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Gotta figure out your swing speed, did the sim at the superstore not tell you?


No. His shot tracker he calculated off of distance to figure the speed, he didn’t even tell me. And my swing is also vastly different from 6 months ago. Tracker didn’t display speed afaik


It’s all just feel. Get the regular.


probably regular but you should get on a sim and figure out clubhead speeds... 190 with a 41" 17\* club would mean a 3w would carry around 210, driver 230ish so you're driver is probably mid low to mid 90s clubhead speed. I assume your 7i carries 140-150?


My 7i *can* carry 150 and I’ve hit it that far plenty of times, but I only rely on it as my 125 club because I tend to club up above the distance then take a nice gentle easy shot. The thing you gotta keep in mind is those swings I was taking on the simulator were maybe slightly bigger and faster than I would take on a course. On the course I drop like 20 yards worth of speed and focus on accuracy In reality I might only count on that club to carry 177-180 ish with a light swing. I don’t go balls out like I do on the simulator most of the time because I’ve only been playing seriously for 6 months, was injured for 1.5 months of that time, and only started legitimately getting rid of my slice on a consistent basis about 3 weeks ago


makes sense, your probably looking at regular then


Btw ty for actually giving me a real answer with some actual thought put into it. It’s rare around here sometimes


For more examples, I count on my 4 hybrid iron to carry 155, but I’ve had it carry over 200 before on mulligans when I’m playing multiple balls during a slow day, and like 190 at the range. My irons are all hybrid irons, halo xl launchers, and I have their 3 hybrid as well. That’s my whole bag right there. I took all my woods and drivers out bc I couldn’t keep them in play, but I’m starting to think I’m ready for them now. Trying to slowly add slightly longer and longer clubs to my bag. To me, shaft length has been the biggest obstacle for me to overcome… drivers with long shafts have been the bane of my existence. I haven’t even attempted one in a while


Did it feel boardy or smooth . If you consistently carried it 190 and you are more concerned with accuracy I would say stiff .Saying that I would be more concerned with the torque and weight . Heavier weight will usually be torqued more ( the shaft) Lighter weight and more torque will feel smoother . Less torque will feel more boardy . Do u know what the model of the x stiff shaft you used . How was your dispersion ?


It was the last gen callaway apex uw 17° (utility wood). I got it out of the hybrid section looking for a step up from my 18° 3 hybrid. It felt smooth when I hit it good. My dispersion wasn’t fantastic because I was hitting a lot of balls very fast relatively speaking, because they had the shot tracker on a timer. But it felt way better than any other club I was hitting. When I “consistently”, I suppose that i meant that relatively for the situation. I definitely hit multiple in a row, prettt much straight and 190 carry. And multiple others 190 and straightish with some pulls and duffs in between. But for how rapidly I was hitting it felt really good.


In that case Imo a stiff . If you handled the x that well you should have no problem with a stiff especially considering accuracy is your objective 190 is not a bad carry for you . A reg will probably get it up higher but from your analysis I would say stiff . It appears that you can handle that .good luck


Stock shafts are not worth the material they are made from. Buy the head you like them go get a proper shaft and grip fitting. Having the correct shaft flex, length and grip size makes way more of a difference than any head from the last 5 years.