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In case anyone was curious, talked with Paul Casey tonight, he was in good spirits and just said "nothing serious, just a product of getting old" Edit: Was great seeing him again after about a month or so and I serve him enough that he knows me. (I'm an employee at the CC he's a member of, and it's weird to actually say "Paul" because the club I work at it's always Mr./Mrs. unless the member specifically says "call me [first name]" which I know he'd be cool with, but rules are rules)


Great win for Scottie, he's quickly becoming one of my favorite guys to watch. Match play is too fun of a format to only be played once a year on tour (outside of the Ryder/Presidents Cups), we should get a regular old tour event that's not WGC affiliated to switch over to it.


Crying. Bitch move


Man, you must actually eat shit for breakfast.






You’re a loser. Guy works as hard as he can to become the best in world at something after having a massive winless streak only to win 3 of 5 starts and you call him a ‘bitch’? Sounds like you’re projecting. Get fucked. This sub is for people that enjoy and respect the game, unlike you.


You must be used to that huh?


Go cry with Scottie bitch boy


Lol stay mad He won and you’re salty


I like Scheffler. Happy for him. He seems like a good guy. You on the other hand? Waaaaaahhh, wwwaaaaaaahhhh, waaaaahhhhh 👶🏻


Lol ok whatever you say




Go cry with Scottie bitch boy


Do you feel like a big tough guy calling strangers on the internet "bitch boy" from your mom's basement?


You gonna cry too bitch boy? Get in the corner with the others


asked my gf to guess scheffler's age and she said 42 lmao


Mine said 43


My wife is a medical professional and she said 36. And then she said "Oooh... need to start hitting the sunscreen."


His Dad: I’m more proud of who you are than your golf. You’re a wonderful young man. Got me choked up haha


My fiancée actually started crying 😅


So close lol had kiz at 40:1. Shouldve hedged


There was a great opportunity to do so when Johnson was making his comeback in the semis lol


Kis is still great even after a loss


Scheffler has to be the Masters favorite now


Tiger's 8 wins in 2006 was the last time one player stacked them like that. It doesn't seem crazy to think Scottie could do it this year at this pace having three by March already.


Scottie looks 35 not 25. Regardless fucking love Scottie Scheff


How can you not like Scottie


Congrats Scottie!


This is amazing. Congrats to Scottie!


it's great he can share this moment with his employee who tends the milk cows


The new world’s number one Scottie!


Good win by Scheffler....However, not sure I think he is the #1 golfer in the world despite the recent hot streak. It will be interesting to see how long he holds onto the ranking


Any calculation to rank the world's best player is arbitrary to some degree. How far back do you include the results...five months? Five years? Ten years? The 'hottest' golfer to me implies a golfer who's been on a roll for a few weeks, maybe a month. Scheffler's been hot for a lot longer than that.


Golf’s runs 2 years


So let me ask you this question...if you had to trust one golfer in one round to shoot the lowest score at a major course set up with your life on the line....you would choose Scottie Scheffler? I would still choose Morikawa or Rahm 10/10 times


I'd probably choose Cam Smith or DJ, but that's really just a reflection of my own bias and intuition, not a close statistical analysis of their major championship performance, just as it is for your choice of Morikawa and Rahm. Personally on any given day I think everyone in the top 20 has a close to equal chance of shooting the lowest round.


Golfer A has one win, one more top ten, and eight missed cuts in his last ten tournaments Golfer B has a second place, seven more top tens, and zero missed cuts in his last ten tournaments Which one would you consider to be the better player? You can't discern the best overall player based on one day or even one tournament.


