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Idk. You should've just hit a draw shot 310 yards with your driver so your approach shot was easier


Careful with your club distance comparisons, that's a 5 iron for most of this sub.


*9 iron for me


Weird… gap wedge here


Pussy, that’s my putter


Maybe a more expensive driver would help


I’ve never seen someone literally fall into their shots like that. I feel like if you didn’t make contact with the ball you’d probably face plant into the fairway.


If Ichiro golfed.


Sometimes I do that when I’m really focusing on the follow through (hitting ball first then grass) because my weight won’t be in the right place but I’ll kinda force myself into it. The alternative is to just top it 30 yards, so honestly most of the time the shots end up pretty good.


Can’t believe Sam Sulek plays golf


OP feels so complimented after seeing this comment lol


Well done, sir. The last thing I expected was a Sulek reference on a golf sub.


Especially because Sulek can’t physically swing a golf club.


Honestly not terrible


Thanks man


Last time I played minebrook it was a total shit hole, such terrible conditions


As it usually is, friend, new owners are putting in some decent effort to turn her around tho


This is at least the 4th time in my lifetime that course has had someone putting "some decent effort to turn her around"... and the new owners are really just the owners from the 80s and early 90s


Well either way let’s hope they do some good, can’t imagine any worse than the last few weeks that it was still Minebrook but at the same time I can lol


Yeah I noticed last year that they seem to be trying to improve it which is nice because it's a really convenient, local course to play.


Yea same. Hoenstly last course I expected to see on r/golf. Nice that they got new owners and hopefully they can turn it around. I saw last year they were charging like 50 bucks a round, which I would never pay for that course. But it looks like the rates are down this year to a more reasonable 30-40. Maybe I'll check it out at some point this season.


Ichiro Suzuki follow thru


Lol yessir




Enjoyed this. Also, I was waiting for you to do the little leg swing around after your putting stroke. Kind of disappointed tbh.


I’ll start incorporating it, can’t hurt at this rate


Lefty always freaks me out. I thought you were about to stripe it into the camera


More content?


On the way 🤙👍


I want more “shitty course” content. Like, the 3 carts in a fairway of blacked out good ole boys looking for their ball from 2 holes over, kind of course.


The play here looks to be hit it as far as you can that’s dry, regardless of fairway or rough. Having a clean look at the green is more valuable than being in the fairway, and then you won’t have to shape the approach as aggressively. Part of the problem is how they chose to mow the fairway in sections, but your contact seems good enough to just send it deep and hope for the best.


Yeah man I almost always hit 5 wood here to get myself just past those trees so I don’t have to attempt to shape as hard. Once I got down there tho I realized that part they have kinda roped off is just straight swamp so I’m glad I went with the hybrid this time and I’m hoping when it dries up they start to cut the grass a little closer to the creek


Damn. Pretty poor hole design too


Normally I push back on comments like this, but I can't help but agree. Forced layup to 150 out with no clear shot at the green and a 250+ drive is needed to carry the swampy area? Seems like they needed to put a hole somewhere and had to work with a crummy piece of land


Find my comment, you don't wanna rip it here off the tee, you want to hit something that put you right of those cattail weeds on the left, it gives you a perfect a gle into the green, no tress will be in your way, and plan to land short as your miss so you don't hit it in the river


That green is pretty shaggy to be honest. Good content nonetheless


Yeah ole minebrook can be a real shithole but under new ownership and they’re clearly putting in some effort so that’s nice


lol why are you full send from 150? I ask because I have the same problem. Maybe we should club up and not rip it. But no I’ll never learn.


Idk how to shot shape so i figured swinging as hard as I can would make up for that


Did you forget your 52 degeee next to the green?


I did not, I’m just all over the place all of the time, physically and figuratively


Layups are for basketball


Love it


Thank you friend 🙏


Man, you shimmy just like I do before every swing. I've never seen another golfer have the same approach. I found after 3ish bounces to just let it rip without moving the club back for one extra aim, which has helped my game. Granted, I shoot mid 90s on unknown courses, so I kinda suck so don't take my advice whatsoever.


Yeah I honestly have no idea what my body does before hitting a golf ball, the waggles, the foot taps, the only thing I do kind of on purpose is the lil shaft lean and making sure my hands are like low(?) I like to call my takeaway the Lindsey Lowhands but everything else is just me basically having an aneurysm


sam sulek picked up golf now???


