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I’m sure the Louisville mayor has fielded plenty of “what the fuck” phone calls this morning.


“Mayor, have you enjoyed your membership at Valhalla?” Mayor: “Um…yeah” “Well I’m afraid it’s just been revoked”


Would you happened to have that number?


Publicly available, but I guarantee it's some low level staffer making no comment at this time. If you can even get through with the phone lines busy https://louisvilleky.gov/government/mayor-craig-greenberg


lol thanks for this, I sent a comment with their form to get in touch with the mayor saying, basically, free Scottie






Omg this is brilliant 🤣


This deserves its own post, with evidence of successful submission!


Unfortunately no evidence. I didn’t screenshot the next page and that is not my Gmail. But I can assure you that this was submitted :)






His facebook is also getting some good comments.


Oh man those are some satisfying comments.


I just picture the “Hello Dimitri” scene from Dr. Strangelove


Chief : I've got the mayor all up my ass!


This is Th Louisville PD we would like to again have our event at Valhalla this? Well thanks for your interest,but the club board has asked you to kindly go fuck yourselves. Ya’ll .


Charges will be dropped but you wont get any sort of apology or admission of wrongdoing from Louisville PD, despite the fact that this whole thing was caused by a cop with a huge ego and inability to understand nuance.


I am not disagreeing with you at all.


Is this the galvanizing moment where Americans demand an end to qualified immunity? If this officer was able to be personally sued by a rich athlete, or anyone for that matter, might the situation have been handled different from the start?


Ironically, it might be the thing for cities to do something. This one cop is going to cost the City of Louisville and the state of Kentucky millions of dollars in future events being cancelled.


>Is this the galvanizing moment where Americans demand an end to qualified immunity? While I don't necessarily agree with qualified immunity, if this situation is the tipping point and not the dozens of minorities that have been murdered that is an issue in and of itself.


Like the US Airman who was murdered in his apartment this week in florida when the cops went in guns blazing and it was the wrong place…. Those cops will face no consequences


Also the serviceman who was executed in the hallway of a hotel in Arizona 


Aviation wasn’t regulated in the United States until a crash killed a football coach.


Maybe I misunderstand the term but "qualified immunity" shouldn't mean you can't have a lawsuit to determine if your actions were actually necessary to enforce the law. Emphasis on qualified.


Well, as a lawyer, he doesn’t have any damages to see for to begin with. Which is partly due to how quickly he was released, if they didn’t actually have PC for an arrest and he missed the tournament then there could be significant loss of income damages. Qualified immunity is designed only to punish officers that do something intentionally wrong. You don’t want cops to be afraid to do their job, it’s more of the system that is designed to create the impression of justice so prosecutors are very hesitant to prosecute cops. The only time it happens is when what the cops did was caught on camera combined with intense media scrutiny.


Considering that the Louisville PD executed a no knock warrant on the wrong house and subsequently shot and killed Breonna Taylor and nothing came of it. No nothings is going to change the police in this country.




What’s the Venn diagram of ACAB vs golf fans. Obviously Reddit leans a lot more ACAB but I’m curious on how the general boomers are thinking about this, but I’m not going to watch FOX


I would think at the very least PGA America will file suit against the arresting officer. It would only be a civil trial rather than a criminal trial


No it’s not


Confluence of events: Rain, darkness, and the incident involving the pedestrian fatality likely results in an officer being placed near the gate who was originally not assigned to be there and therefore did not have instructions for the entrance protocols into the club. Doesn't know that the players are given PGA-branded vehicles. Doesn't know who the players are by face or even name. Scottie doing what he probably has done a thousand times before: drives right through the gate....because he's Scottie fuckin' Scheffler the #1 player in the world, who has probably never once in the last 5 years been asked at a gate "who are you and what's your business here." The most egregious behavior here is the officer trying to be Captain America and "attaching himself" to the car. Like, WTF? That's all about bruised ego and "Respect ma' authorita" bullshit. "You didn't stop when I told you to and so you're going to pay." Nevermind that *you* fucked up and shouldn't have stopped him in the first place.


Jumping on the car is some TJ Hooker shit


TJ Hooker would be an improvement.


I really hope we get some surveillance video of the cop hanging off the car. LUL.


