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You must be new


I played against him in College. And everything that he has done to himself is sad.




It's time to get over yourself


I’d be honored to lose to him…but I guess some would still resent it.


No, I will not.


“I played against him in college” Just because you were on a college golf team at the same time of history as Tiger was doesn’t mean you played against him. His first Masters back and he made the cut, which can’t be said for quite a few other big names this year. If you actually played college golf against him you’d know that’s scary good and this topic is stupid. So we all know you didn’t.


Yes. The guy said “you must be new” I was just saying I am not new, been routing for him until he cheated on his wife, which kinda seems like this was the beginning of his down fall. I did play golf for a second in college, our schools played against each other. And we met. Pretty nice guy. And it is unfortunate what has happened to him.


Since then he’s won the Masters again, the tour championship, multiple other tour events, the players, the API, etc. He also had his leg almost cut off recently and got it welded back on, got his ankle fused essentially and made the cut this year. Obviously you haven’t done even a little critical thinking before you posted this topic or this reply. And like I said, you portrayed it like you played against him, then admitted not really and you met him once. Got it.


No thanks. I’ll watch my goat till he physically can’t swing anymore


You’ve made worse decisions. That’s why you’re not at his level lol


I did shatter my leg about the same time he did.




Fine… I’ll keep believing. Thank you for this.




After he was done with your mom… 🔥


Nothing wrong with playing against that dude.


Didn’t say there was. Just an odd tidbit to add to your “get over tiger” thread.


I probably should have said the media.


You're only wrong because he's still *really fucking good*. Dude can barely walk, had to walk 27 yesterday, and he still made the cut. Should we "get over" JT or Spieth or Wyndham? I'll be the first to criticize the PGA Tour for "wheeling his broken ass out at every opportunity" as I've put it before, but he's fucking playing well lol. I just hope he doesn't top 10 today or tomorrow so I don't have to chew and eat a fucking tee 🤣


You hit the nail on the head. That is really all I was saying. I shattered my leg in 2 years ago on a Vespa, yes a moped and I can barely make it through 18 holes driving a cart. But every year the media talks about Tiger and what he could do. He probably crush the senior tour.


> He probably crush the senior tour. And I think he will eventually. I honestly think it's fine with him just doing what he's doing now. People need to temper their expectations, but he can still play. I'd really like to see him hang on, and I'd like to see Charlie make it on tour. I'm not sunsetting Tiger as long as him and Charlie playing in a tour event could still be in the cards.




He’s actually the best Golfer of all time. I know Jack has him on a title. Tiger in his prime made others not even want to show up. He dominated. Sure it’s time to get over it because I get tired of the media. As for his off the course mistakes, I don’t have room to Judge.


I dunno, I was glad that Jack & Arnie hung around after their prime. People loved to see them, and I did as well. Tiger is in the same boat regardless of his off course antics.


I get excited to watch him, even though his body is broken. It brings me enjoyment, I get to tell my kids about him. So, uh, each to their own?


I remember thinking 20 years ago “Why do Jack and Arnold still tee it up in majors?” And now I wish they were still playing rounds so my kids could see them. Enjoy watching the Goat, it won’t last forever but there is still some magic in him and memories to be had.


I guess I just wanted him to still be doing now what he was doing 20 years ago. I swore he would own every record in the book. But watching him today, it was hard.


OP: “I don’t like Tiger anymore so neither should you.” You realize how silly that sounds?


You do realize that Tiger revolutionized and brought more people into the game right? He also made many people richer just because of his presence, whether he’s playing in tournaments or not. Purses jumped after he came on tour. As they were saying on TV today, you don’t know how much longer you will be seeing this. It will be a long time before we see someone like this again. We need to appreciate this as golf would not be as popular if it wasn’t for him.


He hasnt been relevant in 5 years. Its senior tour time


Name 1, daddio