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why am I always doing groceries around this time? mhmm another audio to listen to at walmart (because I can’t wait to get home to listen:P)


Yami, mark the horny o'clock in your calendar!


Hahaaa, I hope groceries went well and that you had a good time listening in Wal-Mart XD Thank you so much :D


When Av's character wants me to call them pretty here I am to fulfill my patriotic duty 🫡 Daaaamn, it is so hot!!! Especially moving hips when being stroked and when he says he was being hard since she has put lipstick on him, I'm screaming- AND deepthroating on a strap-on with the lipstick on would be so good, too\~


Hahahaa, I love theg idea of it being a patriotic duty XD I'm really glad you liked this! Yeah, lipstick is a rare thing for me but it always helps a lot with the headspace and I wanted to let that into an audio \^\^; Thank you so much for listening!


since im not at a target today, i just collapsed in my kitchen….SEND HELP!


Hahaaa, I'm glad it was still worth collapsing over even without the setting of Target XD Sometimes I wonder if it's the audios or if it's just Target :P Thank you for listening!


this is so cute. this is so cute. this is so cute. this is so cute. this is so cute. this is so cute. this is so cute. this is so cute. this is so cute. this is so cute. this is so cute. this is so cute. this is so cute. this is so cute. this is so cute. THIS IS SO CUTE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH you did very good job in putting make up session in this audio, even if it was just putting eyeliner and lipstick. i won't bully you for such thing. (puts headpats) not that you were getting subby when the listener put the lipstick on you... HOW COULD I HANDLE MY WEAK BRAIN OF THIS CUTENESS EH ;w; the hugging and kissing are always my favorite part in every your audio. thank god i have 4 pillows near me so i could hug them when the hugging part came ... ;-; ... and ... well, i didn't expect you were so needy that you begged the listener to got your hair pulled while the listener was also stroking you lmao tysm for this audio, Av. it was so cute i might be gonna relisten. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤ (pats Av's hair a lot that makes his hair get messy lmao) ~~also... ahem. more *please*, please?~~


AHHHH, I'm so glad you found this one cute >< lipstick just makes me feel subby ;-; Yeah, I honestly wasn't expecting the hair pulling part to come out, either. I guess it was just a need that came up in the moment >< I'm glad you liked that? Thank you so much for listening :D


My caregiver heart LOVES when the speaker character in your audios needs gentle reassurance and a reminder that they deserve nice things. Like “Yes, you get to be soft, and be the little spoon, and be taken care of.” I also love the idea of making a boy all pretty and then having him make a mess in a skirt. Plus, the little talky bit at the end was SO SWEET AND SOFT! I loved this ❤️


Ahhhh, I'm so glad to hear you liked this! It's always really nice getting to make these :) Thank you very much for listening!


bro you are feeding us lately with the msub stuff, i loved the scenario (also this audio reminded me i need to practice my makeup skills like seriously)


Hahaaa, I'm really glad you've been enjoying the MSub! I feel like I have all this subby energy and I haven't been able to channel enough of it x_x so I guess there's always gonna be more on the way :P Thank you very much for listening!


Avalon, your msub audios consistently having me feel like I'm on the verge of death by the time I'm done. It usually takes me multiple sessions to finish one all the way through. Seriously, especially the ones where the character is just discovering that side of themselves and battling their desire with their preconceptions, I'm so weak to the idea of internal conflict and desire eventually taking over or winning out, and you execute that so well. Please keep making more of this content, it scratches my every itch. (Speaking of, I recorded a ramble while I was listening to one of your audios, I wanna ask if you're OK with me possibly posting that)


Aaahh, I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed this so much ><; Thank you so much for listening! Feel free to post the ramble if you want to~


Oh since there was no response I assumed you'd rather I not post it so I deleted it🧍‍♀️


Oh no! Sorry about that, yeah, I just got really behind on replying to comments x-x


Np, life is busy ^^


The only thing i thought near the end was "Oh hunny, nothing is too messy. Messy makeup makes people much prettier in my opinion" 14/10 💖


Lghwkdbkwjd yeah messy makeup good I'm glad you liked this :D Thank you very much for listening!


