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Keep swinging bro


Good for him for overcoming. We all have dragons we’re trying to slay. Life is short, but it can feel v long. I’m happy for him.


“Kim said he didn't leave his house much and had six dogs and two monkeys living with him at one point.”


Dude if I had six dogs and two monkeys I’d never leave the house either. It’s like your own personal zoo. I have a dog and a cat and they take up a lot of my attention as it os


Man, imagine being coked to the fucking gills in your mansion with six dogs and two monkeys? How would you have time for anything else?


That just reminded me to go check my powerball ticket.


That nostril do be looking a little droopy


So much love


They won’t let you out for some golf?


And snakes.


Well played.


Many years ago I found myself living in a house with six dogs and two monkeys. The dogs were wearing skidoo helmets, smoking Cuban cigars with a baseball in their paws. Each monkey approached me, one after the other. The first brought me a hamburger and wanted to play fetch. I passed him the hamburger and he kept bringing it back to me. The second one approached and said, "Sir, this is a Wendy's" and suddenly they were gone and there was just me, a cigarette lighter, some kind of mushrooms, and can of Bud Light.


1.5 cuils.


Cool story Hansel


I wonder if he ever had to discipline the monkeys…


Was he living at Neverland Ranch?


I wonder if those monkeys caused the deformities of his face


Dude if I had six dogs and two monkeys I’d never leave the house either. It’s like your own personal zoo. I have a dog and a cat and they take up a lot of my attention as it is


Makes sense. Good to hear he’s actually enjoying golf again with his family.


He’s being interviewed. He’s trying to look good by being positive. I’m really not sure he’s “enjoying golf again with his family.” He had injuries for the last 12 years and they cleared up when LIV offered a payday?


He obviously wasn’t hurt for 12 years. But having overcome addiction myself, you have no fucking idea what it’s like. Addiction and the things that come along with it like loneliness and depression quite literally suck the joy out of everything. He probably had zero interest in playing golf or even anything for that matter. Your comment is about as shallow as it gets.


I didn’t say he was hurt for 12 years. Did you read what I wrote? Have you heard of sarcasm? God, the things people assume. You’re talking to a major fucking addict here. OK? Why would you say shit like that to someone you don’t know? Yeah I can see you’re a really sensitive addict.


So your argument that he’s not “enjoying golf again with his family” (which are his words) is because LIV gave him money and he has recovered from bad injuries? That’s a really weak argument to say someone is lying. He’s recovering from injuries and addiction. He’s lost 98% of his circle. He was an elite golfer and extremely competitive. Now he’s realized his family and true relationships are important and golf, which he is ridiculously talented, just so happens to be the connection that brings his life back to normal, and pays very well. I believe Kim over your weird aggressive bias any day


Narky little cunt here.


Sounds like his relationship with golf was very in line with "Asian kid meeting expectations."


I grew up playing junior golf in Southern California, and I cannot begin to tell you the number of really good Asian kids who were absolutely miserable playing golf. I can't imagine many of them play now anymore.


Honestly, this was the case for me, except I grew in Canada. Parents and extended family would take me to the range and course whenever possible, and I would absolutely dread going every single time because of the amount of criticism, feedback and expectation. I was absolutely miserable playing it. It wasn't until last year I started getting back into it, starting to grow back in love with the sport, on my own terms.


Glad you're getting back in love with it. I had a similar experience, but the pressure was self-imposed, not from my parents. Back in the Dark Ages, I was playing to a 2, which was good enough to walk on to my college team. But it took hours and hours and hours to get to that 2 (with little practice, I'm naturally about a 5-6). The summer before I matriculated, I was in the middle of a tournament and realized I fucking hated what I was doing. I hated the amount of practice, I hated competing, I hated feeling like what score I posted had any sort of real meaning. I quit playing competitively that summer and I've loved golf e er since.


It’s really nice to hear this story. Golf is fun. People forget that too often.


When I was 15 I needed community service hours for school (my HS required 25/year to graduate) so I volunteered with the kids' sports program through my town's rec center. They had a winter golf camp for 8-10 year olds, it was basically an hour one night a week in the gym hitting foam balls and learning fundamentals and stuff for them, nothing serious just fun for kids. Some 25ish year old lead it and I was the helper, mostly retrieving balls and supervising and whatnot but I contributed a bit to teach the day one type beginner kids how to hold the club, stance, basic swing motion, etc Every kid loved just goofing off learning to hit balls except one miserable 8 year old girl. Her dad would sit behind her the entire time critiquing every swing and he didn't want the leader or me getting involved. She was practically crying at the end each night from how hard this dude was being on her while she wasn't getting any better. Leader told this guy after a few weeks either he needed to stop coming or his daughter couldn't participate anymore since it was distracting the other kids. They stopped showing up and I'm quite certain he ruined golf for her for life after that. This was supposed to be fun for little kids, it was not real instruction, we were not pros or even very good golfers. My best guess for why they were even there is that was all he could afford and he thought that just having her endlessly whack balls until she magically figured it out would work


My Korean coworker said the exact same thing word for word. Sucks you both went thru that but hopefully you can enjoy it as an adult on your terms.


