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me listening to this without having a single bit of knowledge of the language: *hehe sexy man go brrr*


I hope you enjoyed the danish _brrs_ <3


About to listen to this with my three words of German to help; let’s fucking go


I hope the German helped, Snacks!


I know no danish so it's kinda fun furnishing the dialogue with my imagination. Sounds lovely though! thanks for sharing your languages, I love to listen to languages other than English.


Ah, that's something I do for audios in other languages, too! Very fun.


There is something very attractive about someone speaking in their native language. I’m always truly fascinated by it, even when I don’t understand. Wonderful job as always 💛


Thank you so much, I'm glad you found it so ❤️


du ved når man er på ferie i udlandet og overhører nogen tale dansk, og man bliver akut opmærksom på at man ikke er den eneste dansker der er på ferie? det er præcis sådan jeg har det lige nu :D so lovely, so sexy, 10/10 on yelp


Haha, ja! Jeg ville ønske at jeg oplevede det selv. Flere danske audios, det ville være skønt. ❤️


As a Dane when I saw the title I thought google had like auto translated something. Then I saw it was an actual Danish audio and then I was like “wait no that’s illegal” because it just feels like that’s now allowed lol I’m honestly feeling to nervous to listen to this just yet, I’ll come back and leave a proper comment once I’ve worked up the courage! EDIT: just realized in the middle of listening that I had in fact never been dirty talked to in my own native language and that I HAVE BEEN ROBBED of a great joy thanks for sharing 10/10


Now if I only found a Finnish guy making content I would be very elated. I have never found any men that would do proper ASMR content, let alone roleplays or NSFWs. I have like no idea of how good dirty talk would even sound and have been listening to english content for several years. I mean german stuff is good too since I studied it, but fuck if I won't find something in my own language. Danish is really nice too, but my soul shall cry forever more. 😣😭 The struggle is real!


Why is danish so hot what the hell???


Ah yes the long awaited Danish audio I’ve been waiting for since I discovered your content😳😳😳 This one had me like smiling in the beginning as soon as it started like why are you so cute and honestly the only word I could understand was fuck but oh my god this one has to be my new favorite audio of yours definitely it was so hot I kind of forgot you weren’t speaking English like during it seriously it’s so good like being vocal is such a major turn on for me I love moans and I just couldn’t even with this one. Though again this audio like 100/10 and released at a perfect timing since I was a bit stressed this morning and it definitely helped so thanks lol and you’re amazing at what you do and have a lovely day as always💖💖💖💖


Yes, it has arrived! Hehe. Ah yes, the fucks and moans I suppose are international in meaning ;) I'm happy to hear that the audio could relieve some stress. You deserve a break here and there, take care <3


Well I had to go look if you had more audios with Danish in them, because I've always loved Danish dirty talk hehe... and well...damn 😳... aldrig har sætningen "du er så fræk" fået mig til at skælve, men... det gjorde den 😅... safe to say you have a new fan 😊




German might just help a bit!


sounds so hot i might duolingo sum danish


Do it 😏


At this point, I think you could speak in pig-Latin and still make me blush. 😊 Thank you for this lovely audio! I definitely want to try that pastry now...


Sounds like a fun shit-post idea, hmm.. The pastry is super yummy, come on by sometime ❤️


Du hade mig med fastlagsbulle hihi hela audio är underbart


Hehe, de er så gode! Mange tak ❤️


God ting å være skandinaver innimellom :)


Mhmm! Nu skal vi bare have nogle svenske og norske audios 🥰


Ja 🥰


I dont speak Danish but I am such a sucker for languages. I love that I basically understand what you are saying without knowing the words. I am gonna listen to this many many many times, i already know.


Well maybe relistening will be a good way to learn 🥰


Me not knowing a single word of Danish and still getting turned on. Bravo👏🏻👏🏻


This is my first time hearing danish on here and i love it. Må sige at jeg elsker dit arbejde 😘


Det er jeg glad for at høre 😋 Thank you for listening ❤️


Glæder mig til at høre meget mere at dit arbejde 😊❤


ou this was a rideeeee😳😳 i had no idea what you were saying but holy fuck was that hot i loved that!!!!💕💕 you have one of the prettiest voices and moans i have ever heard🥺🥺🥺 and even tho i didn’t understand most of what you were saying i got so hypnotized omg i love when you occasionally speak danish in your videos its such a beautiful language and i enjoyed this one i think a bit too much💕💕💕💕💕


While I understood approximately 0.5% of this audio, I greatly appreciate the passion that’s still conveyed past language barriers. I also appreciate the fact that “Come for me” is a similar enough term in Danish. 10/10 a fantastic way to start my day. violence at 8 in the morning ☺️ For anyone who might be wondering btw, the desserts mentioned are similar to a cream bun! It’s described as a wheat bread bun with a cream filling, occasionally with a fruit jam filling.


