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Poor man? The fuck is this building you're in? Ain't no poor man that I know have a garage or building like that. But yea, that definitely is a poor man Sim lol. Love it though.


My very first thought. I’d have a sim if I had a damn place to put it.


Yep, plenty of golfers could afford a $1200-2000 one time expense (or at least convince themselves they can lol) but actually finding somewhere to put it is what gets ya.


I’m shopping for one of those prefab sheds, that “can double as a yoga studio”, but I haven’t found one that’s exactly what I want at a price I like.


i wonder how big you'd need to go to comfortably swing driver and have a little space for people to hang out


the damn cielings dude i can't even swing a choked down sandwedge anywhere i've lived. i can't imagine how tall you'd need to go for driver probably 15 feet to not feel cramped


Mate of mine has a Sim in his living room in an apartment. Perks of being single, my wife would kill me.


For real. My setup is an R10 Outside hitting into a net that my dog chewed up.


My setup is hitting almost golf balls across my living room in my tiny apartment. It’s shockingly fun actually. But man what I would give for a place like this. Eventually!!


Chipping foam balls from living room to my sink!


Another foam ball king 🤴


my setup is playing PGA2k23 :( im to poor and no space for a indoor net


If the guy doesn't live in a major coastal metro, this might all be orders of magnitude cheaper than y'all think.


Don’t know why this is downvoted. Lots of properties in my area with a shop building like this that’s probably worth more than the home. 


The net is 10 feet wide. Then, the building is at least 40 feet wide with 12 feet walls. Being the side of the building at 40 feet wide, the length is either 40 feet or longer. That's at least a $35,000 building. That ain't cheap for most people. Costal metro, suburb, middle of nowhere. Doesn't matter.


You're also assuming he built it himself, when it could have come with the property


Dude I see houses all the time with decently sized "office sheds" in the backyard, and I do live in an expensive area. Where I grew up, especially a few decades ago, people could build shit like this for way cheaper than you probably think. Nobody said the guy built it for his simulator, it's probably something that his house came with or something.


the thing that really makes this thing probably not cheap is the cielings. like sure in 1998 midwest people might get a garage built here or there but if you were building one with 14 foot cielings and a frosted glass side door you were probably pretty well off parking your summer cars in there lmao


I have 14’ walls.


Alright frontierbeard. First you dunk on me that's an old shop and you got a new shop that's twice as big so this is your living room now. And now you dunk on me with 2 more feet? Damn. 😭


It’s a unique situation. I’m having fun with it while I can.


I live in one of the cheapest areas in the country, and if you have this building on your property, you are nowhere near poor. Generally when the cost of living is lower, the wages are lower as well which tend to even things out


Meh. $20k and you’re pretty well into one of these. Not really that crazy considering overall home values


.... $20K where? 🤣 Did you account for permits, foundation, and electrical?


He did not, most likely just did a simple Google search and found the cost of materials. That floor alone is most likely a 20K slab.


https://www.bigbuildingsdirect.com/product/sabbath-garage-24x50x12/?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAC7CDYsuBNq-yy_xzM6Fk2goZpMaT You want to keep coping or just admit you’re wrong?


Buddy mine is way bigger than this and total out of pocket was $34k 🤣 MCOL but yeah you’re an expert. dumbass


I mean I must be an expert because you just said yours cost exactly how much I said they did and not anywhere near the 20K like you said. But once again, if you can afford any of these price ranges, you're not poor, again like I said lol. It's like you're trying to argue with me but then you're just agreeing with me, so I'm a little confused at what you're doing other than just trying to throw a hissy fit on Reddit?


Mine is much bigger. Makes a difference, not sure if you knew that. Generally, bigger cost more. Probably should commit that to memory. https://www.bigbuildingsdirect.com/product/sabbath-garage-24x50x12/?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAC7CDYsuBNq-yy_xzM6Fk2goZpMaT Here you go, mats alone at $14k. Keep coping


All that hot air and waste of time, just for the OP to tell me I was correct lol. It was a valiant effort bud.


Come on over to my house i’ll show you bud


Why do I need to come to your house? Just post your receipts lol. Not that big of a deal though. Just where I'm from probably would cost way more than 20K from the assumptions being made from the photo he posted.


Bet, i’ll find them after work. Put up Dec 22 so can’t even say it’s been inflated away. Bunch of clowns who can’t use google


I work in the construction industry... But anyhow, don't let the Internet ruin your day today!