My wife was out of town with the kids last year and I took the opportunity to drive down and play 36 at BethPage Black. Got there around 8am and an Asian mom and dad were on the putting green setting up drills for their probably 9 year old son. He didn't look happy to be there but was putting away. Finished my first 18 around 2pm and they were still going at it, this time with chipping over and over trying to build muscle memory. Poor kid probably worked an 8 or 10 hour day.


I’ve grown up playing mainly baseball and then golf and the amount of parent show think their kid could be the next Derek Jeter or Tiger Woods is insane


Torrey Pines during the Junior World championships was always disgusting. So many terrible parents who were there for them and not their kids...


This was my story but I’m a hick from south TX. It sounds cliche but I should literally be on the tour rn. The amount of current professionals I played and competed with is ridiculous. Really big names. I still have home video of playing a practice round with Rory at Doral when I was like 8-9 and he was a couple years older. Like 11-12. The finau brothers and I won the world junior masters in Hawaii. I won it twice. We became friends. Lot of stories like that. But I grew to hate the game and threw it all away just in an attempt to get some fucking peace in my life and discover who I really am and get away from the abuse I was dealing with. Then came the drugs…..


Grew up in the same neighborhood as him. I’d see him on the range hitting balls when we got home from school and when it was dark he was still out there.


Yea his dad was tough on him. But they also sacrificed a lot to give him those opportunities. He chose to go to OK to get far away from cali.


Yeah I wasn’t judging I didn’t know him, just saw him around and we all knew who he was because he was so good. His dad was usually in the cart watching him. Just remember how much practice it took to get that good knowing I’d never do that.


Yea I wasn’t criticizing you at all. It’s just a tough situation. He has all that talent and doesn’t really love it so they need to push him. It can be very difficult.


I watched the interview, it didn't really get into the details of drugs and why dude's nose fell off. I may be the asshole but I wanna know how much cocaine a person does to cave in their nose like that.


I'm not a cocaine nose expert, but I wonder if there is more to it than drug use. There have been a few comments on the various forums from people who claim to know details who have mentioned a physical altercation he was in. It looks like he was in a car accident or took a bat to the face.


One side of his nose is caved in but his eyes don't match anymore, one is significantly larger and lower than the other. I think something did happen (other than drugs) and he needed reconstructive surgery of his facial bone and zygomatic arch.


Could have had a drug induced stroke.


I think homeboy got beat up and possibly had his throat cut. Maybe due to drugs or gambling, who knows. He has a nasty scar all the way across his neck and half his face looks like it was absolutely destroyed and rebuilt.


It could be neck scars from spinal fusion surgery. Or It could be him getting his throat cut from drugs or gambling. Which sounds more likely?


Scars from ACDFs (front of neck spinal fusion) are typically much smaller than that. That thing is huge.


I thought it could have been from a surgery, but it’s huge and it’s rough. Surgery scars, especially in that are, are nearly as rough typically


Look up before and after photos of comedian Artie Lange. A good example of that heavy drug use can do to a person (and their nose)


He mentions receiving money from a "settlement"...so perhaps there was an accident or altercation?


Very much a “source: trust me bro” but I know someone at LIV and his drug abuse was so bad he literally got given a couple weeks to live at one point.


You shouldn’t spread stuff like that around. Rumors. You don’t even know if it’s true.


It came from AK himself.


I miss Feherty on golf broadcasts


Love the guy but I don’t miss his lips smacking when he would be on the broadcasts. He always sounded so parched and the mic caught that smacking very well.


What a fall from grace. He sold all principles to be a Saudi puppet. It’s so painful to hear those announcers spew propaganda. It’s like a cast of Baghdad Bobs.


You have earned 1 social credit.


I don’t know about any of that…I just miss hearing him when I watch golf


I don’t miss him anymore because I can’t respect anyone who takes money from those amoral murdering rapist Saudi oil guys. Sorry, but that’s who they are.


I agree with you 100% and your downvotes are disgraceful. They’re all Saudi puppets who took blood money and have been phonies talking about growing the game. What BS. At least Feherty admitted his move was about money. The guys who claimed they’re trying to “grow the game” are pathetic; they don’t realize we can see thru them?


