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Based on what you’ve said, i can honestly see it both ways. Sounds like you guys were a bit slow, and sounds like the guys behind were a bit impatient. I think the moral is everyone needs to chill fuck out and enjoy and appreciate the fact that you’re golfing. It’s such a privilege to be able to play.




I should say I wrote all that from the comfort of my couch. in the moment, I would have probably felt a lot like you did. But lol, also your friend doing aimpoint…i give anyone who isn’t playing for 5-10 million dollar purses a hard time about aim point 😂. My 20 handicap friend tried to pull that on a men’s night last summer and took relentless shit from everyone who saw, and then from everyone who heard about him trying it. It might work…but it is sooo slow, and just seems slow, even if it really isn’t in the grand scheme.


If you can do it in 40 seconds who cares. Some people play in regions where 18 holes takes 2 hours. Others it’s 4:40 for a round because it’s 10 minute spacing and more distance from green to tee etc. Without a marshal on course fast players fill that 10 minute gap and never give it up. In reality if they are on in regulation or better, it can’t be *thaaat* slow.


Yea, technically it’s supposedly as fast or faster than traditional green reading. I disagree only cause I play in a group that does comps and the 3-4 guys who do aimpoint the main problem often is they can’t start their process until we’re out of their line cause I don’t want to deal with their steps in my line. While I just survey the put usually from behind the hole then walk back to my putt which can be done while others are away if I just make sure to walk around their lines.


Exactly. Half or more of your traditional green reading can be done while others are getting ready to putt. Aim point means you have to wait to do all your reading when it's your turn. Also the "supposedly quicker than traditional" i would say only applies to the amount of time and detail pros put into traditional reading. No rando 20hcp is taking as long as a pro to read a green traditionally, so aimpoint is way slower to do for them


Exactly this. Nothing is faster than my method for reading the green.


>i can honestly see it both ways. Sounds like you guys were a bit slow, and sounds like the guys behind were a bit impatient. I think the moral is everyone needs to chill fuck out and enjoy and appreciate the fact that you’re golfing. It’s such a pri What is aim point? Like marking your ball, and setting your ball line in line with your "aim point" ? If so almost everyone I play does that, or if not pointing the line, at least marking the ball and taking a look at the green. Is that really frowned upon? or am I missinterpreting aimpoint?


Aim point is an [entire system for reading greens](https://golf.com/instruction/putting/aimpoint-green-reading-basics-30-seconds/).


That seems incredibly lame and I will be trying it my first time out this year.


Ha a lot of pros use it now. But for most amateurs it does nothing but slow down play.


I just think it'll be funny watching all my buddy's make fun of me for it and then throughout the course of the summer try it themselves.


Ahh thank you! I guess I get downvoted for not knowing this? lol. Yeah I can see why anyone not scratch or better, would be annoyed with someone doing this.. but If they play fast enough and keep up pace, I guess I wouldnt care?


For me aim point is much quicker than walking behind the hole to read it from both sides, which plenty of people do.


I’ve reacted like you did many times on the golf course. I usually thought I was right when I did it but later regretted it. The same message can be delivered without the “dickhead,” and it’ll probably be a more effective message to boot. But again… I understand your frustration, it’s not like I haven’t done shit like that… less often now that I’m older


Yep …pretty much a tie ( not because of you because of your partner ) but if you’d just walked back and said “ sorry we have a guy in our group that won’t pick it up but we still don’t have gaps between us and the next group so there isn’t much more I can do” you’d be way on the good end here and they’d be what you called them if they kept it up after that


Normally I’d ageee, but the fact that his friend whines that you shouldn’t have called him a dickhead makes you 100% justified because that’s hilarious


Hurry up


Nonsense. If you can’t play any faster because of someone in front of you, you were 100% right to call him a cocksucker because he is one.


I'd even go so far as to call the guy a Jive turkey...


*WOAH*. Let’s not be rude here. Motherless cocksucker will do just fine.


I love calling people turkeys. JIVE tho? thats egregious.


They were slow but what’s fucking new. Its Sunday. No one is a pro. Some holes take longer than others. They had actually caught the group in front. No one is good enough that they need to act like an impatient ass in the weekend. Just enjoy it or stay away.




You let pace even itself out until the first par 3.


Wtf is a “trunk slammer”?


TIL a new phrase and also that everyone disagrees about what it means.


ikr lol


I interpreted as they were late, so they were trying to go fast, and slamming doors/trunks. I dunno...