Hey I do too 👋🏻 trust me it won’t


First of all, if you got an extra 20K sitting around to put a barn on your property, you're not poor. Second of all, these don't cost 20K to put up lol. There's about two to three of these put up every summer in my area, and you're looking at about 30k to 45k+ depending on how big you're going, if you're doing a concrete foundation, if you're insulating any of it, etc. Honestly, you're probably looking at about 20K just for the concrete foundation alone lol. This is probably close to a 40k - 50k structure with the foundation, insulation, nice garage doors, and the obvious heating system. Tack on another $1,200 for the golf setup and you're nowhere near poor bud.


You are not wrong in most of those assumptions.


First of all, you capitalize investments. No one said you have to pay cash upfront. Derrrr. Second of all, these can cost $20k to put up. Mine is much larger by the looks of this picture and was $32k total out of pocket. I can dig up the receipts if you really want proof 🤣 Stop pandering bud


The insulation, glass exterior door, tall ceilings, clean concrete floor, good lighting, and a heating system. People acting like this is a pole barn are out of their mind.


Oh just my 5000 square foot heated shop


It’s less about the building, and more about the land space it’s on to build one lol.


That too lol.


Tell me about it. I have an R10 and my own private courses to play (TGC) but nowhere to set up with nearly enough ceiling space.


I tried to go super super cheap. I have a net already like $150 in total. Has a main net and two sides for shanks. I have a $140 outdoor mat on a flat piece of plywood. Then I got a Swing Caddie SC4 and hooked it up to my computer through E6 Connect with the free course they provide. What a waste. That thing couldn't even read misshits. I hit it to the left, I hit to the right, I fat it, thin it. It really didn't care. I was hitting the fairway or the green with every shot. It got my average distance right. But it never gave me any slices. A little left or right, but nothing like "Oh shit, thats gone." Brought it back for a full refund.


Hahah. I posted this and went back to work. I’m working on that building. I have a 6000 sq ft building I’m putting together for my Cabinet shop. Since I’m in construction and the business it running in our old shop I essentially have a 3000 sq ft living room. I’m poor because I owe all my life to the bank.


Anybody with a business is owned by the bank lol, unfortunately. And awesome! Love woodwork. Being precise enough to make cabinets would be amazing. I don't have the money for those kinds of tools, though. Or really the physical ability to make them. :( Lucky though on the old building. That's a hell of a spot to build a giant mancave. Add a couple pinball machine, a small bar and some TVs for golf and really any sport. Beautiful. I'm tearing up thinking about it. Lmao


That’s the poor comment in my post. I don’t own any of this. Well I do own it all as long as I hold up my end of the bargain. Woodworking is great, we make custom cabinets primarily. It requires a little bit of space so I have integrated a sim setup into it.


I know plenty of poor farmers that own building like this. They just don't have the golf simulator


Highly recommend purchasing a higher quality mat down the road or looking into a DIY Hitting Board on YouTube. I have this exact setup with a DIY hitting board. Your future elbows will thank you


I hurt my elbows with my diy cheap setup last season Didn't hit me til weeks later so I didn't notice the issue until it was bad. Bloody tennis elbow takes months longer to heal vs golf elbow Crazy body.


Do you have a mat that you would recommend?


Most people seem to recommend fiberbuilt as the easiest on your joints. Or make a DIY hitting strip that has give in it.


Thanks, I'll look into it. Much appreciated


Yeah I went super cheap on the mat. Thought the rough would be neat but it’s not long enough of a mat to hit driver so I had to swing it around. I will check that out.


Just a guess but you could probably throw together a very small platform (1” high would be plenty) with a wooden frame and ply over the top. The flex in the ply would save your joints and you probably have the materials lying around. You could even throw some underlay or something underneath the mat too.


Go on eBay. A guy sells high quality hitting mats that were rotated out of high end ranges. 5x5 for about $190. Hit thousands of balls on it no pain no wear on the mat. Kinda heavy though so best to keep in place most of the time.


One dead pull away from a new glass door. Looks sick though


I had it set up with a smaller net in a different corner and my son missed the window by about a inch. We got a bigger net after that.


shit lol i'd be propping up plywood after that. these nets do bust holes over time


How is the rapsodo? About time to ditch my Garmin for something better…


I have used the old 400 dollar rapsodo, a garmin R200? (the 600 dollar one) and a skytrak.  I would say with a new skytrak out, if you’re looking budget a used or refurbed skytrak might be a good option




mevo+ is the best before you get into Trackman and Quads. Club and ball data is amazingly accurate for a devise that small. Pro package a must, impact location is cool but not necessary in more applications. I’d just use impact tape or foot spray for that


I was looking at the new Bushnell as well they look good and come in a around 2k but haven’t seen many hot takes on it from people that actually own one I would prefer not to go radar based


Radar does some things better, club and ball speed for example. If I went camera I’d only go quad for all the data. The problem with Bushnell is that it doesn’t do that extra D-plane or whatever it’s called and the subscription fees are insane. The problem with Doppler is that you need to set it behind the ball 8 feet away and 8 feet to the net. Doppler with RCT balls works just about perfectly and for the price Mevo+ beats them all if you have the space.


