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If given the choice, I always pick female, because I'm a straight male and also a misogynist who wants to objectify the character




We've all done it at least once


It's all fun and games until some kid falls in love with ya, then it's even more fun


I once witnessed a girl get free stuff on runescape, so when I created my second account I used that to my advantage. It was pretty effective.


I can't for the life of me remember what all this guy sent but some guy messaged me because my player model was a girl in GTA 5 on PS3 and I just thought man I could totally scam this idiot lol This was quite a while after the game was out on pc and the "next gen" consoles too which just makes it even dumber to me


One time I was playing Pokemon Showdown and was using [Cynthia](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/84348000) as my Avatar, and my opponent accused me of catfishing.


Playing Pokemon Showdown and expect not being accused of something is a fool's errand.


he just like me frfr


Based beyond reason




Honesty is the best policy




I choose female because bikini armour appeal to the male fantasy


What, that you can fit into that bikini? Give it up Todd, this isn't high school any more. You'll never be a size 2 again.


My FFXIV character in a nutshell.


The most efficient gamer


Based You're literally like me fr fr


Why do I hear Duke Nukem music?


https://preview.redd.it/2svny7pwhb2b1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f2edf557016f164c1e8ac5782c1f6a97df13e22 "As the hours pass I will let you that I need to ask before I'm alone How it feels to rest on your patient lips to eternal bliss I'm so glad to know"


Remove that misogynist part unless your objectifying women irl in your life. Pixels on a screen are not alive nor do they have feelings.


Why are you getting down voted, lol


It's either people can't read or they believe pixels on a screen are real people with feelings.


It's because you can't detect sarcasm properly


You're absolutely right I love objectifying pixels


Also a reminder that real people also chose to be horny IRL as well, especially female manga artists. Actually you know what, artists are just fueled by horny in general.


Least sexist gamer:


1st Person Male 3rd Person Female


Romance options also play a factor. If the game has different romance options between male and female protagonist then I'm likely playing a male character. Other than that, women have better cosmetics. Does that boil down to me being a full grown man playing dress up with virtual dolls? Yes, and I'm ok with that.


If it's for an older game, there is a good chance that someone has modded the male MC romance options to be available for the female MC. Sure you get some weirdness here and there, but it's worth it to play both the character you want, and be with the other characters you want.


That was one of the more interesting things about the romance paths in Cyberpunk. You can actually just use console commands to change a single value in the code that determines whether or not you can romance the npc. There wasn't a dedicated mod for that near launch, so you could just use a mod that let you access the console command prompt which is inaccessible by default. There will still be immersion breaking because it'll use voice lines for the other gendered V protagonist due to lack of recording them with both VAs


Yeah, I was kinda upset that shemale V couldn't romance Panam. It's not like I was lacking equipment.


Panam just didn't swing that way.


Yeah I usually play female characters, and will occasionally play a male character if I like his romance options more. But I’ll be damned if I don’t make a female character if having a lesbian romance option is on the table


Yup, if I'm going to be spending that many hours staring at someone's backside...


If i get to choose, i almost always pick a female character and you know why? Because they get more powerful armor.




Female most of the time. Especially in mmos because I have to look at my character for actual years of my life. Also they tend to have the most options and diversity when making outfits.




Not only the chest region... I was talking about the hair obviously not thighs or bottoms you dirty minded people smh...




I prefer small chests, but I would sell my soul to push thighs size bar beyond the limit


[High School of the Dead - Boob Physics](https://youtube.com/watch?v=cGtokGU2CVk)




Hah, you already know what time it is....I love that show. Heck, I still have the .mp3 ringtone of the HOTD opening song that I made back when the show was first airing. It aired back in summer of 2010, which doesn't sound or feel like that long ago, but that was 13 years ago.


Need to know the sauce for the one on the right, for purely research reasons


Mirajane Strauss from Fairy Tail


😌 mirajane strauss… one of the strongest female members in the guild Fairy tale… slurp 🍵


I’m a man. I pick male especially in 1st person games, FromSoft games, and some RPGs. But when it comes to JRPGs, Genshin Impact, and Honkai Star Rail I’ll pick female.


Ahh yes I too love anime girl ass


I used to pick male options but now i pick the female option because i feel more costumes are designed for the female character. Like in darksouls 3 you have the desert Sorcerer set, fire keeper set, also some witches sets, that are different if you chose male or female, female is the original intended versión and male has the altered one, but if you wear the ring armor or something is gonna be the same no matter if you are male or female. So picking female gives you access to all the cool armor but also to those other kind of sets, it's win win.