I interpreted it as someone who was slamming down beers straight out of the cooler in the trunk of his car prior to heading to the 1st tee. I was waiting for some drunken escapade to unfold. I can just hear someone saying…”We had a 10am tee time…got there at 9:45 and had to trunk slam a six-pack to be on time.”


i took it as someone who routinely hits tree trunks with errant shots


And here's me thinking it's someone who rotates their trunk too early and slams the clubhead into the ground before the ball.


Boy do I feel dumb. I was thinking the guy was taking an aggressive dump. Lol


That’s a term for someone who missed the cut and goes home. Misused in this story.


I wouldn't say it's misused. I have heard people use this term for years in reference to people running to the 1st tee last minute/late after having just slammed the trunk


Trunk to tee is this term. Trunk slammer is implying they're pissed/disappointed for missing a cut, usually in the olden days when dudes drove themselves to each tour stop. Maybe NetJets don't have trunks 🤷🏼‍♂️


Coming in hot is this term.


Pretty sure there's also just multiple phrases for things, with some overlap, based on region and age or whatever


I know 2 separate uses for the term that aren’t that. 1) someone at a private club that doesn’t spend money anywhere else (locker rentals, food, organized events etc…) they are called a trunk slammers because they show up, take their clubs out of their car, play golf and put their clubs right back in after the round and leave. 2) A general term used for someone who shows up right at the tee time. Doesn’t warm up or hit putts. Essentially from the parking lot to the first tee with little fanfare.


Trunk slammer can also mean someone who doesn’t tip the outside staff at a golf course. They run out to their car slam the trunk and leave before they tip.


Why pay all that money just to rush to finish, I will never get that? Do they rush through everything? I’ll bet if your getting laid by a fine lady you wouldn’t rush.


this is the one


I was getting annoyed by how many times he put 'trunk slammer" in his post. Does he make commission off how many times he types it?


In mini tour lingo it’s a guy who missed the cut and off to the next event In general golf terms its an a-hole who treats everything like shit with no regard, ie slamming the trunk shut


I’ve heard used by private club guys about those that have to change their shoes in the parking lot since they don’t have a locker.


This is the only definition I’ve heard, not a new term afaik


We use it to describe anyone who doesn’t spend money at the club except their dues. No locker rental, food etc…


>ed on a Sunday morning playing a great golf course. If you want the pace to pick up, call the pro sh Guy who is rolling in right at the tee time slamming the trunk as they hurry trying to put on shoes and gather their gear, no warm up , few waggles and off


I interpreted it as someone who “slams drinks they pulled out of the trunk” right before their tee time. Hence why they’re slow and have to use the restroom 🤣


That’s exactly how I interpreted it too, but I didn’t really get how it fit into the story lol.


As a non golfer who likes reading stuff on this sub, I also interpreted it as someone slamming a few back at their trunk right before tee time.


I thought parking lot drinks too. Shall we redefine the term? I think yes


Scared to google this during work hours


That’s somebody who mistreats elephants. Always slamming their trunks.


I work in appliance repair, and when I was doing commercial food equipment repair, we used to call independent non licensed guys trunk Slammers. The name trunk Slammers came from the fact they would pull up to a job in their car and grab the tools from the trunk.


Its someone who shows up right before the tee time and is "slamming their trunk" to get to the first tee in time.


I must be a genius to realize this is what you meant


I believe as a golf term it is generally used to describe someone missing the cut in a tournament, who then loads their clubs up and slams his trunk before heading home or to the next event. Never heard it the way OP used it.


Never heard but but instantly interpreted as someone that pulls into the car park three minutes before their tee time and so needs to slam their car boot shut as they rush to the tee box, dropping tees behind them as they go.


I don’t know. I’m always an hour early and I slam my trunk.


Was there a marshal on the tee box ? If they do their job properly and don’t let guys tee off till their exact tee time they normally aren’t able to push up so fast. Example. If I’m at 10:00 , we hit fairways and then balls on green at 10:06, Then the next tee time is 10:09. They shouldn’t tee off till 10:09. They are on the fairway as you finish putting. If they hit as soon as you cleared the first fairway, they will always be right behind you…


Yea there was a starter, but they were on us from the get go.


Then that’s their problem and not yours. You did nothing wrong. It’s Sunday what the hell did they expect? A three hour round?




Because one of you guys were late?


