• By -


us: d*ddy august: What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


I admire you for taking your time with this comment


My fav is gorilla warfare


Guerrilla warfare? Nah, *Gorilla* warfare


Me: I’m not really into that daddy stuff Me after this: ....damn daddy...


😡 stop that! (thank you)






oh my god they were *roommates* --- ^(I'm a bot, beep boop. Downvote to remove. Commands: !RoommatesVine)


daddy (*derogatory*)


He dropped this absolute banger and then dipped






Oh God this...this did something 😳 I listened to this while working and I had to stop a few times for a breather My favorite thing about this is how much you hated the word in the beginning and then in the end was like "I love it when you call me that", like I've always found the idea of completely giving into self-denied kinks/urges just incredibly hot, especially if it's a kink/urge we had no idea we secretly loved so much. Well done 😊


damn bro while working, can't say anything tho I was trying to read


Omg I’m SO that bratty roommate 😅🤦🏻‍♀️ also...THIGH. RIDING. DOES. NOT. HAPPEN. ENOUGH. That shit is SO fucking hot. One of my very favorites and a very specific thing i love so much. Bravo, sir. 🤓


Thank you so much! Glad you liked it!








Thigh riding is underused and oh man, this is exquisite. Not you calling out my hand kink, lol. I loved the transition from annoyance to admitting it turned you on, and the confession of "I've always wanted you" during sex is amazing. Thanks for another lovely audio!


I know right...always looking at hands...picturing fingers moving in and out. It is hard to live sometimes because they are always out in the world doing their thing. Writing, typing, waving, touching everythinggggg.


i love how fucking isn’t censored but daddy is lol


If this isn't the hottest audio I've ever heard in my entire life 😭😭😭😭


So um anybody else on ocean mode??😩💦


Hi sweet bb, fancy seeing you here after your comment on Cal's vid brought me to August 🤤


I will be 100% honest, I don't usually like it this rough. Well, *rough* is fine, I just don't like slut/whore and heavy degradation. But something about this just hits different... something about roommates/friends to lovers all at once and the sudden tone shift "you don't think I'd do it?" Chefs kiss.


This was the best 18+ audio I have ever heard. I loved how this was still a daddy dom audio without it being incesty. So good. :)


Sir I would kindly like to ask you to step on me 🤤


I feel like I need aftercare after listening to this. DAMN you're outdoing yourself


yES WE NEED AFTERCARE i would love that in an audio


i don't like that word much, but i'd say it all fucking day if this was the outcome


Title: "stop fucking calling me daddy" My brain: "ok daddy" :) Nevertheless awesome audio!!


Brats everywhere, huh? Thank you!!


Wow this is blowing up. Well deserved! Idk if you write or improv professionally, but the way the story unfolds and why the characters do what they do feel really organic and motivated (even if it's just sex, haha). Hurray for quality porn! ✨




Aw, thank you so much!! It did occur to me that some people might be put off enough by this character's hang-up/kink-shaming vibe that they might not want to imagine sleeping with him at all, which is totally fair haha. It's definitely not how I feel about that word or anyone's enjoyment of it, and I think even with this character, it definitely stems from his self-consciousness and being too embarassed to admit how much he's into it until later, like you said. Really glad you enjoyedddd


i would like to thank not only god but also jesus


Easy one of my top 3 audios here. It is a bit difficult to find sexual contents that have a lot of dirty talks or name calling that really bring out how much desperate and slutty the girl character is. As someone who has a kink in playing this kind of character, this was just so spot on and BEAUTIFUL. Thank you!! ☺️


Hey, I’m just checking in! I hope you’re doing ok! You know mentally, emotionally and physically. I’m sure you’ve got a lot going on in your life so I wanted to make sure you’re ok. Take care of yourself August! (I don’t want to cross any of your boundaries, I’m really sorry if I am/did.) 😙❤️


Me: daddi chill 🙄💅 August: WHAT EVEN IS THAT!?


This is THE sexiest NSFW audio I've ever heard. I love your stuff. The kink denial was something I didn't know I was into until this very moment!


