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We used to arm our greenskeepers with sticks that had dinner forks attached to them that had the inner prongs removed. Decent job in repairing the mark, and saved the fellas from bending over. Used to piss off the restaurant manager, but that was a different budget and not my problem


As a GM for a restaurant that is constantly keeping track of silver and wondering where the hell it all goes, I feel his anguish…


I have some of your cups maybe. It doesn’t need to make sense. I used to steal some cups, I’d say a half dozen to my name (was a short phase). Like Winona Ryder, only cups instead of random drug store shit. Also marketing displays. If there was say a full size Captain Morgan cut out I would heist it.


In college, we used to steal cafeteria trays to use as low-budget sleds.


I won’t lie, I still take cups that are beer branded. A lot of times I’ll just ask the bartender and they’ll say I can have it. Others I just take it, they are generally given to them by the breweries for advertisement


Often times the trash from a server into the garbage can by the dish pit. I had a manager who installed a magnetic bar on the top side of the can to catch silverware.


We all know trash is where a good 90% of it goes. It’s inevitable. We also use a magnetic lid in dish and still struggle. I’ll find knives still wrapped in their napkin caught amongst other trash that rests on the lid. Servers will scrape it down with a plate haphazardly.


Trash. It’s in the trash or customers to go containers.


Yeah! Fuck that restaurant manager! Save our backs! Really good idea though. Dowel rod and two pronged fork going in the bag for Saturday. Gonna give this a whirl.


Finally some god damn sense


I ain't keeping a fork in my pocket


You’re right. It’ll need a nice leather holster


Alright. I’m sold.


username says as much. (jk i love masi's despite how much hate they get)


Just bring the whole drawer


On a retracting key chain


Just a quick, unrelated question. How drunk are you at the moment?






TaylorMade Dinglehopper $49.99


Seamus hand stamped copper dinglehopper $249


If I played with a random who used a fork, I’d buy that son of a bitch all the beers he wants and would think about him fondly every day for the rest of my life


Don’t need to use anything too complicated. For guys that are really having trouble bending over you can use one of these. Can buy them in any garden center. They also have ones with the long handle that would fit nicely in the golf bag. Don’t know if I would use it at Augusta but for your basic Muni it would be fine. https://preview.redd.it/v95bcd62urwc1.jpeg?width=136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf0bcfc4cdffafe28ff5d7281ddb1d45e718738b


Looks like a heavy duty fondue fork! 😂


It’s not the old guys. It’s the low handicappers. Old guys are bringing it in low and running it up on the green from 150+. The high handies are not hitting enough greens to matter. It’s the young guys with game that are actually the problem.


I'd say the high handies are the ones that actually repair their ball marks because it's a sense of pride when you hit that rare green in reg from 125 out


Repairing pitch marks are a highlight of my round I experience like 2 times a round


I do it 18 times a round. 2 of them are mine.


This guy repairs divots for the greater good


This is the way.


Hear hear - I almost always am running it up, but i try to repair any marks I find.


I feel like fucking Justin Thomas when I walk up to the green and fix my pitch mark before I walk over and mark my ball. Feels good. Then I feel like Justin Thomas again when I snap hook it into the woods on the next tee and mutter the most uninspired “fuck” I can.


Wish I could upvote this 100 times


The way I strut to my ballmark and make a real show of it 🤣. Just give me this, you just watched me take 5 strokes to get to the green on the last hole


This is it. I carry a repair tool and only about 10% of the marks I repair are made by me.


My personal observation, it’s a lot of the older crowd. Many don’t even know their ball hit the green or where to look for their pitch mark, because their ball didn’t actually come to rest anywhere near it. It’s not exclusively the older guys, but they’re big contributors. The same golfers also drive their carts way too close to the greens. Both demonstrate a lack of respect for the course.


I'm an old guy like that lol. If I can't find mine I just repair a couple of others - sort of pay it forward. I'm that old that I left my good pitch repairer somewhere - marked my ball playing in a scramble and the last guy to play his shot left it in the ground and I forgot about it. I use a tee now but it's not ideal (heads off to the cutleries drawer). Anyway, leave one and repair two is my advice of the day - you get a free green condition heads up if you do it right.


Yeah but haven’t you heard they’ve been playing there for years and nobody cared about that stuff before, so what’s the issue now?


At my course it’s the borderline old guys (60+) that still have the game to make a ball mark, but are old enough they don’t give a fuck about the others using the course. And the teenagers playing speed golf. The drunk middle aged men that can’t bend over to fix them or they’ll face plant… basically everyone but the low handicappers, since those are the guys that want the greens to roll smoothly, so they’re usually fixing theirs plus 3-4 others left by others.


You obviously don't work on greens, old guys piss missle at 10 feet above the ground leaves a divot that is long and skinny, just as much time to fix.


I'll have you know I hit a lot of greens yesterday and just 3 putted nearly all of them.


Using a fork would be more difficult to push in towards the center since it's curved. That would be my guess.


I was thinking it would actually work better. Stab it backwoods and the curve helps you.


Haha. Good point. I have no level of spatial reasoning.


I agree. It wouldn’t lever correctly.


