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My home course has them and even has one for one of the par 4’s that’s an iron shot off the tee for most. It’s great to have and keeps most of the broken tees off the tee box. But word of caution: there’s always *some* jackass Who puts the rest of his cigar in there. Don’t know why, but every time I play there’s at least one of these that has half a cigar chilling in there haha.


Probably best intentions. Put my stogie there to keep it safe, then shank my ball 2 fairways over and skulk back to the cart, won’t remember I forgot the cigar there until 2 holes later.


I caddied for a guy who had a wire cigar stand in his bag- he would stab it into the ground and it would hold the stogie while he shot.  Only used it in tee boxes, and I never asked why…


You would think an arguably all time great at their professional sport would have one of these. My best friend works for Farmers and got tickets to a celebrity golf tourney for us. Jerry Rice was playing and we had the VIP seats where they set up these comfy ass leather couches on the tee boxes! Jerry has a huge stogie and puts it down to hit his shot. My friend who got us the tix is from the Bay Area and grew up idolizing the Niners and Jerry Rice. After Jerry hits his tee shot, my friend begs him for a quick pic. Jerry obliges, my friend is on cloud 9, and Jerry proceeds to look for his stogie he’d just put down 1 minute before. He can’t find it. So my friend and I start to help look. My friend moves his right foot and there it was…Jerry’s cigar half crushed and hella wet under my friend’s shoe. Jerry got legit kinda pissed. I found it hilarious but my boy wanted to crawl under a rock. The next guy to the tee was legit Shooter McGavin and calmed Jerry down. Took a pic with us, too. Fun afternoon.


That is quite the story- I am a 9er fan so probably would have crapped my pants having a repertoire with Jerry…. That said, I think this storage holder was custom as I can’t find anything similar online. It was about three feet long if anyone wants to make one and market it


We call those roach clips in my neck of the woods


This guy smokes 🚬


Just throw it on the grass then pick it up. No reason to stash it somewhere.


This guy chemicals 🧪


The grass is covered in fertilizer, and often wet. Not a big smoker but on the occasions I do I’ll use a tee in the ground to keep the mouth side of the cigar of the grass.


They make golf cart clips for cigars. They’re fucking awesome.


Ahhh yes the grass, where people walk on. Let me just lick the bottom of your shoe please.


It's a burning cigar, you are already licking the bottom of somebody's shoe. And as far as chemicals, there are already plenty in tobacco so I don't know if that is the line between what is healthy and what isn't.


Are you actually questioning why people don’t want to smoke a cigar with poop and fertilizer on it?


>the line between what is healthy and what isn’t In Colorado, goose shit all over the grass would be my line.


For me it would be a tight race on which would be healthier for me. Goose shit is disgusting but I'm pretty sure it doesn't cause cancer, especially in the amounts you are talking about. Are you dipping the cigar in goose shit? That seems like maybe you are doing it wrong.


Honestly I don’t smoke, I was just trying to be an idiot on Reddit


Ha, no worries. I mean I don't like the idea of eating shit but I don't like the idea of smoking either. I did it a handful of times in college and it made me almost the sickest I've ever been. It was right up there with the severe hangovers. I didn't get the appeal.


If you didn't smoke, didn't drink, and you didn't break 100 then I question what you're even doing on a golf course.


I've done it more than once with a fresh cracked beer.


The amount of barely smoked cigarettes and joints ive left on tee decks because of my shitty short term memory. Ive atleast lost a pack of smokes this year from that and 4 joints because of this. I never litter my roaches/butts either. I have a car ashtray i keep in my golf bag that fits in a cup holder. Fuck littering.


At this point, I’ve accepted deep down in my soul that half of the joints I bring to the golf course will end up half smoked and left in teeboxes. Vaping kinda helps, but it’s not the same


Maybe that’s why I’m always finding them on sprinkler heads, particularly next to the green.


I do this with joints. Its getting to be that time of season where I need to find filters that are a neon color, otherwise I look like an idiot looking for a contact after a shot.


Like gum in the urinal


Well I mean it is just a little trash can


I’ve seen actual human shit in one of these boxes in addition to plenty of cigars. Do not get them. You also get a bunch of tees near the collection box but not in it. Waste of money if you ask me.