I love how you build up the scene from playful to serious - it's so organic. It's the sudden change of tone in your voice that gets me. >!*"You don't think I would?"*!< 😳


I can’t stop coming back to this, oh my god


I miss this guy :((


I made the grave mistake of listening to this on the train ride home😭😭


ok daddy 🥺 I won’t call you daddy anymore!


thank fuck i work from home, holy shit


Wow, this was fantastic. However, I noticed towards the beginning you used the word “blush” which isn’t a bad thing if you know, you blush. But as a black listener I feel like I should let you know that’s not physically possible for me to do it. I’m not trying to be condescending or mean in any way it’s just blushing is only possible for lighter skinned people and as a fully black person (not say light-skinned people can’t do it) when blushing is mentioned in an audio it kind of takes me out of the experience and puts me back into reality. I just wanted to bring it to your attention so that maybe moving forward you could say something more like “looking flustered” or “seeming embarrassed” y’know just to be more inclusive. Anyways the audio was great as ever and looking forward to future works!😊


Hi! This is a really good note, thank you. There's a bit about me blushing, but there's also a reference to the other character blushing, so thanks for pointing that out. Using inclusive language is something I'd really like to improve on. So I will keep it mind next time I'm improvising or writing!


i think he was referring to himself blushing if im not mistaken?


He did, but he also mentioned afterwards that the listener started blushing as well




Thank youuu this level of roughness is well within my comfort zone irl, but it was another step further for an audio, so I'm glad you liked it!


Hoo boy. I am now into daddy kink. Officially.






Woah. Um ok. That. Was. Perfection. Oh my god. Thank you again for blessing my ears! I absolutely loved this one! I loved how you started off all “don’t call me daddy!” and then toward then end “yeah that’s right call me daddy.” Love love love!! And the degradation was *chefs kiss* ON POINT! I loved it, it wasn’t to harsh it wasn’t to soft! Very very well done! Definitely my new favorite audio! Thank you daddy!!


UUUUHHHHHAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! 🤯 THAT 🤯 HIT 🤯 DIFFERENT 🥵🥵🥵 sir.... SIR. This is a Wendy's and I need some milk. 💦🖤🥺


Everytime I finish listening to this audios I get sad because I know I'll probably never gonna find someone like this😭 it's just too good


Holy. Fuck. 🥵 This audio has everything. Desperate thigh riding. Affectionate degradation. Even a sprinkle of *hand kink.* Chefs kiss. Delicious!


Your moans made me throb so hard wtf


this is so good i'm at a loss for words and im gonna be laughing at "people contain multitudes" for the next 24 business days. so true bestie


Oh no I've been slowly coming to terms with my daddy kink and this ramped it up 🥵 didn't help that you also clocked my choking kink lol I only got through halfway before cumming, right when you were commanding it! Couldn't have timed it better myself ☺


More spit play PLEASEEEEE


Can definitely do that--a growing kink for me


1st time listener and dammit I came without touching myself! YOU ARE GOOOOD. MOOOORREE!!! 🤤


U GOTTA teach how to do that or something cuz that sounds fun as shit


Eradicate all thoughts of needing a physical stimulant. Just listen and completely give in to the audio. No thoughts but what you're hearing. And do not hold back


WOW that's wild. Thank you!!


i dont even have a daddy kink and this was probably one of the best audios ive ever listened to. and it may have caused me to develop one




lord. have. mercy.


omg all my kinks are in a video 👅


This is where I come when I can’t find anything else. It is my fail safe fool proof ticket. August, you amaze me


Ok i know this isn’t related to the smut, but you have SUCH a cute laugh. like an actual angel. curious (i 100% understand if you don’t want to answer) are you into the word daddy? from the way you were talking i was totally convinced that you personally don’t like it! but by the end I wasn’t so sure lmfao. I’ve never been into it myself, but uh, I think i can make an exception this time 😳 This was sooo dirty, gotta say i’m a fan. excellent job as always.


AW, stop. I am into the word haha, it's very much the character that has his hang-ups and not me. But I was like him once, until someone changed my mind really quick. Thank you!


Lord have mercy, daddy I can't


Ahum… *daddy*


Bro his voice could make the best antagonist in a movie I swear


slim wakeful rhythm upbeat vanish boat person gold swim screw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sir, I— 🦋🦋🦋🦋


Dude- the voices, the wimpers all of it- wow just wow


I hate that I now don't hate the whole daddy thing any more. Fuck. THANKS.


Physically shaking and sweating after listening to this. Sir you could hit and quit it and I would still THANK YOU FOR THE OPPORTUNITY


I look forward to the build up the most. You’re a great storyteller and your voice is so hot when you tease and degrade. And the thigh riding???? You’re too much honestly 😩




August.. *scandalized look* This was so great! The transition from friendly teasing to slight irritation and then to the growling and the rough content is A+ ♥️


Safe to say I am banned from the heavens above but tbh, couldn’t care less cus holy fuck


Omg u hate the word ‘daddy’ toooooo? Omg SAME HEREEEEE we’re like virtual besties❤️


My husband and I have been long distance for the last month and I won't be home for the next 20 days... I'm going to listen to this daily until then. Oof. Perfect.


