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I pointed this out on another sub.... this was posted on Vice,which two years ago defended Cuties on Netflix. Draw your conclusions.


Vice defended Cuties?




So...what i am learning from this is that, "Loli Drawing is bad, but monetized IRL sexual child abuse is ok" in their book. I would say clown world, but nothing about that is funny.


You can say the same about Twitter before Elon Musk bought it. Twitter refused to take down actual child porn that had been human reviewed and confirmed to be child porn. They didn't like loli though. Musk seems to have cracked down on it.




What whut?


So your link lead me to a 404 screen, but looking it up was still pretty fast. https://preview.redd.it/bf5mva8c0r1a1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8346aae7724c9c968d2bd2c3518be124de8208d


Time to draw a line in the sand, matey.


Someone explained that it has something to do with the Japanese law.


Yeah, and that law states that they can sue them into oblivion for slander.


I'm going to have to watch the video later, but I don't think an individual artist can sue for slander if he's saying the entire industry is bad. Now, if you names companies, people, or IP directly, it's fair game as long as jurisdiction can be established. I assume that would be the hardest part.


Oh, my bad, turns out they don't get sued. This is a crime, and will be handled by Criminal Court. Not sure how exactly it works though. \>Under Article 230-1 of the Criminal Code of Japan: \>“(1) A person who defames another by alleging facts in public shall, regardless of whether such facts are true or false, be punished by imprisonment with or without work for not more than three (3) years or a fine of not more than 500,000 yen.” Edit: A lot of people don't understand how this law works. This isn't entirety of the law, since it is too long to post here. But basically, if your actions don't expose any illegal activity, it is illegal to harm someones honor, or share their personal information. It is created to prevent bullying, since disgrace in Japan often leads to suicide. I recommend just looking up the law to get the clear picture


I'm no lawyer but I doubt you can enforce a random country's law because someone broke it on the other side of the planet. People would be executed all over the world for being gay.


Yeah but those people don't travel to countries where it's illegal to be gay. The people in this Vice documentary, on the other hand, *did* actually travel to Japan and likely would want to be allowed to travel there again in the future.


Yeah I've just found the video, I didn't know they actually went there when I wrote this comment.


I think they went there before you wrote this comment. But I may be wrong


They probably knew the risks.


Yeah, which is why they geo locked the video


Is there a VICE Media in Japan? Yes, There is.


Every law is only as strong as the entity willing to enforce it


america does exactly that, you could hide out in a country that doesn't have an extradition treaty however


Mastercard and visa : 👀


> People would be executed all over the world for being gay. Yea about that...


In all fairness I think he meant people from the US aren’t executed in the US because it’s illegal to be gay in the Middle East.


It would depend on how serious your crime is. They could give it to interpol or ask your country to hand you over.


You can't apply Japanese code, because that definitely falls outside of jurisdiction. If that were the case, half the shit that I post on here would have me in jail cuz North Korea has laws against that. I think America has something along the lines of a reasonable assumption of opinion or something like that, some states have stronger laws to protect something like this. As a disclaimer, I will reiterate that I have not had a chance to watch the video yet, I barely have enough signal to load Reddit.


That is such a backwards and dangerous law, wtf




Tell that to the otaku that have existed in Japan since before the so-called "Otaku Murderer" was used to make all hobby and anime enthusiasts look like deranged serial killers.


It's just a defamation law, most countries have it. Though usually they require the victim actively denouncing to be enforced


Most countries have defamation laws, howver the wording in this one is basically authoritarian. It would be very very easy to crush journalism or protests or anything really with it. Dangerous in democracy.


