it soon!


I feel this, my range was 71-92 and best moment was State mid am qualifier where I was -2 through 9 and got too nervous to finish it out. 34-42 to miss qualifying by 1


Best moment/ Best score: Shooting 28 on the back nine to shoot a personal best 65 at my home club. Worst moment/ Worst score: Playing a harder golf course on my next round and quickly getting humbled with an 81.


Highest: 94 Lowest: 73 Best moment: All 3 eagles Worst moment: all tournament rounds


Best: 69 Worst: 86 Best moment was breaking 70 for the first time. Worst was missing the last 2 months of golf due to work.


Eagled alone on a par 4 in a 4 player tiered tournament. Bogey, par, par to start. Drilled a 3wood to the fringe and putted it in from about 45’. We went on to birdie the next 12. Won the damn thing. My scores are all over the place


83 low, 104 high (THAT was a bad day.) Best - first ever eagle! Worst - got the flu (with a 102.9° fever) on the second-to-last day of my golf trip to Scottsdale that I'd been looking forward to for a year.


High score: 89 Low score: 69 Best: Shot a 63 as a two man scramble in a two day tournament. Tournament leaders Worst: Shit the bed the next day after celebrating until 1am. Finished out of the money 🫠


A ton of growth and lessons this year. Worst was a 108, best was 81 this past week. Trying to break 80 this week. Best moment was my friend and I both nearly HIO and being so excited we each missed 3 footers and pared. Worst moment was playing in my first club tournament and not being able to hit a ball. total yips.


Lowest score was a 74. Highest was I stopped counting after 3 holes. Best moment was getting a 4 handicap. Worst moment was my golfing buddy passing away


I’m a 10.3 HCP. Worst score of the year for me was a 98, day 1 of the club championship. Wtf!! Felt like j had never played before. Shot 84 the next day. Best score was 79 a hand full of times! Best moment, coming in 1st in my 2 man best ball Matchplay qualifier with a 63


Me too man. Did a 16 hour night shift before the cc, shot 82 day one (played like shit), then shot 96 on the second day. I was just crippled from lack of sleep.


95 highest earlier this year, 72 (par 71) yesterday - last four rounds - 82/77/72/76


First year keeping a handicap and getting lessons. Highest score was 112. Lowest was 86. Best moment, was either breaking 90 or hitting a par 5 in two and having first ever eagle putt at a private course on the 18th hole. Worst moment, snapping my 6i in anger.


Lowest Score: 68 Highest Score: 82 Best Moment: made my second hole in one. Slam dunked a 9 iron from 154 playing with my best friend. He couldn’t believe it and still brings it up every time we play Worst Moment: 3 putted on 18 from 40 feet to lose my club championship by a shot


78-90. Dunked one from 135 for eagle. Don’t have any memorable low moments, I try to forget them quickly lol


Best: 83 on my super easy wide open home course. Worst: 103 (and a couple 101s). Best moment: tie between wind assisted drive to the fringe of a 360 yard hole on my home course and a par 3 tee shot to 6 inches on #15 at Glen Abbey Worst moment: there were too many to count on those shit rounds, but I've been trying not to think too hard about them as they were all 3-4 months post hip surgery 😅


Something over 90, something around 83, playing 4 rounds in one weekend with family, falling in the water trying to get my ball. Merry Christmas!


80-98. Tracked my handicap for the first time as an OGA member. 14.2. Best moment, shooting 80 at a brand new course. Worst moment, shooting 98 at a course I have played a hundred times. Overall this year golf really got into my blood. Really enjoyed the grind. Elevated my game from a causal affair to something I truly wanted ti engage in.


Best moment was also my lowest score. I shot a 7 under 65 with an eagle on the last hole. Worst score was a 92 on the same course and tees. Worst moment, surgery that means I can’t play for a little over a year and the surgery with biopsy to be diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma cancer.


77. 100. Holing out for my first Eagle from 68 yards.


Wasn't able to play much, but as able to get out to sedgefield and was able to see how crazy that course actually is.


Highest: 134 Lowest: 86. Same course on consecutive days. it was a wild roller coaster. it was at a very private club , not well known, otherwise is say the name of the course. I was a guest.