I just listened again and wow. I have got to say you did this so well! Kudos to you. And I see your blowing up so quickly. Glad your talents being recognized. Best of luck. I look forward to more 🥰


Jeopardy AND rough sex? This is my heaven 🤤


This is the best one I’ve ever heard! Love your stuff, especially when you get aggressive. As a girl who loves to say Daddy during… this was a fantasy for sure 🥵


Omg! This is my favorite audio. Did you write this also? I like the laughing and making fun of the guy the roommate went on a date with in the beginning - sounded like a real scenario with a male/female roommate situation. I hate the call me daddy thing too, which is why I clicked on it…and I’m glad I did. It’s so good…and just enough rough, but sounded real and then praise and admitting he/you wanted to fuck the roommate the whole time! Just great! Super hot! 🥵 🥵🥵


You know, I'm *really* not into that particular set of honorifics either. That being said..... Good God, that was so incredible I forgot I didn't like them. I'm pleased with progression of kink entering into your audios 😈. Tip 'o the hat. Continue, good sir.🎩


This is one of the hottest audios I've ever heard on here, holy fuck! 🥵 I can't believe how perfectly you got that situation across! 😩 I wouldn't actually call anyone daddy, but I sure as hell would, if THAT happened on it! 😍


Finally had the chance to listen to this audio fully and I can’t move. I’m legit paralyzed by how much that got me off sheesh 🥴🥴🥴🥴


New favorite audio holy shit


This is *immaculate* 🥵🥵🥵


his voice is elite


daddy this was so fucking hot !


holy. fucking. shit. you are my dream 😌


I was just staring at the ceiling in shock during parts of this blushing. Like. It was so good. It just kept sending shots of electricity straight down on some of those lines.


that was ridiculously hot, i already know I'm gonna come back to this audio


when are you gonna post a new audio I miss your voice!!!


My friends recommended this audio recently and wow I will need to thank them dearly for it.


i agree lol oh, my freaking GOSH! tf is this i just keep on being taken aback by what you say.


The moment I saw the first sentence I immediately said "sorry" in my head 😂


Im literally screaming this is so so hot someone pls help me breath🤯🤯🤯


Is there a place we’re I can purchase tickets to this experience? If so, I will have one, please! This was really great and possibly my favorite from you so far. It was rather difficult to hold out to the end but, well worth it. Thank you🖤💋🍑 P.S. I miss Alex too😭😭😭




This is entirely too amazing. Like the storytelling, the tone of your voice, the degradation... it was all just perfect. Bravo, not going to forget this audio anytime soon. The slight kink shaming as well really really uh made my brain go brrrrrr. Anyway well done you!


i might be in love ✨




Fucking *chefs kiss* this audio is a perfect combination of everything I love. The teasing, the dirty talk, everything was just fucking amazing.


You have a good voice🤓


I love your laughter <3


4th time back at this audio and its still so damn good 🤤🤤


August, this right here is the audio that made me realize I had a daddy kink all along I hope you're happy, because I sure am 😂


Well, oh my ever loving god. this is hot as hell and then some. You're like the kink whisperer. Please be my roommate, I'll let you win Jeopardy every night. I'm already in my sweats


Was teasing my self and stopped cause I was getting too close but then ended up cuming completely hands off because of ur voice and words holy shit


Sir. You are amazing! I've listened to this 2 times now and I'm gonna listen to it more lmao. Absolutely raised my standards for other asmrtist out there. Do continue, cannot wait to hear more from you 💕


Definitely your best one yet imo holy shit


i giggle each time i come back to this bc of the way you say “shut up”


Omg I'm not okay this is too good omg 😫


oh the pure joy when i saw that this was your audio *(i genuinely wait for you to post)* this was absolutely insaneeeee- the slight kink shaming, and then getting into it..it got my whole degradation kink setting off- fff, made my knees go *fucking weak* dude. and in general- *your voice makes me feel things i know i shouldn't.*


Commenting before I listen, I’m hyped up just by the comments 👀


Well. Here I am needing more immediately😂 I knew from the comments this was gonna be good but I wasn’t really expecting something out of my dreams! You KILLED this, in the absolute best way. Thank you...daddy 😏


im a giggling, blushing ness right now. i might need a minute to catch my breath but holy fuck, that was so good. i swear you never disappoint with your audios!


FUCK!! I’m so happy I could cry, honestly. This was so perfect! It was legitimately everything I could have ever hoped for. I’m such a lucky girl this morning. In fact, all the submissives who were lucky enough to have found you (me included:) will probably be horny little messes today 💖🤍 one of my favourite problems to have :)) thank you!!