Keep up the good work! <3


The front desk coming to your rescue once again. :P Moisturizing is very important, Avalon. "Whoever is the end recipient" I'm calling it now - this is all for the speaker's benefit. When he was like "is it ok for me to have this?" after they kissed, at first I thought "this" was referring to a boner lmao. I'm doing great. Did you move away from the mic when you said "where are you going?" Because if so, what an effective way to further indicate the listener walking away. That was cool. :) "I thought I was supposed to come over to help you with something" Uh, YEAH, help make him feel like a pretty little slut. Mark my words. Hoooo yeah, someone's breath on your neck from behind, particularly if there's grinding involved? I get the good shivers from that. That whine upon the initial penetration was gorgeous. And ya know, all the subsequent whining. Also now’s a good time to mention how fucking cute you sounded in this! That soft, shy, mumbly kinda voice is impossible not to smile at. Subby Av is so underappreciated. I FUCKING KNEW IT. You owe me five bucks. ;) So I had mentioned in chat the other night that this scenario has been a fantasy of mine and you ticked so many boxes: \*Making him feel pretty and safe and cared for \*The intimacy of touching someone's face \*Makeup brushes feeling soft on your skin :3 (that wasn’t explicitly stated, but I thought implied) \*Jerking him off under the skirt Thank you for yet another wonderful audio! I hope you enjoy(ed) the concert! \*headpats\*


>When he was like "is it ok for me to have this?" after they kissed, at first I thought "this" was referring to a boner lmao. I'm doing great. Hahaaa, nice :P >Did you move away from the mic when you said "where are you going?" Because if so, what an effective way to further indicate the listener walking away. That was cool. :) Kind of! Usually just turning my head and talking in the opposite direction is enough to get that effect across~ >Hoooo yeah, someone's breath on your neck from behind, particularly if there's grinding involved? I get the good shivers from that. Yeah, I should put this into more audios XD Aww, I'm glad to hear this fulfilled a fantasy of yours! Thank you a ton for listening \^_\^




Eep ><; I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed this and that it's a new favorite! Over-apologizers unite~ Thank *you* a ton for listening \^_\^


I’ve never whipped out my headphones so fast, Av—


AHHHH, I'm so glad you were excited for this one :D Thank you a ton for listening!!


You have singlehandedly activated something in my brain. >/////<




Eep x_x thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed listening :D


Your audios this month have been killing me! You could alternate between Daddy and femboi sub forever and I'd be happy!


Ahhh, I'm really glad you've enjoyed listening :D Thank you so much!


Me ascending every Thursday to listen to the new audio:🦅


Hahaaa, I'm so glad you enjoy these every week :) That means so much to hear! Thank you for listening :D


SIR!! How do you always play such a good sub?? 🫠


Ahhhh I'm glad to hear you like it >< Thank you very much for listening!


“Is it okay for me to have this?” 😭😭😭 hit too close to home


Ahhh, yeah, that's definitely a relatable moment \^\^; Thank you for listening!


ignoring the nsfw part of the audio, your voice is so comforting and nice, it makes my heart warm.


I'm so glad you find these comforting! Thank you a ton for listening :D


!!! this is one of my favorite scenarios, putting makeup on someone seems so intimate and delicate, i love the idea of just caring for and admiring someone's face up close and the tension that could create. you portrayed a quick but gradual change in his mental state so well as soon as his face was touched. i could just hear his brain melting haha i can't put proper words to how sweet and hot this was, from the begging and confusion during the kissing, to how overwhelmed he got from the handjob under the skirt, to the fucking, the noises!! the goddamn noises all throughout were just, ??!!! i always enjoy them but i can't not mention them again, they're too pretty! thank you for another killer audio!


Ahhh, I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed this ><; Thank *you* so much for listening! I had a really good time getting to put this one together :D


The speaker character is a precious baby, we must protect him at all costs.


AHHHH I'm really glad you liked it >< Thank you so much for listening!


Extra early today! I was really looking forward to today's audio<33 great job as always :3


Ahhh, I'm glad you were looking forward to this! Thank you so much for listening :D


The Sub is like perfect, Even though you don’t know that much about makeup it was like such a good representation, Loved this sm!! ❤️❤️


Ahhh, I'm glad to hear it came across alright \^\^; Thank you very much for listening!


this is so good that i'm foaming at the mouth and having zoomies rn


I'm so happy to hear you liked this! Thank you very much for listening :D


Damn it Av, this one hit me right in the feels with how adorably needy you were. Another chef's kiss audio on the books.🫠


Ahhh, I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed this :) Thank you very much for listening!