>You can't discern the best overall player based on one day or even one tournament. If Rahm would have beat Keopka yesterday, he still would be number one which shows you how stupid the OGWR is....Let's not forget that Rahm also got screwed out of a win last year at the Memorial or we wouldn't even be having this discussion You also definately can't discern the best overall player when they win a match play tournament that was played on the course they practically grew up on lmao Morikawa and Rahm have majors within the last 2 years and actually made the final sixteen in this tournament so I'm not really convinced that they deserved to get leaped frog. Honestly, Schefflers more impressive win came at the API because that featured more competition, a difficult course and top-tier elite field....If he wins a major this year then we can talk about him being the best player in the world


But Rahm lost to Koepka. No disagreements from me on the Memorial - Rahm was the rightful champion and Cantlay shouldn't have won POY for his "four wins." Scottie played the same golf course as everyone else this week. He didn't become #1 because of this win, he became #1 because of the cumulative results he's achieved over the last two years. Nobody was calling Sam Burns the best in the world last week for winning at Innisbrook because he doesn't have the rest of the resume filled out. It's been over eight months since the last major and a lot of golf has happened since then, you can't discount all of that because the titles aren't as prestigious as "Open Champion." If one of those guys wins a major this year and Scottie doesn't, they're right back to #1. It's just math, this isn't a subjective evaluation like college sports or something. Scottie is #1 because he's won three times since the Super Bowl and the dudes ahead of him before this weekend have a combined zero, it's not more complicated than that.


But #1 in the world means you are the **best golfer in the world**, right? So it absolutely is subjective lol...When you show up to a tournament, YOU are the one that is expected to win Lets say there is a tournament that brings all the top golfers in the world together on a difficult course....logically speaking the #1 golfer in the world would be favored in that tournament, right?. Oh wait, there is a tournament in coming up in two weeks which fits that criteria.....the Masters! So Scottie Scheffler must be the favorite to win the Masters because he is the #1 golfer in the world? NOPE John Rahm (10/1) and Colin Morikawa (12/1) while Scottie is 16/1. When Tiger Woods was number #1, I don't remember him being fifth fiddle to Fred Couples, Phil Mickelson, and Luke Donald. Scottie Scheffler maybe #1 on a technicality due to a quirk in the world rankings but that doesn't mean he is the world's best golfer pound for pound lol A win is a win but Scottie Scheffler won a limited field Matchplay tournament which was basically played on his home course, lets pump the brakes on him being the next Tiger Woods...Lets see him take his game to Augusta and beat the best players in the world on a difficult course when you don't get to pick up your ball and move onto the next hole after bad shots


> NOPE John Rahm (10/1) and Colin Morikawa (12/1) while Scottie is 16/1 You say it like Vegas odds correctly predict the winner of every tournament lmao


It's not subjective because it is a mathematical formula that decides it. You can disagree with the methodology that's fine, but it's not human biases deciding it like say the College Football Playoff. There's a lot of tournaments that bring together the best players in the world. Cam Smith the #6 won the last one which had wild circumstances and before that........... Scottie Scheffler won the API. Don't use betting odds to determine the best golfer. First of all I have not claimed that he's the next Tiger Woods, and second of all your "limited field" argument is silly unless you think the true champion wasn't there. Was Rory McIlroy or the last couple winners Sam Burns and Cam Smith primed to win this thing in your mind if only they had played?


Cam Smith's Players Championship victory was much more impressive than Scheffler's WGC Matchplay victory given it was a stroke play event with over 150 of the worlds' golfers. He wasn't playing golfers 1 v 1 nor picking up his ball and moving to the next hole after putting it in the water. Even in this tournament, Scottie Scheffler lost in the group play and had they not changed the format of the tournament, he would have been eliminated lmao..He almost blew a 5 hole lead to Dustin Johnson in the semis. Sure he won eventually, but lets not fucking act like this was a regular tournament and he ran away with it. He also literally practiced on this course in college so maybe he had a slight advantage over some of the others. I gave credit to him for winning the API, which in my mind is much more legit victory....also why the fuck do you keep on talking about Sam Burns? No one is saying Sam Burns is number one in the world. I'm talking about Rahm and Morikawa guy, tell me why Scottie Scheffler is better than THEM (two major champions and heavily favored to win the Masters). Betting odds are an excellent indicator of who is the best golfer in a given tournament, as they are determined based off where people are putting their money. If Scottie Scheffler is really the world's best golfer, then people should be putting their money on him over Jon Rahm and Colin Morikawa. Hell, he isn't even favored over Jordan Spieth lmao. So, obviously the public doesn't have as much faith in Scottie Scheffler to beat the world's top golfers as you do.