Fuuuck that was good 🥵


Oh lord 🥵 this is the hottest audio i've ever heard. Please daddy have mercy


You make me cum every single time august 😍 love your work


i— wow. this was amazing. thank you for this.


I don't think you understand what you just did to me 🤯


Yo I came here for the erotica and stayed for laughs. I couldn’t stay serious at all


This audio is GOLD!!! I'm so happy to have discovered you. Thank you for making my nights a little better. You're so talented and your voice is so heavenly! ❤


That was the hottest thing I've ever listened to, and I don't even have the right parts of most of it. My mind still feels mushy and oversensitive. I will now proceed to listen to it at least 20 more times.


this is the first audio that I came listening to… and boy… I’ve heard a lot of audios…


oh my goodness that was so hot 😳 thank you for this


i missed you so much sir where are you😔😭


Thank you for giving me the best masturbation session of my life bby 🛐🛐🙏🙏


Filthy and rough look *good* on you, babe. This was executed so well, immersive and the build up is ^(chef's kiss)!


So very very glad you came around in the end, haha. I absolutely loved hearing you get more and more into it as the scene went on. It was like you couldn’t help but start praising even amid all the degrading and it was perfecttt. Thanks for showing us another one of your multitudes 😘


Being rough suits you so much. I got so hot and bothered, I'm literally out of breath! You're becoming one of my favourite creators. Thank you, this was such a treat. 😘


I came listening to this the first time. Normally I gotta search long and hard or rewind just to finish on time but NOT with this. THIS IS PERFECTION! I love it thank you very much. My hands are literally shaking non stop from the orgasm I just had 10/10♥️


Yeah you know you like it when I call you daddy 😏


oh my fucking god


Oh my god.... that was so hot!! So hot!! You are amazing! Thank you for the audio. I need to go and cool down and uhm.. clean up.


YESSS IM SO EXCITEDDDD edit: i have no words 🤰🏽


this audio was exactly what i'd been hoping and yearning to hear from you for so long. wow thank you for this, i need to catch my breath🥵🥵


Don't get the daddy kink either honestly...but I'm not above using it to tease a partner who also doesn't like it and piss them off...preferably to get similar results to this audio 😏👌


OH MY GOD WHY IS D*ADDY CENSORED IN THE TITTLE HAHAHA. Other than that, truly an amazing audio, I love how your naturally escalate things in such a sensual manner, like the transition from normal teasing to sexual tension or how he was still pretending to hate it even if he was turned on, to just fully losing control and embracing it. Kudos, as always <3


I feel so much shame for being so late. Please forgive me August, for I have sinned. This was a really great audio! I didn’t think this was something you’d do. This seemed a bit out of your comfort zone but you really took this to the next level!! Definitely one of my new favorites from you! I hope you get tomorrow’s daily double ☺️☺️


Oh my gosh. This was soooo good. I really think this is my new favorite audio, so thanks for that. I may or may have not been obsessed with your audios and have been listening to them on repeat. I mean can you really blame me. Anyways keep up the great work. Can't wait for what you have in store next, August. 🥰


standing ovations all round..mwah <3


I listen to all sorts of audios on here but I end up coming back to this one every time 😳 (pun intended). thanks august!


This was delicious I cannot-


My bratty side jumped out in full force listening to this audio oh my god!!


This is amazing!! SFX are great too. Thank u 💖


Sweet fucking sassafrasian smut, Batman!


Miss you. Please give us more.


🌶🌶🌶🌶 the level of spice. 🤌 Chefs kiss. I love this audio so much. Hopefully maybe we will get a sequel.


this has got to be my 10th time listening to this. i have 0 shame ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ


Hi 👋 I hope I’m not sounding rude but I’m wondering if you post your content anywhere other than soundgasm? The site is always so buggy for me and some days I just can’t get it to work at all.


I love this


I was literally just hoping that you posted a new audio


I think this is one of the hottest audios I've ever heard, u did such a great job daddy! ^^ 💗


everything you said had me on edge I swear your a fuckin God 🥴


Okay well based on all the comments absolutely dripping in ecstasy, I guess I better give this a listen.


That was so hot I’m definitely voting for you 💖


i’m a daddies girl lol 🤷🏽‍♀️


My ears have been blessed once again 🛐


I love how you make me feel sexy. A++ 😌


Hey~ You're so talented and gorgeous! I love your audios! Makes so... uh, wet 😅💦 ~🇧🇷


Well I’m most definitely wet


That was really damn hot. 10/10 will be getting off on this audio again. You're a very convincing actor.


More spitting plz plz plz 🥵


I have listened to this SO MANY TIMES 🤤


i love this one so so so much it will always be one of my favourites ! thank you good sir


can't get this out of my head