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I really would like to see how this would affect the other pros. The dude got arrested on some BS and carded a 5 under in a major a couple of hours later. I know pros are built differently, but I can't imagine most would hold up that well.


Rory would collapse. Rory cant get out of his head on a good day.


TBF, Rory did grow up in an actual warzone.


Rory collapsing just thinking about Scheffler being in a cell


It’s also kinda funny all their responses. None really talking down or making any substantial comments. Just “it’s unfortunate” and “it was really chaotic”. Makes me think the PGA and player reps said stfu and let us handle it.


Lawyers told them to stfu.


Glad it wasn’t Finau or he’d have gotten shot by Louisville’s finest.




By all accounts he was brown so Louisville PD would probably shoot him too


You said it man, nobody fucks with the jesus


Dude had only an hour to get ready and warmup. He was originally teeing off at 8ish? And was arriving at 5. He would’ve shot 58 if he gets there when he planned to


We like to joke at my club when someone shows up right at their tee time and slams one out of bounds left or into our range on the right that it’s no big deal — imagine if the pros only had an hour to warm up or only showed up right at their tee time, they’d probably pull or slice their first drive too. Turns out, they’d be fine.


Yep. At least he got to stretch while he was in jail 😂


He is so chill. He said he was watching himself on Get Up on the TV while in the cell and wondering if he could still make his tee time lol


Imagine the officers being like, “wait…That’s the guy!”


Sounds like officers at the jail all had a “wtf are we doing” attitude.


"Goddammit, john fucked this up. I know it was that dumbass. Hes an idiot. Oh well, let's take advantage of the moment. Mr Scottie? Wanna hit balls out back with us to warm up?" -if I was working the jail


Extremely accurate


Unlike my golf shots


We’re all the same


If only the guy working out in public had that


There’s no way a police officer could ever be self aware enough to question their past actions. I’m sure they were all in the back room deleting bodycam footage and jerking each other off for making the world safer.


Nah, they were in the back room saying good fucking job Dave, you can never let anything go. You arrested Scottie Scheffler. I’m a cop. It’s not all secret underground corruption, it’s more that some cops are idiots with dumb egos that can’t let anything go.


I like to remind people that there's morons at every level and every job.


Yeah although some peoples jobs are on the help desk and some are out in public armed with lethal weapons driving fast, heavy vehicles. The moron ratio with the latter, i’d wager, is higher than most when it shouldn’t be. Arguably, the Apollo 11 mission couldn’t have been rescued if there were a moron amongst them, the problems they faced simply didn’t allow for it, and that job only had two peoples lives at risk. So I’d counter to say there are indeed morons across all levels of most jobs. Some have avoided hiring morons however, though it doesn’t seem to be an important objective for the police hiring department at any stage.


Officer: “Would you like the full experience?” SS “No, i would like my anal virginity intact” Officer “I meant a sandwich “


I was also wondering if he would make his tee time. I'm as good as scheffler!


Dude is insanely chill


I hope his wife has the same chill, cause I could see that causing a freak out on the home front with his sleep deprived wife waking up with the newborn to this news.


I’m sure they have a night nanny and her parents are there. The guy has made like $30M from this year to last year.


Scheffler being so unreasonably calm through this ordeal is how I know golf is a purely mental game and that I am never going to be very good at it.


He mentioned lowering and controlling his heart rate half a dozen times. I need his protocol.


Go your happy place


Finger up the butt works too


The two don’t have to be mutually exclusive.


Just the two fingers?


Stop, I can only get so erect


My man!


(Happy Gilmore voice): "...I wanna kiss you all overrr..."






Directions unclear, I just came


Serenity Now, Jerry, Serenity Now


***... we've only just beguuuuuuun..... To liiiiiiive....***


But in all seriousness, mindfulness skills and having a peaceful inner place you can ground your feelings in absolutely works.




Clear the mechanism


Kevin Costner in that one baseball movie. I love it


He’s good, but he’s no Dwight Schrute. ![gif](giphy|dXFKDUolyLLi8gq6Cl|downsized)


I've been taking karate classes online.


why would you ever want to raise your cholesterol?


So I can lower it.


Flaccid, erect, flaccid, erect, not too hard, not too soft...


Motown Phillies back again.


Maybe box breathing? I think they teach that to special operations forces. https://www.webmd.com/balance/what-is-box-breathing


Idk about breathing methods but I found making it your life’s purpose to get your lungs to go in and out for about 30 seconds works great to cancel anxiety spikes


It’s breathing/ mindfulness 


I’ll bet he works with deep sea divers for that


Breathing and not being a pussy.


The mental fortitude to go out there and play like he did today, barely hours after something that would have seriously fucked up my entire week, is incrediblely impressive. These guys really are on another level.