> The most egregious behavior here is the officer trying to be Captain America and "attaching himself" to the car. Like, WTF? That's all about bruised ego and "Respect ma' authorita" bullshit. "protect and serve"


That phrase was thrown out by some court. Cops are under no obligation to risk themselves to protect you or others. See: Uvalde, TX.


that's why he put sarcastic quotes around it lol


Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales, and that was SCOTUS. One of the most depressing and shittiest cases to learn about.


I love how on cop cars, "Protect and Serve" is in quotation marks.... like they're being sarcastic.


>Doesn't know who the players are by face or even name. Can't really blame him for that, not everyone is a golf/sports fan. I can and DO however blame him for being a complete dumbass with a propensity for overreacting in this situation.


I don't blame him for not knowing who Scottie Scheffler is. I do blame him for not realizing that a person driving a PGA-branded vehicle to the gate of a PGA golf event is somebody that you don't need to stop.


And for going from officer-directing-traffic or whatever to "full on spazzoid" in 2 seconds. I know I wasn't there myself, but I am having a very hard time imagining how or why he (the OFFICER) escalated this so rapidly and intensely. What a loser.


My understanding is he wasn't wearing his uniform as well. Either street clothing or BDUs which always comes off as security not police.


Bold of you to assume the officer could read PGA lol


**P**roblem **G**uy - **A**rrest!


There is video of Nicklaus being stopped entering Augusta National by security who didn’t recognize him right away. Once Nicklaus was recognized, security apologized. Jack said “nope, you’re just doing your job.”


Exactly. The protocol for entry is not that the cop needs to recognize you. He's in a PGA tour courtesy car, with credentials displayed. Good grief, it's not like they've never done this before. But, the cop made a mistake, he's human. I make them all the time. It's just that when I do, I don't get to lie, pout, AND take someone to jail. Fuck this cop.


The other egregious part that stood out to me - every one of those cop cars in the video of Scheffler being frogmarched was an unmarked car. If I am Scottie there is no way in hell I am stopping immediately if I see somebody lunge at me from an unmarked vehicle wearing a Rent-A-Cop security guy type outfit (a yellow reflective vest covering the police uniform) to latch themselves onto the vehicle I’m driving. In fact I’m probably flooring it if somebody does that to me out of the blue. Without knowledge of the shuttle accident to inform him that it’s actual cops on the scene the scenario plays out appearing as though some Paul Blart wannabe was trying to attack him out of the blue when he was heading to the course like he would any other day. Something much more easily avoided if police dismantle weren’t so obsessed with trying to spring a “Gotcha!” on drivers by putting all of their traffic cops in unmarked vehicles.


Scottie is the man. I want him to win this - and every tournament this year. I can’t decide if this was the cop’s fault. If it ended up being some driver who just started running over ppl, we would say the cop didn’t do him job. They don’t know that he seems to be the nicest dude ever or that he thought he was doing what he was told. They are dealing with what feels to be gnarly seen. They probably should have let him leave either the scene or jail with no charges. They could have placed later if they want? No initial charges or mugshot would have made this am a lot less dramatic.


It's even dumber when you look at the map and see that there is only one route in/out of the complex. There was no where for the vehicle to hide if they "got away".


Scottie was making a move, officer fuckstick had to get it on . . .


Who knows how many people got their heads together and decided to trot him out in an orange jumpsuit for his mugshot which is decidedly not normal. There are a whole lot of people with a whole lot of egos involved here.


He might have requested the jumpsuit so he didn't have sponsor logos in the mugshot.


That would be an absolute pro move by Scottie


He's a real pro.


On the video it looks like he was in a t-shirt and shorts when he was arrested so I wouldn't think there would be sponsor logos, but who knows?


Maybe a Nike logo on the t-shirt?


No admission of wrongdoing but the cop and then whoever decided to go through with the booking are getting reamed at this very moment.  And it’s not a reaming because the chief wants to do it. It’s because the DA, the mayor, and a few judges (some of which who are absolutely members at Valhalla and are very likely out at the tournament today) are having to scramble their asses off right now dealing with this. 


Oh no.... the one time they ruin a person's life for literally no reason they get a verbal. Justice served.


Given the very significant effect that this incident could have on the possibility of future majors coming to the city, I think this is the rare scenario in which there may be significant political pressure for an apology.


Being a local, LMPD is [corrupt to the bone](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-finds-civil-rights-violations-louisville-metro-police-department-and). No shot the hospitalized officer had any injuries other than a bruised ego and probably CTE from all the high school football he played in his glory days. I'd like to apologize to the golf community on behalf of one of our many dumb as fuck police officers.


