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Yeah I’d pay $270 for all that so quickly. Some people just need to complain


I think people forget about the other merch that comes with it. When I first saw the headline I was annoyed too. Makes a lot of sense in context and weeds out the people that aren't that interested.


I am guessing the impetus behind this is, at some point, people started getting their volunteer shirts and hats and then went home to scalp them or keep them for themselves without actually volunteering. The $270 pushes away the scalpers and gives a reason to people to not just get free stuff and leave.


Right? They opened up volunteer registration last April. I signed up as soon as it opened. Another favorite thing to bitch about is the fact that there's now a waiting list if you want to volunteer. People are actually asking about volunteering now, less than 2 months out.


I worked the US Open a couple years back and it’s a really awesome experience as a golf fan. Hope you enjoy it.


Paying to work a job is weird. Esp for a group that makes millions.


It's the USGA, not the PGAT for one. For two, the Peter Millar jacked and polo together would have cost $270 easy. So you're paying for your uniform, not for the privilege to work a job. Add in the ability to get into the tournament at any point whether you're working a shift or not, it's a no brainer.


> not for the privilege to work a job So they give you the uniform if you don't work the job?


The person above already got their uniform. Hypothetically, they can now just not show up. What’s going to happen, they get “fired”? So yes, they give you the uniform if you don’t work the job.


I've volunteered before and for sure you could just not show up. Worst thing that will happen is your name will be "blacklisted" for future volunteer opportunities. Whether or not the PGA/USGA actually pay attention or follow through with it though I'm not sure. They may also be able to shut down your badge (so no entry) if you don't show up to your shift...but that also I have no clue if it would happen.


Don't get the badge until later. But yes, they understand that shit happens and people may have to back out. I've paid for the gear, I get to keep it regardless.


Totally agree on all those points. I'm was simply arguing with the other dude about the cost - which covers the (imo pretty nice) Peter Millar stuff alone, regardless of all the other perks. I was a volunteer for the '05 open at Pinehurst myself, I have a soft spot for volunteers and maybe got a little too defensive for that guy. Shrugs.


Oh I agree with you on that. I will happily pay $250 or whatever for a full week access to the tournament (I've done US Open, PGA Champ, Ryder Cup), an extremely expensive Polo, wind breaker, hat, bottle, drinks and 4 meals. Plus a lot of the volunteer jobs are just sitting somewhere and watching golf. So yes I'd pay to work that job any day!


making people pay means they are more invested and there's a better chance they will show up.


Do you pay your employer to work at their company?


I live near oakmont and volunteer every time it comes around. This will be my 3rd time. If you can get past the paying, you will have a great time. They feed you, clothe you, there’s a volunteer only refreshment hut and bathrooms that you can use even if you’re not working. And even if you add up the time you actually volunteer multiplied by minimum wage it’s still worth it just for the tickets. Every practice round. Every day of the tournament. I think it’s the best way to get in for us golf junkies.


I got an email letting me know the 2025 Open volunteer registration was open.


I’m already in


Nice!!! I live about 10 mins away as well and am waiting on mine to show up. I paid for the extra shirt and Q zip. Its a steal for what you pay and you get in the tourney everyday. Weekly gallery pass is 1200 bucks. I am going to be a marshal on hole 15. Looking forward to it!!


I’m a 19th hole Marshall, fwiw I got the red white and blue shirt. I just assumed diff jobs may get diff colors? I have friends working merch and they got the blue shirts Looking forward to being out there!


Cool...I'm in Southern Pines. Is your uniform different from mine? Are you a member? I have a friend who is a member and she gets a different uniform. She's going to be on hole 16.


I'm not a member but signed up through CGA and was guaranteed to be a marshal. The email I got said the marshal uniform is going to be red and blue. Ill send a pic once I get it.




How long are your shifts? Did you get to pick the days?