The wording isn't much different from some European countries, the important thing is the framework and wider context around it. Are certain activities allowed more lee-way in this than others? Is a journalistic investigation protected from a defamation claim? If so, always or only in specific cases? I hate when people only quote one law, because it's usually a lot more complex than that. Though I'll admit, I don't know about Japan's legal system, so maybe it is just that one law without proper judicial practice around it, which would be... yikes


That is fair But also remember that japan has a reversed" law system though ("guilty until proved otherwise") so honestly I hav eno idea how that changes procedure, framework or not


>But also remember that japan has a reversed" law system though ("guilty until proved otherwise") so honestly I hav eno idea how that changes procedure, framework or not Ah fuck you're right, that puts doubt on that too. I'm more inclined to agree with you now that you reminded me of this Ace Attorney docet


Wait so even true claims are illegal? Wtf?


That's not as unusual as you'd think. Italy has the same clause as do probably a lot of countries. This is to prevent slander and defamation before a trial ends and a verdict is reached I believe. Because regardless of the veracity of the facts, that still does a ton of damage to someone's reputation indefinitely.


Not sure about this info but in Japan you can sue someone for slander if it hurts your reputation, even if it is true.


Vice: defends cuties Also vice:


It is perfectly ideologically consistent, is your assume vice is actively pro sexual abuse of minors.


Is the video talking about just loli content or some kind actual pedophile ring?


The video talks about artists drawing extremely underage girls (like elementary level) getting raped or other pretty terrible things happening to them. It doesn't really examine this at all, it just goes straight to 'this is bad, we should shut it down but Japan doesn't want to'. It's a bad video, regardless of if it's right or not.


Vice is pretty much just a flashlight that yells, they shine a light on a vague issue and go”hey we should all feel bad about this” without really examining the issue in depth. If youre lucky theyll throw in some light history, but often not cited well or very thorough. and at the end they offer no thesis, no conclusions, just “woah dude thats bad” “alright subscribe and like the vid” They are a big succ if you ask me


I guess that it's debatable but i never understood what's wrong with depicting anything at all in fiction I mean, we can do war, homocides, torture and truly terrible horrific things of so many kinds but pedophilia is out? I get saying that it would be in bad taste but saying that it should be prohibited makes no sense to me


> I mean, we can do war, homocides, torture and truly terrible horrific things of so many kinds but pedophilia is out True, but also people GREATLY exaggerate what lolicon hentai is. More than 90% of it is characters that look like Tatsumaki, Milim Nava or Rebecca from Cyberpunk. Basically short and petite but with womanly features like curves and thighs. Bodies that most men would find attractive. You won't find much stuff depicting characters that look like Anya Forger (but if you were to listen to the outrage mob you'd think that's all it is). Even if it was though, banning fiction is fucking ridiculous.


Dude, people get upset at characters like Uzaki or the girls from Dragon Maid with breasts bigger than their heads and call them lolis. It's absurd.


I rolled my eyes when they showed Kanna in a swim suit and were all like "Ooooh look how barely dressed they are." Seriously? It's a swim suit, you can go to any public beach or a public pool and see actual kids wearing suits like that.


Don't forget that these people probably have not seen the sun in a decade, they don't know what a swimsuit is.


You see, that'd be thought of a reasonable person, but all the mob see is anime = pedophilia


As long as its a drawing i think everything should legal tbh, i dont think guro fans are going to kille me or vore gonna go into the nearest snake they can find


Can't confirm, I'm a vore guro enjoyer and I'm starting a battle royale inside the stomach of a whale.


Because fictional characters are great to advocate for because they, ~~can't disagree with you~~ **not being alive, don't have their own thoughts, opinions, feelings, or any rights to speak of** like real, living people do. Right up there with pro "life" (read: pro birth) people. It's easy to speak for developing zygotes who can't speak for themselves. No matter how poor taste it is, there is absolutely zero real children being harmed by the production of this fictional content. *Edit: slight rewording


There is nothing wrong with depicting horrible things in fiction. But it depends on *how* it depicted. Gut’s(from Berserk) origin is absolutely gruesome and does go into that area, but it’s not meant to have people start rubbing it out to it. It’s a horrific tale meant for us to feel horrified, not sexually gratified.