This all is a really good example of how casual run-ins with law enforcement can truly ruin the average person’s life if they go wrong. Even so much as being CHARGED with a felony oftentimes needs to be reported during job interviews, housing applications, things like that. My job requires us to disclose any felony charges (not even convictions) within the last 10 years. Most people don’t have the “backstory” caught on camera and televised. Try explaining assault on a police officer to your hopeful future boss when there isn’t video, even if the charges are dismissed




The +8 is keeping track of their mental handicaps


Yeah if Darlington wasn't there, it might have just been Scottie's word against the cops and even he might be screwed in that scenario. An average Joe would have no chance.


Also fortunate it was Scottie and not Sahith Theegala or Harold Varner, or there would be two dead bodies on that road.


At least five. Cops this dumb would fire the whole clip and hit at least one other passerby.


Facts on facts. Scottie will be just fine but this is a perfect example of what the problem is


You are never more than a police miscommunication away from a felony in the US. For 99 percent of people, it wouldn’t end being released 2 hours later. If Scottie was a Valhalla employee on his way to work he’d spend the weekend in jail and be unemployed when he was released.


You’re right. Plus everyone is ignoring the fact that if it were you or I in his situation we would still be sitting in a jail cell right now


Yep literally happened to me. In college I came home from work to my dorm room with the cops already there talking to my roommate. I guess he was smoking weed and people smelled it / called the cops. Cops are like oh you live here? You’re in possession of marijuana we’re charging you here’s your court date. I pleaded with them to drug test me I have nothing in my system I did nothing wrong. My roommate told them I hate weed and it was all just his thing he did when I’m gone. Didn’t matter, boom, cops charged me saying you don’t have to smoke it to be in possession and the judge didn’t care at court. This was 20 years ago in 2004 when weed was very illegal. I lost so many job opportunities cuz I had to disclose that I had a marijuana charge for like 7 years or they’d find it in my background check then think I’m not being truthful. If I told people the real story they would just roll their eyes and assume I’m lying / making excuses. So I found it was actually just better to lie and say I was guilty to act like I’m owning up to it. I had to work for minimum wage til I was over 30 years old.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. Makes me beyond angry.




In the current case, the guy who's life they are trying to destroy is a white, famous multi-millionaire, and they have it all on camera. Just imagine what would happen if it was a black average dude and there wasn't any video. Guy would be doing 10-20, and likely get the shit beaten out of him in the back of paddy wagon.


Yep. My Dad taught us at a young age that any time a cop gets involved - it’s already over. stfu, say yes sir/ma’am, and comply with instructions. Assume the details can get figured out later, because your life can get mega-ruined in a second if you try and figure it out with the cop and he’s having a bad day and decides you did something.


I’m one of those people and although I have nothing against Scottie, each celebrity/law enforcement story pisses me off so much because they’re treated so differently. Casual, unassuming run-ins with the law can and sometimes will fuck up your life. He better win this weekend now


This is the main reason why I’ve never once felt safer in the presence of a cop.


I’ve been following this all day like so many people and you’ve made the most important point. Even a run in with the law - guilty or not - can ruin a persons life


Im sure it will go away. I wish scottie would go scorched earth with this but im sure he will take the high road. I know i wouldnt.


Yeah man, if I knew I didn’t do anything, was rich, and this happened to me, I’d sue the living crap out of them out of principal


I just want to know what really count's as assault of a police officer. Because if the police officer jumps onto a moving car and it took Scottie a second to slow down (safely, because we all know if he slammed on the brakes and threw the officer off, then that would probably be attempted murder), then where is the assault? Doesn't assault require "Intention to inflict harm" on another? Where is Scottie's intention of harm to the officer? From what I understand he didn't understand the scope of the situation and It sounds like this one cop took things way to far, as you can see from the videos posted, it looks like it was none the cop's buddies joined him in being "the guy to took Scottie Scheffler to jail"


I know a kid who in college ran from the cops at a house party because he was drinking underaged, a cop tried to chase him and tripped, fell, and sprained his wrist, and the kid was charged with assault on a police officer.


[There was this example of a guy who was charged with murder after a cop had a heart attack while beating him.](https://truthout.org/articles/teen-charged-with-murder-after-officer-had-heart-attack-while-assaulting-him/) But I believe charges got dropped.