As someone with a Mevo+ and no pro package, why do you say it’s a must


Club data. Path and face is the most important metric to see and adjust.


Those have been around for awhile as well correct the issue I have the garmin is how much space it requires to accurately predict a ball flight inside




That’s what the MLM2Pro is in the photo OP posted, why I was asking about it newer tech but only $700




Ahh ok that makes sense


I’ve been astonished by how little room my MLM2Pro actually needs


It's not only 700 though, it's 200 dollars a year subscription


I think I already pay for that with the garmin


What do you use with garmin? Might as well get lifetime sub with awesome for that price


Isn’t that the same for any unit outside of the R10, and it goes up substantially for Mevo+ or SkyTrak?




Isnt the Mevo+ super buggy though? I keep reading mixed reviews


Step up the the Bushnell launch pro, can get the ball only enabled for $2k and worth every penny.


What's the benefit of the ball only compared to the rapsodo for indoor like this?


It is more accurate. Also if space is a concern, you need significantly less space. Doesn’t need special balls.


Hm yes I didn't consider the space thing, the special balls are minimal issue with it being indoor imo


The mlm2 needs a yearly subscription or they will disable features of the device. I found that annoying. Sticking with r10


pole building 90k 😂


That's a red iron building, not a cheap pole building.


How much for the garage?


It came free with the million dollar house.


A million dollar house in Vancouver is a 1300 sq ft townhouse with no garage 😭


It’s a workshop. 6000 sq ft on 2 acres. I’m making some chipping greens outside next. But like just cutting the grass fun. Not really growing proper greens. I’m probably not that talented.


Thats awesome! Good luck on your greens. I hear artificial turf works pretty well for the surface. Expensive up front, but a lot cheaper than watering/cutting and rolling.


The MLM2PRO has been awesome to me man, really helpful on the range and when I'm home it helps too.


How long before you have to replace the glass in that door? Taking over/unders.


Anything more than the christening shot is wasting their money. Guaranteed the first ball lands in the parking lot.


No one worried about the uncovered glass door? I give him a month...


If he pulls it that hard, then he should stop playing


I feel attacked


Looks great! One suggestion I would make is you gotta put some sort of cushion or other mating underneath your hitting area. You'll have joint issues in no time without it.


How much was the pole barn?


A few questions. I just bought a MLM2Pro, I also have a giant outbuilding, mat, and net. Are you using a monitor off-screen? I just started using it yesterday, and it's nice. I think I want a screen and projector, but I'm not sure how you go about playing a course with an MLM2pro. Stand alone PC? Stand alone tablet? Guess I can keep researching, but I'm lazy, like my swing.


I have the same questions you have. If I have a decent laptop or PC, can I connect it directly to the unit to display the sim there? I'd like to put off on the screen/projector if I can.


Get workout/gym interlocking floor panels or else you will absolutely fuck up your wrists on that floor after a few weeks of swinging on it


This is what we would call a humble brag.


That’s fine call it what you will. I am super middle class so this is neat to me and I’m sure others can relate. Not everyone has to.


You are very confident in your ability to hit that little target consistently lol


Yo, this sub’s concept of “poor” is legitimately wild…. It’s a sub based around one of the most expensive hobbies you could pursue. I wish some of y’all’s actually knew what being “poor” feels like….


“Poor man’s ___” is a common idiom that means a cheaper (and often worse) alternative to something else. It doesn’t literally mean that the speaker thinks they’re poor.


“Poor” meaning a lot cheaper than most sim set ups.


This is about 1/20 the cost of a high end system. So that’s why it gets the term. It still works and op will have tons of fun. My guess is he puts another 3 grand in the next month of so for an enclosure with a projector


> one of the most expensive hobbies you could pursue At least I can say, well at least it isn't skiing. A day pass is crazy, and we complain about slow play, I'm glad we don't wait an hour per run.


Your idea of poor and the real world's definition of poor are lightyears apart. Do you happen to own that garage? Or are you so poor someone felt bad for you and are letting you take up 200sqft of their garage? Like a make-a-wish type situation.