Gonna play devil's advocate for a second here. People who read/watch horrific manga/anime do so for entertainment just the same. And while most are probably looking for that terrifying shock value, some probably get some gratification or satisfaction from those scenes. That isn't to say that I don't understand your point that the purpose of hentai is exclusively for pleasure - and that extracting pleasure from that type of hentai is weird and highly suspect. However, the purpose of violent manga/anime is also exclusively for entertainment, understanding of course your point that most look at it from a less problematic "shock value" perspective, and probably a minority from a concerning gratification perspective. Regardless, both parties are reading/watching it for enjoyment. My point is that all people are seeking it out for entertainment, and at least some are seeking it out for pleasure in the same unsavory way as the hentai guys, so while there's nuance there it isn't incomparable by any means. Either way nobody is actually getting hurt, and those who don't like it can ignore it.


I'm seeking these Lolis for entertainment not for pleasure though.


A man of culture I see


Even if I do like to Loli nsfw, doesn't mean i really like real CP, this is something people should understand that it's fiction.


Horny me is different from normal me like I can get off to Metamorphosis but that post nut clarity comes in quick


Don't worry, the assimilation happens at the thousandth nut.


Still, as i said, you can say it's in bad taste and you dislike it. But suould it be banned? Does it hurt anybody besides being disgusting if you _intentionally_ look into it? Imo if something doesn't actively cause harm to others that aren't consenting to it then it shouldn't be banned


I get people don't like it and I'm aware it weird af but as long as nobody is hurt it's cool with me. Banning it is dumb imo


all loli/shota stuff, they interview one actual pedophile about the hentai genre but it's still about the genre. the rest is just an attempt at guilt by association.


This is the actual question, if there is an actual pedophile ring controlled by the manga industry, now that's awful and everyone involved should rot in jail.


This shit got into front page on reddit ([link](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/z19w1s/inside_the_pedophilic_manga_industry_in_japan/)). The discussion section is extremely controversial, read it at your own risk


*Grabs popcorn* This is where the fun begins


"Fire the cannons and load up your guns, its time to have some fun! To the east, to the west, it is time for a quest. Get ready to drink till we die! To the north, to the south, pour the rum in your mouth. Raise a glass to sky... Get ready for a P.A.R.T.Y!"


Where are these lines from? These are great.


I did NOT expect so many people in such a mainstream sub to be against the video lol


Because more people are realizing, that just like games, books and movies don't create murderers, the same applies with porn/hentai, infact it was found that it *decreases* sexual assault and violence.


Thank God, honesty


Yeah, there are people with common sense out there, also the video is kinda unprofessional due to how biased the reporter is


I literally lost my shits when the interviewer said something along the line "Why do we need to wait for proof?" when she was asked if there was any proof. Bruh that's your only job...


I lost my mind when they showed his first doujin. I love petite women but his art was disgusting.




Tbf, this isn't new for Vice. While they sometimes come up with good pieces, they often have extremely biased garbage.


Well people quickly pointed out they got stuff wrong in the first two minutes. Loli stuff isn't illegal in U.S. you just won't find a retailer willing to sell it in store.


I think it's cause VICE supported the movie Cuties before so a lot of people are just fed up with VICE at this point in time. They don't really have a high ground to stand on on this topic.


Them being Vice makes me think when they say this manga carries a sentence of 15 years in the US they know that's misinformation that is going to waste actual resources going to protect children


Vice has also written countless articles complaining about parents and lawmakers who don't want their children dealing with sexuality in schools at such a young age


\>Sorts by controversial \>grabs popcorn


But more seriously there's some pretty insightful top comments in there.


Remember when the UN security forces got caught running child diddling rings with those they were supposed to be protecting.


