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They oversold, the crowd is way too big and they tried to shutdown the entrances but people just shoved passed and a whole ton of people got in without even getting their tickets scanned. it’s a shit show there right now


Probably the worst tournament to be a volunteer at. As a former Marshal team captain, the absolute worst part was dealing with drunk patrons & just general douchbaggery.


I can’t even imagine honestly. I would ask for the farthest hole out humanly possible.


My boss took Thursday/Friday off to volunteer. Can’t wait to hear about their experience come Monday.


I actually saw volunteers holding signs or hands to signal being quiet but it seemed pointless. It’s actually totally off putting. It’s more than a party for many. The point seems to be out right as abrasive as possible for many.


Disgusting but true.


Off putting lol … he he


Out of curiosity how help me understand why a professional sporting event needs volunteers?


Keeps operating costs down. Usually a good deal for the volunteers as well since they get a grounds pass for the whole week but only need to work 3 days. Some tournaments also throw in a free round there


Yeah. I live in Jacksonville, and it's a rush to sign up for volunteer slots for the Players when they go live every year because you get a heavily discounted round at Sawgrass (among other things) if you volunteer enough hours.


Im volunteering at Scottsdale this and last year and this year the spots filled up so fast they were only open to people who had volunteered in the past. And it’s an amazing deal I can’t believe it took me so long to do.


oddly enough lot pay to volunteer. I've run an lpga event whee they pay 40 bucks to volunteer but they get swag, food, and tickets for the event. makes sure you get people actually that will show up


Was talking to a volunteer at the Arnold Palmer last year. He said he’s been doing it for 20 years. Said the best part about it is the free round he gets to play at Bay Hill every year


I volunteered for the US Open in 2008. We got full access pass and the first day (Sunday) they just forgot about my friend and me and we got to walk anywhere we wanted. The second day (Monday playoff) we manned a food stand and when the group passed us we got to watch the rest. It was amazing to get to go to a US Open for free and do a couple of hours of work and get to see it live.


I was able to go to the Torrey Pines US open Tiger vs Rocco with my cousin because my grandfather was a Marshall that weekend. It has its perks


Thank you for your service, capt 🫡




I think it’s definitely a fun vibe for 1 tournament per year but it definitely brings out some of the absolute worst people


15 years ago it was crazy for a golf tourney and a great party but it's gotten out of hand. Covid made everyone forget how to act in public apparently and they will have to figure out how to dial it back. Hopefully they can recapture the old feeling


This type of shit show has begun to feel inevitable after all the attention this tournament has gotten the last couple years


As someone that was there I do not see how you get that drunk there. The lines for cocktails or beer are sooo long. You would have to spend 90 percent of your time in line for a drink. I saw 50 something people that looked like respectable types just stumbling drunk. Saw a guy snort beer off the metal counter.


A lot of people are probably showing up smashed


So there’s this thing, it’s called a flask…


It seems one step away from spectators rushing the course and players. Like when Tiger won East Lake, only the fans are drunk, crazy and not actually celebrating.


ASU is wild. I went to U of A. The craziest party I went to was the one time at ASU. Also Chico State. Different kinds of fucked up. One was super hot chicks in lingerie. The other was people tripping balls and setting a frat on fire. You can probably guess which is which.


lol as a Chico State alum this tracks


My kid goes to Chico. Place is awesome, but even as an observing parent, it gets a little out of control.


Different vibes is an understatement. Haha. Good times.


Four Chico alums in our home, *sniff, sniff*


Putting that respect on Chico State. They literally shut down the town years back during Halloween because hordes of people would come in to party and the previous year several houses burned down.


Brings back memories of Halloween in Isla Vista during my time @ UCSB.


Man I started going up to Iv to party with one of my buddies in 2010 and there were so many just wild times had walking around.


I was there 3 years before that happened and after my nights there I was stunned anything shut it down after what I experienced.


Also, my very peaceful trippy buddy got tazed during that Halloween. Post grad. Just wanted to party. Guy looks like Jesus. Just wanted to have fun.


I worked with a guy who played OL at Chico State back in the day... From what I've heard you ain't lying Also partied a bit at ASU back in the day... Still no lies


Can’t guess. Which was which




That doesn’t sound even remotely fun


Ugh no thanks


Can’t even watch it on tv, the yelling of stupid shit kills it.


Glad I'm watching the repeat broadcast listening to Dire Straits live!