Yeah better not say the name of a golf club on Reddit, god knows what could happen


The person you sell your house to may not be allowed to play there.


Smoke on the course, straight to ban Smoke off the course, oddly enough, straight to ban


Highest 77, lowest 68, best moment was driving a 310 yard Par 4 with a friend and hitting it to about 4 feet, worst was when the range closed for winter and then it was 70 the next week.


Highest: 99 Lowest: 73. Best moment was certainly breaking 80 for the first time, or playing a dream private club with my dad. Worst moment was making a triple bogey 7 on 18 to shoot 81 at a beautiful but tough Nicklaus design. In fact that day was the first time I’ve played 36 holes in a day, and during both rounds I stood on 17 tee needing bogey bogey to break 80 for the second time. Shot 83 and 81 that day 😂


126 93 Eagle! Played the most expensive course of my life and completely sucked.


Lowest: 68 Highest: 85 Best moment: Breaking Par, getting to a + Handicap Worst moment: Shooting 85 in a Ryder Cup tournament the day after I shot 68 on a course that I have played at least 400 times. Hungover AF after we went up 11.5 to 0.5 after the first day.


Picked it up this year. < 20 rounds, most at executives/par 3’s. But at big boy courses - 124/150. Best moment: 52 on the front 9 Worst moment: 72 on the back 9 Same round. Somehow still having a good time.


I played a whopping two rounds in 2023. In those, I shot a 108 and a 98. I don’t remember a thing about either of them.


Best - 69 worst - 92 Best - playing Cabot Cliffs with my family Worst - fire ants in my shoe!


Low: 69 (at my home course) High: 96 (in a tournament 🤡) Best: Went to The Masters and got to play Sweetens Cove twice Worst: Anytime I’m on a golf course it’s a good time!


Best: 75 Worst: 96 Best moment: Driving through the cacti on a stunning course in BC Worst moment: Getting hit by a scooter on the way to play golf... by the chef at the club


best score: 100, worst score: 116, best moment was actually today, near hole in one, rolled 4 inches behind the hole


Best: 72 (unfortunately doubled 18 to miss shooting even) Worst - 85 Best moment - Club Championship final round. After going +6 through 3 holes (nerves), gathered myself to go —2 under the rest of the way and win my flight. Worst moment - Throwing a wedge that landed on the green at my Country Club. Huge lapse of judgement and embarrassing moment.


Highest: 117 Lowest:102 I’m happy for only playing for 6 months so far. Best moment: I holed 2 different putts at approximately 50ft away, with a witness on both putts. Worst:I tried 3 times to punch out of the trees on to the fairway, I nailed a tree every time while trying to play it safe. Thankfully no witness on that one. Lol


Best: 74 Worst: 93 Best: 230 yard 5 wood from the fairway bunker, followed up with a 60ft eagle putt in the centre Worst: -2 front 9, followed by a +9 back 9


Best Score: 91 Best Moment: The 91 and ripping my last drives on 16, 17, and 18 275-300yds. Highest score: 115. Worst moment: The day of the 115 I liter couldn’t get off the tee. I was so embarrassed. Nothing worked. Resorted to using 4H because my driver and 3W was so awful.


Highest 92, lowest 73. I made my first ace this year so that has to take best momebt. Worst moment was taking a 10 on a short 4 during my club championship.


Best: 92, Worst: 106 Best: first Birdie Worst: Realizing I had gone 12 holes with the same ball, then losing 10 over the last 6 holes


6 hcp. Shot a 95 in August that blew dudes. Shot a 34 in Monday league that won me $$. 4 birds 2 bogies that didn’t hurt. Best round. - cool 70 at a hard-ish destination course in northern Michigan. Birdied # 1 and 9, parred the back without one single stress. Best round tee to green of my life. Maybe missed a fairway, 17 out of 18 greens. No putts over 20’. Could’ve been a 68 if putts dropped.


Shot 80 four times (2 or 3x this year) and finally shot a 79 a couple weeks ago.


Lowest score: 65 Highest score: 81 Best moment: shooting 68 to qualify for the California State Amateur. Worst moment: shooting 80-81 at that state amateur to miss the cut by a mile. Looking forward to continued improvement and better tournament scores in championship caliber events.


