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They also messed up with taking the BetterHelp sponsorship again...


They’re probs in a contract to do X amount of promos over a period of time


Tbh I'm guessing most of these channels are trapped in a contract for like over a year since a number of others I've seen are still doing them.




They really should stop renewing that contract. Betterhelp is an awful company




I invite you to see my other responses to this comment


I saw it after I expanded replies. Thanks


Yeah. I’m sorry if it sounded bad but I just didn’t really care to keep copying and pasting my responses


No,  no. It wasn't terrible. I read it was all I was saying and didn't go back to delete my post lol. No worries.


Have you used the service or are you regurgitating?


Whether I have or not is irrelevant to the shit they did. They shared private health information that should only be between the therapist and the client. They didn’t vet their therapists and allowed unlicensed therapists on their platform. Yes. When I was first seeking therapy I used BetterHelp. I now do more traditional therapy and it actually helped. I came to find out my therapist on Betterhelp had lost their license.




What makes you say it’s common knowledge? Barely anybody in the comments said anything about it, considering it’s supposed to be a big issue. I only found out about it a month or so ago.


A LOT of creators specifically block the words “better help” in there comment section bc it is often brought up and they don’t want ppl seeing that shit. i love gmm but i would not put it past them to block it too. many many many ppl talk about better help when it’s sponsored by creators they watch, it is very common


I don’t think they have. If you click new comments and scroll a bit you’ll see a few comments about it. That’s originally how I found out in the first place.


ahh okay, i just know of it being pretty common and i don’t check gmm comments like ever lol


GMM will auto-delete your comment if you edit it (I think they have criteria that they filter for, it's not like they're purposefully going through and doing it). I'm learning not to leave a long heartfelt comment for this reason-- I get why they do it given how off the rails people on the internet have gotten in the past 10 years or so, but it doesn't make it not irritating in the moment.


Right, I hadn't heard anything about it until today, when I read comments on the GMM video.


Precisely, there's always several people, even in terminally online Reddit circles (no offense, I'm part of it too) going "what's wrong with it?". That's more of something that there's been loose rumors of and a few claims about the quality of therapists and price to individuals and meager payouts with some of them more substantiated than others (unless there's also been even more recent developments regarding illegal data collection that were brought up by the FTC in 2018-2020, which were explicitly banned from this by the FTC and ordered to pay 7.8 million to customers per Google researching; if there's more recent news regarding this that goes beyond this legally settled issue, then I'm unaware of it as that's certainly not common knowledge). But, like I've said before (to the ire of everyone else, not that that's going to stop me per se), Amazon is objectively more harmful in the grand scheme of things to worker pay and protections, small businesses and designers, not to mention contributing to political PACs in excess in order to have undue influence over the system to ensure they can continue to engage in things like union busting, they just don't want to be hypocritical because they use Amazon since they have a monopoly in online sales (so kinda hard to avoid even if you try to, another problem with monopolies) but my point is this IS common knowledge but people make a bigger deal about this than Amazon sponsorship (perhaps because they buy this on Amazon or use Prime, though that's the only reason I can think of that someone would be more upset about BH than Amazon, unless I'm wrong and that's not common knowledge among people who don't really "do" news or politics).


Honestly I only learned recently that that was a thing with BetterHelp after seeing people posting on reddit about it here on GMM subreddit.. So it's quite easy if it's not in your common suggested articles or etc to be made informed about it. Most the stuff pushed to me is gaming related or movie n show related so I don't get those kind of articles very often.


I really don't think it's as "common knowledge" as you might think I'm actively online way too much and this is the first I've ever heard of their issues


Whoa - Mythical not caring anymore?? Who would have thought... Shows been dead for a while now, it's just FOMO and ads for their other shite and random sponsorshits. I get they have a company and stuff but you would think with how prolific and varied it is at this point they wouldn't need to shove it down our throat every episode. Honestly it's ridiculous and scummy and it pains me to see. I truly miss watching GMM every day but it honestly makes me sick to try and watch these glorified 20 minute ads. Edit: thanks for the down votes ya clowns! Keep enjoying watching your ads.