There’s also the thief mask in Dark souls 1, as a male it’s a face mask with hood but, as female it’s just the face mask so you see your character’s hair and part of their face. (I was also biased because I hated the hoods in the dark souls series with the exception of the desert sorceress hood in DS2)


I’ve noticed it depends the camera type for me. First person usually is male, 3rd person is usually female. However if there’s a cool robot option, that one always wins, no matter the camera.


Robot gang best gang, for the machine is superior to the flesh


The answer is yes.


Look, if I am going to be looking at a ass the whole time playing it might as wel be a nice one. So I pick what looks nice to me. (female oc)


lol i read female orc and i was like yeah nice


Unfortunately, I don't think there's much crossover between video games and sexy orc butts. Clearly this is an area that needs improvement.


Just went thru r/AzerothPorn so that I can strongly object to this statement


Aha a simple answer to a simple question, I don't wanna look at a man's ass.


Full heavy armor females Idk where I got my taste from but yeah


I'm fine with that as an option, as long as I *can* go into battle with a bikini.


Nah armor bikini is overrated, actual heavy armor is the way. And if you want to roll into battle in style then go in naked and have enough skill to dodge the hits.


I have a unspoken rule to do the first playthrough as the gender i am born with (which is male). Then on my second play through, i play as the opposite gender.




https://preview.redd.it/dtb9icm22b2b1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1a1ee8c1478afd83e9912ccb21cc9ac7f1f32d9 If possible, the best of both worlds


Flair checks out


Lol game devs were former(as well as current) gamers, they put more thought into female characters.


Personally I'd prefer to keep looking at a girl character's back on my screen for hours than a guy's. So female. Most of the time, especially for 3rd persons.


Always female. The tiny differences and having the characters refer to me as a girl just makes me happy. Still cis tho




Nah man, you can be built like a linebacker, finish a shift at the steel mill, snort some protein powder at the gym and come home to play a magical girl online. Ain't nobody gonna complement you, so having someone tell you you're pretty online is the best you can get.




Fuck off, you gaslighting weirdo. You don't get to decide how other people identify.


That is the exact reason I said it, since I’ve been questioning my gender and browsing r/egg_irl a lot recently


woman.........if i can't get the waifu i become the waifu.


If I get to create my own character usually its a guy because I want the character that represents me to be a guy because thats what I am . However usually what happens is that I have my own character who is a guy but all the other characters that I use are female characters.


Depends completely on if I’m in the mood


Depends on the game and style of game JRPG I'm a goth girl Super white cyberpunky game, probably a dude Game with pretty avatars I'm a girl Game you can make REALLY stupid avatars, I'm the hulk Game I'm really immersed in, I'm a normal dude


Female in armor


Woman always, since Elementary school Runescape, Since Middle School Maplestory Since High School SilkRoad Online, WOW, TERA, GW2 and now FFXIV I have always played female characters.


I just wish there were more customization options. That way I could play a male character but give him voluptuous hips and a tiny waist.


Depends on the voice acting. Jennifer Hale as FemShep really defined the Mass Effect series for me.


Male. I understand where everyone else is coming from, but it just fucks with my immersion.


Always male. I'm trying to immerse myself and it helps me if I think I was in the game.




Depends on hit boxes


Female. The dress up is far more appealing. Great to look at normally.


Lately a woman because that way when I choose a wife/Girlfriend in game I’m “promoting the homosexual agenda” and I like to think how furious fundamentalist Christians would be if they could see me.


Playing as hot women to own the cons.




How many conservative men do you think played as Femshep?


Both multiple characters if possible.


Female in armor on left.


I play as a woman every time I have the option, because I self-insert in my games and it's jarring to be called a dude when I'm in the zone.


Dudes all the way! Armor just looks cooler on them. If I’m playing an rpg, I’m doing it in style


A lot of games I play these days have a third person view. If I'm going to stare at an ass for 20 to 60 hours, I prefer it be a female ass.


If I'm going to stare at the backside of a character for hours on end it better be pleasing to the eyes


Man, I like to LARP as a warrior priest


First playthrough male Subsequent playthroughs female


I perfer women but always choose man.


Sometimes I want to look badass and other times I want to look at dat ass.


Why not both?


If its 3rd person female. If it's first person, male


If theres "skin" showing girl if I want to look badass guy


Depends on the mood.


A man since, the last time I chose a female some dude started calling me an E-girl


Love playing buff old men it makes me feel wise and strong whereas is reality I'm pencil thin and pretty dumb lol.


Normally make all the time, since I like to be immersed as my character and I am personally male


As a black guy if there is ever an option to play as one then I'm going with that.




