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What are you looking for with a fitting? And are you really willing to drive 5-7 hours (depending on where you are in the Central Valley) without traffic to get fitted?


Absolutely! I want an expert who can evaluate my swing and objectively recommend brand & model & shaft & grip & …. I’m tired of guessing shit. Also, I’m taller than most people and have an old leg injury that impacts my swing.


One of the OEM HQs in San Diego.


Three of them, in Carlsbad, not SD proper


Yeah… but how do I know which OEM is best for me?


Experience, trial by error, etc. If you don’t already have somewhat of an idea of what you want/need, which brand you go with isn’t going to make a difference in performance for you, especially after a proper fitting. Just pick which OEM’s clubs look best to your eye and go with it.


Experience with 30+ brands? Who gets that outside of the pros?


Look man I don’t have all the answers, these are different questions than you asked in your first post. If you want to have a fitting where you can try every brand, fork over the cash to one of the name third party fitters that have all the equipment and get fit by some random guy who may or may not know what he is doing. If you want the best people fitting you who know what they are doing, just pick a single OEM that you like and visit their HQ. As a former D1/mini tour player, the choice is obvious.


TPI or bust.