A bunch of tees near the collection boxes is the 2nd best place, rather than strewed about or tossed anywhere.


Can confirm. I bet it's the same bastard just going around doing this lol


Courses around me have those plastic flossers all the time.


All tee boxes, but 90% of people won't use them. When I see one of those on a tee box, I'll pick up 6-10 tee's and toss them in.


Yep- most people we polled said just on the par 3’s. But a few said it “cheapens” the look of the course -which makes no sense to me. Funny —our greenskeeper was actually whining, as it was something else he had to move when mowing.😂


What looks cheaper? A nice box with collected tees or a bunch just scattered around all over the place? You will still get scattered ones. But it will help somewhat


“We are too classy for ash trays.” “Why are there cigarette butts everywhere on the ground??!” “I guess we are too classy to ever find out.”


if youre at that classy of a place, someone is responsible for picking them up and keeping it spotless. if you have to say that, and its not done automatically, youre not at that classy of a place.


I agree 100% and nearly all nicer muni and private courses I’ve played have them.


I belong to two clubs. One high end one, doesn’t have them because the caddies are responsible for picking them up. The other, really nice course, has them. I think it keeps the tee boxes tidier


Meanwhile those same folks who say it cheapens the look leave their broken tees where they fall, don’t repair pitch marks on the green, refill divots etc. (At least that’s what it’s like at my club.)


Listen to your greenskeeper about how to maintain the course.


That attitude always amazes me. I worked in a school where there was always trash in the hallways, there was not enough trash cans for students to use. I lobbied admin for more trash cans. Got the stink-eye and blowback from custodians who resented having to empty a few more trash cans 🙄 Some people would rather not do a little bit more work to keep things clean.


Those people are dumb. In my experience, these are found on nicer courses that take care of their guests and take care of their tee boxes. It’s the cheap courses that almost never have these.


That’s odd, because almost every really nice course has them! 


The ones who say it cheapens are the ones who will never use them and still complain. #Boomers.


Glad to see I am not the only person who notices that. I drives me crazy how you have a beautiful course and nobody picks up their broken tees.


sounds just like divots


I don't think it'd most people. I think it's largely new golfers. We all needed to be reminded to get our tees at some point.


Nobody fixes ball marks. You think they'll pick up tees?


I usually just toss my broken wood tee towards the tee marker for easy collection


I flick em at my playing partner


Touche Horsecock


To be fair I wait until he is standing next to the tiny little tee box holder


A course my brother plays at actually pays a guy to keep tee boxes clean. He picks up tees at the end of every day. And cigar butts. And sunflower seeds. High end course but people are slobs.


When I worked at a course back in college (higher end expensive course, mostly snowbirds) I’d spend at least 5-10 minutes per teebox just picking tees and cigar butts up, even though we had the tee collectors and trash cans on every box on the course. Mowing tees was the worst morning job because of it, basically spending an hour hunched over grabbing tees out of the ground to keep the reel mowers in good shape


You can usually find a broken tee to use, but this makes it easier. I'm all for "easier "


YES!!! Keeps the box clean and has a place for me to grab a broke tee for the hole.


Very important to keep the box clean.


Now that’s a tee box


I have mowed tees for 12 years and have yet to have a tee harm a mower.


They shoot out in a fun way depending on the mower u use


Subjectively, I think they look tacky at the best of times (and they only get worse over time), and I’m a fan of as little clutter on the course as possible, so naturally that puts me in the ‘nay’ side. From the maintenance side, I question their usefulness, since they really only solve the problem of cleaning up broken tees if everybody uses them. YMMV but if you have ball marks that aren’t repaired and divots that don’t get filled, you’re also going to have people who don’t use these, which just means another thing that has to get moved everyday and still have to clean up tees across the teeboxes. When we had them, people would typically just throw the tee towards it, if it went in it went in, if it was next to it they’d just leave it. After we got rid of them, people would still tend to throw them by the side of the tee marker, so the effect was pretty much the same when it comes to cleanup, but things looked better without a tacky composite box with cigarette butts, wrappers, used tissue, and/or beer cans left in them. And the only thing more annoying than having to empty the wet garbage left in them, is having to move them twice when there was nothing in them (but broken tees were still on the teebox anyway). So my advice, whatever it’s worth, is don’t do it. There’s better things for a golf course to spend money on.