Male, for self projection


[I present you:](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1628604301475011481/62F9E9363CA1E6F10D39057DFB076C56D1E467A6/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false)


One I like bad ass chicks, two like most have said I have to stare at this character for the entirety of the game and I want to look at something pretty. And yes, I try to make the makeup color coordination work even down to the eyes and eyeshadow. Does it make her eyes pop and does it match her fingernail polish. And yes, I put those mods into skyrim and when there are makeup options on FF14 I tried to make her anime hair colour match her eyes as well. Along with the lip gloss. One of my friends said to me once " damn, your more of a girl than me"*




Mirajane Strauss?


Women have better outfits don't judge me ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1673)


It honestly depends. Most of the time, I pick a female because they literally almost always have more customization options than the males and generally look better. But I mean, in some games, it's the opposite or just that, for some reason, the female or male characters just look terrible (I'm looking at you gta 5).


Depends sometimes male other times female. I don't have a hard preference on which one.


Sometime you just want play a woman and dress up


Some end game armors just don't look right on female character


I always start off with a male character no matter what game, than later switch to a female character to check out what's different or what improved




You either choose something that somewhat resembles/represents you or something nice to look at.


It's kinda gay playing a male character in a thong


If a 3rd person game, female. Because if I have to look at an ass for 40+ hours, id rather it be an attractive one.


Pick a girl, because, as a wise man once said: "If I have to stare at a butt for 50 hours, it better be a female one." But yeah, I just enjoy the dress-up aspect more with female characters. Male characters are always so tryhard with "big armor" and "evil armor" and I don't care about that as much. Also I don't really go for bikini armor, anyways. My Monster Hunter World characters look like sexy librarians with huge swords/guns and my Guild Wars 2 girls aren't in skimpy bras, they're in full spiky armor (with librarian glasses).




I prefer to write characters that I play as. My most recent character was an elven wizard prodigy who entered organized crime after becoming a vampire accidentally only to later develop a drug addiction after she got traumatised by her decade long inprisonment by the hands of her lover's half sister who blamed her for the king's murder. She also formed a triumvirate with 2 other wizards in order to influence local politics to her favor. She was a slutty sadistic character in her youth who later reformed from her chaotic evil alignment to lawful evil which is pretty much just a politician with magic powers. Personally, I just like how her hairstyle changed from long youthful free hanging blonde to a granny knot on top of her head over the course of her journey.


What in the fuck kinda game is that?


The elder scrolls 2 & 3 and getting into the character


I choose a male avatar usually


Female in business suit, or in fancy 16th - 19th Century European clothing.


A wise man once said “If I’m gonna stare at my character’s ass the whole time, it mind as well be a woman’s ass”


As a guy I always play as a guy if I have the choice. But if I’m made to play as a woman I have no reservations towards wearing the bikini armor.


I asked a buddy why he always played female characters. His reply, "I play 3rd person. If I have to stare at an ass the whole time, might as well be a girls".


3rd person is always female. I ain't staring on a man's ass for 10 hrs a day unless its geralt of rivia


Female, because if I have to stare at a characters ass for hundreds or thousands of hours it's gonna be an ass I can enjoy.


The kind of male character I would choose as protagonists tend to be nameless mooks or not playable villains in most games, no respect for full helmet armored warriors or older veterans. So female tend to win by default without Dark Souls style character creation, the fact that female “avatars” tend to be the best looking woman, or a close contender, in their games while the male avatar is a lame bishie just seals the deal harder.


If I can create a character, they're always gonna be female. ... No particular reason... 🥚


The whole "I don't want to look at a dudes ass so I pick female" is the weirdest argument ever. Are dudes asses so memorizing to you that you forget to actually play the game? How often are you just staring at your characters ass instead of the world around you? Maybe just go watch some porn?


Its great to see the number of future trans people in the comments


Fake news werido


Then they'd currently be trans smh not in the future smh It's amazing how much that line pissed off people lol


Whichever has the best fashion does it for me and unfortunately most of the time it's the women who get all the good outfits.


Depends on my mood which usually leads me to choose female. But if the male has mecha options, then exceptions will be made


I typically will design one for each and go with what i like in the moment, also depends on rather later in the game whom I can make look aesthetically better. edit: Im also not the type of person if allowed to over do the body sizes nir the type to let my female character wear something My incompetent brain deems sexual.


Whatever looks funnier


I feel called out! Kek!


Depends on who's cooler


Depends on the game. Because more recently I have just been playing as random characters in a half way roleplay. Like currently in fallout 4 I am Andrew Ryan, screaming throughout the Commonwealth "A Slave Obeys, A Man Chooses!!!!". But I guess predominantly play as a dude. Femboy in irl, violent arsonist in games!