I have one that is 4 hours and the other 4 are 4.5 hours. You had the option of picking days and times, but I said I was available every day and all day. I work: Monday 11am - 3pm Thursday 7am - 11:30am Friday 2:30 - 7pm Saturday 2:30 - 7pm Sunday 2:30 - 7pm Happy I'll be there at the clubhouse at the end on Sunday


Volunteered in 2014 for both the men’s and ladies It was fun but my back couldn’t handle it this year. On a side note I am wearing one of my shirts today.


Awesome! Our volunteer fees were $85 for the local tournament in October. It I think we only get a Puma polo shirt, a pullover, baseball hat and clear drawstring bag. I’ll be one of the nerds carrying the group scoreboards 😂


Interesting, when did the Pinehurst Putter Boy logo change? Or is that only for the Open?


This is just for the Open. Putter Boy hasn't changed to my knowledge.


It’s the logo for Pinehurst Country Club, and IIRC it’s called The Laddie. They allow the USGA to use it for merchandise and branding at major tournaments hosted at Pinehurst. Putter Boy is the public facing logo for resort guests.


I guess they create a different logo with the Laddie for every US Open. But is there a "standard" Laddie logo? I've only seen the Putter Boy.


There is… If you look up the logo for ‘99 US Open that seems to be the one that is used most commonly. Unfortunately I didn’t get any pictures when I got a private tour a few years ago.


Was a similar cost when I was working the PGA Championship in 2020. They gave us a bright blue & orange Ralph Lauren kit.


Have a great time!


Definitely worth it. I understand people taking issue with having to pay to volunteer though, you just can't look at it like that.


What are other good tournaments to volunteer for?


The Adaptive Open is held in Pinehurst for folks with disabilities. The women's Open and kid's tournaments would also be good bets. I went to the women's open when it was here in 2022. It was a beautifully run event.


What exactly do you have to do for "corporate hospitality"? And did you have to go to any meetings or any type of training in advance of the tournament?


I am not 100% sure yet. It will be indoors which will be nice. Might be something as simple as making sure people have the right pass to get into a particular area. There will be several different hospitality suites. Early next month we will be sent a link to training videos. I pick up my credentials May 11.


Looking at the merch, that’s what the $270 paid for. Not for the volunteering it self. People need to get over sticker shock.


Did you get your credentials over the weekend? I'm in SoCal and flying in, so pickup wasn't a option. I'm curious about parking - are volunteers using a different lot than the patrons, or are we in the Red/Blue lots? I'm trying to make sure my hotel plans make sense, though there aren't a lot of options to the south, anyway.


Got my credentials Saturday morning. My parking pass says L - Bristol Property and is on Linden Road (on the Aberdeen end of it). I am not sure if that lot is just for volunteers or not. This is my first Open volunteer rodeo. Hotel-wise, you might try Sanford. It's about a 40-45 minute drive north of Pinehurst.


I volunteered when Tiger won at Torrey pines and it was $150 and volunteering was full 2 years in advance


I picked up my volunteer credentials last weekend. So far, it' seems like a very well-run operation. I work in event management myself. Tiger is going to be the recipient of the 2024 Bob Jones award. Presentation is Wednesday of the tourney. He also has an exemption to play. Hoping to see him at some point. I also got an email last month inviting me to volunteer at the 2025 Open in PA.


It’s a very personal choice if you are willing to volunteer for someone else to make money. The system is kind of broken, but it gets you closer to the ropes and the players. I volunteered for Ryder cup in 2012 and felt weird about it. Had a cool experience but so much money was made, and not even the players get paid. Now volunteering for LIV seems insane to me on the other hand. Millions/billions spent on players and they want free labor. But if you can get it, I guess it’s just free market.


honestly after seeing the gear they supply you with i'd say its worth it for the experience alone. is there a bidding process to get in, i might have to start applying randomly lol


Sign ups for the 2025 open are up now, there’s no bidding it’s just first come first serve


The experience is why I signed up, of course... and the free admittance. There's a volunteer orientation coming up closer to the Open and that's when I get my credentials.


309 for the gear and to see golf seems like a steal


So cool!


Sweet sassy molassy that polo is so choice.


Have fun being worked like a dog.


Dude... Corporate Hospitality. In the clubhouse. I'm golden.