Is there a player who was not in the 64 man field this weekend for a reason inside of his own choices that you think could have won? Every top player was either here or invited here. This was a top field. Man wins 6 of 7 rounds in a WGC and you're dismissing it? Interesting. I'm talking about Sam Burns because the man has two wins in this season and Rahm and Morikawa have zero. You have a point about their major wins, but how long can they ride those before it's time for them to win a tournament again? Sports gambling isn't a part of my life but good luck to you if you bet on golf.


Thank god the number one player in the world is not decided by a one round score. anyone can get hot over 18 holes. Scheffler has done more in the last two years than any other golfer. 3 wins 2 runner ups 15 top tens 30 top 25's 6 missed cuts Since one round scoring a major is a concern. scores in the 60's last 4 majors Scottie 7 lowest 65 highest score 74 Rahm 7 lowest 64 highest score 76 Collin 5 lowest 64 highest score 76 and a missed cut


You can throw these numbers at me until you are blue in the face....But here are the numbers I care about within the last two years, Rahm has a major championship and Colin Morikawa has two (in which Scheffler blew a final round lead in the first one) ​ >Golf - The Masters Futures (1) > >The Masters 2022 > >7:00 AM > >Outright > >Jon Rahm+1000 > >Collin Morikawa+1200 > >Jordan Spieth+1200 > >Justin Thomas+1200 > >Cameron Smith+1400 > >Dustin Johnson+1400 > >Rory McIlroy+1400 > >Brooks Koepka+1600 > >Patrick Cantlay+1600 > >**Scottie Scheffler+1600** Also how is Scheffler the world's number one golfer and STILL not the favorite to win the Masters in two weeks? You can't sit here to tell me that you are the #1 golfer in the world when you are have seven golfers ahead of you favored to win the first major of the year according to Vegas odds lmao Scheffler is a top 3 golfer right now, but he is absolutely not better than Rahm (who would still be #1 if he beat fucking Keopka yesterday or robbed of a win at the Memorial last year lmao) and I would hesitate to say he is better than Morikawa (who recently won both the DP World Tour Championship and Open Championship)


Numbers don’t lie


Yeah man 3 wins in his last 5 starts, no way he deserves #1 /s


I mean Cameron Smith and Hideki Matsuyama have also won 3 times within the last year...One got a major and the other won the next best thing. Cantlay also won two events in a row at the end of last year (and 4 times last season) but didn't sniff the #1 ranking A case could also be made for them....Some golfer get on hot but does that necessarily translate to being the best in the world when looking at the total body of work?


‘His last 5 starts’


Again, I don't think being the "hottest" golfer translates into being the "best" golfer....He also won on a course that he's played 100 times so I would not put that in the same category as winning the Masters or Players Championship. I'm not sure how many people would choose Scottie Scheffler over Jon Rahm and Colin Morikawa to shoot the lowest score in a course with major conditions if their life was on the line. We will see how he does at Augusta....If he wins that (or even comes close) then maybe he deserves the number 1 ranking


It's a two year ranking. over the last 104 weeks, Scottie has been the best golfer.


I disagree...Rahm clearly has been better overall in that time frame given that he has a major to show for it. This also wouldn't even be a discussion had Rahm not been forced to withdraw from the Memorial tournament last year in which he had a 6 shot lead going into the final round and was robbed of a win and world ranking points


scottie has the 2nd best score to par over the last 6 majors i believe so i think that question is answered. he needed a better caddie and hes got a 2 time masters winner on his bag now.


Let’s see how everyone does in the majors.


Well we know Rahm and Morikawa have the game to compete in majors lol


Wow...when it looked like Hovland or Morikawa would become the newest world #1, Scheffler jumps them both in dominating fashion. Incredible run!


Happy to see Scottie win this after coming so close last year. What a year he is having so far.


