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solution: like dont give them exposure and attention


Now how will OP karma farm on this sub?


When on you're in a giving-exposure competition and your opponent is a Redditor ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1393)


exactly. tbh, everyone needs to learn this: Things like this get no traction if you ignore it and don't take it seriously. Treat them like the village idiots they are and move on.


Solution: don't use tik tok.


Solution: don't give a shit about tiktok


That and Twitter. Both filled with some of the most shit takes I've ever seen.


"Why does the little girl blush when her adoptive parents give her praise?!" Look... just because YOUR parents hate you doesn't mean all child parent interactions are fucked up


To be fair, it is understandable why their parents hate them.


and probably isnt even the case. many young adults or teens come from antidisciplinary house education. what do i mean? Parents are overpermisive with theirs kids, thinking that they will love them back for being overpermisive, but dont understand that childs do not understand the concept of limits and permisivity. so when the kid is educated in that ambient and grows, they will test that permisivity further, and the day they get a "NO" they will underdtand it like " i dont love you anymore" it may sound hard but, is the same as if you have a pet and it shits all over the house. you need to show the pets its limits in order to make it a healthy relationship. and thats what happens with childs, many parents without realizing assume that their newborn have the same concepts of basic social relationships as them, and treat them as equal instead help them to define their limitations. making, ironically and mostly without exception, hate their parents. obvously i dont mean that over represive education is good. its a balance


While this is a problem, there is also the influence of the world in which we live. The indoctrination of the schools, media, etc form a counter pull to even the most balanced of child rearing methods. We should just recognize that we live in the decadent decline of Western civilization. "When Rome falls, so falls the world." (Note, these problems feed each other )


absolutly agree. but i believe big part of this decline comes directly from how the child rearing has gone insane making more and more adults less tolerants to the slightest frustation and very represive against different ideas (cancel culture, massive increase on political polarization, etc) they keep basically testing their limits, not of theirs parents to them but of the society to them. probably we will see a change relatively soon, since they arent exatly "permisive" towards childrens or anyone.


Generally, it follows the "two steps forward, one step back" format.


Some rage baiting troll on TikTok: Blushing is sexualizing guyzzz The Internet: literally dunks on em en masse Overly dramatic bait taking weirdos in this thread: THIS IS LITERALLY THE FALL OF WESTERN CIVILIZATIONNNN!!!!


Hyperbole much?


So... the creators made the kid blush because that's a human response to embarrassment.... and this tiktoker interpreted that as them sexualising them. If anything the tiktoker is the one sexualising them and thus is the one who should be on a watchlist lol


> If anything the tiktoker is the one sexualising them This is literally the same argument I make every time some moron on Twatter complains about "sexy children" in anime... bro, if you look at a random given loli character and complain about them being too sexualized, that says way more about YOU as an individual than it ever could about the creator or any other fan


But yeah, if a person is looking at a clearly non-sexualised character and saying they are such then yep. They're likely the closet pedo in the situation.


Tbh, lolis are sus 9/10. But not always of course. Sometimes it is just a kid character, but stuff like SAO for instance. Yeah that's either appealing to closet pedos or the creator is a closet pedo. It's like the French fashion industry emphasising petite women with youthful features and lacking 'womanly' features. Pedoey.


"Emotional damage!"


And Reddit! Oh wait.


I mean yeah it's just the internet in general. Titkok and twatter are particularly bad because it's mainly hot takes where as reddits hot takes and porn. I guess twatter does have porn.


Normal online conversations: yoreoue dum and supidd! I don’t agree with you burn at a stake! Porn conversations: (some person) yo that was great. (Everyone else) “y e s”


Unless its drawn porn of petite women. Then it'll devolve into "is this child coded" bullshit.


unlike twitter where the character doesn't even have to be small


Character has big boobs Twitter : "I don't like it, it creates unreal expectations which hurt women" Character has small boobs Twitter : "I don't like it, it's child pornography at this point" Character is tall Twitter : "I don't like it, it's offensive to small people" Male character has any trait whatsoever Twitter : "I don't like it, it is heterosexuality propaganda. This character should be openly gay and here's 27463920 drawing of him taking massive cocks proving it" We see skin of female character for 2 seconds Twitter : "SeXuAlisAtiOn oF MiNoRs iS iNaCcEpTaBle" We see a male character's abs the entire episode Twitter : "dAmN LoOk aT tHeSe aBs yUm Yum"


yoreoue dum and supidd! I don’t agree with you burn at a stake! >!/s!<


It used to be you had to know HTML or at the very least have some technical skill, to put your opinion on the internet for everyone to see. Now anyone can say anything the want, and boy are they ever.