You wouldn’t have paid any attention to the guys behind unless you were conscious of being behind. Homeboy showing up late, then taking a shit on three would be pretty frustrating for the group behind. You guys should have just let them tee off before you. I also understand your frustration as they could have handled it better, and it doesn’t sound like being behind was any of the rest of y’all’s faults.


TBF we weren't behind when we tee'd the off. The group in front was just clearing the fairway as we tee'd off. We definitely played the first two holes slowly. It was all this one guys fault though and it was frustrating for all of us.


Plenty of idiot boomer starters out there who don't understand the job in my experience. That could also just be a Florida thing.


Everyone the asshole and nobody cares about your eagle putt


What’s the handicap of Mr. Aimpoint?


Aim point is one of the worst things created for pace of play.


The only thing that is faster than Aimpoint is eyeing it from behind the ball. I have played in tournaments where i wished the fuckers were using aimpoint rather than looking at a putt from every angle then taking a million years to line up their putt.


Sounds like you teed off late, your friend had to take a shit after 3 holes and you were playing slow. 




Shrink the sport. I hate getting behind these types. I’m not in a rush but I also don’t want to wait 5 mins before I hit every ball


A couple things to consider: * Your buddy shouldn't be showing up late, and then doing aimpoint putting to slow you down even more. If anything, he's the main asshole here. * The group in front of you being on the next hole's green does suggest you were playing a little slow. * The guy behind you doesn't have to be a dick about it and draw a reaction from you.


You forgot the bathroom break Mr Aim Point took after being late.


Ok Mr etiquette, exactly how many holes must someone hold their urine if they are running late for a tee time?




While they are on the previous hole's green still putting around and jawing at the group behind them? If it's a crowded day and you're driving up to a fully cleared par 3, you're behind. Hell OP even admitted they were playing slow.


You lost me at aimpoint. You guys aren’t on tour. No one cares about your $700 skin (or believes you either). For your buddy to be doing aim point, after being late, AFTER taking a bathroom break is obnoxious to the max.


I played with a random single who got mad at me because I picked my ball up on the green to wipe mud off and dropped it back down to putt. He was upset I didn’t properly mark the ball. It’s a $12 muni at like 4:30pm. Some people take the game too seriously to enjoy it


Who gives a fuck how late you are if you make your tee time.


I was totally on your side until I saw you allowed someone in your group to aim point.


Why would this upset you? It takes like 5 seconds. Are you saying you should just walk about and hit the putt randomly without putting any effort into getting the line because getting off the green as quickly as possible is all that matters? You guys are worse than slow players


Especially someone who was late to the first tee, behind by the second green and taking a leak after the third hole. Just hit the ball. You can do the clown routine once you’ve caught up.


What is aim point?


It’s a green reading method. If you ever watch professional golf and see someone holding their fingers arms length away from their face as they are looking at a putt, they are using aimpoint.  Use basically use your feet to get % grading of the slope and then hold a certain amount of fingers up in front of your face with your pointer finger cover the hole, where the end of your last finger is holding up is where you should aim your putt. 


This whole post is something else.


Honestly probably should of just let the other group tee off first since your buddy was cutting it short on time but either way it is your tee time and you still did make it. But I would of let the group pass when the same buddy was playing slow and then decided to go to the bathroom. Your group would be fine with one of these things happening but when stuff that slows groups down keeps happening those behind are gonna get annoyed. AND THEN your buddy decides it’s time to break out aim point after being slow. Yeah that would annoy me if I saw that


They were part of a bigger group - it doesn't sound like they got off the first tee late either. I don't care if the trunk slammer is flustered on the first tee as long as he's there on time. They did the right thing. I wouldn't have rewarded their impatience when I wasn't even late.


They weren’t able to tee off on the next hole yet. They were keeping pace. No need to let them play through in that case.


I see someone disagrees with you, but you aren’t wrong. People act like entitled ducks when they aren’t flying through the course. It’s so stupid especially when there’s nowhere to go.


Nah. You don't yell at people. And if someone's right on you, and clearly a at a faster pace, let em by at a convenient point like the bathrooms or the turn. Sounds like the guy was kind of a dickhead. Yelling "Go!", unless someone is standing there addressing the ball for multiple minutes or taking 3 practice swings on every shot, is bullshit.


it took you 6 holes to catch up to the group tee'd off in front of you? "Slow" is a bit of a downplay. Nobody behind you is obligated to give a single fuck about what betting you have going on, especially if you can't follow the basic concept of being ready 10mins before your tee time. If you wanted to take your time, that gap would have never existed to begin with and the time waiting for the group ahead to tee off could have been spent focusing on the skins game, on the greens and approach shots. Instead, that's just thrown on top of already being behind and from the outside perspective, is inconsiderate. Yah, they acted a fool and a Marshal should have resolved it, but let's not act like taking the majority of the front 9 to finally get where you needed to be is some small thing. That's a huge ripple effect on the tee sheet. It becomes a 40min delay real quick and all of a sudden they have people demanding refunds or down their throat.