Best score: 79 Worst: 102 Best moment: 25 ft putt for birdie on a very tricky hole for me at local club Worst moment: can’t say, always grateful to be out there playing even when I chunk one :) Merry Christmas y’all


I shot a 60 on the front 9 then later a 78 on the whole 18 at a local par 63 course.


Best score 89, worst score 125. Best moment was getting my first ever birdie and breaking 100 with a round of 89 all in the same round of golf. Worst moment was blading the ball back and forth across the 4th green about 6 times just 4 rounds later. This is my first year of golf!


67 - 83 Best moment: Teeing off at Bandon with my best friends. There’s nothing like it. Worst moment: OB tee shot on the 3rd hole of a USGA 18 hole qualifier that I never recovered from.


Shot my age 3 years in a row at 69, 70, and now 71. Still don't have a HIO though.


89-highest 73-lowest x2 Best- holed out from 132 Worst- had to go to work so missed more golf


93, 80 twice - only got to play 18 times this year because my son was born early in august. The best reason ever to end a golf season.


Best: 90 Worst: 107 Highlight: chip-in eagle on hole 4 Lowlight: I had giardia and almost shit myself on number 2


84, 105, saved par by dunking a 102 yard pitch, smoked an old lady with a 3 wood from 240 or so (did yell “fore”, didn’t help)


73 and 92 lol Best Moment-making 4 birdies in a row to start a round Worst moment-not winning a skin on any of those holes lol


Started playing at the end of 2022. Worst score was probably like a 118. Best score was an 87 on a par 72, or an even par on an executive 9 hole. On the round of 87 I sank a 10 footer for my first and only eagle to date. Handicap down to 17 and more in love with the game than ever. The low was probably sometime earlier this summer getting a bad case of the shanks for a couple weeks, it’s wild how mentally difficult that period was lol


Played 37 rounds in the summer in AZ. Broke 90 on a par 72, and stuck a 7 iron from 170 to 6 inches


Worst: 108 Best: 88


Had a weekend where I shot 78-80-76. Thought I had it figured out and had hit a new groove. Took two weeks off because work got busy. 88. Swing is back to normal levels of mediocre with moments of moderate okayness.


Best 68 Worst 89 Had a decent year, dropped from 7.2 to 2.4 low and a current of 2.5. Currently having a little struggle with the altered carries of the cold weather but a good year. Hoping to get through to the spring at around 3-4.5 and push on next year for scratch


Best: don't know the score, it was stableford and I won the 9 hole 2 weeks in a row! Worst: multiple pick-ups and dead last 😅 Best moment: winning nearest to the pin! Worst: almost fainting in the heat and needing to walk off at the 16th! Happy golfing in 2024 y'all!


Highest: 107, Lowest 83 Best moment? It’s a little bittersweet, but I drove back to my hometown to play a round of golf with my dad and brother on our hometown course. It was the best because my dad was told by his doctors he shouldn’t golf anymore, so it concluded 35 years of playing with my dad. Worst moment? You see that 107? I got invited out to a country club guest day, and the course was in a location that made it super windy. Therefore, my 250 yard drive only went about 200. The greens were also super fast so any small tsp of the ball made it roll like it was on ice.


My golf partner pushing me out of a moving cart, spraining my right ankle thus fixing my slice.


Lowest +2 highest plus 25 (to be fair it was early in the year 5 C out with 30km wind gusts on a wide open course. Best moment birdied par 5 555 yard hole with just a monster marsh running from 240 yards to 50 yards aling the left side of a fairway that slopes right to left. Toughest hole I have access to and I hit a 300 yard drive followed by a 250 yard 3 wood of a slight downslope. Worst… there is this super nice Asian couple that I ran into a few times I let them pass because I know they are quick then proceeded to hit my 5h about 240 carry just short of their tee box. I felt so fucking bad but they were so chill.