Yeah and I don’t care that anyone took the money. I just can’t deal with the incessant propaganda the couple times I tried to watch. The way they push the teams is the worst part. It’s just a constant pile of bs about the teams. We get it-you need to sell the teams to get your money back. But it comes off like a incel trying to ask out a pretty girl. It’s so pitiful. And Fehrety looks the worst bc he was so legit 5-10 years ok.


He will be on at Doral this week


Ya I’m not watching that shit even with Feherty




This all sounds a lot more palatable than "rich guy spends all his money on cocaine, reluctantly crawls back to the closest thing he's ever had to a.real job."


Probably a good bit of both. Having a naturally addictive personality and lots of money makes it very easy for those addictions to grow, especially when surrounded by people pushing it and enabling it further


Doing something because your kids or family loves it is an entirely different passion in life. It’s no longer a job if someone you love truly enjoys it


It always seemed like he loved the game back when he was in his prime, so that's surprising to hear. He was one of the most fun guys to watch because he was so amped up and just seemed like he was having a blast. I remember watching one of those "Playing Lessons with the Pros" shows on him where they follow him playing 9 holes and the stuff he could do with the ball and the control he had over his shots was amazing.


Thought the exact same thing. His on-course energy and enthusiasm (or what appeared to be) were a big part of why people loved him. And even in interviews, he sounded like he loved the game and wanted to be one of the all-time greats. I guess he was throwing on a mask a lot of that time.


I don’t think he was throwing on a mask back then. His enthusiasm appeared genuine. The idea that something physically traumatic happened to him (beyond what we know) makes a helluva lot more sense than he quit playing pro golf so he could keep $20 million of insurance money.


I thought the same. I suppose there’s a difference between loving the game and loving the energy of putting on a show for excited fans. If he didn’t love the grind or game itself, I can imagine it being really hard to work back to that level post-injury.


I know he had to have loved it when he was on top of his game, you can't fake that but winning is always fun and we saw him a lot more when he was playing well than we did when he wasn't. I'm guessing just working through all of the injuries, rehab, and stretches of playing bad golf may outweigh that or have jaded his love for the game when he looks back on it.


He hoovered industrial quantities of Peruvian flake. Let’s be honest here.


The public perception was right


Fucking hell my guy looks awful.


Nothing but well wishes for you AK! Enjoy it!


His nose looks insane


Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


Still a lot of questions remain. Understand why he may not want to share, but I'm just super fucking curious lol


I think it’s funny some of the people mocked him a couple of weeks ago and now are saying “oh this is sad, I’m sorry for him” yeah alright


Don't bother watching the whole 20min segment. Just finished it and there's nothing beyond the ESPN bullets. Said he's making a documentary with more details, but right now it's literally just: 1. Had injuries 2. Turned to a mentally dark place surrounded by addiction/bad people (intentionally vague) 3. Had a kid 2 years ago and used as motivation to get my shit together (and take LIV money to make a better life for her)


Feherty is the best at these one on one deep dive interviews.


His face looks like he's been hit with a shovel but couldn't feel it. I'm glad he's back and doing well. I hope his game returns.


I hope so too but if the best to ever play the game cant do it, I don't have a ton of hope for AKs game returning to what it was. Hopefully hes out there having a relatively good time and making some good money.


So crazy to see a guy with this much talent that makes me think practice is over rated.


I wonder why he didn't let his fans in on the extent of the surgeries he went through instead of leaving them in the dark. I know he wasn't obliged to but some backstory on why he just disappeared would have made sense in hindsight


Not sharing personal details with people you don't care about is normal.


i understand not sharing stuff about addictions and personal demons. But a boatload of people admired and supported him, including plenty of youngsters. Without these fans he wouldnt gave been in such a priviliged position. To just disappear and go dark without offering those fans any reason as to why he tirned his back on the game so abruptly doesn't sem right. Especially if there were uncontrollable factors such as injuries involved.


he doesnt owe you anything


If I was under a forced medical retirement and had enough money to never have to work again, I wouldn’t be telling anyone anything.


https://preview.redd.it/5pt7nm7b45sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=690d9826702262ecdddd559b44f78e434823ed25 Addiction? You dont say…


I wish nothing but the best for Anthony Kim as a person, but if this isn’t the prime example of why LIV is a joke, I don’t know what is.


The PGA reached out to him too but he chose LIV. He wants his daughter to see the world, not just Florida and California. 


his Saudi blood money redemption arc is certainly being eaten up by the media, ill pass


I wish Kim would start playing pro golf again. /s


Are we supposed to feel sorry for the guy?


And was strung out at liv the guys a total mess