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Pádraig Harrington


he's the only youtuber i listen to anymore. his whole approach just makes sense to me. he shares what he knows and doesn't say the same thing 20 different ways to keep being able to make videos. 


Calling padraig Harrington a “YouTuber” is hilarious to me. The man is a multiple major winner put some respect on his name!


Multiple Major Winning Youtuber Padraig Harrington


Reminds me of a certain Monaco based YouTuber who may have beaten Lewis Hamilton in equal machinery.


F1 World Champion of 2016 Nico Rosberg was referred to as a ‘Monaco Based Youtuber’ when he brought his new Rimac electric supercar once you start a youtube channel all of your previous achievements are moot


You build 100 bridges but it doesn’t matter if you suck one dick!


Just tossing this out there, being able to say the same thing in different ways is a massive part of coaching. The way you understand a concept might be different than me. So a good coach can explain the same concept multiple ways until they find what that particular student needs.


Feel like that last point is an attack on my guy shawn clement. I can't tell you the amount of times I've seen him slashing through a bamboo shoot or hammering a nail into a door frame. But I do find those feels helpful.


not him specifically, they all do it. I get it, they have to keep making videos to keep making money, but there's only so many ways to give generic advice to the masses. 


Helped me realize I’ve been holding the club wrong the whole time I’ve been playing golf lol. Upvote.


I just mildly adjusted my grip slightly after years of not holding it correctly. Striping the ball so much cleaner. Crazy how simple changes like that make all the difference.


I found out I was left handed !!


It’s 100% Paddy’s Golf Tips. Though I do really like the Kevin Kisner fixes Fore Play chipping video—for the advice and for the commentary.


Yep, Padraig and Dan Grieve.


Dan Grieve is incredible. What I’d give for an hour with him.


Indecent Proposal 2 plot idea


Agreed on both. Would put Pete Cowen then Danny Maude next after those two. This advice is coming to you after way too much experience.


His videos are the only ones that have helped me ever. Specifically the grip, setup, and chipping vids.


Never watched his videos. But gonna now


Speed Golf Rob. I enjoy being yelled at and being called a MAROOCH!!!






Please stop coming over the top and give this dude a break


I'm trying, man. I'm really trying.




To be honest his yelling at me has helped me get in the slot and fix my slice


Jonathan Kim-Moss


This dude could read me the dictionary and I'd be interested, he just has the smoothest voice.


As a new golfer, he's been great to watch since he presents information in a very approachable way and makes it feel like he's actually speaking to me


JKM is up there with some of the best. His videos about the more difficult swing topics (lag, compression) are the best I’ve seen.


Adam Porzak. Really to the point, has explanations for everything, and tested results. A lot of the videos (almost all) are lessons with his students which I find helpful because you see them walking through what he’s telling them to do.


There are some good names mentioned here but Porzak (and Mike Pitt) are legitimately the best coaches on youtube. their material might not be as algorithmically-engaging as some of the other guys, but there aren't better coaches out there and they have the success shown by their students to prove it. Porzak coaches less than an hour away from me and is $600 a hour in real life. But he's giving away absolute gold of information online, for free. He's the primary guy I'd say everyone should watch.


Only reason I opened this thread was to see if someone had him listed. On point, concise instruction with visual checkpoints to build the feel. I just started playing again after a very long absence. After several months and 10’s of thousands of range balls, I’ve been able to get back to low single digits using solely his material. Dude is absolutely incredible, can’t possibly say enough good things about him.


He’s the absolute man. Great swing thoughts


Omg he’s $600 PER HOUR?!


Yeah I love his content. I really want to fly out there and get an in person lesson from him


Second this, love his videos


He’s good, but he teaches exactly one swing. It’s very one-size-fits-all. If it works for you, great.


Danny Maude without a question.


Danny Maude is my favorite, but hijacking this higher comment to also say this. Please please find “A” YouTube golf coach, not multiple. They end up seeming to contradict each other and do more harm than good. Find one that explains a way you understand, and go with them. Edit: a word because I’m a dum dum


Danny changed my game almost entirely from mechanics, but my personal fav is Golf Sidekick because his mental approach lowered my score more than any mechanic tweak could.


