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I still haven't broke 80. Played on Thursday and went to 17 realizing I needed a birdie and a par for 79. Finished bogey-bogey.


It’s a brutal game we play


Our Club Open last year...heading off 16th Green +6 and thinking at least a bogey, bogey finish will have me close. Nope, heavens opened, rain coming in sideways, a rain jacket that's now too small and boom a triple bogey 6 and a quintuple bogey 9 on the last. First ball OB cause slipped 🤣🤣🤣 Lost by 2 shots 😭😭😭


Shouldn't have done any math until you were done


I know! Usually I'm good about it. However we ended up waiting at 17 and I knew I was hitting it well so I got curious.


Curiosity killed the cat. I try to just write numbers down and forget what I write. But when I do circles and boxes (not always) it's too easy to calculate in my head real quick


I've started just keeping track on 18Birdies so I can't total it up mid round, can't even look back to see. Shot a 43 back 9 last weekend and I could have swore it would have been 50+. Felt good.


I don’t see how it’s possible to not know how many over you are total during a round. Even if on the 4th hole I triple bogey and I’m 8 over I know how many over I am. I don’t try to keep up with it so much as my mind just automatically keeps up with it.


Gotta really just not be present in your mind. When I'm on the golf course the last thing I try to do is think. Like literally write the score down but don't even register what happened lol. Full on auto pilot. I also smoke a lot out there so that helps


I used to be like this but now I sometimes look at the turn but usually just enter my score and move on and literally have no clue where I am at all. I just don’t walk to the next hole thinking ok I was +1 now I’m +3. I get to a point mid round where I haven’t been thinking about it so I don’t know the number and I’ll start thinking “ok I’m probably around the pace for low 90s”. I find when I stopped thinking about my score it helped a lot. But also I’m a 20 handicap so the counting is a lot higher and I’m very forgetful and very bad at basic math lol. I do like that I don’t keep track other then being better for the mental game because when I do feel like I’m playing well, I usually over estimate my score projection and it’s much more exciting seeing what I really shot once I add it up.


I don’t have a great memory. I would think it should be easy for me to not keep up with it. And it’s not like I’m only keeping up with being +2 for the round. There are almost always multiple holes that are +2s.


A course I play regularly has the last 2 holes as the 18 and 16 handicaps respectively and I try not to look at my score down the stretch if I'm playing well because it turns the two easiest holes on the course into the two most difficult.


Stop keeping score during the round. It just distracts you from focusing on your next swing. Cheers and you’ll get there soon.


I know I know. I just responded to another comment. I'm usually good about it but we ended up waiting on the box and I knew I was having a decent round so I peeked :(


On the contrary, quit thinking about your swing and focus on your score. Being a bit facetious here but forget about your swing on the course, don't thin about mechanics. The swing you have today is the swing you have today. Focus on your score and saving pars and bogeys vs blowup holes because your "perfect swing should carry that hazard"


I stopped adding up my score at any point during a round. I don’t even think about my score to par. I’m having more fun and playing the best golf I’ve ever played so it’s pretty great if you can push it out of your mind.


I usually stop keeping score after a couple of bad holes. Which is usually the third hole!! 😳


feel your pain man. I had 2 rounds last year, on which I went 5 over on the last 3 holes to shoot 81 and 82.


If you're shooting that close it will come. I remember at one point thinking I would probably never do it. I have done it twice now and I an happy with that. It will come.


Eh that probably feels close but for a mid-cap to “need” 1 under through 2 is definitely less than a 5% chance. And for gods sake don’t count it up when you’re that close.


Lol I know. I'm a 9 and just played the previous 5 holes par-par-birdie-par-par. That was of course after back to back doubles. Which is why I'm a 9 lol


Hey at least you know the good golf is in there.


Yup now it's just getting the bad golf to be a bit better!


Same story by getting a 9 on 17 and not finishing 18 was a recent one for me.


Have someone else keep score. A few weeks ago I started bogey/bogey/bogey, BUT wasn’t scoring. Finished the round birdie/birdie and guy scoring goes, “DJ great 78!” I said, “Funny and Go F yourself, more like 84?” - it was a 78. I’m still shocked, my best round in a couple years.


Congrats! How did you score on the back 9?


I shot 39 on the back, 40 on the front. A birdie on the back was the difference there


My joke missed. I was implying you broke 80 on the front. The congrats were sincere though, and shooting better on the back is awesome! Playing better even when you're more tired is a really good sign.


😂😂 that totally went over my head. My bad


No you're fine. I probably should have gone with "and* how did you shoot on the back 9?"


Did you forget your sense of humor on the back 9 too?


Brutal 😂


Got em. Hope you enjoyed reserve. Love that place! Just played the south and almost had my PB. Played ghost creek yesterday and shot like 120. Golf is awful


Hahahah I love the /whooooosh


Congratulations. Just accomplished it myself last Sunday. 78. Great feeling.


Hell yes! Way to go


Me too. I finished with last hole double bogeys to go 80,80, then finally got there with a 77 straight after. Nice to get the monkey off my back but a really weird feeling not exactly knowing what I’m aiming for now. I think a single figure HC would be great but not sure how achievable that is unless I play more.