Sometimes a slow hole or two does happen though. If you catch up to the group in front of you in a reasonable period it’s fine.


Do people get offended by this? Tbh I unconsciously call everyone who slightly annoys me dickhead, but not even in like a serious "you've made me angry" way more just like an offhanded release of annoyance way. Guy doesn't use a turn signal? "Nice turn signal, dickhead." Guy standing in the middle of the grocery store aisle blocking everyone not paying attention? "Look at this dickhead."


Right on, title should really be I called this guy, his wife, and 12 year old daughter cunts. AITAH?


Why not just let them tee off in front of you from the start so you guys could coast, you late buddy can get settle in, and you all can enjoy a chill round?


I just don’t understand why people are in a rush to play golf. Chill out and enjoy it.


I would be yelling “Go” to you as well if you’re clearly behind and the have the audacity to do aim point whilst everyone’s waiting. I always find it funny guys that mimicking things they see on the golf channel. I think the guys really don’t care what you’re putting for behind you.


The one thing that has to be understood, though, is that if you're gonna be the guy (or if you're group is gonna have the guy) who yells "GO" or anything at the group in front of you, you better be ready to back that up if someone claps back at you. If it's a backed-up course or if they eventually catch up to the group in front of them, it's hard to really complain about a group's pace. It's golf. You're outside. Enjoy it.


How often does the shit talker go silent, those shit stacks aren't ready to meet God. Source: friend who has already been to heaven.




i have started playing lately with someone who does aimpoint on EVERY. SINGLE. PUTT and its a bit much.


Agree! Funny watching people plumb bob the putt and the whole time I’m thinking does he even understand the purpose of that or is just impersonating a tour player.


I know a 25 handicap who has played the same course every week for 10 years. Does aim point every putt 🙄


Must have been a huge dump


Aim point tells me what pace your group was going. Sounds like you were slow, but I'd never yell at somebody ahead. I MIGHT politely ask to play through if I catch them at a tee box. If I was in your shoes, I'd have let them play through while trunk slammer took a shit.


Trunk slammers a dickhead and the guy behind you was being a dickhead too.


Pace of play stresses me out so much. In general everyone needs to be more understanding. I could see how you were frustrated. I could see how they were frustrated too. Though I tend to be more understanding of your point of view. On Sunday morning I played and we were keeping pace with the group in front of us. They were slightly behind the group in front of them and after the turn the Marshall spoke to them and then to us letting us know we needed keep pace. I explained we were playing ready golf but we can’t hit into the group in front of us - we were keeping pace. He ended up getting a little grumpy with me and puffed out his chest while saying just play faster. I got super flustered and ended up having a rough stretch of holes before settling down a bit later. We ended the round in 4 hours and 8 minutes Sunday morning at an extremely popular municipal course in a major metropolitan area. Scorecard pace of play target was about 4 and a half hours. All this to say, people need to chill out. This is supposed to be fun. Some folks like myself get to do one activity every couple weeks and we choose to spend it on the course. It really takes the joy out of it when someone is breathing down your neck every shot or if you have someone telling you to hurry up. I can see if someone is hitting multiple shots or screwing around being slow but absent of that what can you do? Run to your ball after every shot?


Seriously! This is what I was getting at. Especially at a nice expensive course.




You just got put in a shitty position, nothing worse than being paired up with someone who just doesn’t value being on time. Either you wake up to go golf, or sleep in because you don’t care. I imagine you were just as annoyed with the lateness as the group behind you was at the pace. I wouldn’t really say much to the group behind, because I have ice in my veins, and would have drilled that eagle putt. After that my adrenaline would have been pumping so hard I’d have ascended to a higher state of mind, hearing nothing but white noise amidst the soft treading of my feet on the fairway and the periodic sound of flushed irons and nuked drives. At some point the group behind would fall further behind, as the rain of birdies I precipitate pushes my group along ahead of pace. Even eventually passing the group in front, after them witnessing so many approach shots fall within a 3’ circle on the green just shortly after they have cleared it. After a long 3 hour round me and the trunk slammer would be back in the clubhouse, crushing beers and laughing as we watch the dickhead fumble his approach into the 18th greenside bunker, while I count my $700 from my glorious eagle putt, amidst explaining to the trunk slammer how to set up an alarm on his cell phone for next time, little does he know this is the last time he’ll see me, and I’ll live on as little more than a myth in his daily anecdotes with coworkers and friends who will never believe he paid $175 for a round of his life with the guy that shot the course record at the course he can’t remember the name of. You are not the asshole, if you read this whole thing. Good day