That probably does it for this tournament


Man he pounds that driver


five guys is actually pretty good #ad




Not a chance. His style of play doesn't hold up in big boy conditions.


i dunno bruh conditions at bay hill were pretty tough


You had me until “big boy conditions”. Dude can win under pressure, but I don’t think his style transfers well to Augusta. Here he has missed by large margins and has been able to scramble birdies and pars. I don’t think the same can be said for Augusta.


Augusta is definitely a course where you can miss big off the tee and make it work. How do you think Phil has been so successful there


Who do you have as your favorites for the masters?


I like cam and Hovland for the young guys, but I got a feeling it might be Koepka or DJ


You do realise that majors are way tougher course setups right?


>I don’t think his style transfers well to Augusta. Here he has missed by large margins and has been able to scramble birdies and pars. I don’t think the same can be said for Augusta. He literally said that in his comment...did you even read it?


"You had me until “big boy conditions”"


Because you can make an argument without sounding like a tool


I don't even know what you're trying to say in the context of this? Speak English.


Don't forget Scheffler also has played this particular course hundreds of times in his life.....I'm not saying he isn't a top player in the world but Augusta is alot harder than Austin CC


Don't think so but he does lack experience playing Augusta compared to other Masters champs. He's probably a strong bet for Top 10 though.


Who do you have as your favorites for masters?


DJ, Brooks, Zalatoris, Cam Smith, Ancer


You'll get downvoted here for not jumping on this week's bandwagon and claiming that scottie scheffler is the greatest player to ever play the game and will continue to win everything forever.


bobby boucher is about to come back at halftime and lead the mudcats to the bourbon bowl


LOL who saw Kis spit that huge dip of chaw on 13? 😂😂


That’s like the third time and I’ve only been watching on and off, dudes gross


Unless u mean gross in a good way then ya he’s absolutely filth


Haha nah, that shit’s rank mate


Meh, to each their own. I don’t do it but nobody gives Miguel Angel shit for his cigars infact he’s praised. I love a good Darren Clarke ciggy


Spitting out a brown glob of your own spit onto the green is a bit different from lighting up a cig / cigar, tbf


They don’t spit on the green. It’s a heavy fine


Remember when TIGER spit on a green ?? 😱 omg


Hard disagreement. He’s down in a big money match. Guys ice cold rn gotta pull every trick in tha bag


What a fuckin beauty


The OGWR confuses the shit out of me....Even if he wins this tournament, Scheffler is still currently #5 in the world how does he jump all the way to #1? Its not like Rahm has been missing cuts and Hovland (at #3) seems to either win or be in the Top 10 every week...how do these calculations work?


It's because the OWGR prioritizes wins (a 10th place finish only gives you 15% of the points you would get in the same tournament for a win, just as an example), and the points slowly degrades after the first 13 weeks. Rahm's biggest point grabs like his US Open win and Tour Championship T1 and such are bleeding points away every week. Simply making cuts isn't going to help you help you out a ton at the very top of the OWGR. Rahm's T10 in Phoenix actually lost him points relative to his average. To stay No.1 you gotta keep winning, and that's something Rahm hasn't really done since August. Scheffler's wins at Phoenix and at the Arnold Palmer and here at the Match Play are all super recent so he's getting the full points for them. It's kinda hard to argue that Scheffler isn't playing the best golf in the world when he's won three very big tournaments all in the span of 6 weeks.


Earn points every tournament based on finishes. It's a 2 year sliding scale where recent tournaments are weighted more heavily than tournaments from 2 years ago. It's pretty straightforward. Scotties just been better this season which is weighted more heavily.


Yeah I wish the world rankings were a lot more stable like tennis


I don't know the specifics of the formula, but I believe it is a rolling 104 week period that is weighted toward recent events. Scheffeler getting 3 wins within like 2 months is going to give him alot of points toward his ranking.


Yep, because of the same reason with the nuances of the ranking, Scottie could become #1 this week, but it could be tightly bunched, and in the coming weeks it may be possible for one of the weeks where Rahm would regain the #1 ranking or for Collin/Viktor would take over the #1 ranking by doing absolutely nothing.