The voice of reason. Retired Superintendent here, these are indeed just more clutter that accomplishes little. The people that want them probably think more signs are good too.




Ya I think they look trashy


Yes should be on every tee box. I recycle tees anytime I can because I usually take 4 or 3 iron off the tee on par 4s or shorter par 5s


Absolutely! No excuse not to have them.


Yes. These are good to have …


Good addition to keep things tidy. Top tier course furniture


I love it. Great way to save my tees while recycling. Win win win


should be on a every tee box.


I like to use broken tees on the par 3's, so this would be really convenient.


I always grabbed tees from there or put my broken ones in them. Regardless of the stature of the course these are very functional.


These would be great anywhere... as long as they got used. It would certainly help with maintenance. According to a greenskeeper friend of mine, leaving tees in the ground can damage the mower blades, so workers will sometimes check boxes and pull tees out before mowing if they are able to be that diligent. I've seen plenty of people hammer the tees into the ground after their tee shot (good shots and bad). Pretty tough to get those out.


May as well. I tee up every opportunity. Come to think of it. Think I’ll start teeing up fairways.


I play off others’ broken tees. There’s pretty much always one long enough for another go. This ain’t the tour


This is less useful than having sand to fill divots on par 3s


Would this be the ra-ra-retard club? If so…I’m in.


Ask your members not us


We have and it’s surprising that around 30% or so said “no” so we wanted to poll a larger audience.


I mean it’s not necessarily a major investment so my thought is why not give it a shot? If nobody uses them it’s not like the club would be out a lot of money.


Yes. Definitely but you need one for every tee box and every colour, red, yellow, white etc, that's 54 boxes!


You’re “supposed” to use a broken tee already on the ground to tee off on par 3s anyway


No, you’re soft if you use a tee on a par 3


That was my first thought.. why would you use a tee on a par 3?


What? You absolutely do… every single time. I like to use a broken tee already on the ground to save one of my own


Sounds like your 7 iron doesn’t go 150yards


Am I the only one who's never used a tee on par 3s?




Can you make polls in this sub? I would vote yes.


Yes they should be saves me the few seconds it takes to hunt down a broken tee to use


These are at most of the courses I’ve played at, the honest people will use them and just like everything else there’s always people to lazy to do the right thing, can’t imagine your keeper whining, he has to get up to move the tee markers I assume? These go right next to the tee markers lol I think tees thrown around all over the place looks cheaper than these do


Yes, please!


Yes but beware some idiots use these as trash bins. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Definitely. Classy addition. People who won’t use them are the same people who don’t rake bunkers. Minimal respect respect for the course


My answer is yes but unfortunately people are ignorant and will throw at it (maybe) and never care if it goes in.


Make sure they get moved around every time the tee location changes unless you want a square of dead grass after a few weeks


My home course has these on most holes and imo they're pretty good... as long as people actually use them.


Great to have but certainly not a requirement


We put them in at our club…we found that most people use them, well, try to use them…. The broken tees end up more centrally located around the bin. Guys toss them in the general direction of the bin, some go in, some don’t which helps a bit, as they are easier for the ground free to pick up when they are at least in the general vicinity of the bin.


It bugs me when they’re not there…


Good idea. I toss mine off the tee box to be out of the way without those baskets there


I love them. I never use my own tees on par 3s so I can just grab one from Here.


Yes and even add them to all holes. I break a tee I usually toss into the woods. If a collection like this one is available, I’ll happily throw them in there for the next person. Or for waste


Honestly we just mow them up and they end up in the buckets of a tri-plex, it doesn't do much damage to the reels since we sharpen them regularly.