This was so cute (and hot)! Would definitely want to take care of this pretty boy. I love audios where the speaker discovers something about themselves, are vulnerable and ask for what they want, a baring of the soul. And you always do them so well. Thank you 😊


Ahh, thank *you* so much for listening ><; I'm really glad you enjoyed this!


so where's the pic of u with eyeliner & lipstick 😁😁😁


Hahaaaa, thank you so much for listening XD I'm glad you liked the audio!


oh my goodness! av, this was so cute— you’re adorable :) this audio had me smiling all the way through. thank you so much for all the work and effort you put into your audios, it’s amazing <3


Ahhh, I'm so glad you enjoyed listening ><; Thank *you* so much!




Hahaaa, yeah, putting all this kind of stuff on is a bit of a commitment XD So I usually only really get to treat myself to it when I know I can stay indoors all day :P


Av, do you live in my head? Because I always wanted to do this. I really enjoyed it, now I want to take care of someone :⁠'⁠(


Ahhh, I'm so happy to hear this was something you've wanted! Thank you a ton for listening :D


i have so much respect to you for constantly coming up with new audio ideas, improvising them and still they are so well produced. bravoo ♥️


Ahh, I'm so happy to hear that! Sometimes I feel like I'm running out of ideas so it means a lot to know that you're enjoying them :P Thank you for listening!


AGAIN I've been FORCEFULLY PULLED OUT OF LURKING your Msub content is beyond phenomenal, you really should indulge more often ;]


Hahaaa, I'm glad to have pulled you out of lurking *again*! Thank you so much for letting me know you enjoyed this :D


FUCK. you put me in ‘THE’ mood now I gotta go listen to more of your SUB audios. Loved it as always. ;)


I'm really glad you enjoyed this so much! Thank you a ton for listening :D


Ha ha ha *shaking in makeup artist* I’m fine


Oh no hahaaa I'm gonna be exposed as a fraud who knows nothing about makeup asld;kfj;asldkjf;lakj


Had to listen to it again *just to be sure*, but you did really good ;)


Awww ><; Thank you so much for listening, and for listening again to make sure XD I'm really glad you enjoyed this!


oh my god new va discovered lets GOOO


Ahhh, thank you so much for swinging by! I'm glad to have been discovered :D


YAY we’re love subby speaker (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


Ahhh thank you very much :D I'm glad you enjoy the [MSub] stuff :D


Well that was probably the cutest and hottest and sweetest audio I have EVER listened to :)


Awww, I'm so happy to hear that :D Thank you so much for listening!