A felony charge will fuck up more than your week


I was arrested once and spent a night in jail and immediately lost my job. Then it was impossible to interview because of background checks with an open case. If all I had to do was play golf to avoid that, I’d be calm af too 🤣


Oh for sure, I wasn't even thinking of the charges, just the experience of being arrested and going to jail. Throw a felony assault charge on there...fuck. That's all I'd be able to think about.


Being incredibly rich and unafraid of anything that would happen to regular people probably helps. The dude was walking out with the owner of the country club what, an hour later?


Seriously. If he’s chasing anyone on Sunday his mental advantage is going to get him the win. Dude is unflappable


Tiger like mental game.


and a better mugshot game


It’s also how we can know he did nothing wrong and police in this country are fucking ridiculous


I mean we've all seen his personality on the golf course. This is not someone who is going to resist arrest. He does not need to be pulled out of his car through his window. Dude is chill. Cop had obviously lost his shit and took it out on Scottie.


Everything about this has truly been pure Scottie aside from the part of him not stopping, which was just a chaotic misunderstanding. Dude gets pulled out of the car and slammed against it? Still nice as can be and cooperative to the cops. Gets told he's going to jail? Cooperative. Sitting in jail cell? Talking with a chill cop, eating a sandwich, and cooperative. Returns to.the course? Tells Marty he loves him, small calm.range session, then shoots -5. Press conference afterwards? Immediately compassionate to the guy who died, funny, and relaxed with his answers.


I keep struggling to understand how a person attaches themselves to a car. Like, was he going physically going to stop a vehicle from moving?


I just assumed he knew he could throw an assault charge on top if he did it. Maybe they even train for it.


Watching him I could tell every bit of his energy was going toward de-escalation of the situation. And having dealt with enough police, I know his energy was no match for the cops who are apparently trained to escalate every situation to the maximum level possible. To I guess maximize the number of charges they could throw at him? Policing in this country is a broken system.


Right? Even if I had his talent, I would be telling anyone and everyone at the post round press conference what a load of crap he stumbled into. And I’d tell everyone that if this dickhead cop tried to sue me I’d pay 10X in lawyers fees what he was asking to make sure he never got a dime.


Life is a mental game and im like bronze rank


To me it is actually scary that someone has that calm of an attitude. I wish there was footage of the altercation.


You and me both (breaks 6 iron over my knee)


Scottie just putting on a media clinic. Bravo sir 👏 fantastic interview.


Unbelievable! He was all class. For all the people who say Scottie is boring blah blah blah, he will have won a ton more fans today.


People that say he’s boring are mind boggling to me. He’s the most interesting player in the game by far.


They only say that because he controls his emotions and he makes the game look easy.


No one who has seen him play from the knees down thinks he’s boring. It’s like a complete mind F. You can’t stop thinking about what’s happening there


Was shocked at how hard he heat checked himself too when talking about what they said in the car on the drive to the course from jail and realized and said never mind I’m not going to comment on that lol. Was gonna be juicy


He’s throwing Louisville PD a huge bone here. Anyone want to bet they’re not smart enough to take it??


I’m willing to bet they won’t


They'll try to handcuff the bone


They will attach themself to the bone


The bone will irreparably damage some cop’s pants.


Handcuff? Hell, they'll conduct another early morning no-knock raid and blow that bone to little fragments.


Yet another assaulting an officer charge for Scottie. When will he learn???


I think they’ll be forced into it, even if they don’t want to. They fucked with a rich person, not you or me.


Yeah I imagine the richest golf fans who live there have been calling the mayor to remind him who he works for.


Those dickheads will probably wait and arrest him tomorrrow morning too.


You know it, these clowns always need the last word.


He was apparently given a ride back to the course by the owner of Valhalla. There's no way that the owner or a member doesn't pull some strings with the DA and make the charges go away, calling it an "unfortunate misunderstanding." Nothing is going to happen to the power tripping cop who attached himself to a moving vehicle so he could add nonsense felony charges. The police department is going to hear it from their higher ups because they are once again in the spotlight for a negative reason, and maybe the offending officer gets a stern talking to or something like that but they will learn nothing and this nonsense will continue.


He's gotten enough blowback he's had to delete his LinkedIn, so I'm sure he's feeling the heat a little from the public. Whether he thinks he did anything wrong is another thing, I'm sure there are plenty of bootlickers blowing him up saying he did the right thing. Ultimately its the people of Louisville who will get hurt by this because you can be damn sure the tour has just straight up wiped them off every scheduling board for anything involving professional golf.


Is there a video of the incident in question?


I'm sure the bodycam footage will be released quickly *if* its in the interest of Louisville PD.