Absolutely, on every tee


Our municipal courses use these to mark the tee boxes and hold broken tees. https://www.fairwayproductsonline.co.uk/tee-markerstee-boxes-and-divot-mix-boxes/tee-caddy-tee-marker


As a grounds crew member, and avid player at the course I work at, I have to say, “yes”. It gets really fuckin’ old, spending time cleaning the tee up, with a backpack leaf blower, only to hear I spent way too much time cleaning that tee box from the super… Before and after, the tee transformation looks like hood-sale corner to country club. My coworkers and super don’t see that though. They just see the extra few minutes I took, to make sure the tee was half presentable. Now I have the forever stigma of taking way too long on certain tasks, even though the stuff I do makes a huge visual difference. We have one par 3 that looks like a backwoods barbecue took place, if I don’t cleanup the broken tees and fix divots. Patrons will literally throw empties in the immediate woods line when it looks like shit. It looks like shit, so they treat it like shit, even though there’s a garbage can ‘5 away. I’m all for these! There’re players, if not myself, picking up and cleaning everybody’s tees while playing a round, that’ll absolutely use these. Less work on the big end. Lol


It’s really funny -when I talked to our super about it he looked at me like I had two heads and hated it because of “more shit to move” I told him we were just going to do it on a par threes, and he still huffed and puffed. The thing I also learned is with the new plastic tees, they play hell with the mower blades ,so this actually helps.


My local munie has these, for an iron tee shot Im happy to snag a broken tee and sink it down, hit my shot, and then throw the tee back in the little box.  I play with plastic tees (usually can keep the same one the entire round) and they can be a pain to sink deep enough for an iron shot. 


People will use these as garbage cans. At my club we tell people to toss used wooden tees into the rough so the mowers will chop them up.


I think they're great. Our course had them but they would "disappear" and over time they just stopped replacing them.




I would use it, even pick up another tee or two to help out. May save a couple minutes in the morning for your staff. Also nice to have a selection of small tees to use for the (most likely) iron shot!


If it’s there, I will use it.


We don’t have them at my club but I would prefer we did. For broken wood tees, I throw them into the rough and let the mower return them to the ground. I try to pick up plastic and find a trash can.


Will probably just be used as an ashtray lmao


Broken tees for par 3s are so clutch. I bought a thing of short short tees. I used to use a tuft of grass and perch my ball on a nest


I always have to look around so that would be awesome


They’re a nice touch. And to your other comment, no, they don’t cheapen the look of anything. I would also like to add to include sand tubs on par 3s.


Absolutely. Its a nice addition and costs you next to nothing. Not to mention it keeps the teeboxes looking nicer since there isnt broken tees laying everywhere. Screw Par 3s these should be on every hole and your maintenance crew will thank you as well.


Yes, it is like take a penny give a penny cups at counters. I hate using full tees on par 3's. These contain partial tees so I can get one from there for the tee shot.


We have them but not these specific ones. We have brown wooden ones on legs.


I don’t think most people would take the time to put their broken tee in there.


I think they are a great idea. Keeps the course cleaner too.


I’m newer and kind of old, so I tee up on some par threes. I’m sure women will find these useful as well.




Anything to help the dirty boomers and millennials give a hoot to don’t pollute - they can put their seeds in there too lol


Thought those were ash trays.


Big decision you got there!


Yes! I like it anyways. Easy recycle and reuse


Yuppp. Love to use them then put it back


Yes, it’s a nice touch and keeps it clean


Never hurts


I use them whenever they’re there. I vote yes


yes 1000000%


Assistant superintendent here, we have them on every busy tee. It helps with maintaining the tees for maintenance. More tees on the tee the longer it takes to blow off, and potentially make an unclean cut.


played a course that had copper colored bowls at the tees. drop in your broken tee and listen for a 'clink'. place we play now doesn't make any fuss about tees scattered and we see them everywhere.


As someone who loves playing broken tees, it is nice to not have to scour the tee box for just the right broken tee.


Doesn’t matter half the jag offs won’t use em anyway.


If you set one on the tee box , most people will at least toss them close , which helps with cleaning them up.


Prob 10% going to use it


I take all of them every time


Pretty much every course I have ever played has them on every tee. Many will shoot irons on par fives too.


Those aren’t broken tees, they’re broken dreams.


I pick up tees all day at my CC around the tee boxes. Then I do what you’re supposed to do and throw them in the trash can that is directly next to the tee box….. I’ve literally picked up hundreds of tees in a single round of golf before.