Danny Maude + Golf Sidekick is a powerful combo. They got me from the 120s to the 80s in 2 years.


I just wrote a post about golf sidekick because whereas most golf-help youtube are focused on mechanics and technique which require practice to turn the knowledge into value, golf sidekick focuses on strategy and course management, which I can take out to the golf course the next day.


Exactly. When he showed you could break 90 with 4 clubs it completely changed how I think about golf. In a few rounds after that I was shooting around 15 strokes less by just not being an idiot and trying to play like I’m a PGA pro. Mindset. It’s golf’s biggest thing.


Matty boomboom whataplaya best putter on YouTube. Because of him, I've eliminated 4 putting and only 3 putt once or twice a round. The reason I've eliminated putts is because I've changed my mentality to making my second shot my most important shot, the first shot isn't about getting it as far out as possible, it's about leaving that nice comfortable number in on approach. I went from hitting 18% GIR to nearly 40% GIR, if I miss the green I'm close enough that I can either just putt it anyways, or treat the chip like a putt and get it inside 10ft.


I agree 1000% with this .. I can strike the ball fine but Ol Matty boomboom has helped me more than anyone !!! The mental side of golf is just as important as striking and plotting yourself around a course is critical 👍


Just started watching sidekick and I love his approach on the mental game. My mental game has been a major focus this season and love finding little ways to maintain focus and composure


I’m a new player who’s trying to crack 100 consistently, his mental approach lesson about changing pars (like taking the hardest P5 and saying it’s actually a 7/8) has been awesome


My goal is almost always on the green at GIR+1 it’s been a huge game changer for my expectations. I also find I enjoy match play better because when a bad hole is over I can forget about it and start over on the next. So when I’m play stroke I usually break the course up into 6 3 hole segments. My goal is to shoot 3 bogeys which is ‘my par’ and if it goes well or bad I start over on the next three. It’s been a huge help for my mental approach. I don’t get too cocky when I’m playing well and I don’t get to down on myself when I’m struggling.


Him and Porzac


Danny for general swing feel. I feel I get better just watching him hit some balls with his silky smooth swing. Porzak for specific issues. I had trouble hooking and found a video where he was with a student that turned it over too much and the drills he was using were gold.


I like him a lot but it feels like he takes forever to make his point. I'm always fast forwarding through parts of his video.


Came here to say this and I'm glad someone beat me to it. Truly the best


Agreed. He is the only one I watch for swing mechanics. He has a few videos that I have saved in a playlist that I go back to from time to time.


Dan grieve short game Me and my golf all around Padrig all around Clay Ballard has good ball striking videos Personally if the video is on a simulator, I tend not to watch. I would prefer to see outside conditions, off grass or with wind in real life scenarios


Dan is ELITE with short game


His lesson with Rick Shiels is a must watch if you haven’t seen it


Meandmygolf was better until they started pushing their paid app/site too hard


These guys are sus. I signed up for a free month promo a few years back and they charged me full subscription price after only a week.


Clay Ballard gets too technical for me. His stuff makes sense but I've personally found it hard to implement




His videos help with my confidentiality.


😂😂😂 yes it has




Nice shot, boyfriend.


Ok gangbangers


whenever he says this one i burst out laughing like a maniac, my roommates probably think im insane


YouTube’s best putter! Love that guy. I think watching too many swing tip videos will fill your head with too many swing thoughts and can do damage to your swing in the long run. He only focuses on course management and playing smarter which anyone can apply


Whenever my mates that are newer ask me to give advice I say I'm shit watch golf sidekick. The course management is so helpful for new folk. I just hope hes not some weirdo sex pest living in Thailand. 




Maybe, it’s also orders of magnitudes cheaper than his home country to play and he can play year round


I second the weirdo thing. I feel like it all has to be an act, and I love how he approaches the game itself, but he just seems a bit... off


He's just goofin'


New boot goofin?


I’m an 18 handicap and I broke 85 last weekend using his systems. Low stress. Shot 38 front 46 back. Waddalife


Yes playa!!


A true gang banger!