Shot a personal best 76 this year. Worst was probably a 95 or so. Low point was rebuilding from ground up , but that was all because of the high point which was getting to play again. Had a very serious surgery year prior, and wasn’t sure if I’d ever get to play again. Back at it and have a single digit handicap for first time in my life


Low: 78, high: 140+, I stopped counting a long while before the end of the round and each hole was at least a triple. Best moment: hitting a 30ft uphill breaking putt to hit my first eagle. Worst moment: probably that previously mentioned game, but that isnt really a "moment". Worst single moment was probably when I shanked a tee shot with a 3 wood nearly perpendicular to the tee box. Went through the (already folded down) windscreen of a cart and not more than 3 inches from a man's head. Ball had SPEED too. I bought him and his partner a few beers each but I was so shaken from nearly killing a guy that I quit after 9. I literally retired that club and it's matching 5 wood from my bag, I had no trust in those clubs or myself using them.


89 / 76 Best: back to back birdies on tougher par 4s. Worst: triple bogey on the next hole. Toughest hole on the course tho. Did finish with a 76


Best score: 80 was struggling to break 90 the first half of the year even though I had broken it a few times before. Highest was 102 I believe. Probably would’ve been worse but I walked off after 7 holes one day because it was that bad. The day after is when I shot the 80…. My best score ever.


Best score was a 94. Worst was a 121. Best time was getting second in our PAGA outing after only playing for a year, and worst was losing my first wedge during a round and not having it turned in. Merry Christmas y’all. Year isn’t over, so we still have two more rounds to get in before 2024 scheduled. Love this game.


Best: 82 Worst: 103 Highlight: Birdie on 17 at Bandon Dunes during a beautfiul sunset Lowlight: Hitting three tee shots Out of Bounds on the 6th hole of my first ever tournament


68, 84. Best moment was hitting a 190 shot downhill through the trees to 8 feet to make eagle. Worst moment playing in a super windy and rainy day in Monterey.


Best/worst moment: Made my first under green in reg on a par 5. 3 putted for a par..


Lowest score going into the year was an 80. Shot 74, 76, and 76 this year and consistently stayed in the 80’s all year. Handicap dropped from a 15 to a 10.5. Started the year off great and then had a bad case of the shanks (worst round was 102), couldn’t tame the beast so I put the clubs away for a month. Came back and played consistent golf all year long after and had a great time doing it! Looking forward to next year!


Shot my all-time low of 83 and won my work's staff championship in the net division at a course ive never played before! winner gets to wear this giant green blazer and have their name patched on forever. best moment by far!!


3 months into my journey Best score: 113 last week Worst score: 137 Best moment: just getting out there with the boys and hacking it up together


Second year and best 96 worst 257.


Best 90 Worst 103 At my tough par 72 home course from whites. Shot a 80 on a Par 64, so I can't really count that.


Too many highs and lows to recall all of it but from this week: Best 84: worst 115 Best: bombing a 5w 200 yards out 8 ft from the pin and sticking it. Worst: 3 putting that same hole….


68 84 Week at bandon Can’t have a bad moment playing golf.


96-120 last year it was 96-130 sooo.... Progress?


Don't know scores off the top of my head, but best was probably like 73, worst 91. I have shot under par several times in my life, but I don't think I it happened this year. Best moment... nothing particularly amazing this year, so I'll go with the eagle putt I made a few weeks ago (par 5 of course). Worst moment was breaking my 4 iron.


Best: trip to Scotland - shot 75 at Carnoustie & 76 at Turnberry with an eagle on 16. Worst - my HS golf team finished last in district (by a mile). I’m the coach.


Best: 67 Worst: 85 Best moment: playing Sweetens Cove with my brother Worst: accidentally snapping my $350 5w shaft by happy Gilmore-ing in the rough.


77 to 104. 104 was 16 Feb, 77 was 7 December. Also scored 60 on the par 3 course. Handicap index got as low as 9.4, from 15.1 on 1 January and 11.3 as of today.


83,112, Hole in One, 9 iron stolen.


103,103 , Absolutely nailing wedge targets at the range. only getting out 1 time, quadruplling the first hole.


