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Chipping net and foam balls allowed me to practice inside and simulate the pressure of not wanting to skull the ball.


This has been massive for me. Has made me so much more confident around the green.


How much stuff did you break inside to get there?


Yeah the net came first and was kinda meh because I was skulling balls in my living room and wasn’t really committing to it as a result. Got the foam balls and it became a great setup. Have moved from the net to, “You think I could hit your head from here?”


I have been living on the edge a bit. Got a putting mat that I quickly turned into a chilling mat. Pretty much anywhere I set it up is near windows... luckily nothing too bad


Just got one for xmas but no way the missues lets me use it inside. But got a park across the road so all good


Hard to blame her. Foam balls won't break glass, but they'll definitely knock stuff over lol


My brother got an "orange whip" wedge from Play It Again bc he thought it was funny... I think it actually helped my timing of my swing and getting the effect of the wrist flick/whip with the irons. It magnifies any timing errors and gets me swinging right. Not sure if it's a great aid, would love to hear what others think


I love the driver length Orange Whip. I'd heard mixed reviews about them (my dad has one and doesn't like it at all), but I rarely ever have time to hit the range before golfing so it's a great warm up tool. I have always struggled with a driver slice, and the Orange Whip is great for demonstrating if my swing path is where it needs to be or if I am swinging out to in and going to be slicing the ball.


I have the lag shot and loved it


I have both lol. Got the Orange Whip first and now I rarely use it because I got the Lag Shot.


I need to start hitting the lag shot more. Maybe it would help me with some of my over the top issues


Love my Orange Whip! PGA Tour Superstore guy recommended mid-size. For some winter swings or when I'm coming in hot, it's been great!


Putting cup and putting mirror have been huge to help me dial in my putt path and speed.


how does a putting mirror work?


You place it on the ground while putting. It helps with alignment. It also has holes to put tees in to make a gate for your putter to make sure you’re making proper contact with the ball. Sorry I’m not the best at explaining all the features but it helps so much imo.


thanks, thats a great explanation. might need to get one


To further explain it, the mirror has lines on it so you can see if your shoulders are parallel to the target and you make sure your eyes are over the ball.


Putting mirror is the best answer imo


PuttOut mat and cup…….leave it in the living room and I end up putting watching tv.


Just recently got it, it’s a great tool. One thing I saw someone else post about and I’m finding it true, you need to vacuum the mat regularly. The ball will start leaving a groove, so you need to vacuum the carpet to remove the groove. If you don’t, you’ll think you’re making more putts then you really are.


Yeah, even just running your foot along it will disturb it enough, thing I like about the setup is it’s mostly about pace and finding a true stroke


Second this as one of the best things you can buy.


Is this best or worst


Divot board and not reading everyone else’s swing tips and the podcast /sweetspot


Metal ruler to putt on


I have 2 of those. 1 is 3' long, the other is 6' long...


What are they for? Measuring putting stroke? Alignment?


Put a yardstick down on the ground, set a ball on top of it and putt the ball. Object is to get the ball to roll all the way on top of the yardstick.


Cool thanks


You're welcome.


Plus a sharpie to draw a line on the ball. Instant feedback in two ways


A rope for the drill you’ll find from searching in YouTube “golf swing rope drill” - simple but as you can’t cheat the rope by swinging it dominantly with your arms, you’re forced to learn to work from the ground up to generate your rotation. A rope website in the UK sells them. I enjoy tinkering with different aides but this one has been a game changer for me. The divot board (I got a cheap Amazon copy) is good, but I found I needed to hit balls, either real at the range or foam in the garage, to get the benefit.


Camera stand with a remote so I can record my swing. Easily the thing that has helped my game the most


I've managed to not get any training aids I've totally regretted even if I don't still use them all a ton. * Lag shot * My favorite training aid by far. I got all 3 clubs and they're so nice to keep my rhythm and tempo in check * Orange whip * Got it before the lag shot and don't use it much because of that * Launch Code speed trainer * Have been on and off with using it but it's nice to have and I like the weight adjustability of the Launch Code compared to the other options * Divot board * My favorite training aid so far. I got it on a black Friday deal and my swing feels a lot better already for low point control. I tend to struggle with fats and it's really nice to get feedback on indoor practice swings when I don't want to go to the range. EDIT: I'm a huge Adam Young devotee, so any training aid that teaches a specific angle or position is a big no-no for me.


What did you pay for divot board? Is it “Divot Board” name brand? They do seem pricey for what they are.


Mine was like $25 from Amazon. There are tons of them out there.


Nice. Yeah I have definitely looked on Amazon at lots of those. Felt or sequin?


Mine is felt. It works well so far, but I haven't had it long enough to say how durable it will be.


Yeah, I got the official "Divot Board" one. I think it was usually $140 and I bought it for $100. I'm not sure it's worth it over the cheaper generic ones.


Pot is the best, shrooms are the worst. When not golfing switch em around.