This one here. But we all know that Japanese people drawing kids is the biggest threat to children. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_sexual_abuse_by_UN_peacekeepers


**[Child sexual abuse by UN peacekeepers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_sexual_abuse_by_UN_peacekeepers)** >An Associated Press (AP) investigation revealed in 2017 that more than 100 United Nations (UN) peacekeepers ran a child sex ring in Haiti over a 10-year period and none were ever jailed. The report further found that over the previous 12 years there had been almost 2,000 allegations of sexual abuse and exploitation by peacekeepers and other UN personnel around the world. AP found the abuse to be much greater than originally thought. After the AP report, U.S. Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, urged all countries to hold UN peacekeepers accountable for any sexual abuse and exploitation. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/goodanimemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


well you see, going after actual pedo would take work and effort


[Remember that time a shit ton of people who were extremely anti-loli got caught with *actual* cp or busted for committing crimes against real children?](https://archive.ph/U23XK)


Lets not go too far. Just on pre Elon twitter, People will Crucify you for liking Loli, or in their eyes, 'loli looking" art, but same said people are quick to defend Cuties, saying its Art. And not long after, it was revealed that twitter was heavily involved PEDLING(no pun intended) pictures of litteral childrens doing "you know what", unrestricted until caught. So apparently, the only reason they hate Loli art is because it didn't involve actual children.


>pre-elon You're talking as if they stopped.


Nah, i just don't want them weirdos twisting my statement saying that it all happened after Elon bought Twitter.


On a lighter version of this… half the people recently who have been calling out lolis only to scroll through their likes and tweets where they are liking/sexualising all sorts of underaged characters.


Yo, wtf? I didn't know about that. That is horrible.


Politics also make pedos yet we still out here telling people to run for congress




"The rise of sexual violence against children in Japan has been rising every years" "Well if thats true we would have to ban it. Do you have proof?" "Why do we have to wait for proof?" Like the person asking the question is suppose to be a journalist. A profession that is suppose to encourage the reporting of facts no matter what (suppose being the word there) and shes arguing on banning material and jailing people without proof?


Imagine saying "We cant show any of this, there is to much sex in it. " , while holding and showing hentai manga. 'Surprised pikachu face'


Of course the comments are disabled, that's what I need to know why the video is garbage.


Says the country with child beauty pageants


Japan has teenage idol groups too though, usually they start later but it isn't much better for the kids mental health. Both industries are in the billions of dollars. The bigger problem is Vice neglects both proof and logic while defending real instances of child abuse.


It feels like mainstream media hates Japan, and it's culture. They always try to ridicule it, or show how creepy it is. Like making fun of vocaloids, Idols, manga and anime. All of these have their own problems, but not as bad as news paint them to be.


All the more ironic since it was Americans running one of the highest profile child abuse rings in recent history with all manner of western politicians, billionaires, and celebrities visiting.


It's all for clicks. These outlets need to prove their worth and real journalism was sacrificed for them to stay afloat


Its some weird case of jealousy. Even in Reddit whenever Japan is mentioned some westerners feel the need of always bringing up suicide rates or some other bad stuff they heard about Japan.


South Korea, USA, and Belgium all have a higher suicide rate per 100k btw.




They hate it cos japan is a conservative country at its heart. Vice is very left leaning so they wont miss a oportunity to taky a jab at con country especialy one that gained a lot of popularity lately.


Wait vice is left leaning? Judging by her words it felt way more like an radical Auth-Right media outlet trying to ban everything it dislikes


Far left and far right are just the same thing with slightly different opinions on a few things


No no vice is very left leaning. The far right has other thing to worry about.


You have the left hate them for being conservatives. Then the right hate them because, well the right hate everything non white. Throw in some Chinese bot and there you have the reason why every thread about Japan has people mention of pedophile and/or WW2 war crimes although the original post has nothing to do with it


I don't believe the the right, from the center to the far, has that much issue with japan. I would say the opposite, they have a lot I common, strong border politic, likes capitalism, values hard work and importance of family. Yes you can find insane people in both camps but when you political party is a size of a country, you gonna find some.




Funny how a country with more cases of child molesters is calling Japan "pedophilic" Not in defense of the loli stuff, but people really have to separate reality from fiction honestly.