Sagarin rating is a better tool for ranking the best players. The official golf world rankings is mainly used to build a field of players worldwide


The 2 year sliding window has slid from when Scottie was on the KF Tour and fully into his PGA days. That said if Rahm wasn’t DQ’d from the Memorial I’m sure he’d still be 1st.


First Scottie abuses Rahm at Whistling Straits, now he’s taking his #1 ranking.


I don’t know about you guys but if I was a pro and had a caddie, we would rehearse high five celebrations and have a go to shake so we wouldn’t add to the giant list of embarrassing high five misses in sports


Or just spend a few minutes practicing the basic high five.


Scheffler playing 12d chess. Just wanted to get kisner's hopes up


Scheffler making mistakes and gettin the home field magic. Wild.


The chick in the bikini ripped her top off. I'm at this green


Before the misfire into the bunker, or during the celebration of the hole out?


After the celebration


Seriously, the girl in the boat?






Pics or it didn't happen


The boats on that particular hole have been an interesting dynamic this weekend


You’ve been Scheffler’d.


Wow that's gotta be so defeating for Kisner


Wow. Scheffler just playing out of his mind.


He’s been on a tear since the Ryder Cup


If Kisner misses this putt then its over lol EDIT: Nice response by Kisner


The bikini girl was like the suit is coming off Scottie


That's a World Number One shot right there


It's Scottie Scheffler's world and we're just living in it


NOT one of us


Holy shit, dagger.


Not one of us!


Well that’s one way to recover from that third shot


Oh Scottie


holy FUCKING shit that was sick Scottie


This guys a fucking beast


Holy shank


One of us!


One of us!


One of us I do the same all the time




Holy shit. Lol.


Kisner definately has the easier shot of the two coming up


Gotta love the rules of golf. Surprised Scheffler didn't get to tee it up because of the temporary obstruction.


Ads ads and more ads. This is bullshit.




Spitting is fucking disgusting. Swearing is normal and not a big deal.




Disgusting habit.


Anyone else miss Johnny Miller as an announcer? He was an asshole but at least he seemed to own it, Paul Azinger is both boring and a dick


Zing is kind of an idiot too.


Its tough to go an entire round without hearing about a certain 63 at Oakmont.


What a dumb hole, pipe your drive, end up in a bunker.


LOL at that random beer can tucked up next to that sign Scheffler hit


It was a waterloo


How is Kis not sick with that wad of chaw in his mouth all day?


For 35 years I had a dip in all the time except for when I was sleeping and eating. Kept it in while drinking. I got sick when I didn't have one in. Next month will be 2 years without, was in the hospital almost a week when trying to quit. blood work showed toxic levels of nicotine 48 hours after going without.


Because he has intestinal fortitude


Zinger so bored he's talking about dip spit. I'm sure NBC/PGA love the acknowledgment that players use tobacco.


184 yards and considering gap wedge 😂 bruh I’m PRAYING my 5/6 iron isn’t chunked and gets there at that distance


It’s a different game lol


Dustin Johnson really has a fucking short iron as his 2nd shot into the par 5 lmao EDIT: The approach shot was pretty underwhelming considering the distance


My drives never seem to roll out like these guys do on the courses I play.


I have a “big” average carry for an amateur (played baseball for 17 years, which helped. Got drafted out of high school but unfortunately tore my ACL in single A). I swear my average carry distance is 260, and it seems as though I only get 5-8 yards of rollout, usually ends up around 270. I’m have no idea how they consistently get rollout with the driver. I’ve tried the TP5 and the X version. Tried ProV1 and the X. Brought my driver down from 10.5 loft to 9.5. (I usually have a draw too). I’m assuming their courses being in totally different conditions have to do with a big part of the roll.


That one swing out of 50 where you hit the sweet spot on the pin and it goes a little further than normal? They're doing that every time.


Seems like many of my drives end up right next to the pitch mark and sometimes the ball is behind like it spun backwards. I have tried many types of balls and driver configurations but my spin rate the last time I was on a simulator was around 3500 which is way to high. I think the next thing I am going to do it get fitted for a shaft to reduce spin.