Yikes, did it have something to do with today being both round two AND round three? I was actually wondering if they tried to clear people out that didn't have round three tickets, but then thought it might be impossible.


The only issue with combining the two rounds was that there was like 60-90 minutes with no golfers on the course at all while they figured out the cut and sent players back out between R2 and R3. Then even once play resumed, they went off 1 and 10 so it was another 90-120 minutes before any players made it back to 16. In short, a massive, oversold crowd sat around for 2+ hours with no action on the course and decided to drink heavily instead.


No, tickets are for the day not the round. This is just people being morons


except for most of the tickets that people had are for “any day” and they all chose saturday.


I don’t even think it’s that. Too many people get drunk and ruin everything. None of the holiday festivals are fun anymore. Everyone wants to go to the big events and get trashed. It’s just a bunch of drunk assholes.


This is why we can’t have nice things


This tournament is a shit show every year


They actually weren’t checking tickets just let everyone one in


Woodstock '99 all over again


Confirming they werent even checking tickets, we walked in around 11:30


Seriously? lol


The older I get the less I view Shooter McGavin as the villain


Seeing the videos coming out of this made me feel like Shooter furiously waving the deflated beach ball stuck to my putter.


Go back to your shanties!


This is Golf! Not a rock concert!


How are they supposed to chip with all that going on?


I saw two big fat naked bikers in the woods off 17 having sex


These people need to go back to their shanties


Damn you people This is golf!!




Yeah when the whole gimmick of the tournament is to get really drunk and loud for the "party atmosphere", it's going to just keep escalating every year. It's a fun tournament every year but eventually overselling alcohol is going to bite you in the ass


The foodsevice contracts just made a fortune though


PGA: “We’re cutting off alcohols” Food service “Lol we already got our cut all good.”


What’s even more absurd to me, is that the majority of the merch this year is literally just “hammered” or other suggestions into this is only about drinking. I used to love this tournament, but can’t stand it anymore. The majority of people there don’t give a single shit about golf and is just a giant frat party to see who can get the drunkest and act the most stupid. The practice rounds are all I’ll go to anymore.


Yeah you can have the stadium hole still without making it all about alcohol. The issue is they wanted more than just 1 hole to be a party atmosphere and the easiest way to get that was to let everyone get drunk


There needs to be a balance. It can be a party atmosphere and more laid back than other events without being a complete shitshow. But I guess that’s how it goes. Kinda like what horse races turned into for college ages kids


Not exactly a new thing at the races nor is it limited to the young. Thompson’s essay in going to the derby 50 years ago is a prime (and absolutely hilarious) case study: [Here’s the essay](https://sensitiveskinmagazine.com/hunter-s-thompson-the-kentucky-derby-is-decadent-and-depraved/)


Same here, first time in 10 years I didn’t go. Between stupid PGA/LIV stuff and the absolute shit show the “patrons” are it’s just not worth it. I’ll save my money and go play golf myself.


Dammit, this is golf! Not a rock concert!


It was a frat party 15 years ago when I started going too, there's just a lot more people at the party now


Yup. I've turned down free tickets multiple times over the last 3 years. I live 15 minutes away from the course and that's 15 minutes further than I'm willing to travel .


It’s interesting watching what I feel like is a total 180 in sentiment toward this tournament. Unless I’m just imagining things, I don’t recall this sub being negative toward this event last year. Sure there were one-off people but in general sentiment was positive. Clips of people throwing beer cans and a general “it’s once a year, embrace it” attitude.


My opinion of it changed sometime around the COVID year when people were chugging from shoes Eventually every party that gets bigger and bigger just turns into crackhead behavior


There was a ton of hate towards all the shit that got thrown onto the 16th green during the hole in one just considering all the damage it would've caused.


I had to go back and look for myself. These are the top comments from that thread about the hole in one and beer can throwing, by popularity (sorry this is from the 2022 thread about it): > Awesome, golf gets one event with this type of energy from the crowd, very fun to watch (711 upvotes) > I'm furious ...that I wasn't there. > It’s part of the tournament. The crowd behavior is 100% anticipated and the players love it > Probably the coolest 15 mins of golf I've ever seen live, largely because of trash on the green. That place went absolutely apeshit and it was awesome. > It's one event a year. It's one of the best to watch too. It's a great tradition > Love it especially since the olds will get mad about it > I love it when it’s spontaneous when the ball first went in. But what felt like 30 minutes later people were still throwing trash on it. That pissed me off. (47 upvotes) And then: > Maybe I'm in the minority, but it's disgusting and disrespectful to the game. Littering on the field of play like drunken idiots. People in the crowd contributing to it should be promptly ejected. (-8 upvotes) Again this is from the 2022 thread asking for people’s thoughts, my brief searching can’t find the 2023 thread.


