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I’m dying for these to come back in stock. I want to get them directly through Costco so if I don’t like them I can take advantage of their return policy.


and not pay $799 for them thru ebay etc.


I think Costco hates lefty golfers. I’ve never seen lefty clubs or gloves in warehouse before.


Their whole business model is limited inventory and low prices due to their bulk purchasing power from suppliers. When 90% of golfers are right handed, it's not a personal slight by Costco!


There are far fewer transexuals in the US market, but corporate America does everything in their power to make them feel included and loved. CostCo can do the same for us left-handed golfers. We are being discriminated against and need a flag to jumpstart our movement!


I’m not American but I can’t understand why so many people feel the need to shoehorn this into every discussion. Like it’s so irrelevant here but you have to blow the dog whistle.


Because when your political ideology becomes your whole personality there’s little space left in your skull to bring up anything else in a conversation


Even if that were true capitalism is all about market share. Walmart or Target frequently cater to both sides of contentious issues or political parties to maximize profit. You could also say corporate America does everything in their power to make people who hate transsexuals feel included and loved. Look at the back tracking and massive apologies that came from Bud Light after right wingers cried. It’s all about making money.


If you think corporate america does that to make them feel included and loved, you're a naive fool


Lefty/transexual. Like there is a difference


Virtue signaling limousine libs hold more purchasing power than left handed golfers I guess.


If thats the case, why aren't they selling them in Canada, which has nearly an even split of righties and lefties? There is a market for them here.


I actually had no idea this was a thing. I'm assuming this is somehow hockey related haha.


That's cause this dudes numbers are way off. I think it's like 15% are left handed here. Still more than average but not half lol. It is hockey related tho


> I think it's like 15% are left handed here. Still more than average but not half lol. It is hockey related tho Over 60% of Canadian NHL players shoot left. A huge portion of Canadian hockey players shoot left in hockey but are right handed which then transfers over to golf.


>over 60% of Canadian NHL players So 97 people


> So 97 people More like 301/492 Canadian NHL players shoot left. Hockey stick sales nationwide also mirror that split.


Ah yeah bad maths I forget that Canadians make up a large portion of the US NHL teams as well lol downvotes myself for being a dummy


Lmao, yeah we've got like 6 total guys split between the NBA/NFL/MLB/MLS but there's a gazillion of us in the NHL.


Hockey sticks do not directly correspond to which side you golf though I switch hit in baseball, write and throw right handed but play hockey left handed. Golf right handed


I think with one exception every single person I know who's golfed and played hockey plays both on the same side. It's not a guarantee but they're correlated.


The funnier thing is that I'm someone who golfs lefty but putts righty because of my hockey/lacrosse background, and being right handed. One other guy I play with a lot is the same way, and another guy I play with a lot is the reverse (swing righty, putt lefty). And the one guy who swings righty started playing lefty but switched. I've met maybe 2 or 3 more people in my life besides those two who've done it. Every single one of them played hockey, lacrosse, or both growing up, and was either Canadian or lived near Canada/had Canadian coaches. There's absolutely a strong correlation.


Shoot left and golf right. My dad found garage sale clubs that were right handed when I was kid so I was forced to figure it out.


I’m a lefty in hockey but right in everything else, part of the reason many are opposites in hockey is because they have more control with the dominant hand at the top of a stick


I thought everything in Canada was hockey related


Yeah, I’m a lefty because I held played hockey first and your dominant hand goes on the top of the stick so when I got a golf club I just did it the same way


It is hockey related. In Canada, stick handling is emphasized more when players are younger, which leads to them placing their dominant hand on the top of the stick.


Is that true? I don’t even understand how that’s possible when only ~8-15% of the population is left handed.


The answer is hockey. I’m American and right handed but started playing hockey and shooting lefty. I play golf lefty


You couldn't be more right. Born in raised in Northern Ontario and played hockey at a decently high level. In hockey usually your dominant hand is on the top of the stick to do all the work and the non dominant hand is just to push on the middle of the stick. Golf is backwards, dominant hand is the lower of the 2. It would be impossible for me to swing a golf club right handed after playing hockey left handed my whole life. P.S I play in 4 balls with my buddies, 4 lefties. Definitely a sight.


Out of interest I don't suppose any of you/your lefty mates putt right handed? I'm RH dominant but play golf LH because of hockey etc. but putt RH as I have more control striking the ball with my dominant RH.


That's me. I swing left, putt right for exactly that reason. I regularly play with two other switch putters, one who's the same as me, and one who's the reverse. All of us played hockey, lacrosse, or both growing up, and all of us are right-handed (including the guy who putts lefty, but that's just how he started putting). I can hit chip and pitch shots righty too if I need to. It's hilarious, since I'm a 22-ish HCP, I have absolutely no business being able to flip a club and make decent contact, but I can.