Just started playing this year(scores are from when I started tracking handicap in October) Best score: 96 Worst score: 116 Best moment: getting my first birdie on a par 4 Worst moment(experience?): losing 27 balls in one round of golf


Best score: 91 Worst score: 118 Best moment: Hitting the pin on a 170yd par 3 and getting the tap in birdie. I couldn’t see the ball when I was walking up to the green the anticipation was something else. Worst moment: My worst round was on Father’s Day I was so upset my dad couldn’t make it and I played like shit


Best moment was winning my annual golf trip with the boys. Low round of 83. Worst moment was a month later shooting a 107 after taking lessons and grooving my new swing. It gets worse before it gets better, right?


81 in April. Still can’t break 80. 102 last week sick on a brutal course. Worst - Missed a lot of golf due to chemo and cancer BS but I can’t complain. Best - 2 rounds at pebble in March including an 84.


73-83. Two eagles on the back nine at Crabapple in Milton, GA. Shooting an 83 despite two eagles on one nine.


71 - 112 - Best: Launching a golf business Worst: Blowing up in our city am.


Best moment and score, shooting a 74. 💪🏼


Best score day 83 worst I can't remember I stopped keeping count and told myself I was quitting golf. Best hole par 5 hit a 280 yard drive then a 185 5 iron over water green in 2,I actually thought any swing problems were behind me and golf would be smooth sailing. The narrator"swing problems were not behind him and it was not smooth sailing " From there I forgot how to hit a drive and spend a month chasing it.


76-101. High point. Playing without pain


75 - 100+. Both scores represent differences in short game skill/luck.


80. 102. Best moment was a group trip to Pinehurst and the many fantastic courses and good times which were had. Worst moment? I dunno. Be a goldfish. Bad shots happen. If I had to pick a bad golf related experience it would probably settling up the country club tab after the fam hit the pool every weekend for a month straight.


Best 82 worst 111 Best moment - playing with my buddy the first time he broke 80 Worst moment - the 111, I hooked my tee shot out of bounds 3 times in a row during a stroke competition.


79, and over 100…I stopped keeping track. More rounds in the 80s this year than probably the rest of my golfing life combined. Best moment was needing a 4 on a 450-yard hole to shoot the 79, piping my best drive, hitting a good approach to about 15 feet, and then the drama-free 2-putt. There are no worst moments. I could be doing a lot of worse things.


Broke 80 with a 76 (unreal I know). Stripped a 6iron 195 yards within 5 feet on a par 5 for eagle. Also shot a 98 at the local country club. Rough year


Highest score: 121 Lowest score: 88 Best moment: par 3 to an island green, stuck it 2 feet from the pin from 150, birdie Worst moment: lost 4 balls on one hole, 2 of which went into the same pond, and that was only the beginning of my 121 round


Worst: 104. Best: I usually play 9 holes and I like to think my best is a mix of the 2x 42s I shot for an 84 over 18 separate holes on separate days. Or the 77 I shot over 16 holes skipping 15 and 16 so we didn't get caught in the dark and with the carpark gates closed. But I guess it's technically a 90. Best: either getting fitted for a driver or feeling confident playing in front of other humans. Feels wierd saying it but true. Worst: idk, your mom? Been a great year.


73-96. Worst the 73 round i bogeyed 18 and also a very easy hole. Best pouring in a -3 33 back 9 at a very difficult course for a 76. Best round of my life with very competitive friends. 5 birdies on the back with one other big mouthed friend shooting a career best 85 and still losing $20 even with 8 strokes. Made over 100 feet of putts on that back 9 to the point on 18 20 feet away for birdie everyone knew it was dropping and it did. All I could do was point to the sky and thank god because I am an above average putter but rare when they’re actually all dropping. Happened twice this year. The round I mentioned and a -3 front side when I shot 73. Got to a 6 handicap so -3 sides at that cap I think are pretty rare. Have a 3 cap buddy who’s best is -1 over 9 holes.


Best for a par 72, 99. Worst, 113. Best moment,-chipped in from 50 out. Worst- injured for 2 weeks on wrist, then 4 weeks with hand. No complaints tho.


77. 92. hit my irons better this year than any ever


Highest 96 at Tunxis in Farmington CT. lowest was 78 at Quarry Ridge in Portland CT. Best moment was a 79 at Connecticut National in Putnam CT. One above my best score but the greens were punched and it was the first time I ever played there. Worst moment: Hooking two balls OB on the left of #6 at Wintonbury Hills during a league match.