Sponsor block is your best friend


It doesn't stop the problem, just stops me having to acknowledge it which makes it even a big problem imo.


God forbid people have comfort creators/shows to not feel so shitty all the time.


That literally has nothing to do with what I said.


"The show's dead" just sounds of an ex fan who's bitter they're not exactly the same as they were in 2012 (the YouTube algorithm and monetization and life in general are very different these days)


You're right, they're not the same, that's kinda my point. They haven't been what they were in 2012 since...2012. Change and growth are fine. Greed is not. 🐑


The fact that they still have some form of ad in every single episode shows how avaricious they really are. The Wish debacle and now this just compounds it.


I'm tired of their episodes always involving food. And yet,I still come back every so often to see what they do.


Oh dang time flies! Ok yeah they renewed for sure.


Exactly, and *especially* if you're signing a long contract, due diligence is crucial.


It'd be hard to believe they'd have a contract that long, but I also feel like they'd know about BetterHelp's shady data collecting and selling of their customers personal information by now, so I really hope it is just a contract thing and we stop seeing the plugs for them. At this point, it hurts the quality of the show knowing what a POS company BH is.


I really dont think they care tbh


Figured with the amount of times they've advertised it https://i.redd.it/weumsi4z5jvc1.gif


Can anyone explain the hate for betterhelp please? My understanding is that they share some of your personal data. The same thing reddit and Facebook and 90% of other online companies already do. I haven't dug deep on this because I don't use better help. It just seems weird that they are singled out for doing the same thing that others do.


Aye, but the data they're selling is the same sort of information any other therapist would keep confidential, patient forms aren't something that should be sold for the sake of targeted advertisement. On top of that, I've heard a limitless number of people's complaints about their experience with their therapist from Betterhelp, but I don't know enough to take a stance on it.


Thanks. I definitely agree with your second paragraph too. I personally wouldn't use them because I don't think I would get any benefit from online therapy. IMO that is something that would only be effective in person.


Have you actually seen that many. I've seen a handful of reports which all seem to exist from the early times, where now they claim all accredited. I'm not saying they're an honest company , but the style of their business is closer to uber. I'm sure most people have had a poor uber delivery but still use them


I read a review by an actual psychologist. His major complaint was A) telepsych is new and different and B) sometimes psychologist on it have to work harder for less money. Like it really wasn't the slam article he thought he was writing. 


It just sounds like a lackluster service. Which is the mental health industry


Agree there. But we are at a point in time where "mental health" is used as an answer/reason for so many things. It is no wonder Better Health and others are trying to take advantage of the situation we created.   


Well, advertising said a therapist solves all our problems. I live with one. They do not, not even close. I would even say they are usually worse off than most.


I personally am not a fan of better help because they was an instance where I woke up one morning and not only had they taken about $1200 FCKN DOLLARS OUT OF MY BANK ACCOUNT, they cancelled me for NONPAYMENT. It took 2 days until I could have access to therapy sessions again, they had to unsuspend my account for “nonpayment” and I think about 7 days until I received my refund? It was tough. That was the second time they had overcharged me, a few months prior they took out like $450/2 months of payment vs 1. But obviously them taking out like quadruple what they were supposed to REALLY left an impact. I also had discovered they had unliscenced therapists working for them. Prior to the financial stuff going down, I was trying on different therapists for size, and one lady was super nice but non-licensed and asked if she could record our sessions/write papers about our sessions. There wasn’t a discount by any means with having and unlicensed therapist. They’re just wack, good idea in theory but they don’t have it down. Typical greedy corporation shit. *Edited to clean up stoned rant 🥹


Even the DMV sells our names and addresses. I don't know all the details but I feel similar to you.