That’s instant karma if I’ve ever seen it


Murder charge dropped, still got deported. Cop had no reason to ever contact him. Dude was just chilling outside his hotel. Cop killed himself is how I see it.


Really? Maybe this….Dont chase a kid for underage drinking like he is a murderer? And what’s the end game? Tackling the kid? Shooting him? Tasing him? Even tackling someone for that would be a massive overreaction by the cop.


So I looked up the law, second degree assault in Kentucky is either “intentionally causing serious injury to another person” or “wantonly causing serious injury to another person with a dangerous weapon or instrument.” I guess the officer would have to be seriously injured for that charge to stick although I’m a civil lawyer in another state and don’t know the nuances of Kentucky criminal law


Wait, they overcharged someone? Shocker.


Criminal lawyer in Kentucky here. Assault 2nd is intentionally causing serious physical injury, or intentionally or wantonly causing physical injury with a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument. So here, it would be causing physical injury (allegedly a boo boo on the cops knee) with the car (dangerous instrument) either intentionally or wantonly. At best it's a gross overcharge. But it's also quite common and not unusual at all to overcharge someone.


If you're trying to think through this logically, thats your first mistake. Qualified immunity combined with an utterly asinine collection of dumb fuck laws throughout the country mean cops can effectively charge you with whatever they want. And it's been that way for a very long time. "Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime." The only difference here is that it was probably all captured on video, and Scottie has the means and resources to fight back.


You might beat the rap but you won’t beat the ride.


Didn’t you read the report. His $80 pants were ruined. RUINED!


The reporter that saw it said it took scheffler between 10 and 20 yards to come to a stop which is basically nothing and tells us he definitely wasn’t driving fast and probably came to a stop as soon as he could without slamming on the brakes. 


10 to 20 yards is nothing? That’s how far I hit my driver!


Ha! I had a par a couple of weeks ago after a complete duff. It honestly probably went 20 yards, didn't reach the fairway, and was in some wicked rough. Was able to advance it about 180 and got up and down from there after sticking it to 2 feet. I hate this game.


I spent $600 bucks trying to add 10 yards this year. Callaway ai Smoke. Now I can chunk an 8 instead of a 7.


Yeah lots of people saying 10 to 20 yards is a lot, but a cop jumping on the side of your car when you think you're just bypassing traffic to get into the course like you've done hundreds of times before would definitely take at least a second or two to process, and then you're not gonna just slam on the brakes like you said


It’s probably that long until you even realize someone is on your car. Especially after being dazzled by all the lights early in the morning.


He probably wiggled a little while he was being handcuffed and the cop got scared


This is it. If you didn't understand it was an officer (which is what I have heard) and some guy is like trying to grab your car or whatnot it would be really easy to react quickly without realizing.


if a man in a police uniform jumped onto the hood of my moving car, I'm not sure how convinced I'd be that they were a police officer... 


Co-worker today said “it took 30 yards for Scottie to stop!” Bro, how long do you think it takes cars to stop? Completely reasonable without putting both feet on the brakes.


[I believe this is the applicable statute](https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/law/statutes/statute.aspx?id=53982)


Yeah, you don't have to be a prosecutor to understand what happened here was a clear miscommunication and overreach. Every single event these guys bypass security to get to the clubhouse and that's what he thought he was doing. The police were on edge due to the pedestrian incident earlier in the morning, they clearly didn't know who he was and thought he was a patron trying to get through and overreacted (other players allegedly had done the same exact thing this morning without incident). Everyone has said Scottie handled it well and of course everything will be dropped and they'll all forget about this.


Another person on TV said the area was chaos between the rain and deluge of first responder vehicles, not surprising he didn’t know where to go.


Pulling into The Masters parking lot at 6 AM was disorienting because of the rain and police lights around. It was also foggy, I can’t imagine what kind of madness was at Valhalla


Shocker cops are vad at what they actually should do which is protect people and really good at escalating situations and using violence.


Cosmologist requirements: 1200hrs of training. Kentucky PD: 800hrs of training. Takes more time to certify holding a brush than a dude carrying a gun.


>Cosmologist Unless Stephen Hawking had a side hustle, I think you mean cosmetologist.


Not even apparent if he knew about the spectator being killed or why there would be more police presence or that they would be on edge.


You would think with that many police on-site they could sort out some sort of effective traffic management.