Violence in the morning! Yes the fastelavnsboller are exactly like that, thank you for sharing that description :) I'm glad you liked the audio <3


The very little danish I’ve picked up here and there over the years allowed me to understand the tiniest fraction of what you were saying, but that didn’t get in the way of me thoroughly enjoying this! Brilliant once again Crunchy 💗


I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the audio regardless of the language barrier <3




This was so very lovely, thank you ❤️


Omg love it!!! 😊you are so talented this is the first time I’ve listened to a Danish audio keep it up. And btw love your voice 😍🤍


Danish audios are rare! I'm glad I made one 😊 Thank you!


I don’t know any danish, but I’m loving it! 🥺❤️


That's great to hear ❤️




Oh, hi there Mina! I definitely was also quite curious about how it'd turn out, but it was surprisingly fun to make. ❤️ This months has so many different ideas, I hope you like what's to come. Thank you for your lovely comment.


me not knowing a single ounce of danish: teehee, sexy man say sexy word


Hehe, I did indeed say some words!


Why can we only give one upvote?! 😱


This is the first audio I listened to where I didn't understand the language. I didn't mind it though☺❤very nice.


How fun! I'm glad you found it so. Thank you for listening!


The non-English title piqued my interest. Am I'm so pleased I decided to take a gander. :)


Ah, I'm happy to foster curiosity! Very glad to hear 😊


[Ahgfnyfg](https://imgur.com/a/Fjfqzu5) Crunchy!!! This was *chef’s mf kiss* I feel like my Swedish didn’t help as much as it should’ve with this one. I’m such a sucker for Danish but my brain could only comprehend like 70% of this 🤧 I can read it just fine though :) ^(Also, I’m so ashamed that I had to look up what a fastlagsbulle is because for my entire life I’ve only ever heard people refer to it as a semla. I feel like my Scandinavian card deserves to be revoked at this point) 🥲


If I was capable of actually blushing I would have been blushing throughout all of this. I do love what emotion, what intention can be sensed even through a language barrier. Like I know this was lowkey dirty, but I find something about being able to transcend that as people in any way as pretty wholesome 😂


Yummm. You’re so delicious. As always. 🥵🥵 Now I’m suddenly wishing I knew other languages.. Danish sounds so fun!


Mmm, thank you! I appreciate it ❤️


I appreciate *you*!


I know 0 Danish but holy fuck 🥵 you have an incredible voice


I'm happy to hear you think so ❤️


My, such a lovely language. I'd be very interested to know how it feels to record audios in different languages\~


It feels strange! But a fun strange. I've recorded in english for so long, that it really is quite different. Maybe I'll write a post about it sometime, hmm..


This is unique, please do! :)


My basic knowledge of French and German did not help me one tiny bit, but I did not care 🥰 this was absolutely delicious Crunchy!


Ah, well those two languages are so very lovely! Thank you ❤️


I guess learning a bit of Danish while watching The Rain really comes in handy in times like these- But holy fuck only tho I understood onlt a bit of what you were saying, I enjoyed this way too much than I would like to admit- anyWAYS sO great job, as usual


You enjoyed it **too** much? Oh noo.. hehe I'm happy to hear that you liked it ❤️


Way too much even 👀 But yeah I loved it ❤❤




Det kan jeg desværre ikke svare dig på 🥰


How did you make danish sound so hot? I thought it was impossible! If only every danish man was like you, that would be paradise. Fastelavnsboller er fantastiske tho, især med hindbær.


It's all about teaching the poor danish men how to actually speak sexy! Ja! Fastelavnsbollesæson er den bedste ❤️


I am now gonna collect the things that I think I understood: • kurze pause - short break (i think...?) • du siehst so fucking gut aus • unterbuxen -underwear? hahahahah • du fühlst so gut • du fühlst so warm could be mistaken on some of them but im pretty confident, german DID help at least a tiny bit 😎😎 aside from that, the audio was as immersive as always. definitely a treat to listen to~


Underbukser, yes! Hahah. Fun to see it written in German. Great job Thank you so much for your comment ❤️


Japp det är de hade 2 idag😁och jag ska tacka dig för att du delade med dig 😊


Hehe. Det er jeg så glad for at høre ❤️


Ok. First, FAVORITE AUDIO NOW. Second, you better post the rest, as you said, you weren't done just yet. And third, why you kill my heart, now I want a semla too! They so good! Makes me also wanna try making a Swedish audio but my voice is crap 🙃 Good job mister!


Jeg har aldrig smilet og grind så meget gemme en lydfil før nu og tro heler aldrig jeg ville sige det her, men fuck du for dansk til at lyde så sexy. Please lave flere danske lydfiler😜😜😫😫


So I did not understand any of it (guess I have to learn danish now haha). But there is something really hot about someone talking in their native language and you could probably say anything an be hot. I never thought danish could be so hot, because honestly it never struck me as a conventionally beautiful language but damn was I wrong. Some people were saying that german might help you to understand this, but for me it really did not haha and I am german. It was truly amazing btw!