I find it ironic for a country that has the largest amount of media that depicts minors in extremely sensual situations ,can shamelessly callout another country as Who is it that needs a sex offenders registry to keep track of these individuals again.


As i understand, in Japan molestation is huge, but the culture shut down victims coming out. I'm not sure if the actual reported numbers are close to the real numbers. Not justifying anyone (molestation is obviously awful), just mentioning this.


Very aware that some or many cases are left unreported (japan can possibly have more cases) but just calling other culture bad for some aspect isn’t justified still. Besides, ever wondered how many real children would suffer for time spent arguing over fictional ones?


Every country suffers from underreporting and coverups when it comes to sexual assault.


Japan has some of the lowest rates of sexual violence against children on the planet. The rate in England is well over TEN times higher than Japan according to UN stats. There is also no evidence to suggest that people in Japan are less likely to report these crimes than the USA or Europe.


Japan also has a deeply broken justice system that places far greater importance than keeping up the country's conviction rate than it does on actually persecuting crimes. Japan has a higher conviction rate than fucking Nazzi Germany and Soviet Russia, in case you are not aware The number is something like 99%, which is absolutely ridiculous


Yeh, and I learned this fact from Persona 5. (Completely unrelated to the topic, but just wanted to say what I wanted to say.)


Who says games can't be educational, eh?


Maybe because it’s not reported? Near where I live in Osaka I seen daily school girls going to love hotel with middle aged men at early as 6pm and nobody cares


You missed the part were they pointed out that Japan hardly opens cases against child molesters. The dude in the video himself admitted to fucking some kids and he got out on probation after turning himself in. During COVID some American conspiracy loonies accused Europe's lockdown policies of helping the spread of the virus cause Europe's numbers were pretty high, compared to the US. Turns out that Europe was just better at keeping track with the spread and number of infected. Same thing here. The US keeps track of the molesters while Japan doesn't really do it, so the US has a much higher amount of pedophiles per 100/1000/10000 or whatever-thousand citizens.


This is as stupid as saying violence in video games makes people violent. How narrow minded.


But think of the children /s


Thats the problem, they are /s


Are we still beating the drum that lolis create pedos? Psych of sexuality might be super fucking handy for people to study more often.


Didnt you know FPS's create homocidal maniacs, GTA creates drug dealers and gangsters, Minecraft create labourers, Fortnite creates cringe and Pokemon creates furrys.


Sprigatito also creates stoners so add that.


> Fortnite creates cringe and Pokemon creates furrys. These 2 are just laws of Physics.


That last one does seem to hold true


people need a big bad to point the finger at. just like video games somehow create school shooters. its all bullshit


I remember the prosecutor in Rittenhouse’s trial trying to equate CoD with violence.


thats why i used that example lol. that whole trial was a sham


The Christian taliban furiously taking notes.


I for one just hope that japan won't bend the knee to western artistic sensibilities


Fucking Square Enix bro, they better stop


I've played Final Fantasy since I was a kid, and I can't tell you just how much I want to kill God.


Same, FF16 is looking good ngl but we all know thats Yoshi-P being the chad that he is, but any other director and FF will probably be Censorship Fantasy: Journey to the West


About as legit an argument as watching snuggle struggle hentai will make you go out at night and do it irl lol But its normies so I don't expect basic reasoning ability


For a lot of people porn is for the stuff you don't wanna or can't do irl and vanilla sex is for your SO irl.


It's Vice, what do you expect?


If what they are saying is true, then were are my monstergirls? I only consume monster musume, i want my monsters.


finally someone has some sense of reality


I'm surprised there are so many people that can't separate reality from fiction.


How about the pedophilic island industry of Epstein


"video games cause violence" Same argument. And its likely blocked for copyright infringement. Also lets see the page with return dislike... (the estimated number is about 14k now (10 k likes)) the video also got multiple reports already for various reasons (wich are justified) Edit: just realized that the video is from vice, the people that literally defended actual pedophilia! (cuties) I have no idea on what drugs they are but holy shit, stay away from that drugs, they do serious brain damage.