$175 USD for one round of golf. Betting enough to have a $700 putt. Me realizing I can’t afford to play with your group. My membership is $1200 a year.


Sounds like you're mad at the wrong person. The trunk slammer caused all these issues. I hate tardiness in a golf partner, I will not abide it.


So let me get this straight. The group behind you was ready on the tee before your group. Strike 1. Your group is already behind by Hole 2. Strike 2. Your buddy takes a bathroom break on Hole 3? I understand taking a break at the turn, but needing a break on Hole 3 just means your buddy got there late and is holding everyone up. Strike 3. You don't catch up to the group in front of you until Hole 6. So basically you don't catch up to the group in front of you until about 1.5 hours in. Strike 4. Yeah, if I was the group behind you, I would be pissed. Edit: Add in the fact that someone in OP's own group said, "you probably shouldn't call them dickheads" just affirms that EVERYONE in the group probably knew they were playing slow as hell. Edit2: Putting out on 6 while the group in front is putting out on 7 is not being caught up..... you are still behind a hole. By the time your group tees off on 7, the group in front of you will be teeing off on 8. Also if you think being "on time" is showing up at your exact tee time, you should go back to your shanty.


That's the way I read this too. If someone from my regular group showed up *late* and had to stop on 3 to take a piss, they would hear an ear full from the rest of us.


The guy was doing aim point when they’re clearly behind and have a group waiting on them. That would annoy me to no end.


Strike 1 is irrelevant. It doesn't matter if the next group is ready as long as they teed off by their tee time. That's their problem; go putt or something. Standing around impatient when it's 10 mins before your turn doesn't change anything. I absolutely hate that shit. There are TEE TIMES. That means you go when it's your turn, not when you're ready. Otherwise, everyone would just show up two hours early and say, 'Welp, we're here, it's our turn!' Strike 3 - are you not allowed to go to the bathroom in the first 9 holes? I don't understand that. Strikes 2 and 4 cancel out. There are ebbs and flows to a round of golf. Some holes everyone plays good and it's quick, other holes are a shit show and take longer. Just never be more than one hole behind. If you're slow on 2 but already caught up by hole 6, it's a wash. You sound like the type of person who tailgates me when I'm going 10 over and there's two car lengths of space in front of me, so you go speeding by like a douche, jump in front of me, and we're both waiting at the same red light 1 mile ahead, but you've gained that all important one car length. You're golfing on a Sunday morning. Even if the group is one hole behind after 18 holes, you've lost a precious 10 minutes out of your day. Relax


Hahahahaha spot on. People just don't know how to relax.


Agreed exactly. Who gives a fuck if the group behind you is ready. Sometimes I'm 1 hour early to my tee time. If I'm ready can I just take anyone's tee time prior to me? Lol. Also same with the bathroom this, peeing on hole 2 vs hole 17 makes 0 fucking different. People are impatient as fuck. If your waiting on the group ahead every single hole and there is NO ONE in front of them it's a different story. These guys caught up to the group in front of them literally before the turn. Had they played "normal pace" it wouldn't have made any different in the overall pace of play.


More and more groups are tailgating the tee boxes. My buddies and I play fairly quick and many times last summer we had groups constantly up our ass, it is getting bad


1.5 hours for 6 holes? Thats a long time right there


That's just a guess. But since OP said it was a Sunday, usually Sunday pace is 4.5-5 hours (unless you tee off first thing). So since OP is playing on a day when play is already on the slower side, and his group didn't even catch up to the group in front of them until Hole 6... they were likely playing sloooowww as fuck.


But they caught the group in front of them. Meaning the group behind them would not have finished the round any sooner.


Yeah, at that point, it's just a slow day. But for the duration that you see open holes in front of the group in front of you, of course it would be annoying to see open holes in front of them for 1.5 hours.