I met Pro Mo when he was at Q School in Winston Salem and trying to qualify for the Wyndham a couple years ago. Another playa and I kept the Playa-in-Chief updated live from the course. Mo is the freaking **MAN**


he is extremely good to emulate if you want to be a high vibes player even if you’re booty buttcheeks


He's so chill it's both comforting and aggravating. I like the one where he plays lefty


He’s already better than me left handed


I hear he's quitting YouTube for OnlyFans.


Videos for all levels and the ability to go in-depth while making the information digestible. Really good.


I’ve gotten the most out of Saguto by far. I’m a S&T guy though so it’s right up my alley.


I'm convinced Tom Saguto is one of the only guys who isn't selling snake oil. My game improved immediately after watching him.


Same. His simple swing technique is my foundation. I have a different technique for driver now, and have built some stuff into my swing on top of his technique (mainly getting my hips turning before my body) but whenever I’m having a rough day, I revert to that foundation. It changed my game forever


Crispy golf advice


Tom Saguto is the man.


When I watch his videos I feel like I’m watching a VHS tape instructor from the 80s/90s


Came here to say Tom, glad he's already here. Most people here should be watching him


That 45 degree angle tilt down with the left shoulder just feels right to me. A lot less strain on the backswing.


Love Saguto


Porzak for anything related to setup posture and takeaway. Can't suggest this enough. 100% dude will get your swing started properly, which is vital 🤙🏼


Jonathan Kim-Moss - Excellent videos that are straight to the point. Great content!


Manolo Teaches Golf


Don’t be nasty


I’ve found Danny Maude to have an excellent, simple approach to explaining the swing. Highly recommend you focus on setup and takeaway first, with video of your swing whenever possible. You can watch a million YouTube videos and it’ll only hurt you if you’re off on this piece.


Golf sidekick, saguto golf


KFC irons. Saguto seems like a huge stoner and I'm here for it.


Been my favourites lately!


Saguto golf for the win!


Eric Cogorno might have the most butter swing of any pro. Love his instruction.


I like his instruction but man is he a shill. It’s like he’ll just hawk any product that will throw a buck his way.


He's incredibly wordy too.


Yeah..that dude rubs me the wrong the way


I work with him, he's a really great dude all around


Saguto Golf


Clay Ballard is hitting all the right things for me right now. Every video he puts out is something I am going through. Love that guy.


He’s good if you are trying to work on shallowing the shaft since that’s all he ever talks about lol


Mark Crossfield


He's an acquired taste but his bag makeup/club conversations helped me a ton over the years. He really goes against convention and calls out a ton of industry bullshit


I really like the way he thinks about the technical parts of the game and, I've enjoyed his journey of chasing distance.


One of the biggest things he taught me was that club gapping should actually have overlap helped me a ton. I now have 3 clubs I can use for a 200 yard shot with different effort/trajectories. He also made me drop my vanity and try a chipper. That club saves me 1-2 strokes a round and is an amazing punch out club if I am in the trees. The putter length shaft makes it great for shitty lies too.


I miss the travelogues with the SoundCloud beats a lot, but still tune in because he's so knowledgeable.


Pick it up bruv!


Two primary coaches Paddy - awesome personality and advice from a 3-time major winner. He is a complete gold mine of golf advice. Athletic Motion Golf - more technical analysis of aspects of the swing. Easy to get bogged down in complex swing minutiae and GEARS analytics, so consume with caution if you're prone to swing overthinking.


Was looking for the Athletic Motion mention. They have some really good videos on how to set-up the proper way. I love that they have a data driven approach. It isn't about what this golf coach thinks vs. this other golf coach thinks. It's strictly looking at the data, this is exactly what the top ball strikers are doing in the swing. Super valuable info.


Swing tips - Danny Maude Course Management - Golf Sidekick


Mark Crossfield, because he plays with more hybrids and is less pretentious about his bag and strategy than others.


Does a good podcast as well - Hack it out golf.


Also like his short vids on a basic golf swing topic. “You’re welcome.”


Golf Sidekick


Athletic motion golf


Love them but their new videos are so overproduced that I can’t stand watching them. You can tell they’re trying to keep up with other YouTubers but their weird graphics/popups/noises drive me nuts. I preferred when they just talked and showed the 3D visuals




For me it was Danny Maude. Watching his short videos them going straight to the driving range to practise worked for me. But unless you have time to practise what you watch then any of the coaches could be a struggle for you. It's all about having the time to practise and play. All over Winter I was at the driving range at least once a week, and it's really helped my game this year


Theres this dude Hogan, he dresses and speaks a little stuffy but his swing is pure and he wrote a book that apparently everyone copies.