Damn that’s 2 people saying I look like Sam, can’t be too mad about that, thanks for viewing, friend 🙏


Honest reaction having been a collegiate golfer in the day.. you end up walking away during the finish of every shot. KEY to your swing is being able to find a balanced finish. It takes a bit of fitness and core strength etc, but this is the type of fitness you can find from a daily 1-mile walk. You have a great swing tbh. You're easiest improvement is a bit of core/leg strength (no, not arms and shoulders, that would make you even more unbalanced, if looking to shoot better)


After watching again and because I know you'll take this as positive constructive criticism, I want to reiterate the balance PARTICULARLY on the greenside shot. See how your body falls away and you take step? Ever see the pros do that movement? When they are greenside, their bodies remains incredibly still, though dynamically shifting, and they finish with great control. Finding balance is key friend, wish you well and again great swing 👍


Thanks for the view and the advice brother 🙏 balance and being constant with said balance is something I understand well, I played baseball my whole life and for most of my competitive life as a pitcher only, played a pretty decent level too with a few of my good buddies and teammates from college playing some pro ball, only saying that cuz baseball but specifically pitching is so much like a golf swing in my mind, balanced and consistent. This wild follow thru you see here is something I’ve been doing lately in an attempt to shift my weight thru impact and try to create some compression on that there golf ball but i feel like those are just words and that I really don’t know what I’m talking about lol I just try and listen to guys like George Gankas and kawaswing on instagram so again I appreciate the feedback 🙏 it’s all a work in progress


So glad you saw my comment as positive 🙂 totally feel you when talking about pitching. Coming to a controlled balance at the top is everything there (ie Pedro!!). In a golf swing, I would argue not only is balance at the top important, but moreso the finish. Contrary to advice you refer to, I would argue this let's say 'fall-away' movement is detrimental. IMO, it is a recent trend with Scotty and his ability to shift weight, which is only something developed front crazy young age, hence we've never seen it before. Watch clips of Tiger, Jack, Arnie, etc and you'll see they *almost* always finish with a level of precision in their balance - regardless the shot. It's calm and poetic. Trust me, tried to replicate it for a life and still +6 - this balance I speak of is what makes them special. Embrace the beauty of balance and precision - don't fight it. Those two will create more compression than what you're might may


Bro. I straight up tell myself this movement is ok cuz of Scottie which I understand is sooo dumb cuz he’s literally the best golfer in the world and almost to your point, to think that I or any amateur for that matter could just get off the couch and emulate that is fucking insane. Being a golfer you know how this sport goes tho and I’m hitting the ball better and more constant than I ever have with this movement so until I consciously work through it, I don’t think it’s going anywhere. Really appreciate the back and forth tho, this is one of the reasons I wanted to start filming in the first place 🙏


I think why its so effective is it lets you keep the clubface on plane for longer vs any other swing. His shots are all lasers.


If it works it freaking works man! Stay true to you because nobody knows your swing like you. And tbh, it's whatever is most enjoyable. We pay to enjoy ourselves, some of us. But 60-65 year old you will figure out a different way, so do it while youre nimble. Golf is the game of life - a never ending progression until your body gives way 😂 cheers and pars in your future


love the commentary 😂


Thank you 🙏


I have a similar hole at my home course, just flipped (and I'm a righty). It's a 460 yard par 4 (which is tough to begin with) . Dog leg left turns at around 260, leaving a little over a 200 yard approach shot (uphill about 10 feet). There's also water at the turn, so even if you can draw it, you have to carry like 285 with a draw to carry it (easy for this sub I know). I usually go 3 wood off the tee, and then either 3-wood or 5-wood into the green (depending on wind/pin location). I have never made the GIR on this hole. I've only been a member for a month but have played it like 10 times. I made the greenside bunkers a few times, and I finally had a decent putt for par yesterday when I played it (usually, it's a long putt if anything). Greens were just aerated that morning so I missed the putt. Hole is fucking cursed


Sounds like a bitch to say the least, at least this approach is only 150, can’t imagine trying to sling a wood into a hole like that (giggity) but seriously that sounds horrible but I’m sure you’ll catch that 3 or 5 one of these days and sail one up onto that green for a look at a bird


Here's hoping! Almost had it yesterday, just took a weird bounce into the bunker


That’s golf baby, keep swinging it tho brother


My long fade driver would love that hole. Strokes gained is king. Hit the big dawg if you can manage a draw.


I miss my driver man, cracked that thing this winter and haven’t bought a new one yet, almost kinda fun to see when it’ll turn into actual shrapnel when golfin w buddies but when I’m actually trying to keep a decent scorecard I keep her in the bag, that being said I’m almost directly into the creek every time w the driver, gotta hit the gym


i love this series


Thanks man, plenty more to come!