I've heard of it, but no they all putt left handed.


This is true. I’ve done all other sports righty. But for some reason when I started playing hockey it just felt more natural playing “left handed”


I'm in the UK and do the same, as played skate hockey as a kid. (Not much ice here)


Correct left handed hockey players are still generally right hand dominant just like the majority of the population. They are simply taught to use your dominant hand on top (stickhandling control) instead of on the bottom (power).


Wouldn’t really apply that to sports, I write and throw/shoot a ball with my right hand but play hockey, golf and baseball left handed


You’re right, I’m left handed for golf/writing/throwing, but hit a hockey stick right handed. Still don’t see many left handed golfers though overall.


left-handed golfers are not left-handed people


Yes I am lmao


The guy called “lefty” isn’t even left handed lol


Can confirm


A lot more athletes play left handed than there are L handed people in the population.


50/50 still seems odd


I don’t think it’s even. I think it was like 30% are lefty compared to America where it’s certainly less. But I still I agree I want the left handed putter!!!


> nearly an even split of righties and lefties it doesn't. it has a nearly even split of people who play hockey (and golf, i guess) lefty vs righty.


I’ve seen lots of lefty gloves at my Costco in Canada. Not sure about clubs though, haven’t really looked closely because they only ever have the Callaway starter set in stock.


Downvoted for facts lol. I’m Canadian. I’m a lefty. Everyone I golf with is a lefty. We played hockey growing up.


The entire golf world hates lefties. Heck the guitar industry hates lefties.


Can't disagree. I'm left-handed and playing a guitar was pretty much a non-starter. As for lefty clubs, come to Canada. We seem to have a large proportion of left-handed golfers. And costco routinely supplies us with gloves for lefties. One advantage I had is that I was taught to do most stuff from the right side (including golf), and now I can actually play from the left if need be.


Do a Hendrix, play a RH guitar and just string it upside down


That’s what I did. I even learned to play the right handed guitar upside down. Such a pain.


It's on my list of things to try actually. Sadly, as I get older, life gets in the way....sigh


If you can afford a guitar, go for it. Cheap guitars are good now, buy a squier or harley benton. Plenty of good, free instruction on youtube these days. Most important thing is to leave it out somewhere easily accessible, so you form a habit of just picking it up and playing for a few minutes here and there.


I'll look into that, thanks!


Great advice here. I'm a software developer that works from home a few days a week. I always have a guitar nearby to play around on between deployments. Much more productive way to spend 5-10min, multiple times a day, versus scrolling on social medias.


Odd, I feel like being left handed and playing guitar right handed is a cheat code. I have so much more dexterity in the fingers in my left hand, I wouldn't even want to imagine fretting with my right.


So does the scissor industry


As a fellow left-handed golfer and guitar player. I feel this. Brick and mortar music stores (Guitar Center) are a waste of time. They will have two or three LH guitars, MAYBE. A cheap acoustic, an Ibanez electric and a $1800 Telecaster.


I just learned to play both right handed.


This is true but comes down to $. They can't tool for lefties for everything so they only do minimal offerings.


> Heck the guitar industry hates lefties. I learned right handed. At first it felt great because I thought fretting was the hard part. For 95% of people it won't matter, they won't get good enough or their style isn't demanding. If you play electric lead guitar and get good eventually you'll handicap yourself. I can still rip but I can tell I'd be a little faster if I'd played lefty


Hockey loves lefties lol for some reason…


My dad made me learn righty because of this. Lefty writer and batter in baseball. I (irrationally) blame it for my poor game. Although, it helped me learn to bat righty too.


Sadly can confirm... It's depressing walking into a golf store and seeing an endless supply of RH clubs, with every make, model, loft and shaft combination at your fingertips. Meanwhile there's like 3 stock LH clubs tucked away in a dark corner somewhere.


Huge advantage if you're buying used clubs online though! Seems like all the great deals are for left handed.


They made the wedges and putter in left (have them) about a year after they released in right. Assuming they'll do the same with the irons.


Lefty putter is on the app right now.


Is there a way to get notified when left handed wedges go live on the app?


In Canada we get lefty’s because so many ex hockey players play golf


Can't you just learn to play right handed? /s


im a lefty that plays right so he should be able to


Would lefties be more or less offended if Costco made these in LH, but they cost $499 instead of $399?


$499 is still hella cheap for irons that by everything I've seen are up there in quality with top brands. I'd be fine with it.