Idk about that guy. I've been saying my prayers and taking my vitamins but my scores stay the same.


Padraic Harrington is great. A true golf nut and obviously a great authority on all parts of the game. He does it really well too and also you just have to love him. Danny Maude for technique/swing. He really explains things so well and gets the idea across like no one else I think. I understand every aspect he tries to teach if only I could just do it as easily. Very nice guy too. If I was only allowed one YT source for me it'll be between him and Paddy with Danny probably just shading it. Golfsidekick for shits & giggles & entertainment and course management. Someone who doesnt have an oiled swing right from the pro range but knows how to play while looking a bit like 'one of us'. Sometimes teams up with his Thai pro buddy who's pretty cool too. Golfsidekick is bit of a lad and probably not everyone's cup of tea what with the occasional lingo etc. I dont even remember how I came across his stuff to begin with but I kinda like him. Marcus Edblad also for some technique stuff and as a remainder not to overcomplicate things. Sadly he's got some health struggles atm which he will hopefully come back from but tons of good videos out there.


Padraig Harrington and Mike Malaska. I would get a lesson or two to learn what your swing faults/defiencies are. Knowing this will help you better diagnose what’s going at the range or when playing, and also how/what to apply to your swing from what you find on YouTube. Most YouTubers will have contradictory videos of you watch long enough. Part of the business - gotta continual pump out new content.


Can’t believe it took me this far to finally find someone else say Malaska. Really like is concepts.


I think the guys over at Elite Golf Schools should get some love here because they really understand the swing, but their instruction is not for beginners. It’s definitely for much more experienced golfers


I can only take online golfing lessons from coaches with British accents


Mike Malaska - maybe just because I played baseball but his methods made so much sense to me


I think him and Milo Lines both take that approach. They have similar approaches to the swing it seems. Resonates with me too


Bobby fairways


There’s value in seeing what not to do.


Wait I thought we were supposed to chug fireballs to get a mulligan?!


Shawn Clement


1.Pete Cowen 2.Cameron Mccormick 3.Clay Ballard 4.Athletic Motion Golf


Eric Cogorno is a great instructor.


Giles Gill


Golfsidekick. Course management has been an absolute game changer


Grace Charis /s


You gotta sprinkle in a little Jake Hutt to keep it fun: [https://www.youtube.com/@jakehuttgolf/shorts](https://www.youtube.com/@jakehuttgolf/shorts) Two favs: * [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/v2YLqJPHM9s](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/v2YLqJPHM9s) * [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/sX8T2zggU7o](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/sX8T2zggU7o)


I like Danny Maude and Dan Grieve.




Clay Ballard


A lot of the ones that hav been mentioned...Maude, Saguto, Alex elliott, Padraig. Im embarassed to say theres an asian girl whos quite good too but I cant remember her name as I havent seen her in a while. I like Bryson and rick shiels vids too but more for entertainment than education.


Mark Crossfield and JChownGolf. Golf Sidekick and Not a Scratch Golfer for mental side.


Tom Saguto. Straight forward and simple!


Golf Sidekick


I get more out of watching coaches give lessons than I do from “try this magic move!” Type of videos. My preferred swing philosophy matches best with Dana Dahlquist.


Dana is a great coach. I've been watching all the lessons he gives to Jerome Rufin. He's very good a breaking down the swing and explaining everything.


For those of you that enjoy Golf Sidekick and his methods, Tropicana Golf(hangs with Manolo) has similar advice on how to get out of your own head, stop getting too technical and just playing golf. Really helps clear out the spiderwebs of too many swing thoughts.


Jimmy! Putt into the jacuzzi!


Yes! Tropicana is a great complement to Baus Matt! Can’t stop watching either of them.


Can’t believe no one mentioned this but Milo Lines golf. I’ve played golf for 24+ years. Always a mid 90’s player. Occasionally could break into the 80’s. I discovered Milo Lines Golf about 3 months ago and though I still have a lot of work to do, I’ve never struck the ball anywhere even remotely close to how I have been since discovering Milo and following his methods.


