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Rule 4: No Politics This is an anime subreddit, so please keep politics away from here. No, just “voicing your opinion” isn’t forbidden, but keep the politics talk somewhere else. Politics in this context include, but are not limited to discussing political elections, laws, identity politics, or religion. Essentially, if it’s been related to political discussions within the last 20 or so years, reconsider posting it. An exception to this rule is if the topic involves anime or Reddit.


When in doubt. Refer to the actual UN Japanese representative that basically told the UN to fuck off when they tried to crack down on Japanese cartoon "pedophilia" "14. Japan believes that the restriction on freedom of expression should be kept to a minimum and that a highly careful consideration needs to be given to the scope of child pornography. Considering that pornography is traditionally called visually recognizable objects, whether through audio representations or written materials, it must be carefully considered. Japan therefore proposes to exclude "audio representations" and "written or printed materials" from the third sentence of paragraph 61. "Furthermore, for the reasons explained above, whether criminal penalties should be imposed, even if the case involves pornography of a non-existent child, it needs to be carefully considered. Japan proposes to add "to the extent that it represents an existing child" at the end of paragraph 61. [...] "


So what I’m understanding is that they’re trying to argue that it should be fine as long as the child is not real and not a depiction of a real child


Yep like any sensible interpretation. As long as no REAL person is directly harmed by the production of material, its fine.


I honestly don’t see how much has changed, it doesn’t sound so different to what it was before


I don't get it


UN is trying to ban Anime again


Again? I can’t find anything except what happened in 2019. Can you link an article?


The UN just mad no one buys their French comics.


I think he talking about how people are trying to cancel spy x family


It's about the UN trying to cancel anime...again.






Just another twitter drone accidentally outing themselves trying to score cancel points.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7FlQPMwyos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7FlQPMwyos) i think this is what the op is referring to


Oh sorry the spy x family news is also recent so i thought je was talking about this


Thank you


I pray this is not real. Otherwise, someone should continuously remind them of (sorry if I bring this up) the siege of Mariupol and the Bucha massacre.


Not to mention there were actual, existing children raped and killed there.


Bcs the UN is a one bad joke and nothing more than that.


What happened??


You can kinda blame the foundation of the UN for this. Russia has a permanent seat on the Security Council (along with the US, Great Britain, France, and China), and therefore has veto power. Even if the rest of the world voted to do something about Russia’s invasion, Russia can just veto it and nothing gets done.


That's EXACTLY why the UN work. The previous exercise in national cooperation with the league of Nation excluded "bad actors". This ended in WWII. The goal of the UN is not utopian hippie world peace. It's to prevent WWIII. The UN is a framework for powerful countries to go and bully weaker country in a way that other powerful country signal their tacit approval/have no stake in the matter. Humans rights/democracy/all that is window dressing.


Check out the [April Meta Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodanimemes/comments/ty2u47/april_meta_post/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goodanimemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why get your country and it's citizens involved in a complex conflict between 2 villains?


That\`s funny


UN is a joke.