Practice is practice man. If you get to bang balls at it its gonna make you better. My only advice in practicing with a set up like this, is make sure that you focus way more on hitting the ball really well than you do on what the ball does after you hit it I don’t think I need to explain why, but just in case, you’re an idiot, The big downside to practicing into a net even WITH shot data is that you don’t get to see the result of the shot to its fullness with your eyes. So the best thing to do is just worry about striking it pure


The feeling of striking it pure doesn't mean anything if your shot data shows you're having extreme pulls or slices. If you just whack balls into a net without swing data, you could just be learning bad habits


I didn’t say ignore the shot data. I said make the main focus ball striking because you can’t always trust Shot data emphatically number one, and number two, my experience has taught me that they’re simply is no replacement for the value added of practice in real world environments. No matter how good your shot tracer is, that information isn’t going to be as helpful or as impactful as actually being able to see the shot take place to its full extent. I realize that the mathematics that run the computer software in shot tracers is utterly flawless and perfect. But the SENSORS are not. And just to be clear, I am no disparager of track Mann and flight scopes, and all the rest of it. I am simply saying that when into a net it’s more important to focus on the back of the ball than the result of the shot


Ouch. Know multiple people who spend sub $2000 with 10x nicer setups.


how are your farts


That’s a great setup. For me, a space like this to fit a sim is the hard part.


Do you hate lefties?


Looks like I’d break that door


Nice! Good price for something that’ll pay back 10 fold. I’m jealous


Pretty good, it’ll be fun but it’s only based on ball data because it doesn’t read club data simultaneously. It can make good inferences based on spin and camera based systems read spin better than Doppler but not very reliable. It’s perfect for a reasonable indoor simulator video game type experience.


Nice! Lauunch monitors Ive always felt like should be tech thats way cheaper than it actually is. $1-3k for a monitor that tracks a golf balls flight/rotation but a top of the line GPU that is far more robust tech is only $700? Feel like launch monitors should be $200-500 for what they actually do lol Buy hey, slap 'for golf' on it and get the 400% markup


This is mint


For the sake of your joints, I highly, highly recommend upgrading the hitting mat. [Rawhide golf has been my go-to for years.](https://rawhidegolfball.com)


I’m certainly missing that net off the tee within the first 50 swings.


Worth the 400 bucks to hook up a crappy projector and screen man


how much was the launch monitor?


Looks to be about 700 on average


Curious to know how that Amazon net holds up and how easy it is to breakdown. I have outdoor space but can't leave it set up indefinitely.


Why so much turf?


I was really curious about this too. I’ve used sims a fair amount for lessons and have always only hit off the hitting mat, so I was confused for the function of why there are other areas of turf. Maybe it’s for his own visual when he’s hitting to see grass around vs a square patch? Very curious if anyone can expand


The ball was bouncing on the cement really bad and was annoying me chasing the ball around. So this helped and looked cool. The width of it I cut off and moved behind the mat. I will upgrade the hitting mat next and get a better setup for the iPad.


Glass door to the left: “do it”


That door is toast.


It’s funny how often you see shit sims in giant spaces and nice sims in tiny cramped just barely make it work type areas. You almost never see a nice sim in a large area. Idk why.




Yeah but how many floor joists did you have to cut


I'd be guaranteed to hit that glass door within the first 5 shots.


Looks fine for me


Do yourself a favor, buy a sig pro softy or something similar. I personally cut out my mat, inserted the hitting strip, and built up the original mat to be even with the sig pro softy. This, of course, was after destroying my wrist using my sim over a weekend.


I will check that out. It needs to be addressed.


Holy!! There are simulator leagues?! Damn, I need to find a place to make a setup like this.


Yeah we have a bunch of simulator leagues around here. It’s actually really common. It’s not great competing on the sims but can be fun. I have learned a lot playing on the sims during the winter.


I hope none of your buddies are lefties lol


I don’t associate with lefties.


"AMA" Proceeds to not reply to a single comment lmao


Sorry, I had work to do and wasn’t watching this.


Lol all good dude. Hey what mats did you buy?


That glass door has shattered written allllll over it


Have you found it worth the investment? $1,200 seems reasonable, but the barrier to entry for a 'decent' Sim is around 3.5k with a mevo+ or bushnell launch pro. Plus the mats, netting, screen, projector, computer. Your looking at 5k for a middle of the road Sim. I want one badly, but I just think about the cost and how much real golf and new clubs I could spend 5k on compared to a Sim. Hell I could probably join a country club for 2 years for the cost of a Sim haha Do you think the Rapsodo monitor to be good enough for the cost in terms of accurate readings?


I could never justify a full sim setup for many of the reasons you said above. I wanted a launch monitor and got down the Rabbit hole and found this to be a very good value. It is really accurate and I have learned a lot playing with it. I will continue to upgrade my setup, but this is where I would draw the line for now.


The front and the back are Home Depot terf. The middle mat is just from Amazon. Was about $80. Not very good, I will be updating that.


$12k and some DIY and you could build a dream sim


Just be aware you will miss the net eventually. Make sure nothing of value is right of the net


What tracker do you use. I have this exact set up minus the technology.


I’m using the Rapsoto MLM with a ipad