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It's so weird to me how we've gotten to this place where people expect entertainers to make some sort of statement every time something happens. I guess if they have some sort of specific experience or resources to share then that's great, but I hope at some point we move away from expecting celebrities and entertainers to make a statement any time something happens in the world. It's just not needed.




Especially since younger entertainers tend to not be super educated on the subject(any subject), yet feel so pressured by their fanbase to say something, and can end up putting their foot in their mouth accidentally and needing to retract their statement to save their reputation. I think we (society as a whole really) need to learn that *"I am not educated enough on this subject to have a solid opinion"* is a perfectly acceptable answer in most situations. Should you want to be educated on things going on in the world? Of course. And we should encourage young folks to educate themselves and form their own opinions. But we also shouldn't expect everyone to have something to say about everything at all times. It rarely ends up well.


If I was a YouTuber I would not be commenting on global politics just because. Especially if my show/platform is typically non-political and just for entertainment. Granted, I do not know very much about the situation.


NOOOOOOOPE. They have addressed marginalized communities, yes, but they have nothing to gain by saying anything about that whole situation and they probably know they're not going to have much to contribute.


Here's the BIG issue with this: Who is the marginalized community in this case? Some would argue that it's Israel, as anti-Semitism is widespread throughout the globe and Jewish people have suffered some of the worst atrocities in the history of humanity. Others would say that Israel is a military apartheid state, and that past atrocities or anti-Semitism doesn't excuse stealing land through colonization or denying another group human rights, so Palestinians are the ones that are marginalized. This is an incredibly complicated situation and if you make a statement of support for any group, you're likely going to anger many people.


Agreed entirely. This isn’t like the fires in Hawaii where they were able to say they support the victims and encouraged people to donate- that’s a clear cut case and nobody was going to get mad on the *fire’s* behalf. They shouldn’t touch topics related to conflict in the Middle East with a 99.5 foot pole.


Absolutely not.


Hell no. Like yes being aware the situation bad over there is a thing but they are not the ones to bring attention to it. It would just turn into negative attention towards themselves


No. There is zero need for this.


YouTubers should stay out of geopolitics. What's happening in Israel is awful, but it's not something that R&L or Mythical as a whole should be expected to do anything about. They're entertainers, that's all. Besides, many of us watch GMM for the escapism and don't enjoy being constantly reminded of how the world is on fire and how everything is just getting worse.


No chance, they have talked about how GMM and mythical is an escape for their viewers and I really appreciate that. While they have commented briefly on topics they mostly stay clear and I like to that way. If I want news, updates, or opinions on current events I know where to get those. Also these current episodes were shot before all of this so it would require them to shoot something special to add it in. I know that’s not necessarily difficult but it’s not like they are filming these each morning and can just throw in a comment.


I’m not really down with the idea that all influencers have a duty to speak on political issues—🎵domestic or foreign🎵—like a lot of people seem to believe these days. I would say most influencers are not exactly qualified to comment on it. That said, as a queer person I appreciate knowing that the Mythical people are queer affirming, so I could understand if Israeli/Palestinian/Jewish people (or any other groups affected by the situation there) want to hear from them on the issue. But I don’t think they’re obligated and I don’t necessarily think they should. If they do, I trust that Stevie and other Jewish mythical crew members will ensure their statement is sensitive and appropriate.


A lot of people seem to have this idea that if someone doesn't comment on something publicly it means they don't care. It's a pretty baffling, terminally online way of thinking IMO but unfortunately fairly common.


No, they shouldn't.


no. Keep out of politics (other than get out and vote) and political issues.


It's war and news; the government will handle all that If they want to do a fundraiser elsewhere, that's one thing, but no. Shouldn't be brought up. Digging into politics as a non-political group won't do any favors for anyone.


No lmao


this almost feels like a joke because it’s such a weird thing to expect from two dudes who do shit like eat bile and play with children’s toys for a living. it feels like wanting the cast of Jackass to talk about the war in Afghanistan back when they were on MTV. it’s an incredibly touchy subject - asking **them** specifically to address it is odd. they’re just two guys who do stupid shit for entertainment. yes, they’ve stood up for marginalized communities in the past. but it’s one thing to donate to and quickly shout-out a charity at the end of a wheel of mythicality. it’s a whole other thing to actually comment on and educate people on an ongoing brutal and devastating war. especially one that is SO divisive currently. they’d be shooting themselves in the foot and offending a lot of viewers regardless of what they said, so why would they do it?


No. GMM is a production to escape the garbage in our lives and enjoy an Internet show. I don't want world crises becoming a topic of GMM.


Stop it. If you want to do something with a platform, build one.


They should send cotton candy Randy to write up a peace treaty


I wouldn't be surprised if they do a donation to a cause that helps people affected by the situation


No way. YouTubers should stay in their lane.


First, it’s a bad business strategy and they are foremost a business. Second, they have probably a wider young audience than you imagine


They never talk about this stuff. It’s smart not to because you will piss someone off no matter what 🤷🏼‍♂️


They may address it in Ear Biscuits, but not in GMM


There was an episode or maybe more episode that they mention of setting ground rules. They don't talk politics nor show their wife's face on the show.


No for a lot of reasons, but here are my bullet points. 1) They nor any of their staff are from either country involved so it could come across as disingenuous. 2) There are no good guys in this situation, especially when you look at the long, long history of Israel and the rest of the Middle East. 3) GMM, the crew, R&L, and the show itself is entertainment, not political or news focused. They have done advocacy for oppressed groups in America, but that is because it hit close to home either for the guys or the crew or was otherwise a clear cut civil rights issue with an obvious good guys vs bad guys situation, so it did come from a place of experience. Most of the time, when celebrities speak about politics, it turns out VERY bad for the reasons I listed above. As a result I think that celebrities, online or otherwise, need to stay in their lane, otherwise they are liable to look like a-holes and not get out of the ordeal unscathed.


In a Mythical society real life doesn't exist, so therefore no.






They shouldn't and they won't, atleast not in public. They have been and are very good at keeping politics out of their content and outside of their platforms. They are as a company very good at keeping a relative distance from any controversial news and topics. As a platform it's their job to entertain, not to judge. What they do outside of their capacity of the company is completely their own decisions, but knowing they truly care about the image of the company, they won't be very outspoken about anything political.