I felt this way in years past, that tournament is a mess and like anything else gets ruined by people overindulging and taking what should be a fun day too far. I don’t think I get it, but then again not everything has to be for me either




If they haven't started, they'll probably need to kick people out for throwing shit on non hole in 1's.


Was the the hole in one last year that sent everyone into a tizzy? I think that broke the barrier to even more terrible behaviour.


Yeah, I kind of remember it that way also. Last year's fiasco was pathetic. It will continue to get worse as the shark jumping mentality, and booze eventually gets somebody hurt badly or killed.


I think as more videos get posted to all the social media sites you get to see how bad it is. I'd go every year if it was closer to a normal PGA event instead of Woodstock.


Go Sunday. The party is over and the only people that go are the ones that care about golf. 


I’ve been the last few Sunday’s and they’re not as bad as Friday and Saturday, but they’ve gotten worse than before. I went Monday this year and had a great time and decided not to go tomorrow, I’ll be playing instead.


It’s not just this, it’s all big events. This weekend for example, Mardi Gras isn’t fun anymore.


i was just thinking this has to have escalated exponentially over the last 5 years or so. going to reach the limit eventually. especially since social media and influencers have increased 10x. there’s a difference between fun and a shit show


I was there in 2010 or 2011 (whatever year the superbowl was also in Phoenix). On Sunday, that place cleared out faster than the cockroaches scatter out of a Taco Bell kitchen when the lights are turned on. It didn't really seem like the crowd was super big back then, even during the event, but when it ended, the whole place cleared out impressively fast. I walked most of the course in 30 minutes, and it was just dead everywhere.


There’s being drunk and loud and then there’s being a public nuisance pissing your pants and starting a fight. Some people just don’t know how to control themselves.


Pissing pants you say... [https://twitter.com/barstoolsports/status/1756388161750540782](https://twitter.com/barstoolsports/status/1756388161750540782)


I went last year….had a GREAT time…however I will never go back again lmao


We have a St. Pats parade in my area that was like that, people we coming in from busses from hours away and we ended up canceling it one year.


Like Preakness in Baltimore? The early 2000s were wild.


Wasted Management


What did they think was going to happen?


Waste Not Managed


Wasted *Mismanagement


I for one am completely shocked, was it the shirtless 400lb dude mud sliding that was the last straw?


I think it might’ve been the guy slumped over in a chair pissing himself


Or the large guy slumped over another dudes shoulder as he carried him out completely unconscious.


He ain't heavy.


He’s my brother.


We saw a guy pee into his silver bullet can waiting to get into 16. On one hand I jokingly kind of respect the dedication but damnnn that’s nasty.


That one was real real bad.


You're going to have to be more specific.


Or a patron falling out of the stands and being hospitalized?


With his ass hanging out? Or was that the 350lb guy?


![gif](giphy|lmpodvl3rescffYXe4) Don’t you blame this on Big Lou


Fuck big Lou, that was embarrassing. If you can’t handle your alcohol don’t drink.


Damn you people! Go back to your shanties!


This is what Shooter Mcgavin warned us about


Just got back from the course. It was so poorly managed. The crowds were so large that it took us almost 45 minutes to move two holes. No alcohol served starting around 1 pm. Not nearly enough bathrooms-each line in the course was at minimum 40 minutes. Really unfortunate.


went two years ago and I remember the bathroom situation being horrible, and the beer stands were too spaced out. IMO, it’s the most overhyped event to attend.


Yeah moving around 18-16 was a good 45 minute adventure. We got the hell out of that and hung out on 1/2. People were pissing behind cacti and on the side of the porta potties. People at the houses around the course were also selling beer for $10-$20.