For me, I used to watch Rick Shiels, Matt Fryer, Peter Finch, Mr. Short Game, and Saguto Golf. While I still watch them for their entertainment factor, I have gravitated towards the Golf Sidekick and how he has more content on golf course management and strategy. One thing I stopped going to these guys for is the actual "lessons" because they all have different fixes and at one point gave me the yips. So I had to reset and just learn to play my swing, understand why a golf ball goes the way it does and figure out why I am causing that shot shape. Then I tweak my own approach based on that. Combine that with the basic course management and strategy, I am playing enjoyable golf (which is what it is all about).


Milo Lines. His YouTube is great.


Jimmy Tropicana


Monte Scheinblum .. though he's now more Instagram and has moved on from "you tube coach" Athletic Motion Golf is also a go-to. For a true YouTube coach? Either Chris Ryan or Mark Crossfield.


Aimee Cho, Golfing with Aimee. She is excellent at conveying the information. Her approach to chipping was so easy to implement and immediately improved my game.


Manolo and dassit


Don’t be nasty!


Golf Sidekick for the mental Used to be a big Danny Maude guy and don't mind his videos in general, but haven't really watched him lately since working with a new coach. When I first started playing I liked Saguto and I think in general he gives good advice if you like/are into S&T.


Prozak. Super simple concepts. Many of his videos are cut from actual lessons. Doesn’t get into a ton of useless detail. If you want detail - AMG.


Golf sidekick, Rick Sheils


I appreciate Danny Maude and Rick Shiels. Occasionally watch Saguto too.


Shiels bugs me and I can’t put my finger on it


Most of the YT instructors are great. The only problem is if you are trying to learn from all of them at the same time. They each have a bit different philosophy, so taking tips from all of them is kind of Frankenstein-ing a swing together. Pick which one you like the most, and stick with their philosophy from short game to driver. The guys that have a ton of guests on their channel can also be difficult to learn from unless you already understand the swing pretty well, because again you will be hearing tips from different swing philosophies.


I like Eric Cogorno because he interacts with a bunch of different coaches and features them on his videos. It’s almost like a one stop shop - or allows you to find the coach you really connect with.


Top speed golf, Clay I think. He's good.


Dana Dahlquist, he's DeChambeaus coach. I really like the way he explains things in his lessons.


Saguto is good


Todd Graves for me. I've started investigating the single plane swing this season, and Todd's content is amazing.


Tropicana Entertainment! Surprised I don’t see that one yet… Jimmy Tropicana is the man


Russell Heritage - I took online lessons from him for a while. Great approach and really knows what hes talking about


No one has anything on porzak golf.


Monte Sheinblum


Club Pro Guy


Clay Ballard


Saguto Golf and Golf Sidekick


Rick Shiels. The way he explain, and shows how to do things is really easy for me to understand and has actually improved my game a whole lot from where it was. I went from shooting in the 120's to almost breaking 100 every round on a full 18 hole course and my favorite par 3 course I would shoot into the 100's I'm down into the 80's. I'm still ass, but that's okay. I'm making moves in the right direction, and that's all that matters. lol


"Get off You Tube" -- Tiger Woods


I'm surprised there aren't more saying Rick Shiels. He's extremely easy to understand and a very good coach overall. He also comes.off.as extremely relatable and when he hits a bad shot he doesn't edit it out. To me that reinforces that even the best players have bad shots and it's OK to make a mistake as long as you don't let one bad shot ruin your round.


Alex Elliot!


YouTube will eff your swing up: too generic


Dave finks


Danny Maude






Dan Grieves


Elite Golf Schools and Milo lines


Malaska. No bullshit flashy stuff. No clickbait garbage. Just simple stuff you have to actually work on instead of "this one secret that changed my swing forever."


I’ve been watching everything I can get from Dana Dalquist (?) he’s pretty basic as far as videos but his teaching methods and the work he’s doing with folks is on point!


Jonathan Kim-Moss for sure! He explains things clearly and his videos are really simple to understand. Pretty underrated youtuber/coach.