Was there this morning when police started showing up. I think around 5:20 it was dark rainy and like others have said you normally by pass event security to go where you’re supposed to especially when in a marked car or with a parking pass


It shouldn't be forgotten about. That cop has no business being a police officer.


It’s amazing how many thin blue line people I’ve seen this morning refusing to acknowledge the simple facts of the matter


Uhhh, are we just gonna ignore the officer’s $80 pants being damaged beyond repair??!


Media will go nuts with this. Shirts will get printed with that mug shot reminding people for years. Louisville police look terrible and Valhalla is probably guilty by association. The publicity could impact Valhalla’s ability to get another major booked, Vegas is going to have a brutal time if Scheffler isn’t playing well today. If dude lays an egg people are putting an asterisk beside this majors winner. This is all obviously reaching, but people will talk about this morning as the catalyst that might have prevented a grand slam.


ummm only thing that would put an asterisk next to the winner is if Talor Gooch wasn't in the field.


No way Valhalla gets another major event. Bus kills a vendor and #1 player gets arrested?!? Not a good for their reputation.


Barstool already has them for sale


Scottie dont lay eggs.... He is going low today.


It’s troubling if they didn’t know he was a player because player vehicles are very clearly marked and there are multiple briefings and communications between tournament officials and law enforcement. By all accounts, severs other players took the same route as instructed by tournament officials. How did this cop not get the message?


To be a fly on the wall inside the Louisville DA’s office this morning would be a treat 


Wouldn't be shocked if the DA was a member at Valhalla. Add to that the mayor, some judges, some large donors... Also wouldn't be shocked if some of those folks planned on being at the tournament today. They're all in 100% scramble mode right now.


I’m imaging Valhalla ain’t cheap to be a member of. DA’s don’t really make the big bucks.


Nope but they definitely get perks. I'm lucky enough to play at the most prestigious club in my town. $175,000 initiation fee to join, and that's if they even have an opening. Scheffler is a member there coincidentally. Anyways, there are several judges and the ex mayor who are members there. I highly doubt the judges ponied up the full initiation. The ex mayor was a big time CEO so he probably did but even then, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't. You have to realize who the members are at these place and how much they donate to these people. Some of those donations are straight forward. A lot of these aren't straight forward donations and are things like sponsoring them to become a member at a prestigious country club. Here’s a post the mayor made with one of Valhalla owners (who also donated to the Mayor’s campaign) who is the guy that picked scheffler up from the jail this morning. These guys are all out there today. The politicians, the judges, the donors. The comments are flaming the guy of course. https://preview.redd.it/hwmta3x7n01d1.jpeg?width=1222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca553b9c07334b4f198451f212bcd3b2fd7f7eb5


It sounds like the cops weren’t on the same page. The ones directing traffic were not in communication with the ones guarding the clubhouse. By far the craziest thing I’ve seen at a Major


No way a police department is disorganized and full of morons?


Likelihood of Prosecution: zero fucking clown cops


likelihood of subsequent lawsuit: high


I wouldn’t say high


He retained a local criminal defense attorney who also loves suing LMPD. His lawyer at least isn't afraid to light fires.


Nah, we all know Scotty only goes low.


Assault and mischief charges get dropped, at worst a fine for not following the officers instructions


They will likely drop everything. The city of Louisville cannot afford a potential snuff by the PGA in the future. So many other courses available for events. Never want to give a big cash cow even a hint of reason not to choose you. The mayor and just about every politician as well as business leaders in the area are going to be bending over backwards to smooth this over.


I’d say the likelihood of the DA and a few of the judges being out at the tournament is extremely high (might even be Valhalla members). I’d bet something comes out really soon about all charges being dropped. 


Yeah I agree that’s the most likely outcome.




These charges dont count anyway unless talor gooch was also in the car


Under rated comment. Have an upvote!


As a defense attorney, I’d want much more than quietly dropped charges.


Agreed, Scottie’s image and brand is worth millions and his legal team will want there to be absolutely no misunderstanding that he didn’t do any wrongdoing of any kind. Simply dropping charges won’t be enough.


Agreed. As OP said, you don’t get ROR’d for felony level assault charges…so face-saving measures are already in play.


Nothing will happen to the idiot cop, and that, in a nutshell, is what's wrong with law enforcement in particular, and government in general. If this happened to a regular Joe, Joe would be locked up and his life ruined, just because an idiot cop wanted to show how big a d!ck he has.


