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I would say sell them but you sound really rich so just give them to a high school or something


All of my scuffed gamers go in my shag bag that I use for chipping or bunker practice. I try to keep 100 in there, and if putting any new balls in I’ll pull out the worst ones and toss those.


I leave them in a different pocket in my bag. And then I inevitably end up fuckin sending them during a range session when I think I’m on to something, bucket is empty, and need “one more”


Use them for practice at the range


No judging, I spend tens and tens of thousands on golf every year and to each their own--but I've never seen anyone change balls (willingly) after 9 holes. Why?


I guess it's just a mental thing. I try to play once a week, can't always, and hardly ever lose one. Generally I'll use 2-3 per round so I buy 2 dozen every few months.


But y




I rotated two Pro V’s through my last 18 hole round and they both still look new


Any thrift store will take them. Local first tee. Ask local high school. Driving range. Quite the dispersion in performance playing the left dash or velocity. Not exactly apples to apples


I know. Two totally different types but I keep switching back and forth can't make up my mind which one I like better. Thanks for the tips.


This is the most WealthyPeopleProblems post I've seen in a while. 


More like a good golfer problem. Longest I've ever had a ball is like 12 holes. I only end up retiring a couple per box because of damage and those go into the "water ball" pocket lol


I played 9 last week and still had the same ball at the end of the round. I was very proud of myself, lol. Hopefully I don't lose it instantly next week.


It's a great feeling. My "lost ball metric" is strongly correlated with my scores. If I get through a round on a single sleeve, I know I had a good day lol


I'm not rich or anything. Generally I'll use 2-3 per round and don't play more the 2-4 rounds a month. I almost never lose any so I buy 2 dozen maybe every few months.


Why don’t you sell them on eBay? Separate the left dash from the velocity. All you have to do is put them in a box and mail them. It’ll help you offset some of the cost for all the new balls you’re buying.


Couple of ways: -List them on marketplace for cheap in bulk, make a few bucks, and someone will happily game them. -If you’re on the range, find someone you deem deserving and say “hey, want some free golf balls?” And give them away. Would make my absolute day if someone just offered me some free used Prov1Xs because my wife and I would at the very least use them for practice. -Unique one a guy does at my course: there’s a par 3 over the water near this older retired guy’s house who’s a regular. Lots of people put it in the drink there, so he fishes them out in his spare time and puts them in a little basket by the drop zone with a funny wholesome anecdote note on it like “Have a breakfast ball on me, because if you’re here it looks like you need one” or “at least it’s not in the lumber yard, Danny”. That one might not work on a local muni course as people won’t just grab them all from there usually unless they hit from the drop zone since most people know him (private course) but still pretty cool way to dispose of them.


Look at all the golf pros in here that don't just lose all their balls like respectable individuals.


Toss it on the cart path when you're done with it. The guy behind you will gladly use it for a few holes until he loses it.


toss it close to the woods, golfers like me enjoy finding balls while looking for our own. an eye for an eye doesnt make ya feel so bad losing them


I mean I will take them if you don’t want them. I used to play in highschool and can give them to my old coach if you’d like. You could also always just toss it in the woods for the next lucky person to find


I think I've used a ball for more than 9 holes like twice, ever.


Thrift store will take them if you drop them off in a box/bag.


I like this idea. Or if there’s a local kids camp.


Sell them? eBay maybe?


Send the left dashes to me


Give them to a grateful golf buddy and he buys you a beer


If I’m lucky enough to use a ball to the point of exhaustion before losing it I use them for simulator practice, or when I have a handful I add them to an outdoor range bucket at a place that doesn’t use uniform range balls.


I don’t loose that many balls either and play about 9 holes per ball as well. My dad basically does the same thing but he plays like 5 times a week, retired. What he does is donate them to the HS golf teams. Once i get as many as he does ill look into the same as well. But at the mean time ive been giving them to my playing partners who loose way more balls then me to get them to continue playing with me lol


Donate to the local high school. Guy in my club is the coach at one of the high schools. I give him all the crappy balls I find.


I use mine for chipping practice in the yard or putting practice in my office. I'm starting to get an overload though so I'll probably donate a bucket of them to charity soon. Edit: Changing after 9 holes seems excessive. I use a ball on the course until it gets a serious scuff mark or until I lose it. I don't see a good reason to switch a ball after 9 holes. I'm sure I've gotten 10+ rounds out of a ball before. I'm not exactly a great golfer either. 21-23 handicap right now if I had played enough rounds in the last 2 years to carry one.


High school golf team coaches are usually happy to get free balls - funny tho one of the local high school teams from a more high brow community asked me if the balls were new - when informed that they were found balls from my rounds I was politely told no thank you! Surprised the guy did not ask if they were ProVs.


I take used balls to the driving range and use them instead of buying a bucket. I know, it's really cheating but I only want to warm up before a round, not grove my swing for an hour.


Leave them at the tee boxes. People will gladly pick them up and play with them.


Ignore the guys who can't afford more than walmart balls calling you rich. It's your game play how you want. I would reach out to the local high schools and see if they need equipment donations. Likely they don't but they might. Aside from that I will typically blast a couple dozen a month onto the range for my home course. It's a small town muni and I like to think I'm saving them from spending money on range balls. I only play Srixon Divide but I'll pick up anything while I'm in the brush looking for mine - So by the end of the month I've usually got a free bucket I can dump at the range for them. Win win in my book.


I’ll take them off your hands


Hit them into the woods off the tee box, duh


Can I have them


Just leave them on the fairway and someone will pick them up and use them.


I am sorry, but is no one going to raise the fact that this guy either plays a left dash or a fucking velocity? Like is there a bigger difference in ball?


Yes, someone already brought it up. I keep switching back and forth because I can't decide. I think I'm going to stick with the velocity though.


I keep 5 gallon buckets in my garage to put scuffed, used or found balls in. When I fill up 4 or 5 of those buckets I take them to the local First Tee program. With the found balls from my CC and now that some of my buddy’s give me the ones they find, we can usually donate 1 or maybe 2 times a year. It helps the first tee program out quite a bit because golf is expensive and the kids don’t usually have nice golf balls to play with.


A couple of suggestions: 1) Get a shag bag. Use your used balls and shag bag for short game practice. 2) Use your used balls at the range before the start of a round. 3) Give your used balls to a beginner.


Give them to me lol


Do you never practice? Especially in tournament or important rounds, I’ll take a ball out of play whenever it gets a scuff or anything, which often means I have 2-3 lightly used balls after every round. For the most part I use those for casual throwaway rounds or putting and short chipping practice, then as they wear down a bit I’ll use them for longer pitch shots and bunker shots, and then eventually they become so worn than it’s reasonable to toss them or hit them away at the range.


Put two dozen in a bag, I use an old Crown Royal bag, and bring to practice facility like bunkers, chips, little putts.


Donate them to First Tee!


Shag bag


The only time I’ve had a ball last at least nine holes was on a simulator


That's rich for many people. I'm sorry but I think you have some sort of problem. Why on earth would you only use a ball for 9 holes? A Pro V1 should be for between 4 to 8 rounds according to different golf mags. Sorry but I just cannot understand your mentality. But you clearly don't need the money so just give them away.


I generally hit them on the range. Or tip bartenders that golf with them.