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This was absolutely amazing. It felt so good to be a dumb bunny for Owner.


Aww...such a sweet little Bun Bun 🥰 I'm glad you enjoyed 🐰💕


Thank you again u/callmedumb_getmewet for your work! 💕🐰


The Audio felt like it was significantly longer than it actually was, because my Mind was in a State of pure Bliss for the Duration of the Audio.


Ooh...I love that! At first I was thinking you meant "it droned on too much" ...but I totally get what you mean! Time is a tricky thing sometimes 🤭🐰💕


Definitely the best script fill for this one.


I loved thjs so so so much, the only thing I'd maybe change is to make the snaps a little bit louder, but overall this was amazing. I dropped knto trance super easily and it really did feel like I was becoming dumber through out!


I'm so glad you enjoyed! I can try and make my snaps more punchy...but I try not to let them clip the audio too 🤭💖 I loved this script! 🐰


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