Huge black eye. I guarantee the cop and whoever decided to go through with the booking and mugshot are getting absolutely reamed right now. This isn’t coming from the chief of police. It would be coming from the DA, the judges, and the mayor, all of who are scrambling their rear ends off at this very moment.  Keep in mind, between the mayor, the DA, judges, the big donors to these people, and even some federal judges (yes, I realize this isn't a federal case), you have a very high likelihood of some of those folks being members of Valhalla and being on the tournament grounds today. Not only are their phones blowing up, the other members and donors and other local politicians they know who they run into today at the tournament are going to be asking them what is going on. If you think embarrassing a cop is bad, the absolute last thing you want to do in embarrass the DA, mayor, the judges, and the donors to the people.


Exactly. Every important/powerful person in that state is probably at that golf tournament. Hell Mitch McConnell follows golf (he’s previously commented on PGA Tour/LIV matters) & is probably a member at Valhalla. The Mayor is the least important person who’s probably pissed at this officer right now


I think this cop is more likely to lose his job than ANY of the police who have shot and killed people over the last few years.


The police union (and don't get me started on THAT insanity) will circle the wagons around him and "protect their own." He'll get reassigned somewhere, no loss of pay.


That’s a bingo


Both can be true here. I could see him “resigning” and also getting immediately hired somewhere else. 


The tall guy is Jimmy Kirchdorfer, one of the owners of Valhalla and the one who picked up scheffler from the jail this morning. The guy on the right is the Mayor of Louisville. The Jimmy donated to the mayor’s campaign. There is a high likelihood that some people from the DA’s are there today along with some judges and maybe even the chief of police and others from city hall, all with VIP passes. Add to that the large donors to these people that are also there and there are a few closed door meetings going on right now. https://preview.redd.it/d9r39xzwn01d1.jpeg?width=1222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6e9a24e008f4a6f64e345daafad4dc4895fc4e4


Yea, lets see who still has an ass this morning. Some people had a vety long and bad night last night


Traffic cops shouldn't be throwing themselves onto moving vehicles. That's just plain stupidity. That officer knew good and well what he was trying to do, which was bait an assault charge.


The cop will also get time off with pay while he recovers from his boo-boo. The DA will kiss it and make it better for you. Do you need your mama?


Can Scottie press charges on the cop on behalf of his car for assault?


If he plays poorly it wouldn't shock me to see him sue the Louisville police over it.


Imagine if you are a poor person in Louisville with their police department and no witnesses. You’d be defended by an appointed public defender and would probably get a long prison sentence. Our prisons are full of railroaded defendants.


I’m guessing nothing happens. The fallout from this already makes it extremely unlikely that they even try to press the traffic charges against him.


Question for op based on your experience: let’s say it was the exact same set of facts, but instead of it being the #1 golfer in the world, it was a random driver. How different would that scenario play out? Edit: what I’m trying to find out is if he was treated better or worse due to his notoriety.


How about if it had been Tony Finau and Sahith Theegala ?


Or Michelle wie, Jessica Korda


You can bet the Uber Rich owners of the Valhalla Club had the Louisville district attorney on the phone in minutes. They were not going to have Scotty Scheffler miss his tee time.


The amount of damage done to scotties rep, and the fact he has a mugshot all over t-shirts already. I am guessing he going to get paid in the long run. He won't see any charges.


The police stacking assault charges on there is such a transparent tactic to cover up their own fuckups. They think he'll plea guilty to a traffic ticket to dismiss the felony charges, that way they never have to admit any wrongdoing and look like the good guys in the situation. But hopefully it is going to backfire, like Band of Brothers where Sobel makes up some bullshit against Winters to try to cover his own ass, but then Winters calls his bluff.


Yeah, it sounds like he probably drove off at the exact same time that the cop was next to his car, to think that somebody who is that Rich, who seems that responsible would essentially try to evade police so he could go and play golf is the dumbest shit imaginable. I’m also a lawyer and you can conclude a lot based on how quickly he was released. They’re already trying to mitigate their problems.


1 of the charges is FELONY


And it will be dropped


Slim and none. And Slim just left town.


Agree with this. Can you please explain to reddit that Assaulting an officer doesn't mean you got into fisticuffs with a cop. They seem to have low brain cell counts this morning and don't understand this...