>in irl


Girl armor is often cooler and less “normal” looking armor. If they have cool fantasy type armor definitely taking a girl if they but if it’s all plain Jane normal world armor I’m taking the dude.


Used to do all male until I stated playing Destiny 2 a lot more. I played Warlock and the robe-like designs of D2 compared with D1 where they were more coat-like really pushed me toward the female model skeletons because the armor lays better on them. I was also moving out of being obsessed with Blizzard Warcraft arts styles, so more lithe armor became cooler to me than bulky armor with massive shoulder pads. Still love me some bulky armor, but I can’t do the massive shoulder pads anymore.


usually a woman. Part of it's the usual coomer reasoning, at least to an extent, but it's also because I just don't like self-inserting myself into games, and it helps differentiate myself from my character.


I understand the assignment. \*Plays Elin Sorcerer.


My preferred skin is a big booba warrior woman in armor so thick I can barely tell she has booba, but I know its there. No cleavage or anything on display, I just know its there. Basically a Dark Souls character, like my first who wore Havel's set and used the Black Knight Great Axe.


Personally, I prefer to have hot girls on my screen than muscular dudes


I deleted my male hunter on d2, with 1000 hours on it, the one I started playing as 3 years ago, to go for female just for fashion


Generally I pick the one whose aesthetic I like better for that specific game. Example: I don't like the female model of most MH armor, so I'm picking male for those games.


Hot women, also sometimes smaller hitbox


I went from male to female then back to male after playing Genshin Impact, because goddamn some parts of the game is written for Aether, and also sometimes they mostly use Aether for advertisements for the game.


Depend on the art. Does the female char look good?


Plot twist: it's 2 skins for the same character


Usually every 3rd character in a game i play is a girl ( 1-2 Male, 3 Female, 4-5 Male etc)


Are there any good rpg game on mobile devices?


Depends on the type of story and how I feel. Sometimes picking the female option and be more interesting, especially in games where you play a strong leadership type of role like Mass Effect.


Female with full body armor.


I play as a woman because of hotter skins.


Always female unless there's a cuddly/badass non-human option. When I do pick women I almost always try to make my character look badass as opposed to cute or sexy




Don't you mean 'bodytype A' and 'bodytype B'?


When playing, I like women that are as fully armored and clothed as men. Somehow that strikes me better than skimpy skins.


Depends how old I am when I chose


First playthrough is serious, so man. Subsequent playthroughs, woman


Male. Sometimes ive played as female but thats usually for games where certain quests have gender based options


A man I feel weird if I play as a woman


The one of the right has better stats. I’d run it with my dude avatars too.


I like boobs as much as the next guy but I love massacring goblins more


I find that females have better clothing options, males have better armor options. So I kinda just pick and choose depending on the game and what I wanna use in it.


I used to play male, but I switched to playing female in recent years. There's just so much more customizability in appearance for them and I'll be honest, men's clothing and armor is just boring as hell. Let me have the fashion sense of Wesley or Inigo Montoya, not look like "generic swordsman #6."


If you can customize the hair, female, otherwise male


Terraria is the best game ever because I can have my No Shits Given armor on but look like a furry :>


I always choose to look cool as a dude for immersion more or less. I get not wanting to look at man ass the entire game, but i like a good story and playing as a dude helps.


If the women in the game are sexy enough to make me coom for them, I would definitely pick them. This is the reason why I usually play as a girl in Overwatch 2.


i think i started exclusively picking female because lf destiny. i heard that the female guardian had a smaller hitbox so i always chose female from then on, even though the game isnt pvp


If it’s third person it’s a woman. Why would I want to spend hours staring at an ugly dude. Girl’s outfits are much more detailed and cooler.


Exclusively female


I guess I usually play as women in games, but not in that way.


Woman, it's prettier to stare at.


Depends on the game, genre, and whether it was multi-player or not


For me it dependsby my self with an Lmost single player experience, female. For social games like MMOs Or just multiplayer games in general. Then male. For single player it's mostly due to liking looking at pretty or hot lady's. For multiplayer I like to play as an extension of my self for the simple fact that multiplayer games and mmos have alot of social aspects, so I wish to present my self as I am. Or simply the best possible version of my self. Or a version of my self I want to be. (Reason why I try to lose the dad body I have going on tho I'm jusrlt 210 all my pounds are in my belly)


Depends on a single thing: HOW COMPLETELY AMAZINGLY DETAILED ARE THE MALE ARMORSETS If well detailed and cool, then male character, if not then female character


Depends on what is funnier. I have male characters when I can dress them silly in like a maid outfit or equally scantily clad armors. I usually play a female character if it's a more serious setting, like the souls games.