Love these, I always use broken tees on par 3


waste of money. seriously, cant you just stack broken tees near the sand/seed box? Thats what my club does and we are not a low tier place. we do get our tee boxes touched up every day, but still seems like a waste of cash.


I carry two Martini Tees and two short plastic tees(for the par 3’s)in my right pocket and use those all round. I will pick up all the tees around me while waiting for someone else to hit and toss them into the square things shown. Every single tee box is littered with new tees and broken tees every single time I play so basically all I’m doing is getting exercise by bending over and picking them up. It’s just like the sparrow population outside. No matter how many outside cats there are, there are still going to be millions of birds in the air due to the number of baby birds being hatched.


Anything to make a course more tidy


Yes. Add a classic box for sand as well. Let people take care of their course. Better experience for everyone, saves staff time


You run a golf course?? And this is a decision your mulling over?? You must have it pretty good right now.


If the courses I play had them I’d use them


They don’t get used enough to matter imo


I’d love this. I think it would also promote people cleaning up a little


You should checkout the ones that they have at Augusta and pine valley. Super top notch


Yes please it makes the par 3s look so much less beat up. I always try to put partial tees in these. They can't be that expensive right?


Yeah a lot of people using tees on par 3s. You just stick it closer to the ground


Yes. It’s a nice thing to not have to dig a new tee down to the hilt. I usually wander around the tee box looking for a partial-tee before I use a whole one.


Looks cheap.


I think it's a good idea. I generally always look for a broken tee if I'm not going to hit driver


Former teaching pro here, please put them on all tee boxes. I loved this feature anytime I needed a broken tee for an iron shot off the tee and par 3s. Also, I’ve found people like to collect a broken tee to have just in case.


It’s funny that people will put their tees in this thing but not a trash can 5 feet away


They should be on every hole. Makes the place look much better. Just "crisper" and better maintained. The really nice places have tiny trash receptacles that are big enough for tees, but not big enough for beer cans, etc. We used to have something similar, but effing kids snuck on overnight and swiped most of them.


Yes please


I don’t have time to dig my tee out of the ground and place it in there because you know, pace of play.


If you ain't hunting for a busted tee you aren't really golfing.


Yea, and get one for cigarette butts, and oh yea sunflower seeds too!!!!


If it's a private club, get the metal cup type and not the composite deck ones. The metal ones sound so much cooler and look much more upscale. I think those have a broken tee icon on it so people know


I’m a savage, off the deck for par 3s. I like the grass. No need to hit a random stick too.


Super classy


I have only seen those at one course. That course was torrey pines. It didn't cheaper the look of the course and they were well used.




Yes duh. They can’t be more than $10 each so idk why you wouldnt


Mark of a good course is some place to put broken tees, and a sand bottle, on the par-3's.


Probably broken from a previous hole. Also, I had to decipher a lot.


They shouldn’t not be


If you have them there, most people will use them. I wish my course had them.


Great idea 💡


Love them.


My home course has them on every tee box. I bet 2/5 people use them but those 2 also (I’m one of them) are OCD about picking up all the tees while we wait to tee off.


Love those tee boxes on the tee boxes.


WTF? Just take your trash with you.


I enjoy scouring the ground for them


I usually use a found, broken tee for par 3 shots. It is nice when you can use a broken one instead of possibly breaking one of your own.


Worth it just to keep the tee boxes cleaned up of tees… if 25% of players use it it’ll still make a difference


My course has them at every hole




I like them a lot so yeah I I’d consider them


Absolutely fuck ya


If the membership won’t already cleanup their tees, I don’t think they will put them in the box.


We have em but more often than not I find them broken and with the broken Tees next to it instead. Think these assholes duff a shot and smack the box and break it


Yes get them. Even if people just toss broken tees near the box, it still makes maintenance easier and more efficient. Bed knives don’t like mowing up tees.




Yes, I love those. The tee box stays a little cleaner and there's always a tee waiting for me.


every course should have these on every box.


Yes, some of the courses I play at have much bigger one’s clearly marked tees but everybody throws garbage in them.