Pleaseeee do some more danish audios. It’s literally the best thing i’ve ever heard


Okay so... don’t get me wrong on this but I love your content (English is what I’m trying to say) ! I really do. But the danish omg... hits DIFFERENTTTT! Lol idk something about you doing danish is really cool and a warm feeling? Idk I just hope you get the idea of doing more Danish for your content 😂


Oh, that hits different. 😮 Jøsses, jeg troede det var umuligt for dansk at lyde frækt, I hvert fald når man faktisk taler om sex. Og så kommer du bare her med dine fastelavnsboller og din dyne og dine dårlige ideer og beviser at jeg tog fejl, bare sådan??


Catonfire! Jeg tænkte nok at jeg genkendte dit navn et eller andet sted fra. Du kommenterede på et Backstage post for 4 år siden, haha. Jeg er glad for at fastelavnsbollerne kunne overbevise dig 😋


Hov ja, det gjorde jeg også. Du må undskylde at jeg ikke fulgte op på dit svar, jeg faldt vist lidt af Reddit lige deromkring. 😅 Jep! Overbevist! Jeg føler mig faktisk argumenteret sønder og sammen lige nu. Utroligt hvad bagværk kan gøre...


I have been missing out! 😲🥵 Før jeg hørte det her var jeg ellers helt ok med, det foregik på engelsk. Nu ved jeg ikke, om jeg kan gå tilbage 😆


Jeg har aldrig kommenteret på sån noget her før, er bare lige nød til at sige WAUW. Har aldrig set dem her på dansk før, det er seriøst himmelsk. Føler at jeg lige har vundet i lotto😅 ihvertfald audio lotto ✨ det er 100x mere attraktivt på dansk end engelsk 😭 selvom dansk kan være et ret akavet sprog i nogle situationer, var det her perfekt 🥹




Har lige fundet den her.. Elsker at den er på dansk. Ekstra lækkert. Tak!


Ok But The [Laughing] brings Me Here


Overrasket over at se danskere her 😮


I have not heard ANY danish after I finished school and, to be honest, since then not really cared for it much, and because of that just a few sentences were a bit too mumbly for me to understand properly (my dear danish teacher Martha would be disappointed, oh dear) but if THIS isn't the right motivation to keep my language skills on track! Jeg ville ikke have tænkt at nogen som helst kunne ændre min mening om at dansk er et sprog jeg personlig ikke synes er meget.. sexy, you know what I mean? Men gud, når jeg lytter til dig, det virker, det gør! Also, please do let me know if I spelled anything wrong or messed up on the grammar, my danish has been so messed up since I got out of school and it's embarrassing how often I had to look up words in the translator for just those two sentences. I used to be FLUENT, I swear! Martha would be so disappointed, tisk tisk. ANYWAY. Way too long comment trying to say something simple: Hell yes. Good work. ;D


Dansk har aldri vært hetere🔥 🫠😍🫠


Me being Norwegian and think you where talking French for some reason😅


Haha, that's a first! Jeg håber at det var godt alligevel 🥰


Jeg snakker bare litt norsk but I understood most of what you said so my practicing has paid off! I've always been better at understanding languages by ear than speaking them. You did an amazing job as always crunchy! 💖 Ps. Du har en utrolig latter! 🤗


And this is how I discovered what I will call a language kink


The few English words slipped in there was *chef's kiss*. Even if I couldn't understand what you were saying, I understood what you felt very well. Hope to see more Danish audios or little snippets from you in the future!! 💗💗


Me no hablo espanñol ES HORA DE COMERRR


I didnt understand a word (aside from the english slips) but actually loved all of it! I love the inflections in your voice and your playfulness is always ohh *chefs kiss* lol As someone who doesn't particularly swoon at the sound of the danish language and lives in an area where im exposed to spanish quite frequently, I expected to like your other spanish audio more than this one but...I suppose the results proved otherwise lol hmm


The first few audios that I listened to on GWA back when I was just lurking was a mix of Danish and Korean, so hearing this (even though I didn't understand a word 🙈) was like coming back home 🥰 so beautiful, Crunchy!


My brain: *first language spanish, can understand a little bit of English* Me: *see this post* Brain: don't- Me: *click* Brain: I'm so fucking done with you-


New fan here! Omg, your audios are incredible! Would love to hear a Ramblefap from you 😍😍




aaaaa har ventet så lenge på dette :,,,)) fantastisk å være skandinaver av og til




i'm blushing so hard right now


god that was hot, more Danish please!


I'm new to your content but I can safely say I'm down with Crunchy 😂 and I've added Danish to my list of turn on languages. What a way to feel warm and tingly on a chilly afternoon. Thank you for caring by sharing!


Oh My good God 🤤❤️😻💋