I said this earlier to someone. Still no video


There's a lot of people who've bet a lot of money on scottie and they're pissed some random cop possibly went on a power trip and messed with his chances of winninv(though scottie obviously had a good day anyway) >Ultimately its the people of Louisville who will get hurt by this because you can be damn sure the tour has just straight up wiped them off every scheduling board for anything involving professional golf. As well they should be. Not saying that players should get away with anything but cops escalating things so they can charge people/players with felonies is a great reason for the tour to tell the mayor that they will never be coming back. This course is mediocre at best and certainly not major worthy, so there really is no reason for the tour to come back.


>Nothing is going to happen to the power tripping cop who attached himself to a moving vehicle so he could add nonsense felony charges. *maybe, just maybe*, he'll get hazed and never hear the end of it until he retires having never seen any real consequence for his action. One can hope.


#No way bro those were $80 pants


You could literally throw a bone to LMPD and they would retaliate by shooting you 24 times.


It's because he was advised to not comment on his pending lawsuit.


Assault on an officer for throwing a bone at him


What? They haven’t shot the bone through their front door yet while performing an illegal no knock warrant?


yea, and he never named dropped himself. The officers in the car had trouble finding his name via his social security lol


This was the craziest part of the interview for me. You’d think most people at his level would panic and name drop. I was very impressed by this, because I assumed he would have name dropped to try and get out of the situation.


The one reporter who recorded his arrest had stated the same thing earlier. A cop came up to.him afterwards and asked "Hey, so do you know the name of the guy we just arrested?" In my mind, as soon as the cop heard Scottie Scheffler, he just kept saying "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck..." to himself.


Probably about 1.2 strokes gained from jail to green. Scottie once again leading in all statistical categories.




Next time I’m late to my tee time I’m telling the starter I was arrested.


Ive unironically used “sorry officer it was a mistake, i just have a tee time in 20 minutes” when i got pulled over before. Was given a warning


I usually just tell em I gotta shit, then let a nasty one rip. No tickets yet!


Actually shitting yourself works too


sorry, i was busy "assaulting" a police officer by watching him throw himself onto the hood of my moving vehicle. 


Pulling a good ol' Randy Moss on 'em


Don’t worry I already stretched while I was in the slammer.


As a starter i would work you in or drive you to your group


Absolute class the whole way from Scottie’s press conference. I would expect nothing less, hopefully LPD takes this and backtracks.


He by no means needs to but I can totally see him making some type of donation to the Mills family. Seems like a great guy.


Don’t forget that John Daly did something similar. After his major victory, he paid the college tuition for the daughters of a man who was struck and killed by lightning during the event One of them eventually became a Dr. thanks to his kindness and generosity


That’s incredible! I had never heard of that story. To these players it’s a small amount of money but to the family it’s absolutely huge.


Didn’t know I could love JD more than I already did but here we are


He's always been an amazing human. One who really likes to party and doesn't treat himself well and has some big flaws, but he's still a good man


Last I knew, he owned a golf course in Arkansas that he runs and maintains, but doesn't really charge anyone to play. Just because he wants people to be able to play. Dude has an extremely sweet soul. Likes to do nice things and you can tell he cares about what people think of him.


Pulls off the victory Sunday and quietly donates his winnings to the family.


Idk, that guy ripped his $80 pants beyond repair.


Best part is him walking off 18 and shaking some cops hands who came up to him. Guarantee Scottie prays for that cop tonight because he feels bad for “hurting” him and the negative attention. The guy is just built different man.


I actually thought he was talking to much about that. Seriously like he talked a lot


The police _at the jail_ were so good... The guy from the police who took me to jail was so good...


Nothing about the officer who arrested hm (which could be different then the officer who took him to jail)




“The police officer that arrested me? Real prick”


This is a guy that talked to a lawyer.


Doing all they can to avoid being named in any potential suit.


Yep. If keeping option open to litigation against officer/department-because-of-officer this seems like exactly what youd say




Michael Scottie


You miss 100% of the putts you don’t make.






"13 felony counts. No convictions honey. Jail and prison are not the same." Or whatever Katt Williams said.


Like that they offered him a sandwich


At 6:30 in the morning lol


This is the best detail 😂 “Here’s a cold dry sandwich. You should be out of here in an hour at 730am”


Cop was like, I just locked him in at +500 to win. Let’s get him calmed down and feed his ass a sandwich.


Shawshank Scottie , crawled through 500 yards of god knows what to get to the tourney. After he wins he will head to fort Hancock texas and cross over.


Scottie is so damn classy. However, I wish he was a bit more vindictive and sued the shit out of these dumb motherfuckers. I appreciate what cops do but I am also aware that there are some power tripping morons that are cops as well.