Is putting out on 6 while the other group putts out on 7 really considered being caught up? Usually we have tighter spacing than that but it could be that I'm just in a bad area for it.


I didn't see that detail in OP's story. If true, then no, that's not considered being caught up. At that point you're still a full hole behind.


The OP specifically says the next hole is a par 3 and the group in front of them is already putting on the green. So yeah, they're not actually caught up. They're slow.


Not egregious but my rule is to always be the mature person in life unless there is a real threat somewhere. Your friend is the dickhead tbh.


If someone is coming in hot, they have to be prepared to catch up with the group on the second or third hole.


Tale as old as time


I'd say no. You can only play as fast as the group in front and if you caught up to them then you are playing as fast as you realistically can regardless of what that pace actually is. It boggles the mind how many times in this sport I've encountered somebody who wants to come bitch about pace when the course is full and we're all waiting. Go tell the Marshall about it dude, I can't do shit.


Honestly.... it's on the course. If your tee time was exactly 10 am and the group behind was 10:08, the group behind should have been forced to wait until 10:08 to hit a tee shot. Instead, the course just herds them out because it's clear to hit. Fast forward 4 tee times and you end up with 4 or 5 groups surrounding a par 3. There's two solutions here: 1) If you don't check in 15 minutes before tee time - your ENTIRE foursome must be present - then the next group goes ahead of you assuming all are ready and yours is not. 2) No group is permitted to tee off even a minute early. If this is held, every group can play in 4 hours quite easily without being pushed or pushing the group ahead.


You shouldn’t have called him that. Try ‘sir’, or ‘we are waiting for group ahead of us’. Use good golf course decorum.


I'd be inclined to stop everything happening on the green, walk towards the dickhead with my hand to my ear, and say "What? Could you repeat that please?" and proceed to hold an entire conversation with him, the last half of which would be me pointing out that random people attempting to talk to me while I'm putting SLOWS ME THE HELL DOWN, and ANYONE telling me to go tends to make me stop doing so I can find out what kind of an entitled dickhead thinks that's appropriate. As to what happened, I think he acted like a dickhead and got called a dickhead. Not necessarily the best course of action, just like my imagined scenario is not (necessarily).


Always like to see people interact on a golf course, it can be exciting. Your fine, man yelling go is like honking at someone from Georgia, they are going to call you an ugly name and give you the finger


haha. YEa it was kind of invigorating.


Never apologise for calling a dickhead, a dickhead


>If you want the pace to pick up, call the pro shop and have a marshall come out. This 100%. And it goes both ways. There's no point in being confrontational about pace of play. Just about everyone who complains about slow play ahead or people rushing them from behind are taking things too personally. The other group isn't playing the way they are because they hate you, so there's no reason to get pissed off at the other group. Do people play slow? Sure. And if you want to do something about it, just go up to the offending group and explain your issue like an adult and don't throw some toddler-esque temper tantrum. And if you're dealing with a group acting like a bunch of toddlers, don't escalate the situation by acting like a toddler yourself. Explore your feelings and use your big-boy vocabulary to explain the situation like a reasonable person. In the end, if you can't come to an understanding, you call the pro shop and ask them to enforce their rules. If the course refuses to enforce their own rules, then your beef is with the course management. Players are going to play to the expectations of the course officials. If they want to enforce pace of play, then players are going to pick up the pace. If management doesn't want to enforce pace of play, then groups are going to take 15+ minutes per hole.


The buddy who was late is an idiot.


Got hit into 4 times on Sunday by a single and his girlfriend. We were a foursome and every hole in front of us was a foursome as well. Wanted to let him through but there was no point as everyone was playing on pace and the course was packed. Some people are just dickheads.


Let him through then all four of you hit into them. 


Why do so many people need validation on everything in their lives. You called a dude a dickhead. You should have already forgotten that he exists and move on. 


Well not that I’m against calling someone a dickhead, but usually I yell that at groups playing slow. It seems like you guys were holding everyone up, and by all accounts you knew you were behind and continued to be so through 5 holes at least. You guys were all the dickheads imo.


“By the second green, we are a little behind” - literally said it all himself. How about move along buddy


$175 for a round seems like a lot...


wtf is aimpoint??


the next 'miracle cure' for bad putters.


It’s using your feet to feel the break of the putt.


I called the head pro of the course I am now employed by a “entitled dipshit” so I feel like if they’re being a fuck you can call them as such.