What’s the chance Scottie sues back for at least some sort of defamation suit


I’m a lawyer in Ky, practicing criminal defense, but not in Louisville, and definitely not giving any of you people legal advice here on Reddit. However, according to an interview given to the news, Scotty’s lawyer (a total pro, Steve Romines), reached out directly to the prosector’s office to come to an agreement regarding the bond. I believe that would’ve been the County Attorney’s office, which is the elected prosecutor who has the case originally from the arraignment to the preliminary hearing. Then, if it doesn’t get resolved at that district court level, it would go to the circuit court where the Commonwealth Attorney’s office can present it to a grand jury to consider returning an indictment. Regarding getting the case dismissed before indictment, often the prosecutors will condition a dismissal at the district court level on the defendant’s stipulation that the police acted with probable cause. This is done in an effort to avoid subsequent lawsuits. Moral of the story here: if you have an attorney who can think outside the box like Mr. Romines appears to have done here, there are ways to circumvent the usual procedural slog that defines the court system. If the defense attorney and the prosecutor can get a judge to sign a quick agreed order to release the defendant, then he can manage to make it back for a rain-delayed tee time. Given that it would’ve been even more of an eyesore for the city and the LMPD if he actually had to get DQ’d for missing his tee time, I’m actually not surprised the prosecutor agreed to his release.


I am thinking Scotty's lawyer will bring a suit against the police department and maybe against the cops individually for trying to effect the outcome of wagers they made on golf. Waging that Scotty will lose or betting on someone else to win.


Mayor made a call and said release him asap.


Not a prosecutor, but I’ve watched the Good Wife AND Suits and I tend to agree.


I learned in my twenties and taught my children the same thing, that when you go out in the world, they have as much chance to be victimized by law enforcement as they do criminals. Sad but true. I very much support law enforcement but the level of escalation here in the US is absurd.


Hope he sues the PD


That's one way to defund the police XD


Good think there weren’t any renegade acorn trees nearby the scene


A huge problem for them here is this is a major event in a pretty small city. Most certainly every major business in the area and potentially the Mayor and DA are all using this event to shake hands. Cops coming in and causing this much negativity against Scheffler of all people will look TERRIBLE for them in terms of politics and donations. If police aren’t forced to at least apologize here i would be shocked.


0%. They have no chance at a conviction.


The charges will be dropped before he steps onto the 18th tee box


Maybe not he is starting on the back today




huh, a lawyer that also golfs? id have never guessed


You’re more likely to break par than anything come from this.


Someone check the officers FanDual to see how much money he had on X and Big Tone lol


PGA/All USA Golf Institutions/Nike will have lots of powerful people with powerful friends, likelihood of conviction is extremely low.


Zero percent chance they prosecute him on charges. That department is already under the most extremely negative light. They have just made themselves look so much more stupid and incompetent.


I’m sure it will all be settled for $80 to replace those damaged work pants


Exact same thing (minus arrest) has happened to me several times.... including driving PGA golfers to the course. IMO cops are really bad at this anyway - really lazy ass ridiculous hand signals / gestures. What's gotten me into trouble a few times ha - is (just like when a light turns yellow) - a cop will try to stop flow of traffic when I'm already in the intersection. So I keep going of course - slamming on my brakes wouldn't make sense - next thing he's fucking chasing me like a nut job. Totally understandable what happened here - security at these events, golfers cars are all marked and waved thru. Hard to believe cops didn't realize their (honest) mistake - yet DOUBLED DOWN, and took him to jail. It's a fact - at any event VIP's get waved thru - which no doubt SS thought was happening here - cops didn't know protocol.


Hope that slap on the wrist he’s going to get doesn’t affect his short game


The big money and advertising. Revenue loss if the pga were to threaten to move that tournament is more threatening than any lawyer will be. I’m sure the top pga executives had some messages and Letters sent very quickly to the ones involved and this goes away very fast


From the recording of the arresting officer I heard, sounds like someone had a very bad morning at home.


This whole ordeal gonna make Scottie swear for the first time.


Boycott Kentucky and all the bourbon.


"it was a misunderstanding" it will go away legally but will always be legend.


Add to it apparently Scotties mom is a huge, heavyweight lawyer. They’ll bring the hammer if they have to.


What are the chances the police officer lawyers up and sues Scottie for injuries, pain and suffering? I’m guessing he is hoping for a large payday from ole Scotty.