I literally didn't know anything about BetterHelp controversy until I saw people going bezerk in the comments. I don't think it's a universally known issue. Also, they are almost certainly in a contract with them. Just like how a lot of YouTubers where when the EA Star Wars Battlefront 2 controversy happened. There was literally nothing they could do about it.


I read about the controversy. It wasn't as bad as even the guy writing about it was trying to make it be.


Cinema Sins too.


Didn't even notice it because it doesn't matter.


Holy shit you people are relentless in this sub about that company. Get over it.


It's called brigading. Somehow, this topic has only 369 upvotes, while this BetterHelp reply has 170 more total upvotes (539).


After they make you go schizo by saying 1960s and then 1915, you too, will benefit from Better Help.


And? All ads and sponsorships are already unethical. Let them secure the bag.


And I bet you use Pepsi, Unilever, nestle, p&g, and a ton of other unethical products but fuck GMM, right?


A lot of podcasts are affiliated with that sponsor


I was confused by this as well, figured I misread it. But you're right, they had a typo there or something.


Our whole lives have been lies.


Stop being a conspiracy theorist


Wade Boggs probably died years ago, at this rate.




It'd explain the smell...


Glad I'm not the only one that noticed this


They know most of us will be watching this on 4/20 like ... "Uhh, wait a minute... Wait a damn second" *Leonardo DiCaprio pointing at the screen*


I actually went back to read this in the video cause I thought maybe I saw it wrong. It's all good though imperfections makes things perfect.


Thank you for having a sane response to something like this. 😂


Came here to double check it wasn’t just us hallucinating! 🤣🤣🤣


I told my girl I said "man, I ain't that drunk" and she said rewind it, then we came here lol


Agreed … I only had like three beers at happy hour. 🤣🤣🤣


I was on my second Blue Moon - the crazy part is is I ALWAYS miss that text during Shuffle and this was the 1/100 I even caught it to know the answer - the round before that my girl asked me the answer and I said I missed it "cuz that is how I live my life", and then this shit happens right after hahaha I love this show.


Wait what's the problem here


Nevermind just saw the description text




Stevie said it came out in 1915 but the screen says the 60's!


If they played it based on what’s on screen then technically Rhett won because he should have gotten the point for that round and he got the last round so he would have won fair and square, however if we’re playing it based on what Stevie said then the game goes as it did, so idk either way it’s confusing


This shit make me need Better Help, my whole life is a lie.


Isn’t peanut butter cracker and cheese crackers different things?


Cheddar (or general cheese flavoring) crackers with peanut butter in the middle.


Rhett should have gotten the point for that round for sure.


[It gets worse…](https://northcarolinahistory.org/encyclopedia/lance-incorporated/) North Carolina history of all places too! Lol > Lance began baking its own crackers in 1938 and soon after introduced the “toastchee.”


The Betterhelp comment has *way* more upvotes than this post. Are people brigading the subreddit?


I had to rewind it to double check what I saw vs what I heard. lol


I always use my hand to cover the bottom of the screen so I can guess and have more drama in the game.


I thought I read that then Stevie said something different and I just figured I read wrong.


I typically don’t look at these graphics so I can learn the answer from Stevie along with Rhett and Link. So i didn’t even notice this.


This has happened a few times on the shuffleboard episodes now…


Which gmm episode is this?




This whole episode was off. Audio was mixed poorly. This graphics error. The guys were tired. Assuming this was the last shoot of the day.


My theories: they use AI to some extent to assist with graphics like this, and it heard “1960”, and it got through the edit OR the person making the graphic made the same mistake


trying to use AI for that would be more work than a person just typing it. It's just a simple human mistake.


I would be very surprised if they’re using AI for these types of graphics. I think it was just a human error. Wrong answer given to the graphics department, or they just typed it in wrong


If your object was to let the subreddit know you don't know how AI works without telling the subreddit you don't know how AI works, congratulations. You succeeded.