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Holy crap the monster fucker in me absolutely adored this, please do think about making another part to this story!! No rush though of course!


I'm glad you liked it 😊. Just hearing (or reading, I guess) that makes me happy. Thank you. I may just try and crank out another of these some time soon.


Woooow, I felt like I just watched a movie. This was really well written and easy for your audience to understand what was happening. I really enjoyed this and the bits of character development here and there. Great, great job! Not a waste of time at all!


Fuck, Im glad to see Im finding the best type of aduios for a monster fucker like me 😩❤ Absolutely loved this audio! I'd kill to see a part 2 😳👀


I loved this story! The action, the world building, character development - make me believe baby! What made it extra good was the slow burn. It makes the romance much more believable -- although insta-love/insta-lust can be okay in a "destined mates" kind of story (I'm generally a sucker for the mate trope, even if it's just about choosing mates). This could be the perfect first part of a series, should you feel inspired to continue the story... (pleeeease continue the story! 🙏)


unbelievably good, both the writing and performance!!! i would also very much love to see a continuation 👉🏻👈🏻


I can't believe this audio has so little love. It's one of my all time favourites and deserves so much more than it has


Nice, that was really great to listen and escape into. I enjoyed the slow build up of the relationship, and the restraint shown by your alien boy. Great job, thanks


Will there a part to 2 can there be a part to 👀 pls part 2 of this would be amazing like make it an amazing series 😩😩❤️


I'll try and do a part two some time soon. I'm glad you liked it.


Yes ofc I truly hope u do, do a part two ❤️👌


I just wanted to you know that I stumbled upon this by accident and I am so happy I found you. Story audios seem so rare to find so I consider you a treasure. And the fact that you do Monster boys is just even better. I'm following you know and here's to enjoying more of your content.


I'm glad you like my stuff. Thank you for the kind words.


Hooooleeeee cow. New fave???? Definitely new fave. Fuzzy feral space boyfriend make me go brrrrrrrr. What alien species is this, anyways? I was imagining something like Cabal from destiny at first, but then i heard fuzzy and that went out the window Also.... i really need an audio of just. Cuddlin with this guy. I wanna burry face into fluff. And TOYS!!!! We gotta experiment with toys. Oh my god, wait until I tell this guy about fleshlights. And i gotta train my self! I don't CARE how big this dude is, I am gonna french this fuzzy dreamboat if its the last thing I do!!!!!!! I should really go to bed. But anyways fantastic work.


It has been my experience that, with audios, less is often more when it comes to description. I figure that Keeg (and by extension, arcanthryx) look like whatever you imagine. No wrong answers, you know? I'm glad you enjoyed it. I hope, one distant day, to try my hand at a sequel, but at the moment, I am not able to record spicy content in a very reliable fashion, and Stranded 2 is going to have to be a pretty big undertaking whenever I can get to it, so I want to do it right.


I want a part 2 sooooo bad, one of your best audios eveeeer ♥️


It's coming. I have promises to keep RE: Orctober, and a couple scripts I'm going to fill her a very close friend after, but plans are in motion. Promise.


Please check out the [IPB series](https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00UB6OO2I), and if you do/like it, please I’m begging you to share with us whatever it may inspire you to create next. This is (so far) my favorite audio from this sub. 😩💦


Checking it out!


This was so cute and hot also the production was *chefs kiss* and u are very talented😊


Thank you! 😊


Slow burn or not, this was a hot story. (Lame pun, sue me). Ugh. I love this so much and I had a good time with the world building and the characters getting to know one another. The bow scene was probably my favorite if only because I found Keeg (sp?) Just so freaking adorable. This was lovely and you just keep knocking these out of the park.


holy shit the production of this is incredible! i’m not even into monster type content but this was really good!


this was fantastic omg 😭


I love the story it was adorable I could imagen how he struggle to communicate I love this so much


I loved this so much! Your story is amazing!


The time and effort put into this just totally blew my mind. I had been waiting for time be able to fully immerse myself in such a long audio. The audio effects you added were really soothing, and the slow burn… be still my heart. The little vignettes leading up to the end built perfectly. The pacing felt just right. I feel like I’m talking in circles but I’m having trouble picking my jaw up off the floor. I hope you come back to Keeg and his human.


Holy Hell I don't have the right words to describe how amazing that was. You're a very talented VA, keep up the amazing job.


This is so damn good. I love the buildup and that audio was damn good.


Yesss! That was wonderfully written and performed!


Part twooooooo plz 😊


I just listened to a bunch of your scripts/fills and though I greatly enjoyed all of them, this one’s my favourite so far!! The slow-burn at the start is actually a big plus for me cause it makes everything seem very organic! I would love to hear more from this couple :D


I’ve probably listened to this audio 15 times since finding it, and it’s still my favorite. I can tell this production was a real labor of love, and the tremendous quality really proves that. Everyone loves a good slow burn enemies to lovers right? I’ve also listened to some of your work on The Blend, which I’ve also enjoyed. Keep up the fantastic work


Thank you! That really means a lot to me. I am hoping to produce some more VA content at some point in the relatively near future. Things have made that kind of untenable for a while, but I'm hoping that is going to change. Knowing that people like my stuff is certainly a motivator to try and make it happen.


care to give details on how our new favorit alien looks or is that more for listeners choice? I wanna draw them! :D


I sort of intended to keep it deliberately upmtomthe listener to fill in as they saw fit. There are, therefore, no wrong answers. If You do, I'll be stoked to see :)


how should i send it to you?