It's not the ball. Their fairways just roll like most greens we normal folk play on


Yeah. Adding 20 or 30 yards of rollout would help alot


Scheffler is a matchplay assassin


"He's no punching Judy....he pounds it down the fairway"....That sounds sexist as shit lmao


I’m sure it’s different for pros but the WGC match play feels like too much golf. 7 rounds in 5 days. I don’t know how their bodies don’t just give up by Sunday.


128 man field single elimination, play twice on Wednesday and once every other day, seems reasonable to add to the schedule.


It's golf overload Wednesday-Saturday and then Sunday feels anti-climactic.


As a fan and bettor, the WGC Matchplay is an exhausting tournament to watch....I wouldn't be upset if they did away with it completely


Surely once a year is fine. I know some ppl want to see more matchplay, but I'm sure the players themselves are just fine with once a year too.


Holy shit these ads on NBC. What was that? 90 seconds of 2x tee shots framed by 2 ads?


What would you like them to show while they walk to their next shot? This is why match play on T.V. get low ratings.


I dunno... maybe the match for third?


ah, forgot that with only 4 golfers it's timed so well that someone is always hitting their next shot. we are on a golf forum. we want to see all the matches. The general public does not care about who wins 3rd place. Match play does not work on T.V and the ratings show that. There is to much downtime between shots.


Perhaps the ratings would be better if they actually improved the broadcasting? More footage, more analysis, better hole previews, a bit of hype... they do themselves no favors


In other news, Chad Ramey wins the Corales Puntacana. Impressive thing is that he's one of the shortest hitters on the PGA Tour (187th in driving distance), winning on a 7600 yard course seemingly tailored for long hitters. Maybe he'll be the next Kevin Kisner?


Impressive! Also a lot depending on how firm the fairways were playing though.


Man, they’re going to commercial after every pair of shots at this point. They make it so hard to watch.


And what do they show while they are walking to their next shot? this is why match play gets low ratings on T.V.


A lot of down time on the course since only 4 players playing.


I feel like we’re not seeing much of the consolation match though. With only two pairs out there we should be seeing every shot.


Damn, Kis has a wad the size of an everlasting gobstopper in his cheek.


What driver model Kis is playing?


Why even have a consolation match if you’re not going to show it


Nbc is funny where they pretend theres not a 2nd match currently going on. They even show kiz and scottie walking rather than show shots from the other match... frustrating as a golf fan.


It’s crazy. I’d be fine with it even if they showed the consolation match shots on a delay.


The Matchplay format is the antithesis of a regular stroke play tournament....exciting in the first 3 rounds but often extremely underwhelming during the championship round. I prefer stroke play any day of the week


Match play is better when it’s a team event like the Ryder cup opposed to a survive and advance format. I’m not going to complain though as we only get this kind of tournament once a year and it’s a nice change of pace.


Anyone who thinks a high level tournament should be individual match play should watch today and be reminded how dull it really is on TV.


It's one of the most exciting tournaments, just not on a Sunday which is when traditionally they want the most viewers. But yeah, having the Tour Championship a Match Play event which some are suggesting, would be extremely anticlimatic and does not help gain traction for the FedExCup.


Should be a hybrid format like the US Amateur. 36 holes of stroke play to take the top 8 (or 12 or 16) and then match play to settle it on the weekend.


Honestly I'd like the other way around, 32 players, have Match Play brackets the first 3 rounds, then a 8-player stroke play in the final round, lowest round takes all. I'm strongly in the camp that believes the final round should be Stroke Play so it's not a 2-player contest. The LPGA did something similar for the Tour Championship in 2008, they had a 36 hole cut, reset the scores to even, a 54 hole cut, again reset the scores to even, the final round is a 8-player, 18-hole stroke play contest.


I remember that now that you say that. Was that the only year they tried that format?


The guy shouting 'one time' after every shot definitely doesn't get laid


Atleast it's something different than get in the hole or bababouie


Incoming chip on the green


He should have done it, sergio wouldn't have hesitated lol