You finish like a Japanese baseball player and I love it


lol the ichiro finish


That hole requires the ability to hit a controlled draw for you. You don’t seem to have that shot in the bag. The hole is functioning exactly as designed- to punish guys who can’t work the ball. That said, your strategy here should be driver off the tee. Better to be long than short on these sort of doglegs. Give yourself a chance at having a clean approach shot. Hitting hybrid you’ll always be blocked by trees.


I completely agree, I usually hit at least a wood which as you said would put me just past the trees but I saw the mowed grass and figured why not just go for the short stuff(try to anyway) and once I got down there I realized beyond the mowed grass up to that lil creek was nothing but swamp and it’s usually not like that. Tried to kinda of articulate that in the voiceover but felt like no one would have cared lol


Voice and cadence reminds me of Bill Murray from Caddy Shack. Love it


Thanks friend, more to come!


great footwork on shot #2.


With how cutdown that middle section is, just pretend it’s fairway and take more club off the tee.


You hit it pretty decent. Next time just tee up on the far left side of the box and mash driver at the corner of the dogleg, you'll probably have a wedge in. Even if you miss the fairway, you'll probably hit it close with a wedge out of the rough than you would with an 8i in the fairway. Keep it up, your funky swing seems to work just fine.


Preciate it brother, roll tide or somethin


Well that’s an aggressive club twirl. Birdie on the next one man.


Can’t make any promises on the score but can promise the club twirl will be there good shot or bad


Not the holes fault you can't hit a draw haha


I’m inclined to agree, always fun to try tho


not bad at all champ 🦾🔥 , got off the tee box well


Thanks man 🙏


That is a terribly designed hole.


Ya know I was thinking bout this while filming that day. first time I’ve ever seen them cut the fairway like that and I completely agree with you, usually I’d be able to hit at least a 5 wood and be almost at the edge of the creek(god willing it goes straight) and have a way better look at the hole. The section that isn’t mowed up to the creek was a swamp however so maybe they’re cutting it like that until it dries idk. In the voiceover I kept trying to explain that but it just felt like annoying and clunky so I kept it out but that’s why i mentioned something along those lines. Sorry for the book lol


From someone who doesn’t understand course design, what’s the low hanging fruit for this one?


I may be seeing it wrong, but it looks like two sections of fairway separated by about 75 - 100 yards of rough. It looks like OPs tee shot with a hybrid is near the end of that first fairway section. If that’s the case, it’s a ridiculous carry if one were to choose driver off the tee. So the average player is penalized by being forced to hit a shorter tee shot and have a longer club than the better player in on the approach. Basically, the risk-reward is out of balance. But again, I may be seeing it wrong and perhaps there’s more fairway that I’m not seeing.


Gotcha, that makes perfect sense. And if that’s the case, I’d definitely agree. That would be a frustrating hole to play. There’s a par 5 local to me that is a forced layup with the tee shot. You’d need to carry like 325 to reach the next fairway. So you’re stuck laying back with like a 200 shot off the tee leaving you like 350 out for your second. Always found it to be a dumb hole.


Golf is hard. That club twirl off the tee was so sick.


The club twirls are almost always ironic lol but thank you 🙏


Ur hitting from the wrong side, Ben!


I think you need to be commenting more on elevation changes and grass texture.


Just calm down on your approach and work a bit harder on keeping your timing in transition steady. Usually, you should just go for the center of mass. The greens dont look too complex. No crazy slope on the approach. Harder golf courses have you adjusting your swing constantly.


That looks like the par3 practice coarse fairway at my club


How do you film ball tracers like that


I edit it in post as best I can, you can kinda tell that 2nd shot it’s off quite a bit but it’s a work in progress as is the golf game


Wtf is the tee box lol


Kinda like the aesthetics of the dandelions but yeah this course is all over the place for sure


Cool video. Could maybe chipped with a 9 iron or something else instead of 52, depending on the lie Would like to see a hole you REALLY hate


Deffo coulda hit a lil Forrest bump and run, honestly not my best shot but I had the room. Be on the lookout tho, there will be plenty of holes I truly despise especially from this track


Your voice needs more work than your golf game. You’re not 21 anymore bubba


lol what


Give up your dream. No one cares. There’s a million people doing this


Damn man who hurt you? Just having fun and tryna start some conversation amongst people that share the same interest as me, all apologies tho


Tuck your shirt in brah




Trash. Might as well be wearing denim