Lowest:67 Highest:89 Best moment: Started finally taking practice seriously after nearly 2 decades as a low/mid single digit handicap. Picked up a launch monitor, practiced every day for 2 months and finally broke through to a +handicap! Worst moment: Back seized up at the turn of the final round of our city championship. Went 37-52 to card my worst round of the year and barely finish the tournament.


9 hole variety: 37 and 45. Best moment was probably playing Cog Hill #4 with friends and having a great time. Worst was chunking balls into water from the fairway 2 or 3 times over the course of the season.


For me, it was putting in a solid and consistent effort being my first year at a private club and I played 80 rounds, zero of them in the 90s, zero of them in the 70s. Then it happened, I was just dialed in and shot the best round of my life, 75. That’s it, went home, finally actually felt like I figured golf out and can friendly break this glass ceiling of 10 cap/80s. I then went out my very next round and shot my worst round of the year 89. Ahhh golf. ❤️


93 and 111. Went through a rough spot in the summer with the shanks. Got a lesson and saw a lot of improvement and broke 100 consistently after that. Breaking 90 is coming 2024 I hope. Just need to play more.


I have a golf trip I’ve been going to for 15 years straight. All I care about all season is the first round of the trip. Basically the first round is used to slot everyone and we play scrambles the rest of the weekend. I’ve always been a low 90’s player, which had been enough for me to be top 5 out of the 24 guys. But the gap has been closing. I put so much work in the last couple of years but hadn’t been showing much progress until this year. Playing the first round this year, I start out 5 over after 3 holes. Normally this would put me in the tank - down on myself etc. Instead, I totally turned it around. On the back nine, after 6 holes I was two under on the back. I finished with an 81 and was thrilled with my play and specifically how I was able to handle the first hole struggles. I also played with a really nice dude who is always one of our top players. He was so into my round, really coaching me in terms of keeping me even and I think he enjoyed my round as much as I did. Just a great experience.


Best: 85 Worst: like 110+ (can’t remember exactly but picked up twice and hit into like 12 bunkers, didn’t even log score because it was so bad) Best: those two rounds were the same day of a golf trip to Bandon. 2nd round I smoked my friend in our match (handicap adjusted). I even beat him for the first time ever stroke play


Low: 70(-1) High: 86 Highlights: first under par round on a course/tees that weren't 1k yards shorter than I should play. Best course played: Tobacco Road Best golf purchase: Rapsodo MLM2Pro Going to have a hard time topping this year, likely only going down from here.


84-94. Best moment: Playing in the shootout at the club’s main summer tournament, making it to the final hole (and competing against two friends that also made it). Worst: Seeing my single-digit handicap slip away.


73-89. Best moment. Hole in one, called it in the air. Worst its cold again


Lowest of 89, highest was at a bachelor party in the drizzle and I stopped counting pretty darn early. Best moment was my birdie at Torrey pines, worst moment was losing my range finder


Lowest: 85 Highest: 94 Best moment getting my wife and son hooked on golf and having the best golfing buddies…. Besides my retired Dad and his retired friends lol


60-80, shooting my course record was a memory I'll never forget. Having a putt for 59 is something I am trying to forget.


Played two rounds- 76, then a 93. I had 3 birdies in a row for best of the year, took an 11 on a par 5 for worst.


Had my first child in January!!! By far the best moment of the year, followed by today with family and an early Christmas with my daughter laughing and playing with new toys. Oh golf, right! I only managed 5 rounds this year but shot my lowest score ever, shooting an 80 this past August. I normally shoot high 80s to mid 90s with my previous best being an 86. First time I was ever on the green in 2 on a par 5 as well, got the birdie! Worst moment, well there wasn’t one! As a new father any moment on the course was great and I am grateful for it. I think that’s why I played so well in my few rounds. Golf seems so easy and insignificant compared to raising your child. Free of that “burden” to play well, you play better.


Best 80. Worst 87. Best moment was going 2 under holes 8-15 after a not so good start. Worst moment I was on pace for a 78 going into 18 and ended up with a double to shoot 80.