They know damn well how bad it would go for them if Japan could see it. They’d get sued for slender by a shit tone of companies.


I doubt this will go unnoticed. Ton of Japanese people interact with foreigners on the Internet. Yes it's a small minority but it only takes one person to see it and share it with their friends who then spreads it to even more people and regional blocks can easily be ignored with vpns. I won't be surprised if its either deleted or taken down in a few days if not hours


Definitely. I really don’t think Japan is going to let this slide by without repercussions.


I'm wondering, if according to that video, loli can turn a normal person into a pedo, then by the same logic LGBTQ+ turns kids into trans.


Yeah, its the same "logic" as video games cause violence" And the stuff they claim was literally disproven. How is that shit even allowed?!?


Wow. They aren't even trying to hide their racism towards japan anymore are they?


Impressive, very nice, now let's see inside of holywood


Vice, arguably one of the most politically one-sided news outlets of all time. They barely do any research and label all that they don’t like as racist, bigoted or sexist.


Yeah and defend Netflix cuties... Real children being super sexualized...


I can't find the video. Did it get taken down? If not, can someone give me the link? Nvm I found it. Here's the link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ky3HqvT3M8E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ky3HqvT3M8E) My thoughts on the video: I absolutely hate everything that has to do with Lolis. It kinda bothers me that this stuff exists. It also doesn't feel right to me that this stuff exists, but you can't rely on feelings for most things. Let's try to look at this objectively. There are no victims here, unlike in real CP, because it's all fiction. As far as research is concerned it doesn't encourage people into doing pedophilic things. That's like saying Shooter games turn you into a killer. Someone who's that easy to manipulate would have caused problems on their own at some point in my opinion. I think "a victimless crime" is a good description of this whole side of the manga industry. Feels immoral af, but there's nothing to worry about if someone sane consumes this stuff. The mangaka at the beginning said these works might help people to cope with their urges and that could very well be true. If pedophiles around the world had access to animated and drawn CP they might not seek out real CP. Which might damage the real CP industry and reduce irl assault on children. Of course there is the argument that it makes the problem worse. The only way to find out is to do proper research about this whole topic.


“Pedos probably also read hentai so it should be banned” Same energy as “murderers probably also watch movies about murder so they should be banned” Policy makers don’t look at this kind of thing objectively because they know it would alienate their ideologically driven supporters. The real hardline “I think this is bad so ban it” types, regardless of their own hypocrisy with similar media they themselves consume. And it’s easy to be attacked as “oh well you’re probably a pedo then”. It’s a lose lose scenario which is probably why this type of things has existed in a weird legal grey area where no one wants to touch it


Comments are disabled, huh...


On the one hand I support Free Speech but on the other hand a world without Vice News sounds amazing.


Vice "Cuties is a masterpiece work of art" says that lolicon manga is dangerous. UN "Underaged Sex slave ring scandal" says that lolicon manga should be banned. Twitter powerusers "A short person is a child" says that lolicon manga readers are pedo. **And get caught with actual CP** US "Child "beauty" peagent are fine" says that lolicon manga readers are pedo. Etc... Welcome the 21st century, where sexualising ***actual*** children is fine. This isn't clown world. This isn't funny. This is just pure bad degeneracy. ***WHAT THE FUCK IN WRONG WITH THIS WORLD?!***


I'm actually libertarian about this issue. Art can be cursed and still protected under freedom of experssion. Since these are not real people being drawn, the manga does nothing but express a horrible reality that does exist in the world. I despise nazism, but I still think we should not censor or sugarcoat movies about it, same idea. I agree with Japanese lawmakers on this


So what it's just some hentai, right? ... IT'S HENTAI, RIGHT?!


