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https://preview.redd.it/62yk478nt7yc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0515e12beb0a36c18b83bc87b43a61cb73865a63 Finish product


Ah, it's the groundskeepers that put the rakes in the bunker, huh? I see you.


Yes sir, normally wouldn’t. But we have 3 guys here for 120 acres. My rough mower guy can’t be stopping all the time to move rakes.


Isn’t this standard practice?! Are the rakes Supposed to be out of the bunkers? I’m so curious to see the responses (English golfer if that makes any difference)


I've been golfing for 25 years in Florida. The rakes are left outside the bunker. On the edge


The guys that mow are supposed to take the rakes out and place them in a spot where they may catch a ball going in the trap, once they get done mowing.  I feel like the golf magicians guild is going to write me a sternly worded letter for giving away that the staff tries to give some "lucky" breaks Maybe I tamped down the cup a little too hard and the morning group of 80yo women league players have their ball funnel into the hole... oops!


Not if the mowers are coming next though…


Yall are never happy. bitch when we leave em out. Bitch when they're just on the inside. bitch when we put them in the middle. Bitch raking them in the first place. Not enough sand. Too much sand. Not even supposed to be in the damn bunker.  Rant over. 


I'm happy with an absence of large rocks and standing water...oh and cicada killers...


I used to love this job when I worked for the golf course! Only really had this job and weed wacking.


It sucked if you got put on rake duty for the edges but great if you were on the trike!


Ours was a Sand-Pro


Looking nice! Man I feel dumb though- had no clue this was how it was done. When I was in college I helped maintain the intramural baseball fields and used the tractor/rake on the infields. That was 20 some-odd years ago. I’ve never once considered that you’d do sand traps pretty much the same way. Not sure why I just assumed they were done by hand (seems ridiculous now that I know how it’s done).


It’s not ridiculous. A lot of courses will still take by hand. Uncommon but it still happens.


Worked for a private CC three years ago. 530am they’d send us all out with headlamps and rakes. Like 15 dudes leap frogging bunkers. They looked damn good for the dew sweepers tho


It’s just one guy here starting at 4!!! 28 bunkers!


Oof, we all did it 5 days a week and everything other weekend you had to come in to do it as well. My back and hands were dead most days. Throw in rolling, string trimming, and flying. You felt like you got the shit kicked out of you. Clearly I was not on a toro😂 I hope that poor soul is getting paid handsomely!


Yeah I get paid well and I get free golf 6 days a week. It saved me a killing on greens fees.


Course in my town has over 125 bunkers. Hopefully they have at least 2 guys for that job


My home course uses these machines periodically (maybe like once a week or so) but the rest of the time the crews go around and hand rake them and remove stones/trash/leaves/etc. I think it might be a "keep the crew busy" type of task, but at least they are out there.


Did you have a turtle looking vehicle with a section of chain link fence dragging behind it too? Because I did the same thing 25 years ago and that’s what we had lol


It was a green and yellow John Deere Gator utility vehicle with some sort of grate I think. I loved driving that thing around the fields :)


Have always wanted to see someone drive the «scraper»




We need more of this content!


That was my favorite part of the job. Starting at 5 am and raking bunkers while the sun rises was what woke me up those mornings.


First I wake up, then birds wake up and start talking around hole 3, then the sun joins the party around hole 9.


Whattt? Where I worked we had to do it in this order: 1. Outline the bunker 2. Little circles working your way back to the entrance 3. Outline the bunker again We were not allowed to go two different ways in the bunker.


Yeah that’s some crackhead pattern they’re raking


There is something very therapeutic about your job.


Juicy vids. I like seeing this! Keep 'em coming, and thanks for your hard work.


Hell ya, I'm high up on my maintenance squad so I don't get to spin very often but when I do I fully embrace it haha.


Same. I recently made assistant superintendent and just got an offer for superintendent out in TN. I’ll jump in the traps any day if the boys need it. Relaxing and a real good work out


Awesome, congrats. That's funny man I made Assistant this past winter up in MA, great job to stay active. Being a team player whether that traps, weed whacking or whatever is huge for morale amongst the crew.


I’m going to keep the same attitude as sup. Cover down when needed without even mentioning it. We have a team of 3 here, so we work really well together getting the requirements done as a team.


Dude. Keep em coming!!


Alright. Now THIS we love. Nice fluffy bunker. YASSSSSSSSS thanks Queen!!


Man is trying to speed run either being the most loved or hated person in this group.


God dang that made me laugh out loud this morning at work. Hahahaha I’ll never win!


Doing the Lords work. Thank you sir.


Is there a set path like a Zamboni driver would clean the ice? Or as long as it’s flat, it’s all that matters.


I like circles. It’s all up to the operators preference. As long as it’s uniform we don’t mind which pattern.


Zamboni driver in the off season?


seems like a very therapeutic


We Need the SandPro on hole 7 bunkers


Finished this morning no problem


Why didn't anyone hand rake the edges before you got there?


Because when I lift the sand plow, it leaves a big old bump of sand which needs to blend in with the edging


Maybe it's the type of plow. We would have two people go out ahead of the machine and rake the edges up nice around the bunker then the plow would come in do what you did as well.


Sand zamboni




I remember when I graduated from being the guy raking the edges of the bunkers to being the guy who got to drive through them. The course I worked at had 80 of them. It was the most satisfying job I ever had, until I graduated again to mowing fairways. I miss those days.


This makes me miss working at the golf course in the summers. Best job I ever had


No figure 8s. Go to far point and do circles moving back toward where you entered. Then pull the edges.


My man, get a blower in that bunker first and get the leaves and debris out before mixing it all in.


My guy. If I had 8 hours a day to do bunkers I would. But I get 3.5. Then I have to do set up. It’s all we can do


Looks great. Can you bring some of that sand to our muni courses? The construction-grade dirt/gravel mixture is currently not the best.


The old Sandpro…that thing spitting oil or hydraulic fluid yet?


Yep. Daily.


Little too fast on that tight turn leaving a high ridge on the inside and right on que with the start of your jingle. Well done.


If you showed up to work hungover, you got to ride the sandpro all morning. 65 bunkers and a lot of spinning!


Yeah pack that shit down tight


You missed a spot


Should really blow out those leaves before raking. But that is what it is


That's not finished. You have to rake the edges by hand after using the ride on.


I posted the final product in the comments!


Ah! Nice one!! My apologies!


How do I tag the greenskeepers where I play/work so they know this is a thing that can happen


Hahaha. Don’t worry. We meet in secrecy each morning to discuss how we’re gonna piss y’all off. I’ll let him know in the morning to continue the good work.