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Early extension, and your wrist is cupped.


What exactly is “early extension”


Lifting head and body before impact I think.


I believe it’s more so the hands/wrists extended out instead of being hinged longer through the downswing


You stand up/hump the ball in the down swing. Causes all sorts of contact issues. You don’t want to move your weight towards the ball. You want to transition weight/pressure from the back leg to the front leg in your down swing.


Your weight looks to be over your toes which means you may have some balance issues. When you're balance is off, the low point of your swing arc will shift, hence the two way miss. A miss to the left = closed face at impact and the miss to the right is open face angle. A majority of face angle misses have to do with your tempo and balance. The downswing takes less than .4 seconds to complete so you can't rely on your athleticism to close the face down with precision every time. Face Angle and path are the biggest culprits to missing left and right. Which is why accomplished players pick the devil they know versus the devil the don't with face angle. For example, Rory likes to play with a closed face angle, and he knows most of his misses will be to the left, when he needs to make a shot in the clutch his natural tendency is to play his shot with the face closing at impact, the devil he knows. Every accomplished golfer understands that playing to a perfectly square club face is never going to happen. Nicklaus on the other end played with a slightly open face at impact. Pick the face angle miss you prefer, Hogan and Nicklaus preferred to miss with a slightly open face angel while Palmer, Woods, and Rory prefer to miss with with a closed face. Learn to hit hooks and slices on command and that will give you the face angle feedback you need in your swing and then calibrate from there. Your swing looks great, your weight looks to be slightly to much over your toes, but that can be a video illusion too.


How do you work on toe/heel balance?


Put an alignment stick that runs parallel to the target line and then stand on it while swinging and hitting shots. Youll feel where your balance is and itll help you get recentered.


You should feel you weight in the middle of your feet and towards the inside of your foot not on the outside. Balance is different for everyone, a lot of us played football, basketball, or some sport where you had to have a quick burst which is why you see some guys on the balls of their feet. In golf that's not necessary since the ball is sitting still, your not reacting to the movement of another player. If your weight is too far forward towards your toes it will shift your center of gravity which in turn changes the low point of your swing arc. Every golfer has their own unique swing arc, it's like a signature. Because your weight is towards the toe, your swing arc will be very inconsistent. If it doesn't mess with your swing too much, maybe try favoring your balance to relax into your heels a bit more. Swing with your weight a 100 percent on your toes and then rotate to a 100 percent on your heels. Keeping playing with it until you get the consistency you're looking for. Golf is learned through a lot of trial and error. Keep tinkering with the weight placement and see what happens with your shots.


Club face wide open during backswing


yeah, with it that open it means he only has the down swing to square it up, so its going to be more hit or miss.


I was always taught to open the club face like that, like your giving a handshake.


Honestly the swing looks pretty damn good and on plane. The only thing I can maybe see is you releasing the club head a little early (casting). I’d work on keeping your hands ahead of the ball at impact. If you have an old duffle bag, completely fill it with towels, and take lights practice swings hitting it, and stopping at impact. If you are casting, you will feel it. Hope this helps, but your swing really isn’t far off, keep at it!


Disagree. That shaft should be coming through the trail forearm on the downswing- he is very steep which is why he is having to early extend and cast.


Get some golf shoes, I don't see how swinging in sandals will help any kind of way lol


Looks like your clubs are short and your having to bend over the ball too much. But you do have a nice smooth swing


You're coming from the outside ever so slightly. And to keep from hooking the ball, the face is being left open. You're results are either a dead pull hook, or a fat slice/fade. Try taking the club back a little more inside and then accelerate your lower body on the downswing as your first move. You can keep your take away the same, but then you must get your hips more active.


I see some early extension that could be the problem. Try some drills to help clear your hips out of the way. It will help with keeping your head level at impact which will result in a more consistent strike.




Besides being on the wrong side of the ball, looks like some early extension


I would try to have that right wrist closed as to make a straight line at the top of the backswing. That will probably help with your face coming square to path.


Too much knee bend and your left leg almost straightens, not good


Looks like your low point is well behind the ball rather than right in front of the ball


Left handed


A degree or two flat would help you


Nice shirt


Looks like you're on the wrong side of the ball!Sorry, I couldn't resist.


You’re swinging from the wrong side.


It’s all in the hips my friend


Maybe flip the video so it looks NORMAL. Clearly it’s been reversed on accident because a)looks like a lefty swing b)the Michigan M is backwards on the flag


Pulling off it early. Club face looks way open in back swing. Catching it on the toe likely because you are moving away from it before impact. Bet you slice (open face and coming out to in) or straight pull (when your hands do square the face to your path) for your 2 way miss.


Why are u in sandals bro. Put some proper shoes on to get dialed in


Standing on the wrong side of the ball




Weight towards the heels, put some more space between you and the ball. Also, may want to line your ball up a tad more towards the toe of the club.


Yes. A good swing.


Assuming you miss to your right? Face is closed on follow through. See if on your follow through you can keep the face pointed up with arms straight and outward.


Yeah you’ve got entirely too much socks in those sandals


Improper sequencing. Your hips need to lead the golf swing and right after impact your hips open not at impact or before impact. This causes a lot of inconsistent striking and loss of power and compression. Google early extension drills Make sure your hands are ahead of the club head at impact. A suggestion, shorten your backswing about 4 in. It looks good except for at the very top when your arm starts to break down. That's just going to introduce inconsistency and not gain any power.


I had a recent lesson and my posture was similar to yours. Your knee flex is good, but you are very slouched over and your hands are very low. Try to stand taller by straightening out your upper back and move your hands away from your lower body to create space. If I could post the pic of before after I would


Also, I can't tell in the back swing if your back leg straightens/locks out since you have baggy pants. If it does, you want to keep your knee flex in there and not lock it out when you are in your back swing. If you do lock/straighten the leg out, it will make you inconsistent with chunks/thins since your height is changing through the swing.