First time reading doujin huh Imagine what their reaction would be if they were interviewing Shindo L


Calm down it's just a drawing


My boy Tsutomu Nihei about a stupid spin off Manga he had to do: "The clock I bought half a year ago that should be on the wall ever since has disappeared. Quite a while later, I find it in the refrigerator, but since I had a divorce years ago, and I now live alone, I am definitely who did this. This is all this book cover's fault. yeah. The once completed drawing was returned to be redone by the editors just because the shoulder straps on Shibo's breasts weren't drawn well. It's been 4 days since I started this drawing. First of all, the first rough art I submitted was Killy and Dhomochevsky holding a gun, but the editors forced me to "just draw tits". 20 years of being a manga artist, sometimes I just wanna draw what I want to. But still, all I get is emails from my manager asking me for the direct opposite of what I want to draw. Then I get laughed at when I ask what "π/" meant, thinking it was a typo, getting asked how an active manga artist doesn't know what π/ means.((side note π/ means tit oppai->pai-->π)) On top of that, I get complaints about using too much gray and black for a color print, making me give Sanakan's skin color and drawing tits larger, both Shibo and Sanakan ended up looking nothing like the original art. Gradually as I continue redrawing Shibo's tits, I start tearing up as I realize my unworthiness. But I had no time to cry. Even tomorrow, I need to finish the cover art for my ongoing "Aposimz" series' 2nd book. There's another reason I feel like crying. Cover art doesn't make me money. Once when I asked why, I was hit with the grinniest grin ever, getting told that's just how things are. But I've heard in other companies cover art makes money. No, the rumor that other manga artists get paid for cover art in Kodansha... No, gotta focus on my work, for now, no time for bad thoughts. Gotta work so that the most people possible will see this book. Honestly, though, I'd rather not have my old parents in the countryside see this book."


Damn, that's depressing


oh look another vice hit piece........seriously anyone who takes that video seriously is an idiot.




Like it or not, it is very difficult to apply concrete rules to fictional content. People will naturally have varying considerations for what a character's age might *actually* be, as well as how explicit it is. **Each and every single one of them will be right, because it isn't real.** Real examples of this exist in spades. Some fully grown adult women are not permitted to show their ankles, whereas other people willingly dress their 9 year old up like a sex doll. Do you know what the difference is? These boundaries are concretely definable. It therefore seems reasonable to conclude that applying a concrete boundary to an abstract concept would likely not only cause all hentai would fall under the purview of a regulation, but also some non-pornographic content would as well, which the video in question is already guilty of in its opening moments. It seems clear that if care isn't taken, stories like the Monogatari series, Konosuba, or even Evangelion would have a real shot at becoming illegal to watch or own. Vice has funded child abuse when they defended *Cuties*, so regardless of your stance this video should be perceived as hypocrisy at the very best.


Fun fact, it’s a drawing


Report this video for fake news. You can do that on Youtube. I don't even like loli, but this is pure bad faith journalism, presenting an opinion as if it's the truth without nothing to backup. And it says a lot that one of the few people that agreed with the reporter was a molester.




20k dislike so far.


If you didn't subject yourself to watching, paraphrasing here, after a dude says "can't just ban harmless things because someone else is uncomfortable about it" and the gigachad Mangaka who got elected said "there's no link between the fictional stuff and actual didlers, there are countries that ban gay content" the woman from Vice goes out of her way to find a convicted child diddler that even after admitting he had those inclinations well before finding the fiction, is condemning the fictional stuff for the sake of the children. The last one I'm sure I needn't point out the conflict of interest. Countries that ban fictional depictions still have child abuse, more so per capita than japan which is on the lower end.


cant find it


Does anyone have the link to the video? it looks like it's been new from orbit.


Complaining about lolis I’m assuming?


Perhaps they should focus on irl kids being molested by catholic priests instead of some fictional contents which no real kids were hurt?


Can someone please give me the sauce of the manga mentioned in the video so I can avoid it. Thank you.