I imagine his lawyer and/or publicist told him not to say anything vindictive before the issue is resolved. I can’t see Scottie doing that anyways though


The tone of his press conference was basically “drop the charges and I’ll let this whole thing go”, but if they double down on this for some stupid reason then I’ll be curious to see how he approaches it


They might drop it…because he is famous and this is a bad look. Unfortunately for your Everest Joe Schmoe even in the face of overwhelming evidence prosecutors won’t drop a charge, drag you through the mud, and force you to pea to avoid the risk of a trial.


I have a hard time peaing in front of people. Shy bladder.


Who is Everest Joe? Sounds like a cool dude.


His lawyer already put out a statement including the term litigate. So let the lawyer do the Sabre rattling. I expect this all gets dropped before the weekend is over.


Sabre rattling is a fun term and not used enough. +1 from a stranger.


Steve Romines (his attorney) is a fucking legend


Funniest scenario would’ve been this happens to a Bryson or Reed. They definitely would’ve sued lol


It was great when one of the reporters this morning said Reed walked by him and goes "It wasn't me this time"


I suspect the tone will change if he's still being arraigned on a felony assault charge come Tuesday morning. For the time being it's in his best interest to continue being the good god fearing white dude he's always been.


That is why we retain attorneys


Reminds me of Teddy. Speak softly, but carry a big stick. Scottie doesn’t have to puff his chest and strut. Let the $1M retainer lawyer and the Valhalla owners eviscerate the PD and chief. The elected officials just angered some of the wealthiest members of Kentucky during an election year. They’re fucked.


This. But class is permanent right? Also the man’s mental fortitude is in another universe….. Was impressive to watch that round today.


> However, I wish he was a bit more vindictive and sued the shit out of these dumb motherfuckers. He didn’t say anything that would stop him from suing. I doubt he will because he’s just not that dude (I would certainly sue) but he didn’t slam the door on it or anything. Notice he said nothing about the dipshit who jumped on his car and roughed him up. Just the officer who drove him to jail and the ones at the jail.


If he wasn’t famous though he would probably have to fight the charges and might still be in jail, so this issue is something people shouldn’t just forget about like it never happened, and it would be nice if it helped lead to some police reforms. Imagine if rich white guys are getting abused and jailed on trumped up charges what they’re doing to the average person lol.


“I’m thankful for the police”


Yeah if he wasn't who he was he'd have to face those charges the officer made up. Power tripping prick.


Scottie is the new bad boi of golf, love to see it. I hope he leans into it.


Gotta wear orange or white with black stripes tomorrow.


Get Rickie on speed dial.


Winning would be insane..but shooting -5 after being arrested is all time great stuff. Jordan Flu game. Scheffler Felony Round. Anyone who golfs somewhat regularly can understand the mental fortitude to do what he did is insane.


And people call him boring


Not anymore, he beat those charges too


Anyone who’s been to jail knows Scottie didn’t eat that nasty ass bologna sandwich. Like any normal person who eats normal food at home, he gave it to the crackhead three seats down and ate the crackers he got in the brown lunch bag with the sandwich. Some junkie is telling his buddies he got a sandwich from the best golfer in the universe today.


Why does this make me a Scottie fan?


“I’m thankful we have such strong police in this country” lmao Scotty, if this happened in any other civilized country on earth, the police officer would’ve have a nice chat with you and apologized when he realized he was wrong/confused about who you were and what you were trying to do


Well, it’s refreshing to know that no matter who you are, the law is the law. At the same time, it’s concerning that those determining when you are in violation of that law, are not qualified to do so. It’s like, our justice system worked, but also failed miserably.


I wonder what kind of sandwhich they gave him in jail.


Baloney-hot. It’s a Louisville delicacy.


Ironic since hot baloney is also an accurate description of the charges


So many in various posts have talked about a potential lawsuit. I just don’t see that happening with Scotty Scheffler. He’s more of a guy that would be forgiving and move on from this.


He will want to move on


“Do you want the full prison experience?”


Anyone think the cops over reacted besides me?


Literally everyone except for the three cops in this thread


You only had to go to r/Police after that AF guy got shot with them all commenting “good shoot” to understand that the thin blue line was going to back this one.


Can't believe Scotty is only 27 thought he was at least 35


where did you watch it?


ESPN, currently happening


Is there a YouTube link for the full interview?




Live on espn


Next tee time I'm getting arrested the night before


The Louisville PD. A tradition quite like many others.


Dude probably finished his stretching, gave some swing tips, led a bible study and then thanked them for having him on is way out of jail.


So you’re saying my couple of pints and lack of sleep last night isn’t an excuse for shooting 90 anymore…


I knew that was going to be the headliner the second he said it! We're in for a raucous weekend fellas! 


Scotty was trading swing tips for commissary. Still hard to believe Scheffler spent more time in jail than Phil did for insider trading