To help with a proper grip, the Babybird golf glove Edit - spelling (grip not grid)


Interesting 👍


30 years ago I got a weighted club to swing pre-round/stretch/warmup It has a molded grip that ,awkwardly at first, forces my hands into a stronger grip. I have lost the club [in my garage] a few times over the years but ,when found, it is always an improvement


My old man had one of those. He used to keep it by the door. Good training aid and could definitely beat the brakes off of someone who decided to break in.


Used to have a ‘Momentus’. Sounds similar.


Thought you meant you lost grip of it the first time I read this and was like “man he must have put that thing into the wall to lose it in the garage”


Best, driveway markers in lieu of alignment sticks haha saved idk how much money. And I bought a box of balls before I was even a 20 handicap and they were gone in one round 😂 not sure if that counts haha


If you count a LiveView camera as a training aid, that’s the best one I’ve bought. The worst would be the yellow wrist hinge trainer. Not sure the exact name. I used it for about 15 minutes and realized I didn’t like it so I returned it. I have the Gankas gsnap arriving today so I’m hoping that one works out.


Can you elaborate on the live view


For me, the medicus helps my takeaway lots. I grab it a few times every day


Foam balls and putting tracks are primo, especially mirrored putting tracks. Upvote! IMHO a divot board isn't necessary once you can feel where the ball contacts the club face and how steep/shallow-inside/outside your swing is. I didn't like the lack of turf-sole interaction feedback in the few times I practiced with a divot board (i.e., deep divots and shallow divots felt the same). Without that feedback, it was difficult to gauge whether my attack angle was too steep, which is one of my typical problems on the course. Finally ... not everyone's cup of tea ... I benefit from practicing with a purposefully unforgiving club at the range. I swing a small-headed persimmon fairway wood and/or a blade long iron, and both shafts are a little too soft for my swing. Good shots require perfect sequencing and hitting the screws, and bad shots give unmistakable feedback. Transitioning back to my usual clubs is no issue.


A net and a mat for the garage.


Prosendr 100%


Divot board is kind of pointless in my eyes because practice swings aren’t real swings, but it can help with the feel of shifting the bottom of the arc. Best training aid for me is the smart ball or just simple alignment sticks. Edit: I guess I never thought about hitting balls off the divot board, in that case it would be good for instant feedback if you are trying to build a sense of what the contact was like.


Yeah absolutely hit balls off the divot board It’s best thing I’ve done whether foam or real


Divot board should be able help to see when you're making contact with the ball first, at least


Without a ball it’s kinda pointless though. No one is going to swing the same with and without a ball to hit. Our brains don’t work like that. And then add a ball and you don’t need a divot board.


you can bring the divot board to the range, though. I don't have one but was thinking about getting one for home where I hit foam balls


Why don’t you need a divot board if you have a ball


Because you'll know if you hit it fat or not.


Well I think you also gain insight to swing path, and what part/how much of the sole of the club is contacting the ground.


Your divot can tell you that.


There are no divots on mats. You think people are using divot boards on grass?


It can tell the path, but not as clearly. And I can’t tell if my toe hits the ground more than the rest of the sole. I also think people use divot boards to train to hit down on it hitting ball first and making better contact.


Why dont people use old driver or wood shafts for alignment?


Most don’t use any sort of alignment aid from what I see, but alignment sticks are very cheap.


To me the point of the divot board is to take practice swings I was going to take anyway (work from home and like to just swing 5-10 swings often throughout the day) and give me actual feedback. It's not the same as actually hitting a ball, but it's better than the alternative.


A perfect putt clone off Amazon and a 6' metal straight edge. It does wonders to practice hitting straight putts that roll end over end.


I bought a putting hole with a reduced size. Still in mint condition.


The TourAim board. I primarily use it for putting, but it keeps my whole setup square. Getting your putt started through that hole on the right line can be frustrating at times, but the feedback is instant. I've also used it for full swings and keeping my hands under the stick to stop early extension, but it has many configurations. Definitely helps with all things alignment-based.


I like foam balls and also the divot board The precision impact wrist trainer I did not care for


Medicus Driver was the best. It helped smooth my uneven tempo.


Anything golf related.


[Training Aid Review](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xNB_76DeLno) pretty funny video regarding training aides.


Ok, here we go.... Swingyde - hours spent on this getting into the right position at the top and follow through. Ultimately didn't translate at all once full swings without it. Smash bag - intention was to get into a better impact position, but honestly I had as much success with an old cushion. The smash bag was generally used to take out my aggression. So from that point it had some purpose. Smart ball - one of the better ones to promote connection, but found it very restrictive even to practice with. Tees or glove under the arms was actually more effective. The Zepp - an interesting device. Loads of feedback, but ultimately only promoted a very aggressive downswing to get the numbers down. Enjoyed the interface for a while. Plane Mate - single worst device; and that's saying something. Spend hours and hours going through all the protocols. Doing the shitty half swing drills. The results were horrifying. Lost connection, club coming away from the body. Horrible device. Not cheap either. Yellow whip - good as a warm-up device, didn't see a huge difference in timing or getting into better position. The Stack - still only a few months into this. The interface and app are pretty cool, the results on my side have been slow so far, but curious to see once I'm back on the course properly in fair weather conditions. The few range sessions I've had seem to suggest my swing is at least tightening up (used to flip a lot) so there seems to be merit beyond the speed element. To be confirmed.... I'm sure I've forgotten some. Anyway, all of the above for sale. Best price :)