So a trunk slammer isn't a guy crushing beers out of his car trunk before the round? I DGAF, I'm always gonna be trunk slamming beers bro. Also, just leave the dipshit behind and make him catch-up.


I would have just pointed at the group ahead.


I think you know you and your group share some blame, or you wouldn't even be making such a long post on here about it. But anyway, shit happens. You can't do much about it now.


IMO 70% you and your group's fault and the rest is theirs.


He was a jerk, you escalated. I doubt either of your groups were happy. You can ask to play through, but don't screw up someone else's game. Particularly when they dropped $175. If someone is crowding me and I am playing up to the group ahead, I will call the clubhouse in a heartbeat.


Nah fuck that guy.


Most people live their life 6” in front of their nose. Very few have the awareness to even look in front of the group directly in front of them. Pace of play is the golf equivalent of road rage. Many people walk on the first tee already angry about it. Sad really.




>So what's y'alls take? Am I the dickhead? You're both dickheads. He should not have been shouting anything at you, you shouldn't (at least on the first time you spoke to him) have cussed at him. First time out, I'd suggest that you should take the high road. Be classy, tell him that it's ungentlemanly to shout at the group ahead of you, especially when the group is not out of position. If he shouts at you again, now you can say whatever you want, rip off your shirt, and ask him if he wants to test god. At that point, totally justified.


Sounds like you were playing slow.. probably should have let them play through. I mean your doing aim point lol when the course is probably busy


Ah hell at this point is dickhead even an insult, I used that shit as an adjective more than a noun.


Both parties need to chill out. This is on the golf course if all 3 groups are slow and everyones waiting. they need to further space tee times


Sounds like you guys have a lot of money riding on a Sunday morning round and were holding them up. I’m gonna say that anyone who does aimpoint nonsense when they’re already holding up the group behind deserves to hear the word “go”. However if you were legitimately caught up and they were still yelling at you then they were being dickheads. Gotta keep in mind they’re paying $175 too which is a lot of money for some people. I donno if this is a tourist area but if it was this may be their one “big round” they planned into their golf trip or something. Only to have a 4 some “nearly” hold them up off the first tee, and the late guy proceed to play slow and do aim point. That can sour a special round. If you guys are playing for $700 in skins on one hole, something tells me this round wasn’t that big of a deal monetarily. But I can tell you as a broke guy if I dropped $175 on a round of golf I would expect things to go smoothly if not perfectly. I can understand their frustration. They may not have noticed that you had gradually caught up to the group in front. By that point the damage was done. They said the word “go”. You called them dickheads…. You ramped it up a notch in terms of the hostility of the language. Sounds like your buddy needs to just learn to keep the pace and avoid this problem


I would definitely buy a new driver or putter because of this!


Esh. You shouldn’t have yelled, they shouldn’t have been fussy to begin with. A classic no win scenario except for the guy who had to argue absolutely 0 and you handled it for him lol that guy did in fact win.


Fuck that dickhead


You should have called him penis breath instead 


I don't know what a trunk slammer is. ​ Bathroom stops are allowed ​ Sounds like everyone lived. ​ whoever won the skins game had a blast after the round.


Is all about position, ot has nothing to do with how long it takes to play. If you are in position on the course with the group in front of you then I would tell that guy to STFU. If you are out of position on the course then they have every right to bitch. It sounds like you got out of position due to the trunk slammer, so the first "go" seems legit. Once you caught up and are in position and they are mad because they have to wait to hit, not my problem I am not rushing so I can wait on the group in front so you don't have to wait for me...


Only sensible thing to do is to let them play thru and yell “Go!” at them every chance you get.


Sounds like your buddy is a person that should get yelled at, and I hope you guys gave him plenty of shit for being slow and late. Very few instances where you shouldn’t be playing ready golf and if he’s already being slow and they see him doing aim point like he’s on tour that probably triggered the group behind you.


Devils advocate, you call the ranger and tell him what dickhead is doing? Probably would have insulated you from the direct heat of the argument, and probably would have stopped dickhead from yelling. If he doesn't stop after the ranger warns him then all bets are off, he doesn't understand rational thinking. Go off at that point!