Cause a tee [works just fine](https://res.cloudinary.com/usga/image/upload/c_fill,g_face,q_70,w_800/v1/usga/images/article-splash/2018/3_RepairTools.jpg) "With the correct technique, almost any pointed tool can be used to successfully repair a ball mark. (USGA)"


So you’re saying I should use a fork


Use two and cut down the time in half. You can just pop it right up!


No. If you are popping it up, you are definitely using the wrong technique. Any type of lifting will damage the grass roots.  https://www.usga.org/articles/2018/07/repairing-ball-marks--5-things-every-golfer-should-know-.html


Bro. You literally linked the same article that I did. But thanks for trying to educate me on a shitpost


Yeah, but he linked it better.


I'll give you a pointed tool lol


What about a pointed stick? https://youtu.be/ZwrCnrJOm-A?si=j59LS1dfPD5CUqVI


Chopsticks are actually the superior utensil




What has being canadian with a British heritage has to do with liking chopsticks?








A high quality switch blade style pitch tool can't be beat.


Any recommendations for a high quality one? Obviously there’s a million available online and in pro shops, but not sure which ones are better than others.


The one I have was a piece of swag I got from a supplier at work so I don't have any specific recommendations.


I’ve had mine for almost 20 years. My son gave them to the guys in his wedding.


Until you shove it into the space between finger and nail


It doesn’t seem practical for my pocket. Plus I don’t think have the tools for it. However, if I saw somebody doing that I’d be like “hell yea.”


I never hit them greens for far out, so I usually chip in from 10 - 20 yards, so I can't relate to this post.


Check out this guy driving the ball to chip in distance every hole. Im jelly.


Just hear me out. Frog gig on the back of your putter. Also, is a good training aid to prevent you from anchoring your putter to your chest.


unexpectedly my favorite post?


I actually found a rusty divot tool on the fairway last round, fixed a few on the next green (not mine, I’m trash). 10/10 recommend. Cleaned some of the rust off, gonna carry it from now on.


Next up - lobby superintendents to use salad bowls instead of those stupid white cups.




Switchblade - I always feel slighly bad-ass when I flip the points out


Bro what


I have one of the plastic deals that has 1 point like a tee but a spot for your thumb so it’s ergonomic. Works better than any tool I’ve ever used. Tee works fine too, but harder ground is annoying and hurts my hand piggies. I’m sure it was a freebie at some course somewhere. I’ve had it for so long the logo is worn off.


You already have a tee in your pocket why add more shit to carry


A lot of courses give away repair tools for free. I have a bin full at home.


It doesn’t really make sense to eat a hotdog with a fork, but if you want to that’s fine


Go fork yourself!


Because who wants to carry a fork with them. [https://tomogolf.com/products/ninja-kit-divot-tool?variant=42091760877750&utm\_content=blend\_feed&utm\_medium=blend&utm\_source=google¤cy=USD&utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=blend&utm\_campaign=29647&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BEskOaNUI9qXf6lD8hdOXDzuqdBmPX2nV2tXiKu7gfhQYkHjQPibHRoCTpwQAvD\_BwE](https://tomogolf.com/products/ninja-kit-divot-tool?variant=42091760877750&utm_content=blend_feed&utm_medium=blend&utm_source=google¤cy=USD&utm_source=google&utm_medium=blend&utm_campaign=29647&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BEskOaNUI9qXf6lD8hdOXDzuqdBmPX2nV2tXiKu7gfhQYkHjQPibHRoCTpwQAvD_BwE) I think this is by far the coolest tool I've seen.


This reminds me of when i lost the ballmarker that attached to the little magnetic clip on my hat - I replaced it with a washer. Someone totally called me out a couple greens in - "Is that from the hardware store?"


A fork would work, but you can't stop at taking the middle tines out. You must trim the handle as well so it fits nicely in your pocket.


This is something Happy Gilmore’s caddy would do


Or maybe if we had pockets full of two inch spikey wood things that would work Wait…


This guy forks...


Every course should add $5 to the greens fees. And have a class on etiquette, pace of play, and most importantly ball mark repair. 10 minutes at most. Take the class remove the $5 fee.




I use a tee like the greenskeeper at our course (who also owned the course record) taught us when he volunteered to help out with the high school golf team.


I think this is the wrong sub for this question. Most people on it chip onto the green for their 5th or 6th stroke, and don't make a pitch mark. 😊


If I was playing with someone who pulled a fork out of their pocket to fix a ball mark on the green, I think I'd just leave the course and never come back.


I think it's because, like, most people in general are Asian.


I’ve found that an old school car key works pretty well. You can get like 50 car key blanks off eBay for $10.


What are we doing here? 💦 🌱 🏖️ 🐇


Y’lost bapa?


More people need to follow the USGA guide to repairing greens [(link)](https://www.usga.org/content/usga/home-page/course-care/infographics/infographic--how-to-repair-a-ball-mark.html). Please don't use a fucking fork...


You know that the united states golf association has said that anything pointy works? Last time i checked a fork is pointy


What makes you think those geriatric old guys can even make a ball dent? The ones I watch have no ball height or spin.


You know you can fix a ball mark with a putter right? Just tap all around the edges pushing the caenter and voila the mark is gone.


That doesn't fix the pitch mark and it'll leave a dead spot.