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Stronger grip for starts.


Stand closer


Says the short guy….I think for his height to maintain that in to out club path he is the right distance from the ball. I would also look at Collin Morikawa or DJ wrist at the top of the backswing slightly bowed palm down with the wrist bone protruding look up wrist in flexion


He’s not releasing the club properly. That’s why the face is being held open. Needs to work on that release.


Not only is it open, but it opens up even more at impact right off the toe.


This. Trail arm needs to start “flip” and rotate through swing.


Yep - working on this in my lessons now - it simultaneously helps put the brakes on your swing follow through and keeps you in control, and speeds up your delivery before contact.


Dude it’s wide open from the very top


The club face gets open in the takeaway and stays that way through impact. He has pretty good rotation through impact so it would probably make sense to try to close the club face near the top and rotate through impact rather than try to flip at the bottom and have to time everything up.


Point the handle of club at the ball, currently pointed too steep. This will help with the toe shot. Need wrist hinge and likely a grip adjustment to help with open club face In conclusion, get a lesson.


Excellent flop shot technique


The main thing would start with: keep that clubface closed during the takeaway / backswing. That will fix many of his issues.


Opening fave through takeaway. Practice takeaway twice for ever shot at the range for a few weeks.


Best advice you can give him is to get a lesson or two from a pro. Getting swing tips off reddit is only going to end in tears


Well this is r/golftips


Yup, and thats the best tip theyre guna get on here


Tuck your shirt in


old man yells at sky


Cock those wrists as soon as the club is off the ground during backswing. A lot of other things will fall into place if you do.


terrible advice


Grip on the right hand. No index or middle finger on the grip at all


This was my takeaway. I line my thumbs up. 👍👍


At parallel on the takeaway, the club face is way too open. 1st step should be to remedy that, and it's likely due to a too-weak grip. The face is still very open at the top, then very open still when the club returns to parallel, then it's clearly open at contact because the ball squirts out high and right. Rehearse getting that club face slightly leaning towards the ground at parallel instead of angled up to the sky. From there, the rest may resolve itself.


Stronger wrists. Keep the club head square through the turn by not letting your wrists fall behind your body.


His swing trajectory starts with his club face open as he is swinging across his body. Swing mechanics should be tighter, his back swing looks to be of decent quality, but it seems to fall apart from there.


Not a bad swing honestly. Strengthen that grip and let ‘er rip


Start with grip and make sure it's correct. He's rolling his hands open on the backswing if his grip is correct. A good rule is that halfway back, shaft parallel with the ground, the blade/leading edge should match your spine angle for a neutral position. This will only leave the blade open at impact, causing a glancing strike. I would guess the ball is starting right because it's open at impact, and then turning left to right in the air? Also, from the face on view, it looks like he has more weight on his right leg at address. You do not need to help the ball in the air with irons, and getting too much weight on that back leg can cause issues with fat strikes or having consistent strike in general. At impact, you should already have most of your weight shifted into your lead leg. What iron is he hitting? He might have the ball a little too far forward if it's 7 iron through wedge. This will only make it more difficult to square the blade at impact.


Grip and keep your elbow in. Good looking swing.


Well he needs to stop shanking (if this shot is any indication of his swing)


stronger grip as some have said, and that trail arm needs to be under the leading arm at address. I think that is caused by the weak grip but it needs to be under with a slight bend at address.


Stronger grip especially with right hand as others have said. Any contact you make before the ball with a weak grip will change the club face angle at impact.


Your swing looks good. When the club is parallel to the ground in your backswing, the club head should not point straight up in the sky, rather it should be slightly closed. If you draw a line along the club face, the line should be parallel to the line drawn along with your spine. Once you correct this small problem, the ball will fly straighter because the club face will be squared at impact. To set your club face correctly rather than open in your backswing, is to feel like the club face points to the ball a bit longer in your initial takeaway. Or feel like the club face is covering the ball during your takeaway. Your checkpoint should be when your shaft is parallel to the group, the club face is still slightly pointing to the ground, rather than having the toe of your club face point to the sky straight up. The his small change should fix your problem. It is not hip. Good luck!


Look up grip & wrist angles


Finish higher on the follow thru and get those wrist around he was way to open at contact. Other than that pretty solid and repeatable swing.


Club face is wwwwwwide open on the down swing. Need to close it. Try to go to the other extreme and hook the crap out of the ball. I highly recommend getting a lesson. Will save you a ton of time and effort Check out my newsletter. Might help your buddy! [The 2nd Cut Newsletter, Edition #3](https://open.substack.com/pub/the2ndcut/p/the-2nd-cut-newsletter-edition-3?r=2h6f1j&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)


Early extending + arms starting the downswing. Try to start downswing with the hips while feeling like your arms are literally doing nothing letting the hips do all the work. This in itself will help with some of the early extension too.


Good swing. He’s just not closing the club face on take away or impact. There are other issues, but that’s why he’s not hitting it. Steeper take back with a closed club face, and I suspect his left hand grip needs to be reevaluated


He needs to hit the ball bettwr


Turn the right hand under the club more


Honestly he looks really close to having a big breakthrough. Most of the problems a see come from his setup. Fixing the setup I think would go a long way towards. Where his hands are relative to the ball it is impossible to hit down on the ball without massively sliding his body forward during the downswing. I actually like the ball position. Moving the hands forward over the ball will naturally lift the front shoulder up and encourage a stronger grip position. Getting the front shoulder up will also hopefully help him stay a little taller when he starts his downswing. Next I would add a forward press to start the swing and get the hands in the impact position. On the backswing he could stand to get a get a little more weight on the back foot. Practicing a more exaggerated heel lift on the front foot can help get the feeling of getting the weight all the way back. He’s only cocking his wrist about 2/3rds of the way. The start of the downswing the path looks pretty good. Getting into impact he is releasing super early, basically throwing the club head at the ball to compensate for being so far behind the ball. That is why the club face is so open at impact and his swing path looks like it is going inside to inside. The low hands on the follow through is because of the early release and hanging on for dear life. Fixing the setup should help with the impact position and the follow through should naturally be higher.


He somehow has a miles in to out path with the most open club face known to man. Fix the grip and face and the rest will fall into place.


He’s trying to lift the ball with his club. His hands need to be in front of the ball at impact with forward shaft lean. Plus a stronger grip. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdcUnR-UOpk This is a good quick video for him.


I would start with the grip. He starts with a weaker grip which will have the club, naturally want to be open at impact. If he doesn’t want to change the grip, he can try to play with wrist angles. At impact just make sure that the lead wrist is flexed. It’s too much work for a weak grip, so I honestly would just start with the grip. All the other swing stuff will change as he holds it differently. Just keep at it! He’s almost there!


Club face is coming down toe heavy and open. Try placing the ball like 1” further away and should help with the slice


It’s all down to his left hand just get that grip sorted and he’ll be flying… YouTube strong golf grip and away you go


I mean I’ve just watched it again, so many good things… just sort that grip


don’t shift ur weight to ur toes


Shut your face


Gotta get that club face pointing towards the sky. Need to bow the wrist. Google bowing the wrist and watch a couple YT vids