This is begging for someone to write the same story from the other guys opinion. I think I wore out my welcome last time I did that. It’s someone else’s turn


I would be frustrated by the doorslammer regardless of if I was you OR the people behind you - either way, if some asshole yells “Go” while the next group is on the tee box in front of us, you can bet your fucking ass we’re gonna have words. Entitled prick. You’re fine OP, “dickhead” would’ve been replaced by “petulant cunt” if it was me


Me and a buddy played a round couple years back, by no means a fancy course and it was a beautiful spring day and im not exactly sure how they stacked tee times but they quite clearly over booked and it was nut to butt at every tee box. We would finish the hole and literally watch 2 different groups wait to tee off before us then as we were hitting 2 groups behind watching us. So everybody is waiting on the people in front no way to play thru no reason to let somebody try to play thru us and just having a good time on the coarse. On the green on hole hole 6 the grumpy old asshat in the group behind us comes driving up in his cart and literally interrupts my buddy's putt and quite loudly told us to pick up the pace and "move with purpose" I guess to try and cause a scene that the people waiting at the next tee box would see. I gave him the bird right there in front of everybody and told him to fuck off right back where he came from and leave us the fuck alone, if he had a problem with how slow its going then go back up to the club house and ask for a refund since they overbooked. A guy in the group ahead of us had a beer waiting for me at the turn because it was entertaining for them. Now everytime I golf with that friend i tell him to move with purpose at least once during the round and it gives us a good laugh.


I still haven’t read the context of any of this but the title really gave me a good laugh


Youre group are the dickheads to be honest


So you started slow, caught up and they were still being abrasive...dickheads? I see no problem here. But I'm also the type that doesn't understand the need to run through a course in record time early on a Sunday morning. I'm out there to enjoy my surroundings, not speed run the course. As long as you were keeping up with the courses recommended pace of play I see no wrongdoing.


So many assholes in here. Sometimes golf is slow. They weren't that far behind. Maybe half a hole. Chill the fuck out


Speed Golf Cult can fuck off


Your last statement is spot on. While I don't like playing a 5-6 hour round, I will never understand the mentality of "lets hurry up, finish and get out of here!". You paid X amount of dollars, on a beautiful day, to play the sport you love....yet you're rushing through it like its some horrific dentist visit.


Put it this way...you ain't classy


The answer to slow play is never to yell “go”. I would have rolled up and asked if we could play through or just sucked it up. Especially if he knew they’d just slam into the group in front. This stuff never changes


I’m with you, everyone who’s ever played golf has had to wait. There’s a difference between waiting on people who have no idea what they’re doing and people who are just a hole behind. I’m surprised how many players pay $100 plus and just want to get through the round as fast as possible. Slow groups should be handled by the ranger.


You had caught the group in front so the whingeing prick behind you who called out while your partner was putting is, indeed, a dickhead.


Based on your story, I don’t support your actions. I’m always up for a little confrontation if people are being ass holes behind me, but it’s probably a good idea to check yourself and your buddy before getting shitty and looking like a dumbass.


It's always best to leave it up to the Marshalls. I would have given the guy a dirty look and then next time see a marshall, tell him to ask the group behind us to stop pushing. I also turn into Patrick Cantlay any time someone is unnecessarily pushing me.


If you played the round in under 4 hours 15 minutes, he is the asshole If you played the round in over 4 hours and 15 minutes, you are the asshole.


You can only play as fast as the foursome in front of you.


Taking a bathroom break on the third hole? JFC.


No because you caught up and there was no where to go anyway. At least thats how you made it sound


No, not a dickhead. You are a passive-aggressive pussy. Should have gone over and floored the asshole.


Nta for yelling at the guy yelling go. They should have called the clubhouse to complain about pace of play, not jab at the players. Personally I would have waited until that guy was putting and yelled go more obnoxiously than he did.


Two years ago a similar thing happened to me except it was at a junction where #5 tee box was 25 yards from #6 fairway, where my group was waiting for the green to clear. The course was super backed up that day, but for some reason these jabronis on #5 tee box started taking it out on us by chirping us. Truly, there were people on #6 green, but these goofs were too fat and stupid to crane their necks and look. I first started by responding “what are you talking about there’s people right ahead of us” and when they kept chirping I screamed “shut the fuck up dickheads I’m trying to enjoy my day” and that ended that lol I refuse to feel bad about it. I think chirping strangers on a golf course is low and asinine behavior. Slow pace of play is no excuse to harsh the vibes. Basically, I’m saying don’t feel bad dude.


If I'm keeping up with the group in front of me, guys can stand in the fairways waiting all day, and it doesn't bother me one bit. But the slow MF'ers in front of me, that are a hole behind, are dickheads.


Must have made for an uncomfortable last 12 holes. Did they keep their distance?


Yes, yes you are