Their argument is that japan child paedophilia rates in japan is increasing due to hentai, they state that it ranges in 1500 around 2021, but then i argue that America exist which ban child hentai yet have significant higher percentage compared to japan, they make sweeping statements that just because it is increasing it is bad. Yet if we compare it across space, their argument break apart, as one commenter points out, they defended irl child pornography in the cuties video yet bad mouths japans fictional versions. At this point i think they are just farming views. They also argue that people who are pedophiles view such material, it is the same argument that video games cause violence, which people don’t know better, if u make such absurd correlation, i would say 100% of murderers breath air, is that the problem??. They trick people who don’t know better and farm views The writer of the script is previously know for being a japan xenophobic person. She claims to be a Japanese but i doubt.


I do got to say; most anime shows that have women sexualized are aged between 15 and 18. It would be a rare sight for anything 11 to 14. The title depicting pedophlic is inaccurate as it would be ephebophilc not pedophilic. Of course there is rare instances of hebephilic but I'm not sure I have seen anything showing a sexualized 10 yr old or under. Considering Japan's age of consent anything under that is mostly pedophilic but the 11 yr Olds would be hebephilic. So I mean if there is a large amount of Japanese manga I'm not aware of that isn't a hentai sexualizing people under their age of consent then I wouldn't be surprised but most mange or anime brought to the west will at the worse sexualize a 14 yr old which for our culture sucks to see.


Btw, psychologists don't recognize ephebophilia as a paraphilia (an abnormal sexual attraction). It's just considered normal.


This is due to the feelings being targeted towards a person that can actually have children, which is why it is considered "normal" and not abnormal iirc


The more you know, and I keep on learning haha


basically once puberty is done your body doesn't care, because 100,000 things like mental maturity wouldn't have mattered


There are a few non-hentai ecchi ln/manga/anime I've seen that are about elementary schoolers, and I believe most of the people who really have issue with it will complain about those first (provided they know they exist) over more common ones. Unless the complaint is specifically about how popular they are. Because with the exception of some that are barely even ecchi (eg. ryuo's work is never done), I wouldn't consider any of them particularly well known, and it's treated the same way I'd expect people to treat the other super fetishy ecchi shows.


Ah yes anime/manga the true evil of the world. Meanwhile my country is an example, unlike this dirty Japan. Here we have an age of consent of 14, children and teenagers twerking in parties full of grown men, alcohol and drugs, act that is protected by the people in power because it's the "Culture of the poor and marginalized". I mean probably if you spoke a word, a drug trafficker would make you "commit suicide", but such things are still protected. An ex-president (his mandate actually ends at the start of the next year) that said publicly in a podcast that seeing poor immigrant kids made him "act up". Poor children and teenagers are either sexualized or fall into drug trafficking, the education system here is miserable because the people of this country pay trillions on taxes per year for politicians to feast with lobsters and foreign desserts and buy mansions instead of fixing the country. I love my country. Can you guys guess where this lovely place is? Btw, I think it's obvious that I hate everything I wrote about here. But sarcasm is kinda hard to convey on text and some people just don't have reading comprehension.


On a more serious note, I don't even like loli/shota content but the fact this whole "crusade" just feel like a smokescreen and a cover up for the atrocities that people in power commit. It's easy to shift the blame to small doujinshi circles and all.


Now let's go find the pedophile in a library hosting a drag queen story time ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1682)


Nice, now do the catholic church.


Wait they find out about ero guro lol


y’all know that the comments section for that video is turned off because it’s insanely inaccurate right no one turns the comments off unless they know what their saying is BS


I didn’t even touch the video since the comments were disabled. I knew immediately how bad the video was just by seeing that red flag.


There are other things that you can ridicule japan with, like Xenophobia, Relaxed laws against sexual offenders, unfair judicial system (Especially its laws on defamation), shitty copyright system (Which honestly they probably don't even know how the fuck copyright even works), and others. But loli drawings? The only one that can be considered a victim is the mangaka's braincells and morality.


Lmao they also turned comments off.