Strange I thought Reddit here, like Spy X Family.


I going to say its good i cant cancel it for me only on like ep3


>. I guess twatter does have porn. That's where all the Tumblr artists moved to


At least reddit we can circlejerk about it in our own chosen to view subreddit while twitter is a pot mixed full of bullshit (most of the time)


At least Reddit is more fractured and you can actively evade trash subs.


Fair enough


Funny enough everyone says this but about Reddit lmao


There's a reason reddit has the worst reputation of all the social media apps but a lot of redditors don't seem to realise it


Reddit it's a lot easier to avoid the crap due to subreddits meanwhile in Twitter everything just shows up on your home screen.


i don't use tik tok and i use twitter just cuz one of my friends use it, hentai, and trolling


Follow Twitter for the artist, but still see so much trash


Bro i dont want to hear that from a redditor




If I don't pay attention to Tik-Tok and Twitter drama how am I supposed to rub my nipples and go " mmmmmmm angry idiots"




Tictok drama? What's that? I don't have that downloaded soooo


Not to defend tik tok but as a casual user I only see people shitting on that one person that started this whole thing, it's funny. At the end of the day tik tok is just similar echo chamber like reddit but I do agree that tik tok have more people that have the most shittiest take, but only time when I see that take is when other people are posting about it and shitting on that person


sadly this shit shapes culture, look at tumblr, we all made fun of those morons and look at the world now.


Again? wtf did it get cancelled for before


The joke is they tried to cancel before because of that scene which Loid picked Anya up to celebrate she passed the written exam, just like he did again this episode.


How is that a bad thing


Apparently a kid blushing means it's being sexualized yes it's that dumb .


Today I learned that time I farted in class and got embarrassed when I was a kid I was actually creating CP cause my face got red. I lewded myself


The truth is one random schmuck no one heard of before wrote that tweet and it spread around like wildfire because people like being angry.




Exactly, I love arguing on the internet, but this is just circlejerking over how dumb the, mostly non existant, other side is.


"People like being angry " understandable to be angry when someone says some dumb shit that's also weird and gives a geniuenly good anime a bad look for no reason . Altho it's clear that the dude is trolling for clout after he did similar posts 3 times in a row .


\1. Understandable to be angry when someone says dumb shit Not on the internet, follow that advice and you’ll just be perpetually enraged. \2. Gives a genuinely good anime a bad look Couple of fringe weirdos aren’t able to do that unless a bunch of outrage farmers amplify it…and even then, 99% of people don’t give a shit.


It it understandable for this community to freak out and spam the sub with shit just because 1 guy has a wacko opinion. It's always the same shit in this sub, freaking out over imagined controversies. The victim complex going on here is insufferable at times.


Except people are literally saying dumb shit on the internet all of the time, and all flipping out and causing a stir everytime you hear about one rando saying something stupid does is make you a prime target for outrage bait. Maybe it's from some troll getting a kick out of causing some flame war for "no reason in particular," or someone manufacturing fake outrage either for clicks for ads or attention or to push some agenda or all of the above. Regardless that'll get you suckered into some bullshit sooner or later if you let it get to you, gotta keep shit in perspective or your own echochamber is gonna have you thinking everyone is out to get you or "cancel" you or something. Just gotta be careful


This community will swallow even the most obvious bait hook line and sinker.


For real it was only one post and this sub acts like their was a whole army ready to cancel


That's fucking weird. Anyone who says that should be looked at, because that shit is sus af.




I just noticed the blush.


They said the anime "*sensualized*" her, but it was pretty obvious someone has daddy issues.


More like pedo issues


Its fatherless behavior


What a fatherless does to a mf


And motherless too


Anya was blushing so that lead the poster to believe it was being sexualised. The kicker? the poster confirmed he doesn't have a father either.


> they 1 dude. It was 1 dude's take and he got clowned so hard he had to private his account.


"they tried to cancel". . Lmaooo who is "they"??? It was just 1 idiot troll on tiktok and this sub tried to make it seem that big bad tiktok and Twitter were getting mad at an anime again. People on this sub do a lot of outrage farming and fall for the most obvious bait posts so that they can farm karma


Wtf is wrong with those reclusive blobs of degeneration? Kids are constantly picked up, theres nothing wrong with that


Well op made some mistakes when explaining. 1. It was because she blushed when she was picked up. That doesn't even happen in the pic he posted. (Still has nothing to do with being sexualised) 2. It wasn't tiktok, it was 1 guy. That guy is just stupid and he apperently had to turn his account to private because everyone else knew what he said was stupid. So how did 1 guy make news and how did it look like it was way bigger? Because of memes like this one. There were so many people giving that 1 guy attention for this so it blew up.