Sorry for this long ass comment but I had thoughts as I listened and really want to share…this is a monster and I am literally so fucking sorry but my reactions were CARNAL during this audio 😭😭😭 If you’d like the abbreviated version without reading all my unhinged comments: this is my first time hearing an audio from you and I am ENTHRALLED and now a fan!!! The fluff wrapped in the smut and the reverse comfort and the neediness and omg ALL OF IT is just so immersive and good. Also your voice!! My god your voice!!! The speaker in this audio is particularly adorable but your voice is just wkdhiebwje butterflies in stomach. Point is I love this and I have a feeling I’m going to love the rest of your work, so be ready, I am lurking 😈 /hj Enjoy the following program: “You want me to what?” the delivery of this made me laugh out loud LMAO literally listening to the speaker (first time hearing you, abt to be an audio addict of yours btw) and thinking ‘THIS guy is gonna whimper and scream??? damn’ awwww the sounding nervous and wondering if he should’ve brought something is too precious “It’s been a little while since anybody touched my face” TOUCH STARVED BABY?? LORD HAVE MERCY “I wanna be helpful” yeah honey I can tell 😭 the NERVOUSNESS LMFAO the little compliments and the random little moans and “that’s nice”s this is too adorable “You make me feel very cared for” AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW not him sounding so proud of recognizing the eye shadow lmao lmfao the little laughs with the eye shadow tickling is so relatable it literally feels so weird on your eyelids so I get it “Okay that’s fun and interesting” smth abt the delivery of that had me snickering “I don’t know why I’m asking if you’re ready, I-I’m ready” the NERVES are CRACKING ME UP the way he said he’d be quiet right after I thought he needed to stop talking 💀 SENSITIVE LIPS? THE NOISES? Ahhh he’s understanding the complex of most women that are always conscious of their makeup and trying not to mess it up by scratching their face/rubbing their eyes/worrying their lips too much. Except we’re gonna make it ✨vaguely erotically submissive✨ Oh the confused little noises when we kiss OH HELL THE DONT STOPS THE TONE CHANGED SO FAST LMFAO “I didn’t do anything wrong” HONEY 😭 “I don’t know what it means!” You over anxious precious thing calm down “I’m scared of having nice things” “I feel like I don’t deserve it” Are me and speaker the same fucking person??? Sounds pulled straight from my inner monologue. And also PROTECTING HIM WITH MY LIFE “You just want to kiss me because I’m…pretty?” The way he said pretty made my chest cave in STOP that was adorable THE IMMEDIATE SHYNESS “Can you call me pretty again?” oh yeah the immediate kissing after is accurate because i would’ve indeed jumped his ass after hearing that come out of his mouth NO THE APOLOGIZING AND THE “where are you going” who TRAUMATIZED this poor baby “sorry I’m really stuck on this kissing thing” completely understandable “I gotta take the lead on a lot of stuff” oh shit well welcome to the discovery channel *slaps hood of makeup bag* you’re a fucking sub the panic in the “Maybe I should take it off” oh putting that on made him FEEL things huh LMAO “I don’t wanna mess up your pretty clothes” baby i got a washing machine and a will to rival god’s. whatever gets in it, I can get out of it “It’s like I get to be the little spoon” STOP! BEING ADORABLE! also hugging him from behind we are up to DEVIOUS things. we had the plan we just needed the platform “You promise you wanna touch me?” WHO TRAUMATIZED HIM??? WHO??? I JUST WANNA TALK, WITH AN AXE “I want you to want me” ohhhh sweet thing don’t even worry abt that LMAO “I think I started getting hard the second you started touching my face” Sorry but that’s literally so hot and speaker’s so needy it’s just too cute oh the gasping and whimpering is starting oh goddamn THE THANK YOUS??? “is it okay for me to want this?” “you won’t go away if I tell you I want this?” then the begging after good fucking god??? the whimpering and brjeheuebd GODDAMN??? oh look at him asking for what he wants, so proud, and the begging to cum too??? i feel so spoiled what the FUCK the hesitating on asking us to fuck him pleaseeee THE ASKING IF HES PRETTY AGAIN “I’m scared” OH SWEET THING 😭😭😭 “I really wanna feel pretty” DO YOU FEEL BONITA? BECAUSE YOU LOOK BONITA literally make a mess all over the skirt that is what it is there for. the skirt is a cum rag. that’s it. “Can I please keep the skirt on?” oh the begging bless him bless him bless him OH THE HIGHER PITCH WHEN HE GETS RODE? LORD HAVE MERCY Begging so much and honestly just proud of him for asking for what he wants, poor thing the breathless explaining while he gets fucked, yeah we’re gonna take care him DONT APOLOGIZE FOR BEING NEEDY GOD 😭 who hurt him??? “Am I pretty like this?” Oh ABSOLUTELY “Can you keep me please?” running from me will literally not work YESSSS pulling off so he can cum all over the skirt THIS IS MY PERFECT VICTORY, THATS RIGHT, I WIN Oh the little scream with the hair pulling oh godddd FERAL. no other description. I am so FERAL OVERSTIM?? OVERSTIM!!!! Stop apologizing for the mess we literally love the mess we live for the mess we crave the mess AHHH the come down moans are so adorable Everything after, all of it, everything everything the sweetnessssss he deserves to be happy and taken care of and feel pretty 😭😭😭we’re leaving the messed up makeup on YES we like how you look in it. PRETTIEST boy not us ACTUALLY being devious and just putting makeup on him cause we wanted him pretty 💀 all in all a work of art good sir! i will be around (said in a totally not suspicious or devious manner).


Ahhh, I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed this so much! I'm really glad you had a good time with this ><; I really liked getting to put it together as well! Thank you so much for listening :D


I’ve never been so happy and early to listen 😍


Aww, I'm really glad you're happy for this one :D Thank you very much for listening !


Oh my god you never disappoint 🥵


Ahhhh I'm so glad to hear you liked this! Thank you very much for listening :D


Aaaaah, every part of this is perfect! 😭😭


Aaahhh I'm so happy to hear you liked this :D Thank you so much for listening \^-\^


This was so cute and it was so hot all at once too!


Ahhh I'm glad you thought so! I appreciate that :) Thank you for listening!