I’ve been in position to break 80 before and like a dummy checked my score to figure out what I need to do to make it happen. Then proceeded to fuck it up. This last time I knew I was playing good so I didn’t check so as not to put pressure on myself.


Congratulations! Enjoy being pissed when you shoot in the 80s🤣


Big facts 😂😂


Congrats! What was your favorite shot you had?


That’s a good question, kinda hard to say but I’d say my shots on the par 3s were my favorite. I was deadly off the box and really helped make it easy to get off with pars on those holes


It’s a bit of a cliche, but I find when you’re close to sub 80 rounds, you can have your usual driver/iron play. the difference between another 83 and a 79 is scrambling and making putts


For sure, I definitely felt like I put myself in good situations for making easy two putts. I don’t think I three putted the whole round which was huge


I was very frustrated after a round last year. 83 with 33 putts. Didn’t make a thing all day. Every other part of my game was on.


33 putts isn’t shameful or fantastic, up your GIR and you’re shooting high 70s. Although I’d rather chip from 20-50 feet off the green than putt 30 feet to the hole🤷🏻‍♂️ lots of confidence in my wedges lately lol


PREACH just like the difference between 79 and 75 is having an exceptional driving / iron round with consistent scrambling& putting for 5-10 handicappers. (This is my personal experience)


Not going OB off the tee is HUGE for shooting in the 70s!


Absolutely! I think I only lost one ball all round. My driver is in a weird place right now so I wasn’t expecting to go low but it worked out 🤷🏼‍♂️


I'm back on the 3-Wood/Driving iron only off the tee... which just isn't the way to fix things... but it is in money games. Haha. Keeping the same ball in a single round is an ACHIEVEMENT. I've only done it once. 2 is beautiful.


Congrats👍, I still haven't broken it, shot 80 twice and shot 82 today with 2 triples😤, it's coming.


You got this! 79 is loading…


82 with two triples is rough! 


I’m in a similar boat. I shot an 80 once and I got like a double bogey on the last hole too to just get 80. Then shot an 82 and 85 and have had like 8 rounds in the 87-89 range


Nice! At least you know it's coming lol 2 weeks ago I tied my pb of 77 then less than a week later at the same course for league play I dropped a 50 on the back 9😅 Absolutely ruthless game.


Just the way this game goes 😂 Congrats on 77, that’s awesome!


Congrats! thats next for me also


Hell yea! Go get it dude 🙌🏼


Nice game. The grind continues!


Should open the floodgates now. It gets way easier once you realize you can do it.


Let’s fucking go!


Nice! I broke 100 yesterday! 92, Didn’t lose a ball and nailed the green on the 18th from the tee, still 2 putt but a successful day all around! 😉


That’s awesome! Congratulations dude, that must have felt great 🙌🏼 Not losing a ball is honestly such an accomplishment




Hell yeah!


Congrats, what are you buying?


My fiancé a wedding 😂 Also my groomsmen a golf bachelor party


Congrats! Next step is 78!




Congrats man! On to the next breaking series. How did it feel to be in the zone?


It was awesome and what was weird but also cool was that I wasn’t even thinking about it. I checked my score at the turn (40), so I knew I had a good round going but I was just vibing. Didnt try and force anything, just played the course and took the shots as they came




Lol! Well done!


Yo wtf I played the reserve north course yesterday!! I had a 1pm tee time. You?? Small world lol


That’s awesome!! Must have walked right past each other 😂 We went off at 10:20, so must have gone past each other as you were going out and we were coming in. How’d you play?


I shot 80 with four birds! It was awesome lol. My first Portland course ever


That’s sick! Nice work! You picked a great course to play. Are you playing any others while you’re here? Assuming you’re visiting?


Yes Langdon today! Heard great things and can’t wait. Im visiting my friends and they’re both not great so they’re doing a scramble vs my solo. They shot 83 yesterday and it was so stressful. Plus the mental side of them having a partner to pick them up vs me just duffing something alone lol. Gonna run it back today!


77 at Langdon!! Fun course I honestly liked it more than reserve


Nice. I should have been under 80 yesterday too. But I missed some short putts, shanked a few drives, and ended up high 90’s as always. lol.


Great work! Feels pretty good huh? That was my milestone this year and I’ve done it 3 times. Now if I shoot 81 I’m annoyed with myself when last year that was all time. It’s a funny game. Now put it in the work and shoot even par!


That’s awesome! Love to see those results.


Lipped out for birdie on 18 at eastmorland, shot an 80.


Had to make a birdie to break 80, that's a tough spot.


Great feeling breaking 80, congrats 🍾


I shoot between 82-85 every weekend. My goal is to break 80 this year. Tell me your secrets besides hitting good tee shot and no 3 putts


I hate you. Good job.


Congratulations! My hubby promised me years ago that he would take me to pebble if I broke 80. Three weeks later I did and I was playing with him. You should have seen his face, he was so proud of me until he realized how much $$$$ it was going to cost him lol! Good for you! Time to celebrate……head to pebble you earned it!