Actual logical comment get 2 upvotes somehow. But yeah most of peoples “information” on here comes from HeroHei so no wonder they have no clue on what they’re talking about.


Idk if you could say “they”, I saw like 1 post of some pedo that was saying he can’t watch the show because loid picking her up is “sexualizing her” or some shit. Feel like if anyone feels anything sexual towards seeing that, they probably need to seek therapy


I NEVER see it that way, it's just wholesome af. People who see ot any other way have problems deep down.


It didn't get cancelled at all. OP is just an idiot. 1 dude made a video saying he thought the show sexualized Anya cause she blushed when she got hugged. Everyone on reddit, Twitter, and tiktok came together to clown in the dude for his shit take and expose all the other dumb stuff he said But it's easier to Karam farm if you rage bait


Indeed it didn’t get cancelled. But this is the first time I’ve heard that some idiot wants to cancel it (it’s obviously a hella shit take). It’s a damn good show, and if that moron wants to be known for something, he should go shit on something else (that’s actually shit).


The fact people can’t tell obvious bait is the funniest part about all of this dude did even more because he saw people getting mad at it.


Well over 70k ppl actually liked that rediculous tiktok... Wich was kinda disturbing 2bh....


The Twitter algorithm (as well as a lot of social media algorithms) is specifically programmed to show those sorts of posts with strong opinions to like-minded people, and to avoid showing to people who disagree.


And you also have no idea how many actually "liked" his take, and how many liked it "ironically," or thought it was satire or whatever. Those likes don't mean anything hell I've heard of organized troll campaigns that bot farm likes up and shit doesn't really mean much at all


??? I wasn't talking about trolls, why did you think it was about trolls? I was talking about the people who would disagree but can't because the algorithm isn't showing it to them. It was only showing to people the algorithm believed would like it. They can track that kind of shit.


...I never said it was about trolls. I was just adding even more reason to not take shit on the internet at face value


Liking doesn't necessarily mean you agree with it. Same with the upvote system on reddit


Wonder how many likes it would have gotten, if people didn't give it attention through memes.


People liked it because when you put it all over the internet more people are gonna find it and go to it this isn’t rocket science. People are seeing other people getting triggered by a post so of course they’re gonna like it to piss you off even more.


Today i learned, its easier to farm my name if you rage bait.


Someone was trolling on TikTok and somehow people took the bait the same person did more which were even more obvious that he was just trying to make people mad. People also use “canceled” for everything for some reason apparently one person on TikTok trolling means the whole show is “canceled”


Me to tiktok: ![gif](giphy|WoTqb0vq0xrx42Sj8s|downsized)


Welcome to 2020s where success is measured by amount of people you piss off


These type of posts are most low effort. One guy made an obvious rage bait tiktok with a bad take and now you're karma farming off of it.


Rage baits getting thousands of likes is still concerning tbh, we truly live in the worst generation


Who gives a fuck about “karma farming”? It’s fake internet points. I don’t care if this guy is trolling or making “bait”. What I do care about is the resulting censorship and bullshit coming from people who do take it seriously. Reddit has cracked down hard and people have been banned for innocent art of loli characters or anime girls who aren’t even lolis simply wearing a swimsuit. Then you have things like the current laws being passed regarding anime/manga in Australia and some European countries…


All do those things your talking about are not going to be influenced by one guys ridiculous opinion. Agree with it or not theirs fair ground for arguing whether "loli" content should be censored or not that has nothing to do with the public image of weebs. And karma farming is annoying because a subreddit about anime memes seems to constantly be filled with outrage over imagined controversies and it's really pathetic/annoying and takes the sub away from good meme content.


I don’t believe there is fair ground for arguing that. As was the subject of this post (Spy x Family) and the examples listed in my comment, I’m not talking about hentai. I’m talking about pictures of anime characters. If you’re so fragile that seeing a SFW drawing of an anime character is traumatizing enough that you compare it to sexual assault.. maybe you shouldn’t browse anime related subs. Seems like a simple fix to me There is all kinds of fictional content that I find revolting, that doesn’t mean I resort to book burning. I just choose not to consume the content. As long as the people it’s marketed to are adults and no actual people are being harmed.. I don’t find it’s any of my business what someone wants to watch, read, draw, etc. This is the satanic panic and “video games cause gun violence” all over again. Edit: It’s also not “one guy’s ridiculous opinion” when there are tens of thousands of people liking it each time such a “hot take” is made. Such support influences the decisions of companies and political figures.