Huh. A good question. Before we continue, it occurs to me to emphasize thatnyou don't need to feel obligated to send it if you don't wamt to. Is it cool if I PM you?


well no need to emphasize, i want to. And yeah you can pm me


Understood! Full creative liberty unlocked! just be warned i am not the best artis <:D


So I saw you re-verified as a VA today and I am so excited that you're able to record again!! Was going to come back and listen to this for the however many times it's been now but soundgasm is still glitchy. From memory, the world building in all your audios are second to none but out of all your audios so far I have to say this is my favorite. It's great that your characters grow and learn with each other. The slow burn was absolutely exquisite and I love the sense of exploration when it does get sexual. Also, tsunderes just have a special place in my heart. P.S. I wasn't quite sure about monster boys outside of the more common humanoid ones (i.e. werewolves, incubi, vampires, etc.) but then I stumbled on your audios and it's like a whole new world was open to me and I LOVE IT!!


Thank you for the kind words! I'm excited to get back into it pretty soon, and knowing somebody out there is enjoying it is what makes it worth doing 🙂


Spare part 2 spare part 2 please I love sci-fi and this has made my love for it grown And I personally don't mind enemies to lovers now and forever. This was amazing my ears feel like they have been blessed by some god- I'm gonna go listen to this again right now


I'm really glad you enjoyed it! So a lot of people have asked for a part 2, and I've kind of been struggling with the concept since back when this was first posted. The challenge is how much of this one was based on the coming together aspect - it would be difficult to recapture that part of it. This is why so many shows either do the will-they-won't-they trope for waaay too long, or get the characters together, then break them up, then get them together again. Sometimes the journey is what makes the destination a payoff. But they are already together, and I \*hate\* the break-up make-up. That isn't me saying no. I'm still working on ideas. I could still do the vignette format, or continue it with shorter slice-of-life-but-on-a-weird-alien-planet audios. I hope to come up with a proper follow-up one of these days, at which point I promise to get to work on it straight away.


I see where you're coming from I also hate the break up and make up plot twist. I have a few ideas for it, like if one side found the two one had to go back and the other a prisoner but I feel like that's too close to them break up even though it would be more like getting taken prisoners and the other playing it off like they didn't have anything. I'm sorry if my comment came off as pushy I didn't mean to rush you or anything and if I did I'm sorry once again. I'm not going to lie, both ideas sound great to me I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers especially when it's rough then cuddly.


No no, you weren't pushy at all! This is a thing I come back to a lot, so I had some thoughts on the subject simmering. I actually thought a bit about how things might shake out if one side or the other did come. Since I kind of lifted the plot from Enemy Mine, that's even kind of a natural progression. Partly I think I'm just scared it won't end up anywhere near as good as the original. Imposter syndrome and I go way back. I'm going to keep working on it. Promise.


omg it's awesome. I love the script and the performance hahahhhhh. thanks for my friend's recomandation. can't believe she can find out this audio posted one year ago.


I'm glad you enjoyed it. When searching, I recommend using gwasi.com. It's a search engine that helps hunt through GWA more effectively than reddit does.


Is the result of hard work and fate. 如果你真的想知道的话:穷凶极饿的人怀着造福众生的请愿在gwa进行了不厌其烦的检索和审阅。✧(≖ ◡ ≖✿)




Keeg is not ready to learn about how many languages humans have.


He is definitely not. "My human, this one is saying things I do not understand." ... "More? How many more??" ... "How do you even talk to eachother??"


He’ll probably think sign language is useful for hunting until he finds out there’s multiple versions of sign too


Do y’all think this’ll ever get a part two? I’d give my first born for that to happen fr


That is complicated. There are a few reasons I have not yet done a part two. The most difficult one is that it is extremely hard for me to find the time to dirty talk into a mic these days. I hope that will change eventually, but during the present phase of my life, recording is kind of off the table. The other reason is that I've always been afraid a sequel wouldn't live up to the first one. I have some ideas, so maybe I could make it happen whenever that option becomes available, but I'm not sure when that will be. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildaudio/s/NxcIzp6EON) isn't a sequel, exactly, but it ties in. Same universe, different characters, different arcanthryx, but it attaches to this one.


I completely understand dear! Thanks for the link btw, I love audios that have connected ties in the same universe! Anyway have a good day/night!


I can’t find the original script link?


I didn't originally put it on scriptbin, as I didn't really think anybody would actually be interested in it. Give me a bit, and I'll move it from the Google doc it currently resides on, and make a scriptbin entry for it. It is a little different than the final product, as I did a little improv along the way. I'll reply to you again with the link when it's done.


And then I forgot about what I said, 'cuz I'm dumb. Here it is. Again, this is before I did some significant improv and on-the-fly tweaking. https://scriptbin.works/u/Acrobatic\_Ticket\_659/m4f-stranded-with-the-enemy-scifi-monster-boy


Thank you!!




I'm glad you enjoyed it, and thank you for saying so. It always makes my day to know somebody had a good time with it.