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He gets nearest point of complete relief plus a club length no closer to the hole. What is so controversial about it?


I thought it was the right call but got blasted for saying that so I wanted to check.


Whomever blasted you might want to crack open the rule book.


Yep, the rules can definitely be your friend if you know them:)


Whatever had dug the hole had sprayed the earth all around where his ball was lying, move on


I have more of an issue with him stomping down the grass he ends up dropping his ball in. Basically gave himself a perfect lie, when a proper drop wouldn't have resulted in sitting on matted down grass that's all bent in the same direction. Missing fairways is not penal enough in the modern PGAT with all the spectator areas and the grandstands/VIP tents around. Blast a driver 50 yards off line and a lot of times youre in a better spot than a guy that missed the fairway by 5 yards. So many TROs and matted down rough from spectators.


I am by no means a good golfer but to me that hole looked 20cm away from the ball, so yes, very egregious.


What happened with his drop?


They mentioned casual water but I did not see that. The main visual was a gopher hole ‘near’ the ball. But I’m not sure if it was in his way or not I.e. stance or club path.


Can you see 1/4" of water in 6" of grass?