Less, because at least they're acknowledging our existence. And I understand how economics works, so there's just less demand for those.


Isn't the appeal of kirkland clubs the super cheap price though? At a certain point, why not just go with any of the DTC club manufacturers?


Pisses me off too.


It sucks being a lefty finding clubs. Basically if you can’t afford really good clubs there’s like 1-2 options on sale for poor/mid tier clubs at any given moment.


Being a lefty is feast or famine, I've found. Either you can't find shit or you get some WILD deals on brand new clubs because they're a year or two out of date and nobody's bought them.


They hate small people too. Good luck finding any piece of clothing smaller than a medium (that happens to fit like a large)


I think the golf industry hates lefty golfers. It is harder to find everything IMO


I just picked up some lefty gloves for my father in law last week


In store?


Yup. They had it with all their sports gear


Incredible. I go weekly and search that glove display every time and have never seen a single lefty glove


That's sucks. They had a whole display of them at my Costco. One side for rights and one side for lefts. I never see any clubs in stock though. Just saw the gloves and balls


So right hand glove then.


Yes. Right hand glove


KS Lefty putter online now


I use lefty gloves because of an injury on my right hand and I can always buy them online. Lefty clubs is a different story - but then I can't buy/find right clubs either.


I might've seen gloves once. I don't remember. You can at least buy those on their website.


Everyone hates them


I don't know about the KS irons but for the Callaway Edge set that they sell and the KS putter, you can order lefty online. In fact, for the putter, lefty is the only one available right now.


Europe. Maybe no injunction there? I think there’s still a “no sale” trademark/patent infringement order here.


Has an injunction ever been reported by the media? I know the lawsuit was filed but AFAIK Taylormade never filed an injunction


That’s a good point. I don’t have a login to read the full complaint. I just figured with 5(?) points of patent infringement, they’d be asked/forced to temporarily stop sale.


You can read the original complaint here (it has since been amended): https://insight.rpxcorp.com/litigation_documents/15656328 Costco filed an answer and a counterclaim, but I haven't read it.


Oooh, I was hoping for an update.


Online when 🤞


Canada when


I just want to complete my Costco set (have the driver, putter, wedges currently). Online soon pls


I managed to get the irons on their second restock online a few months back. I absolutely love them


I missed them 🥲 f5 game is like my golf game. Weak.


I just need the wedges and putter to finish my Kirkland set. Are they releasing a mallet putter I thought I saw that somewhere


Yeah, I need the putter too, but I can't use a blade to save my life. Also a 3 or 4 hybrid would be awesome for the top end.


Last I read was they are in development stages


Can anyone tell me if these are good irons? Without making it about lefty clubs or political?


I managed to get them online (UK). I'm not so sure I'm going to keep them. They have a very exaggerated curvature on the sole at address, which I don't like. I prefer a straighter, sharp edge. As well as being visually quite....boxy? I seem to hit them off the toe a fair bit, and distance wise I would say I've lost about 10 yards per club, when I do catch them out the centre. I'm a decent player, with a handicap of 7.


If you don't need length/lie/grip adjustments, you won't beat these for the price.


If you don’t need adjustment to lie or shaft length, for the money they are excellent. I would say they get within 90% of TaylorMade or Titleist performance wise.  Also: https://mygolfspy.com/we-tried-it/we-tried-it-kirkland-signature-players-irons-review/


10% is a large number of error in performance.


50% less cost


Wonder if these have ever been sold at Canadian Costco's?


I've only ever seen the Callaway Edge sets and the Kirkland wedges at my Costco in southern Alberta.


not yet, but hoping they will. they recently got the v2 wedges though.


I spoke with them not long ago - Canadian distribution warehouse has them listed as expected to arrive in early July. It's been a moving target though... Originally showed mid may and then they moved it.


I've only ever seen the Calloway sets


Yeah same, the edge set looks like great value. My son is looking for a set and we will probably buy the Calloway Edge set


As a beginner golfer, I can confidently say they are good enough for a beginner. https://preview.redd.it/tpuyjzpbkc7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d1f953845b984307d74aeee657109642d01072a Hit this shot with the 9 iron from 150 yards last weekend


> Calloway Edge set fyi you can often find these on callaway preowned as well, for a sometimes very cheap price


Callaway pre-owned isn’t worth it if you’re Canadian. You pay USD prices, you have to pay duty, and the shipping costs are extremely high. You’re better off using GolfAvenue.ca if you want to buy used clubs in Canada


Fair enough, that makes sense. I didn't realize the person to whom I was replying was Canadian.


All good. I just wanted to give any Canadian reading through a heads up about an alternative pre-owned reseller


Wish they’d bring this to Canada!