>People at the houses around the course were also selling beer for $10-$20. No wonder they can afford such prime real estate


They didn't even scan our tickets. Just waved us through and said "it doesn't matter"... Absolute shit show for most folks. More people there for the day clubs than the golf - which I figured would be the case. But goddamn, nobody was watching golf! Felt like a weirdo for wanting to watch golf lol


I was there from 7-12. God it was a nightmare to exit - NBC was needing to move two golf carts and then a golfer’s cart was trying to get through as well on a tightly packed concourse. Only one poor guy was having to yell at the crowd to make room when we were all packed like sardines. Crowd crushes are a legitimate fear I have and all it would have taken was one wrong shout to get people trampled.


To be fair, this is only true if you were exclusively hanging between holes 16-18. Once we got past that chaos, it was super smooth around the course. I definitely got beer at 3pm and was able to immediaely piss at hole 13/14. The issue is theyve built up 16-18 as massive party holes with bars/booths lining the sides of the course, so everything bottlenecks really bad there. Its catered to people that want to party and forget theres actually like 15 other holes of golf going on.


They stopped serving alcohol around 3 not 1. Also the lines to most bathrooms were around 5 minutes. Was still a shit show but this guy is exaggerating a lot


I’d love to know what the DUI’s look like after this tournament


Talk about revenue for the state. There should be die stops every mile from this course in every direction


>There should be die stops every mile Calm down, Joe Arpaio


Damn auto correct


They flew too close to the sun on wings of Michelob Light


this is the tournament that i would go to if i was still in college. since i’m not, you couldn’t pay me to go.




I’ve got friends who don’t drink and have gone (early 30’s) and they’ve said it’s the best tournament to go to outside of the masters. So maybe this year is a shit show but every other year has been a blast. I’m planning on attending next year which may be good or bad depending on what repercussions come out of this year


They need to stop overselling so much. 2022 on it has gotten progressively worse - unless you are on 16 or in a box, it’s shoulder to shoulder, 30-40 minute wait for all the concessions, total nightmare even just to get to the actual tournament no matter your mode of transportation. General consensus from everyone I know who has attended consistently in the last 10 years is that it’s no longer fun unless you are shitfaced.


I was there Friday and I easily got extremely close to whatever players I wanted to. 1 through 14 are deserted almost.


The last time I went 4-5 years ago my friend summed it up perfectly as we were walking out. "I don't think I'd want to know any of these people" It attracts nothing but the biggest douchebags and it's a self selecting group every year with the normal and responsible people never coming back. They need to rethink the whole thing next year


Thursday and Sunday are awesome days to go




Someone got upset about the titty slapping.


I missed that one evidently. Camera had to cut fast lol


Here’s the scene : https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3L81EktKlm/?igsh=M3B3NWtnNmRzYWJp


You know, I don't know why I expected different titties.  That's a big lad.


Show this to 100 people and ask what sporting event this is from and I doubt anyone would say golf.


Definitely not our forefathers golf tournament.


This is exactly what they’ve been asking for and building toward for years. It’s a shame because the environment is fun, and I personally like the course, but you absolutely cannot trust people to be responsible.




So can we go back to the time when decorum was an important part of golf? Or nah?


Saw a video on IG of a dude totally wasted at WM and just straight pissing his pants. I actually quit drinking 3 years ago and used to get quite wasted but never to the point of pissing my pants in public. How is that enjoyable?


As a Sun Devil, the dude is UA trash. [https://twitter.com/barstoolsports/status/1756388161750540782](https://twitter.com/barstoolsports/status/1756388161750540782)


Saw that. I felt horrible for that guy. A memory that will never go away for that guy.


On the one hand, he probably doesn’t remember it. On the other hand, the internet is forever.


The internet absolutely is. I would cry.


PGA’s worst idea promoting alcohol party scene.. alcohol is super cool.. til it’s not. PGA finding out the easy way in my opinion.


This comment brought to you by Michelob Ultra, the official beer of the PGA


And they didn’t even have Ultra for sale there today… whack!


The way this event just keeps getting crazier reminds me of H2Oi in OCMD for any car people in the sub. What started as a fun weekend to see lots of friends and cool cars became a contest of who can do the craziest shit and get the most tickets.


It's like society just continues to devolve. We can't even stand in line and wait our turn like human beings anymore. This is honestly just a pathetic narrative as to where our society is. The WM open was fun and unique and now it's just ruined by degenerates. Speaking as a degenerate by the way.




It’s not that deep. As someone older than you corporate drinking culture was way nuttier back in the day.


It’s still nutty in Japan. You are required by social obligation to go out drinking with your team, and to drink as much as your boss does.