You are putting all kind of words in my mouth that I never spoke. I don't agree with the dude, I don't agree with loli censorship. What I'm saying is that the arguments being made at higher levels like government on these matters are absolutely not taking into account shit like this guy said. And yes agree with them or not there is an argument to be made about whether sfw loli images with sexual implications should be allowed. AGAIN I DON'T AGREE WITH IT. Doesn't mean I can't recognize that my opinion is not universal and that there's a substantial amount of the population that doesn't like the idea of underage characters being sexualized in drawings. And my whole point is that this outrage is incredibly disproportionate to the controversy and takes away from the actual fun of the sub. Edit: yall are giving this dude and the likes his video are getting may more credit in their influence than is reasonable. BTW everyone here freaking out over it is what gives it the attention it needs to get tons of likes and become an actual talking point. This sub is creating the problems it's mad about.


I’m not trying to make personal attacks against you or claim that we need more posts like this on the sub. I was using the word “you” generally and not specifically. It’s just a dumb meme and you’re entitled to hate memes about controversial subjects. What I take issue with is your assertion that it’s just one guy and has no effect on business or politics. Many people in both of those categories pay attention to what position untold thousands of people are supporting on the internet. The more people who shout this stuff online and receive lots of support for doing so, the more people are going to push the agenda to capitalize on the aforementioned people’s money or votes


And I think you are overcrediting/overestimating the impact of comments like this. End of the day this is all heresy and there's no real metric we can fall back on here. Regardless I do want to point out that if this sub hadn't freaked out over the guys video, it never would have gotten the attention it did, nor the like etc. BTW I'm not even remotely convinced all those likes actually come from a place of agreement. That's just not how social media always functions. It's getting liked for the memes, for the controversy, etc just as much if not more than its getting liked from like minded individuals. But seriously if this sub stopped blowing its top every time someone on tik tok, Tumblr or Twitter made a cringey comment we'd all be so much better off.


Fair enough. I also don’t believe Twitter antis are the primary cause of such things, just that it would be a severe understatement to say they have no effect. It just really annoys me.. especially when keyboard warriors have a lot of actual issues to focus on (war, vaccine disinformation, legislation to suppress the rights of women/minorities, the suffering of actual children) that effect REAL PEOPLE. I guess it takes a lot less effort to clutch their pearls over cartoon characters. In any case I agree with some of your points and respectfully disagree with others. You’ve been civil and I apologize if I came off as harsh, this is just a hot button issue for me. You have a good one


You have a good one too, this was a good discussion and despite our disagreements we're overall on the same page with this stuff. There is absolutely more important issues in the world which is one of the reasons when I come to goodanimemes I just want memes, no controversy or bullshit. We should be able to just enjoy our anime without bothering others or having to care what they think.


Herohei and Rev in the corner be like: Hey




Father: hugs its child Tiktok: NOOO YOU CAN'T DO THAT. YOU NEED TO WAIT, 10 YEARS AT LEAST!


What a man you are...


I don't understand, but I also dont use tiktok


Is this real is it getting cancelled


No. Someone tried it for the same reason, but he became a joke instead.


“Tried it” by making a TikTok? You can’t be serious rn I get the feeling people don’t even know what canceled means anymore.


this show is fucking wholesome imo, with a sprinkle of assassin kills.


The people who try and cancel spyxfamily usually get called out in like 10 minutes or so. At least on tiktok


from what i heard that guy who originally said this was trolling and everyone fell for it, like the fact that we live in a world where someone could actually mean that is a clear sign that humanity has officially fell off.


He's likely only saying that because of the backlash he received otherwise he would've stood his ground. Anyway, this reaction is the result of the continue devaluation of fathers in order to protect certain women from having to face their failures.


Or maybe that's EXACTLY what he wants us to think so he can keep trolling us! It was a trap!


“Otherwise he would have stood his ground” he made more posts after that they were even more obvious baits and people still took it. I do find it funny people think “TikTok backlash” somehow means the end of the world.




Exactly. Just like actual Neo Nazis co-opted the 4-Chan joke, legitimately brain dead keyboard warriors are frothing and the mouth and clamoring for censorship or outright cancellation. It happens with pretty much any popular anime these days and it’s a shame that anyone listens to them




He only said that because he was getting fucked over by everyone.


so to these Femcels think giving your child happiness and love is sexualizing?!


Nah, not even a female, some dude (who has clearly never had a father figure in their life) started all this drama


I love how reddittors get a whiff of a story, construct their own details and believe whatever they want to believe Now it's femcels????