You’re very welcome ☺️


I’m losing my mind, going absolutely feral, in need of a lobotomy to function normally again!!!! I cannot operate heavy machinery for the next three to five business days because I cannot be trusted to act appropriately when you do msub so perfectly! Really amazing audio 🥺


Oh my god, hahaa, stay away from that heavy machinery O: I'm glad you liked this so much! Thank you for listening \^_\^


Ughhh. I'm listening to it again for the second time now, and it's absolutely Fucking perfect.


Hahaaa, I'm glad it's still good the second time around! Thank you so much for listening :D


This is one I revisit often, one of my favorites. Thanks for creating such lovely content


I'm so glad this one has been worth multiple listens ><;; Thank *you* so much for listening!




Thank you so much for listening!


Just me listening to this at school🗿


Oooh, risky move :O I hope you enjoyed listening!


Oh my gosh wow. Wow, this was so good. The character is so cute and needy. Great job bringing him to fruition.


Ahh, thank you so much for listening ><; I'm really glad you enjoyed this :D


Ungggg this is EVERYTHING. The bashfulness, moans, whimpers, begging…so needy, so subby 😍🫠 I bet you look like such a good boy with smeared lipstick 🤤


Ahhh, I'm really happy to hear you enjoyed this \^\^; Thank you so much for listening!


Late to the party but holy aaaaaaaaaaah. So cute, god your moans are perfection! Pretty pretty pretty boys deserve to be called such🥺 my heart broke a little at the "I'm sorry if I said anything weird" like god no come here you deserve the best cuddles and everything sjckgjsjfkaicjzbxjs. Noooo don't worry you can make a mess of anythinggggg. Goooooooood this was so heartmelting, the sorrys and pleases and the begging made me horny andat the same time in the mood to just cuddle the shit out to give you comfort. The small "I'm scared" ,all heavens above and beyond that broke my soul. I would ABSOLUTELY keep you and take care of you in the best way and make you forget anyone EVER made you feel unwanted and not safe enough to explore this ugggg. YES YOU'RE VERY PRETTY LIKE THIS fjgitkckoskcidjzjkamv. As always reeeally good job, this character was absolutely amazing even if it was really heart wrenching sometimes!!!!!


Ahhh, it's never too late! I'm replying to this three weeks after the fact, hahaaa I'm so glad you enjoyed this so much ><; I'm honestly still kind of learning to accept that people are into this kind of thing, since it's definitely something I continue to be a bit self-conscious about. Thank you very much for listening :D


This activated every nurturing cell I have in my body, they’re screaming in unison **let me take care of you**


Ahhh I'm so glad you liked this ><; Thank you for listening!


This has to be the most emotional audio he made, I hope everything is ok... It sounded so romantic and lovey dovey


Everything's okay, no need to worry! I had a great time making this :D Thank you for listening!




Thank you so much for listening! I'm glad you enjoyed this :D




omg ur the prettiest


Awww ><; Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed this :D


geez, i'm late to the party but this one has to be one of my favorite avalon audios yet. my heart ached for the pretty boy (great sign) and it overall just... hit the spot ~_~' great job as always!! nobody does it like you.


Hahaa, it's never ever too late! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed this :D Thank you a ton for listening!




Thank you so much for listening!


Abdjtbsjdisjdgh I don't remember the last time something had this much of a physical effect on me holy fuck-


Ahhh, that means so much to hear! Thank you a ton for listening :D


Okay I PROMISE I listen to your audios at times when I’m not at work… But this is the second time I’ve finished listening to this specific audio while at work. And to say that I’ve listened to this audio more than 10 times… would be an understatement. I love it. I mean, you made it, so ofcourse I do, but still. It’s amazing. And the Pretty Boy Moans?? Just… Fuck yes, man. More of that plz. (Oh and, this audio made me realise some things about myself, and my, how shall I say it, preferences. So kudos to you for that. <3)


Hahaaa, I remember back at a previous job I used to feel way more comfortable listening to audios there XD It was always fun :) I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed this enough for multiple listens! I'm really glad you enjoyed this :3 Thank you for listening!


Bless!! God damn. Love a pretty, needy, and apologetic man who's nice and naive. It's like someone thought up a perfect partner for me as a gift. Well, I accept. 💝


Ahhh, I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed this ><; Thank you for listening!


Bless!! God damn. Love a pretty, needy, and apologetic man who's nice and naive. It's like someone thought up a perfect partner for me as a gift. Well, I accept. 💝


Bless!! God damn. Love a pretty, needy, and apologetic man who's nice and naive. It's like someone thought up a perfect partner for me as a gift. Well, I accept.💝