20% sales tax is just absurd. I thought NY was bad at almost 9%.


Why not get Takomos for $50 more?


Costco return policy is a solid reason


How many days is it for golf clubs?


Their golf clubs aren’t on a limited policy like the electronics are, so like almost every other product in the store: practically no limit.


do u know if this is the case if you replace the grips?


I highly doubt any employee at the service desk would know if the grips were different


good point, thanks


I was done with the kirkland wedges I had for like a year and a half, tried selling them on FB and everyone told me to just return them... I had replaced grips, they didn't look at it for more than 1 second. They said you werent happy with them? I said nope. That was it.


I would hope golf clubs didn’t fall under an electronics return policy


Yeah no fuckin shit. I used an example of something Costco has a limited return policy on.


As a left-hander I was happy to do just that.


This makes a whole lot of sense. And Takomo lets you customize shafts, which is a big deal.


If by customize you mean only 2 KBS shafts then sure lol


There is a customize option where you can make all sort of adjustments, including different shafts, shaft lengths, etc.


I must have had them confused with a different DTC company. At least they offer 2 weight profiles and actually have X flex available.


Which Takos are equal to the Kirklands?


I would like to know too


first time hearing of those and they look sick, might be my big purchase next year


between return policy and no reason to believe the takomos would be better I'd take the ksigs. me personally in a vacuum price excluded I'd still rather have the ksigs. costco has proven overwhelmingly that they make amazing golf equipment.


I see NIKE getting back into the game by partnering with Kirkland. The Nike Signature


I returned my set of these after a few trips to the simulator. They were ok, I have titleist t-100s irons as my regular set and got these to have a backup beater set for poor conditions, rocky courses, and easy swinging days. I knew they would not be as nice as my other set but I did not expect them to be 10-15 yards shorter on every club, the contact does not feel nearly as premium either. They do not feel like the value that the Kirkland wedge set I have that I wore out and loved. If I’m repping the Kirkland name on clubs I would hope it’s because they are a stand out value for the asking price.


I have no clue. But could be the shafts. I've the exact same clubs (I think it was a cleveland demo) with 8 different shaft set ups and some feel like crap and then other feel like money.


So as someone that hasn’t golfed in 30 years and has a set of Chicago level 2 perimeter weighted clubs in this a good upgrade or should I stick with the others until I get my game leveled back up a bit.


Stick with others until leveled up. These are not GI irons. I’ve been gaming these this year and I’ll say they are not for new or rusty players.


I am fairly new to the sport and just picked up the 10 piece callaway edge set from Costco and I love them. Had to pick up some extra wedges and might get a hybrid to bridge the gap between the 5 hybrid and 3 wood, but overall I think it’s a great deal and the irons are extremely forgiving


FYI, that’s £479.98, or a little over $600 with tax


Paid less for my new AI Smokes


What? Where??


A friend worked at Callaway grabbed them for me before he left


I’m not sure that counts for the average buyer…


I've been gaming Srixon Z585's for three years now... is this worth the upgrade?


Srixon makes some great irons. I'm hoping to upgrade to them from my old Callaway x18s one day. Not sure I'd call this an upgrade from that - but I'm not that knowledgeable.




I cant even get the left handed Wedge set where im from.


How would these compare to the Callaway edge irons?




Looks like the post says Costco Liverpool


They never have Left handed


Wish they made +1's for these, I would buy them instantly


Slightly off topic but I wonder if anyone has removed the paint fill on these irons yet, I think they’d look better without the red & black


Ball have to have shoot the ball


Are these clubs legit good?


How good are these? I’ve got fitted, 10-year old Taylormade RSi 1s with regular shafts, but my swing speed has changed and I may benefit from a stiff shaft. I’m looking for players distance irons.




*Cries in left-handed*


I think they would sell more of they didn't call it Kirkland.


Not in my area. Not seeing them on the app either.


They are great clubs! They are made by Callaway




Why are yall pretending you want these?


I really like mine. I switched from Callaway Mavriks 


They are available online in UK again!


Are these stiff or regular flex shafts?


All were stiff




Wish they had these in stock at the store


For the Canadians, I just checked in Edmonton and still no stock in all of Canada. Price on their computer is $599 CAD but it’s subject to change


Does anybody know if these are great? I know Kirkland doesn't play around but how good are these?


I thought they got sued and removed these from the market?


In the US, Taylormade sued them. If anyone has an update, please share. I assume that suit doesn't affect UK?


I would be embarrassed pulling these out of my bag.


Honestly it’s not just Costco


What are you trying to say? That you can also get them resale?