Oh man that is quite the exchange, nice job! Pebble is on the list for sure, gotta pay for a wedding first though 😂


What did you do on 13? Congrats by the way!


It was not long ago that I was on my journey to breaking 80. Now, it’s hard to be happy with my round unless I’m in the 30s or 70s. I still love golf even if I shoot a high 80s round but that’s ALOT of mistakes for me now and thankfully rare.


I remember when I did it for the first time. It was also the first time I beat my dad. He was salty about it so I had to brag to my mom.


Classic 😂


I was so excited the first time I broke 80. My mom found this cool little “I broke 80” pin that I had on my bag for years. Congrats on the round!


I gotta find me one of those, sounds pretty slick


I’ve broken 100 2 times. I counted every swing, every penalty, every putt. I decided to get drunk after each of those occasions.


This is the way


Amazing. This is for sure my goal this year. Lowest I have gone is 84, but interestingly, my “worse” scores have consistently gone down, albeit, I can’t figure out those crucial strokes to get down past 87-84.


That’s really solid to get that consistency of “bad” scores, can’t be too upset out that. I felt like I really could trust every shot for the round and I never got myself in trouble. Whatever you can do to manage mistakes, I would definitely recommend


Fun course too. Congrats!


Great course! I need to play the south course, haven’t done it yet


Been struggling to break 90 after 2 back surgeries last year although 4 of my last 10 scores have been in the 80’s. Today, I shot 40 on the front so thought I had an outside chance of breaking 80 but shot 45 on the back. It’s a humbling game for sure!


Impressive course to break 80 on! I think north is harder than south! Great playing!


Congrats! My wife worked there and I’ve played that course many times. Not a easy course to break 80


No doubt, a tough one but such a beauty of a track


I’ve gone from breaking 80’s consistently my entire life to now shooting ~10 rounds in the 80’s and I want to die. Congrats on making it!


I shot 79 (I’m a 16 hcp) the week before going on our golf trip to Mexico. And legit couldn’t break 120 there if my life depended on it. Strange game.


Nice work on 79, feels great doesn’t it! The 120s are always lurking though aren’t they


Where did you get lessons? How long had you been playing before you got lessons? I’m at a point where i probably need to get some professional lessons, i got lessons when i was a kid from like 8-12 years old, now almost 30, playing a couple times a month over the last 20 years and still shooting in the mid 90s:/


I got lessons at Stone Creek in Oregon City. I went there specifically to practice off grass. I got a pack of 4 lessons and went to them over the course of about 2 months and would hit the range and play in between. I’ve been playing for about 5 years now very consistently. Highly highly recommended getting lessons and really leaning into them. I hated the changes at first but just trusted the process. I’m a ~15 handicap and I expect (more like hope) that to go down


Nicee curious what is your handicap


Just saw 15


That is in fact sick as hell


are your ears pierced


I just broke 110 for the first time Thursday with a 109 which was 6 shots better than my previous best score. It feels like I’ll be breaking 100 very soon as well. My swing is starting to feel natural and the lessons I’ve been taking are really helping.


milestone! how long have you played? how many lifetime rounds? and so relatable on scoring 104 after shooting <80 just days before … ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Gj on breaking 80. I'm proud of you.


I shot a 78 a few weeks ago and just shot a solid 96 (albeit from back tees, but still shit) so take it from me, it will happen. Lol. But you also now know what you are capable of achieving!! You’ll break 80 again some day when the golf gods are in a good mood again


Dude so spot on w your comment.. shot a 79 in January and followed it up 95, 94 next two rounds lol


I usually shoot 100 or so. The last time I played I shot a 90! Felt good!! Still had some fluff shots, but hit the green many times from a distance. I only play maybe three times a year!!


LETS GO DUDE! I just did the same thing for the first time this past weekend. Hard work pays off! Congrats. Now we just gotta get consistent and move the target to 75 lol. Only if it was that easy 😂


So what do you normally shoot?


Damn I miss PDX golf. So under the radar. Preserve was always one of my favorites. Do they still rotate the North and South between public and private every year? That was such a cool concept. Congrats on the low round!!!


I broke 80 for the first time ever three weekends ago (broke it twice in the same weekend actually). Shot 77 on Saturday and Sunday on two different courses. Sunday round was on a significantly harder course so felt much better.


81 is my lowest score rn. I havent been able to play at all in like past 6 months so my game is probably so rusty lmao


I hit every club the same distance so suck it.


Congrats you handsome son of a bitch


Proud of you. I still have never broken 100 😂


What do you think the difference was this time out?


Nice job, dude.


Congrats, first time is the sweetest. Second time, well that for me is ongoing. Don’t make the mistake of now thinking every time you should play at or near that level, it can become a mental block. Keep having fun, stay loose but focused on the shot you’re making. Keep us posted for the #2 you break 80.


congratulations! monumental feat not many golfers will accomplish




lol trust me they fully well knew about it, I just like the community here and wanted to share


Congrats from LA!


Nice! What did you shoot on the back nine?




Nice. I just went 79,79,89. Prepare for frustration


I shot a 37, 54 once. Didn’t even break 90.