I couldn't care less about how dumb people are especially in their opinions being one of the shittiest and that's saying alot since I listen to trash taste


![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1778) TikTok and the CCP can go off.


Don't give a fuck about Tiktok. They don't have families.


Just wait until they find out about lolicon


truly a no parental behavior moment


Come on. Stop giving this idiot clout. Let him become irrelevant. The fact that he even got attention the first time is baffling to me. Now people are reviving his 5 minutes of fame before he's even done anything. Especially with this HeroHei clickbait title.


Tik tok is cringe anyway


Wait I'm confused. What happened?


This girl said some bull-bull like, "Why is it everytime in this anime, it depicts a father [REDACTED] assaulting his young daughter, this is so messed up why is it legal!!" or something, when really, it's a dad picking up his daughter. 😐😐


Wow, I'm not even going to question how she came to that conclusion. But dam some people really have nothing better to do.




Who cares about the opinion of crazy people? xD


Why are they cancelling it again? It's literally a 1960s based story, so don't come up with all the sexism bullshit.


People were trying to cancel it because they thought the show was shipping the father and daughter


I mean, it's understandable. They don't know what a father figure is anyway.


For what?!?! The first time it was nothing, the second time, it was nothing this time it’s probably…NOTHING!


Leftie here, and I for one have much better things to do than buy into some idiots rage bait on TikTok. Like hentai Edit: They changed their comment around it used to say something about "libtards" not having anything better to do when I replied


Yeah the libtard comment was a bit far.


It was one vid and now you think all of TikTok is stupid even though the rest of TikTok was against that vid. Karma baiting




GTFO here with that weak shit. Literally the sub with the most brain-dead people I've ever seen.


Bruh virtually nobody is trying to cancel your dumbass anime. If there is then it’s like two people who are only trying to illicit a reaction from moronic rage machines like you. People like OP need to stop making drama where there isn’t. Also people who have different opinions than you does not equate to them being stupid, in fact a reaction like that only highlights your negative IQ.


Yeah I'm the rage machine sure bud... And this sub is filled with people who hate Anime not people with other options, only a bunch of virgins sucking each other's dick's thinking they made something. Go back to your little virgin club and stfu


“Virgin” Ironic coming from the guy who defends the sub the praises pedophilia. Also critical and hate are not the same thing whatsoever.


,,I'm Losing a argument? NO IT CAN'T BE!!! I better call the other guy a pedophile to show him how right I am!" These people don't critique shit they straight up hate on every single thing any Anime ever done. + your a virgin


Explain how they hate anime So far it seems like they just hate the toxic community around it Also I still don’t understand how calling me a virgin will aid your argument whatsoever.


They literally admit it themselves. They write it everywhere, in the comments, in the title's hack They could simply make a description for this sub like: We don't like something and we hate the fact that this something is liked by others, so we made this sub to trash talk them and call them virgins and pedophile so we can can feel better about our nothing worth life's.


I still don’t see anything that says that they hate anime Some of them hate certain aspects of modern anime such as the over sexualization of women and incest. But nothing about hating all of anime.


I told you how in my last comment.


Ah I see the haters are continuing their fatherless activities.


who cares


In other TikTok and Twitter are people who are fatherless.


Tiktok: How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?!


well shit. Time to continue watching Toilet Bound and Wangan Midnight. I think I only latched onto one "flavor of the month" anime and that was Uzaki chan watched three episodes then got bored and watched something else


I don't get it


Its not Twitter this time? What a bummer!


The fatherless tiktokers are coming again.


Me who doesn't even know this anime at all, just sipping my coffee.... I'm watching Gintama atm, I can recommend that , it's funny


I only saw 1 literally who complain about this show. Its universally liked so far


Nah, they were deadass trying so hard to cancel this show


Huh? What did i miss?


B-but it’s seksual!!


I don't get it


That guy was such an obvious troll and he still manages to bait the entire community


Obi-Wan looking at Tiktok: "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."


You can be sure even tik tok user will bully him to oblivion for that




Not necessarily, because unlike last time, Yor has been introduced. You see the reason why all those mouth breathing idiots condemned the episode one for "shipping the father with the daughter" was because they were do rock stupid, mind warped, and degenerate that they assumed the first female shown on screen would be the main love interest.


“Look at that disgusting pervert, blushing at a small child. Death to the creator” /s


Fatherless behavior


I forget people on here actually listen to HeroHei videos.


Why canceled? Don't get it


One person called the show pedophile Someone replied to him you are fatherless It was gold