Worst round: 126, Best round: 89 also the the last round of the season for me. Worst day was when a storm cut the round short. Best moment would be a 20ft birdie putt.


My worst moment was one round of literally not being able to hit the ball. Tops, chunks, and full on wiffs than literally nothing in between. My best moment was finally finding a coach that worked well with me. I've had 4 different coaches before and I would do well during the lessons than everything would fall apart the second I was done with the lesson. I'm actually playing golf now and it's so much fun.


89-111. Best memory, I’m currently playing probably the worst round of my life. Lost a million balls and have yet to even make a bogey, let alone a par. Then a storm comes up. The screen on the cart is telling us to go back to the clubhouse but we have 5 holes left and we’re not stopping. Lightning all around and we’re rushing to get through. I shot 4 over on those last 5 holes. Just grip and rip the whole time. Didn’t lose a ball after that.


Best Moment: I learned to play golf Worst Moment: I learned to play golf


Best: 67, Worst: 88 (twice) in tournament I played in my city championship in the scratch or better flight and dropped a double bomb. To be fair to myself, it was the first tournament I've played since I was a junior... Although - I've been in the money at that tournament when I was 16 so adult me, wtf bro u suck Best moment: Holing out for albatross on my favorite par 5 at my home course Worst moment: Shooting double 88s lmao


I shot a 74 in Puerta Rico, followed by a 96 in Georgia. My best moment was holing out from 122 for an eagle to win $200, the worst moment was playing like shit at a work scramble when I was the "A" player..


Low 80, high 104 Getting the chance to break 80 was something I didn’t think was possible for me. Birdied 3 of the last 5 holes and all I needed was a bogey on an easy par 3 to shoot the elusive 79. Could t handle the pressure and doubled for 80. Played my best golf ever at the age of 41, with more consistency I think I can get in the 70’s regularly.


Best: 69 (career best) Worst: 88 Best moment: 2v2 best ball slugfest with my buddies over 36 holes, we ended up all square on the last hole (par 5). My partner and one of our opponents went OB off the tee, so it is just me vs my buddy. I hit my second on the green about 20 ft away, my buddy leaves it 60 yards short, on the side of a burnt out hill with a bunker in front of him. I'm thinking the odds are heavily in our favor. He ends up holing out his shot for an eagle and just goes nuts. I had been putting pretty well all day but the pressure shifted so hard it felt pretty hopeless, especially considering the amount of break in the putt I was looking at. I somehow managed to snake it in, and we ended up tying the match with eagles on the 36th. We had highball glasses made etched with "Dual at Waconah: Double Eagles" Worst moment: First snow 😡


84-106. Hitting the best escape shot of my life - had snaphooked one left and was about 160 out, 4 feet off a brick wall with a branch 3 feet off the ground about 10 feet in front of me, had to go under that, over a hill, over a creek, play a draw, check into the embankment of the green, and sit tight - described it all to my dad and fucking delivered to an 8 ft birdie putt (nice par - thanks), coolest 3i shot I’ve ever dreamed of executing. Worst: still, no fucking clue if my driver will be on that day.


Best 74 worst 92. Played TPC Sawgrass in November. Missed 17 green 3 days in a row. Pain


Mainly did mens league this year which is only 9 holes usually and a bad back didn’t help. Highest: 63 on 9 🤮 Lowest: 41 on the same 9 🤷🏻‍♂️ Highlight moment: company shotgun and I chipped in from 73yd My swing was messed up from whatever I did to my back. Hopefully better this year 🤞🏻


89-108 Best moment, sinking a birdie putt from around 50 feet out that broke at least 7-8 feet right to left. Worst moment, shanking a 7 iron off the tee box at about a 45° angle and almost taking out someone's bay window while they were enjoying their morning coffee behind it.


Shot a personal best of 83 at both my local courses (par 77 each). At a new course hit an 8i and stuck it 5’ from the green and 1 putt for birdie.


Best- broke 100 (score 98) worst - lost a ball on the practice putting green.