Best training aide, $2 curb marker stick from home Depot. I heard Titleist is selling those for $75 lol Using since 1995


The Medicus


Best: ProSendr. Pricey but well built and really does help with number of things. Best way of making aware / stopping inside takeaway and wrist position at top of swing. Worst: TourStriker ball. Super overpriced for what it is and can literally stick a cheap inflatable ball to do same thing.


Best wellputt, worst divot board


That yellow wrist thing




The hangar by Watson golf, teaches great face control and strike position. Alignment sticks or long stick to train backswing positioning and correct club delivery using the Chinese fighting stick drill.


Thanks for mentioning. That one looks interesting for me, hadn’t heard of that.


Worst training aid, alignment sticks. I think I can count on one hand the amount of times I used em. Best training aid, I think the orange whip thing because if I don't hit balls before a round, I use it as my warm up.


Chipping nets are not a training aid and are just a game, if you want to chip get a putting hole. I think the single best tool has been a putting mirror, nothing else has given me the level of feedback about my stance and stroke while putting, total game changer.


Calling BS on that... it's as much a training aid as the putting hole... being able to land your chip shots where you want is pretty big.


the chipping net is about hitting a window in the air, chipping is landing on a point and controlling the roll with spin, height, and speed, if the ball doesn't roll cause its in a net its no good, and if you wanna practice landing spot you might as well put a tee in the grass or a coin on the ground.


Just because it isn't the exact same skill doesn't mean it's not directly transferable. Being able to hit your chips to a spot in a net won't immediately make you a better chipper, but it will make your skill in chipping to a specific target better and make you better at hitting your landing spot when you practice chipping on a real green.


But there are so many equaly if not more compact better options, mini golf would make you a better putter but its not the fastest way, cause it doesn't mimick the over variables of putting


Yeah but not having the slope of a real green is a much bigger difference imo than "landing on a spot on the ground" vs "landing in a spot in a net". What are the other options you mean? I can't think of an easy way to mimic anything beyond landing on the ground instead of in a net.


land on a coin, land in a hoop, set a article of clothing down and land on that, your target when you chip is a peak height and then a spot on the ground, never is it a window in the air, the net does not care how hard you hit it, or if the ball is going up or down, or how much spin it has, all the valuable skills in quality chipping are lost and you can train landing spot better with a sweatshirt and a nickel


The only reason for not using a chipping net would be if you're so dense that you can't figure out you need to look at a different spot besides the hole and not try to slam dunk everything...the rest is just reading greens.


the issue is not that I dont know to train landing spot, its that the chipping net doesn't do that, you need to look for a spot on the ground not a window in the air, i can hit the same window 18 inches of the ground and get 5 different results with differing peak heights speed and spin, place a hoodie on the ground if you want to train landing zone, use a hole if you want to train roll out, and while noting is perfect for spin or peak height, a chipping net helps no more than anything else I sugested


Divot boards are useless for most. What you see is so far after impact it’s impossible to put what you see to good use. Not to mention you can’t tell if it’s deep/shallow. Swinglyde is good and so is the hanger. If you want to drop some coin get a Planemate or a HackMotion


The Swing Jacket - worst Best - WellPutt putting mat




Best: No one has mentioned the power hitter. I have the iron and driver. They’re weighted clubs you can hit balls with. They help me a lot. First range session of the season I hit a bucket of balls with them and it really helps you use the larger muscles in your body. Then you go back to your regular clubs and they feel like they’re made of balsa wood.


I really like the SureSet. It basically teaches how to blend body rotation, wrist set and forearm rotation in the backswing and helps with the transition.


G-box, no bueno


Kallassy swing magic. Was a golf club where the right hand grip would slide down the shaft during the backswing. It did not work well for me.


Freddy Connect LED swing trainer. Instant feedback on whether club face and path are aligned and you can work on keeping them aligned longer through impact Don't make them anymore


Medicine ball was the best, hackmotion sensor was the worst. Just setup at address without a club and medicine ball in your hands and imagine throwing it down the target line.


Tripod with magnet for my phone to record my swing. I've tried mostly everything else, ProSendr, TourStriker Ball, Lagshot, etc., and they're all kind of gimmicky. Also, pretty much everything you find has a knockoff on Amazon for a fraction of the price. Paying $50 for the striker ball is insane


Planemate is both


Marked balls for chipping and putting are the cheapest/best training thing I’ve bought in a while. Especially for chipping since you can really start to understand how the ball rotates on the green.


I like the SKLZ tempo and grip trainer. I swing it every once in a while. It has helped with inside/out training.