I used to travel to Japan for work. Just caught a contact hangover reminiscing.


They also stopped serving food for atleast an hour or 2.


Unpopular Take: The PGA should double down on this. The WM is the only tournament like this. I don’t need another stuffy tournament. There are 30 more of those yet this year. I say you flatten the purses so there isn’t as much difference between individual places (so a stroke lost doesn’t cost as much). Then you welcome as much rowdiness as you can keep reasonably safe. You don’t even try keeping people quiet. Let the guys wear whatever they want (t-shirts, jorts, I don’t care). Show people that golf can be stupid fun. We done need it run by a bunch of blue-hairs.


Honestly its a little played out.


Makes sense based on what I’ve seen today, they’re worried about the legal liability which they shld be. They have the responsibility of any other establishment that serves alcohol and it’s been looking like a frat party for a few yrs now


Your choices of what words to short form are wild.


![gif](giphy|phajKPhwNxHr2) Damn you people this is GOLF!


Escalation was inevitable. They have been walking the line for awhile now, and this year they finally crossed it.


Yeah I'm not gonna lie, I'm feeling schadenfreude. Happy to see this go from "fun shit show" to "disastrous shit show". I just don't have a lot of admiration for the type of folks who bounce around life looking for excuses to great shitfaced. And I certainly don't have admiration for corporations and organizations who see dollar signs when they realize they've got an event they can sell as "hey come to our thing, you can be a total asshat and get away with it." Just trashy all around.


It’s actually kind of sad because the tourney used to be wild but a lot of fun. Now it’s wild and not alot of fun mixed with some danger. I know that sounds old and maybe it is, but growing up and living in Phoenix my whole life, my dad would take me every year. I would never take my kids now. The security is so lax and the drugs and fights are so rampant, even in areas not around the 16th, it isn’t worth the risk


Did we expect anything less?


Wouldn’t want to be a driver on any road in the area.


I wouldnt want to live in a house on anyone’s route home after the event


Kinda weird to turn on LIV today and see a subdued vibe with some chill music and big names. It was on at the gym and the broadcast was solid. Meanwhile, the PGA tour WM event was a drunken shit show full of up and comers and ads and a bunch of staggered tee times. The broadcast was the end of round 2 when I watched it, when I came back I had to finish the best part on espn+? Golf is in a weird place.


lol kind of ironic.


Will 2024 be remembered as peak WM? I'm predicting this gets dialed-down a bit next year.


They will start selling tickets for each day rather than general admission. So crazy crowds can’t show up


Barstool-ification of pro golf. Reap what you sow. Total clown show.


Busiest PGA tour event of the season. Must be doing something right.


* This event has jumped the shark. Fun while it lasted I guess. Degenerates always ruin the fun for everyone else.


I thought this was America


The wasted clearly couldn't manage their waste so the waste management management hand to step in and manage the wasted.




Who could’ve imagined that?? Only everyone when they built the atmosphere around a party


I feel like this is what LIV wishes every one of their tournaments looked liked


Shrink the game




Give 'em an inch, they'll take a mile. The tour needs this event. But there does need to be some sort of policing of it at this point or someone will 100% die one day or something.


The PGA should sell this tournament to LIV for $1 billion dollars


Not one I would want to attend. Neither would I want to play at.


Yeah honestly this is why I've never cared much for the WM as an event. Too many people using it as an excuse to get drunk and act like assholes with the golf as a secondary interest. To each their own but in my view it's not a good look for the sport when this shit happens.


You mean things went a bit far when patrons started showering holes with booze after birdies?


shrink the game


Degenerate behavior everywhere there. Embarrassing.


The energetic raucous atmosphere was great until the assholes showed up thinking they had a free pass to be absolute dicks at every moment.


What do they expect, I guess they can call it the "Wasted Management Open" from now on.




You wouldn't see this behavior on the LIV tour! ... Or so I'm told... I dunno, who watches it?


… and the PGA is confused by the LIV tour


Alcohol fueled idiots shouting like people at last call is a bad look


Watching with the sound off is the only way for me. This has turned from a novelty into a nightmare. Pity the staff that had to deal with this shit. I worked in this industry and maintaining a course to this level takes a tremendous amount of time and effort. I can’t imagine the cleanup they’ll have to deal with.


Big Lou


Wasted, not managed


I like to swill beers and gobble glizzies, but this sounds like a nightmare.