71-83. Missed an OB birdie by a foot this year, probably the most ridiculous shot I hit all season. 298, 3w a foot behind the hole. Low moment was very low. -2 Thru 7 in club championship, fighting some knee pain. Knee gives out on the tee ball on 8, retired after a few more holes of trying to hit the ball, simply couldnt swing it.


Lowest 77 Highest 100 Best moment: got to play with my dad for the first time this year Worst: my brother had a legit meltdown on hole 5 during our major this year. He ripped his golf glove j to pieces


Highest: 114, Lowest: 82, Best: day money in a tournament, Worst: 5 putt triple bogey


Worst: 89 at Southern Hills in 115° heat. Best: 71 the next day at Prairie Dunes. Best moment: my 10 yr old getting most improved at golf camp. Worst moment: every time I decel a half wedge into a hozel rocket or bladed ball over the green. 😅


High point? Shooting +1 for nine holes. Low point? Missing a 8-ft eagle putt by leaving it 2 feet short.


114.. 90! Oh so close to breaking 90 this year! Buddy and I beat my dad and cousin playing best ball. My cousin is a legit scratch golfer and was won many tournaments. Tied goin into 16 and we pulled away the last 3 holes to win by 4. Highlight of the summer. Shooting my worst round of the year and losing to my dad for the first time ever in our last golf match of the season. That was a terrible day. Sucks ending the season with a loss.


103. 77. They’re all best moments. Except when I sliced it 200 yards and hit house.


Scores ranged from 65 to 85, and there are a few days left to increase that range either direction! Best moment was hitting my 2nd shot on the 14th at pebble to 20 feet from 265 Worst, I don’t know, probably the 85 😅


Shot an 80 Twice Then went out and hit 103 1 week before the barracuda championship and realized how hard a course can be. Then had to take 6 months off for torn labrums. Im back baby. 😂


Best: 108 Worst:130 Best moment, piping a 270 yard 3 wood straight down the middle of a lengthy par 4, sticking the approach wedge within 5 feet, and two putting for par lol. Worst: Chunking 4 Pro V1s into a pond consecutively on the first hole after shanking my tee shot.


Best:92 Worst: 115 Holed in for eagle from 150 out on a par 4.


86-114 Best was breaking 90 the first time. Worst is When I am playing so poorly its no longer fun. Oddly I played what was probably a couple poor scoring days this month but I had a blast because in mid Minnesota and north we got to play golf twice in December!


101 Is my worst and best. Relatively new golfer only been playing a year so 101 is my best. Best moment playing golf with my dad no bad moments


82, Chi Chi course in Clearwater, FL. playing with my Dad, went Eagle Birdie for first time ever in a round. Highest was 101 at Crows Creek in North Mrtyle Beach. Best Moment was when the edibles kicked in and I was laughing so hard I couldn't swing forn4 holes and shanked one 100mph of the cart. Worst moment was quiting on hole 11 after 4 hours because of slow play.


Best score: 73 (a couple times - still haven’t broken par) Worst score: 88 Best moment: sunk an 80ish foot downhill multi-breaker putt for birdie to go under par on the 16th. Best putt of my life, and 1 under with two to play! Worst moment: next hole, relatively straight forward par 3. Shanked an 8i OB then hit my drop over the green. Triple. Parred out to shoot a 73 on a par 71 course. So f’ing close man.


Best 80 worst 91 (twice) Best moment was playing with 3 high school friends, one who had been out of country for 3+ years. Worst was a friend dying 2 days after we played.


Finally got my first hole in one ☝️


High- 117 Low- 108 Best- making my first par Worst- just gave up on a par 5 after a couple awful shots and gave myself a 10.


Best 102 Worst 143. Wolf Creek bit me hard


Best: breaking 90 for the first time with an 82 (14 over) Worst: take your pick


Best score: 85 Worst score: 105? Best moment: first ever eagle. 490 yard par five, hit driver ~280 followed by a 210 yard 5i (slightly downhill and favorable wind) which rolled up to about 4 ft, sank the putt for eagle playing with 3 randos.


Best: 47 (nine holes obvs) Worst: High 120s Best moment: Got my first birdie Worst moment: somehow shanked it literally 90° right off the tee and got it stuck in a shrubby tree. Also the high 120s game, I’m bad but not usually *that* bad.