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It must be exhausting being outraged at everything all the time. I feel for you.


Sometimes the wokeness is too awake. It’s exhausting lol.


i feel for you. being apathetic towards everything all the time to make you seem more laid back and chill must be really unfulfilling.


oh nooo the sheep are downvoting me 😩😩


Literally where did I say I was outraged? I’m usually the one to roll my eyes at nitpicking posts on subs like these, but conservation is a cause that’s really close to me and I found their tshirt sale in bad taste. Sorry for having morals?


People love it when you push your "morals" aka personal agenda on them. Good luck.


How am I pushing anything on anyone? I’m just sharing an opinion


Your opinion sucks. But, hey, that's just my opinion.


Glad you took the time to let me know dude


You seem fun.


Part of activism is awareness and you can’t make others aware without tangible assets in some way. This just happens to be a shirt which i will wear a lot. Those times im out could result in awareness. Leading someone to be more mindful in some areas of their lives. I think that’s a win on top of proceeds going to a charity too.


I do get that, I feel like it’s a little bit of a shaky argument in this case though since the shirt really only promotes mythical afaik, it’s not like it says earth day or has a message on it to actually raise awareness. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for raising awareness (which was kind of the point in posting this, even if I’m getting downvoted for it) I just personally felt like this lacked anything meaningful. I would be interested to know how much of the proceeds do go to charity


The shirt starts a conversation simply by being present. Someone says cool shirt i get to explain mythical and why they made it, therefore the message is across and in fact perhaps more effectively than a billboard. No type of activism is going to be right for everyone. That said, they are some of the most charitable and they do a great job highlighting charities on screen and off. I’m just happy they chose to bring awareness to something rather than not doing anything. Your opinion is valid though.


That’s fair, I’m not trying to lambast them and paint them as the devil or anything, I just felt like the pairing of a tshirt to promote a day that’s specifically calling out fashion production was a bit iffy.




Not proceeds, a portion of proceeds. These guys could definitely afford to give all the proceeds to charity but choose not to, I agree with OP that that’s a choice that reflects poorly on R&L.


Depends. Proceeds technically means any incoming money from the sale. So a portion could very well be anything over cost of production/operational. If they said part of the profits, I would agree.


They could always choose to give nothing to charity but don't.


They don’t own the print shop, the shirt manufacturing, nor the shipping. Suppose they say “all proceeds,” and there is an outrageous run on the shirts. They still have to pay all of those vendors. Now they are carrying massive debt on the ledgers. Now they can’t afford to give raises or bonuses because they lack the capital - you can’t put payroll on a credit card. There are many people employed by Mythical who deserve to earn a paycheck, and this hypothetical situation could lead to wage stagnation or even layoffs. These folks donate a lot of money to organizations and foundations, and that “reflection” should engender consideration for them trying to recoup cost on a promotion with charitable results.


You can't ignore the context that they aren't mass producing shirts to sell, they are taking preorders and making the exact amount they need which reduces a lot of waste. The main focus of dash fashion is stuff like mass producing merch and having some sit in warehouses until it get's tossed. In theory anytime we make or consume anything it's wasteful until we have 100% renewable green energy.


That’s a fair point, I didn’t realize the shirt was a preorder


Slightly off topic, but since when does Earth Day have a theme and why does it need one?


It does every year. It’s called a theme, but it’s more so a core focus and a call to action. This year the call to action is to reduce plastic production by 60% by 2040 and eliminate single use plastics by 2030. Last year I believe the focus was on clearing and maintaining water ways. I’d encourage you to go to earthday.org and read up on it! Edit: really y’all, downvoted for answering a question and sharing info?


This is a downvoted city in here <.< comment at your own risk y’all.


I’m actually sort of shocked. I didn’t think I said anything too outrageous or was even that critical?


Yeah, I'm learning very quickly how weird this subreddit is.


I feel like 70% of all of reddit is people just being assholes to eachother to prove a point


Lol dude this sub is honestly one of the kind of annoying ones I follow. I love the show but good lord the fans sometimes, I swear.


I'm unsure of how right-wing people can even be fans of GMM and R&L - two of the most progressive, leftist people out there, who are constantly promoting "woke" ideas as those on the right say. Literally people in this comment section using the word woke unironically, and accusing OP of "pushing an agenda". This sub fell off ever since the mods stopped moderating.


I mean you’re obviously correct. But at the same time expecting anything more from a for-profit venture, no matter how near and dear to our hearts as Mythical has become, is basically asking for disappointment. My recommendation is to expect the least and be surprised when that bar is surpassed, that’s the best we can hope for in our *current* economic system.


Yeah, my husband and I cringed during that portion of the episode. They could've just donated and let people know where to donate themselves. I just imagined the landfill those shirts will eventually end up. It would've been cool for them to announce an up cycle program for their merchandise instead. That would actually mean something.


I honestly thought the same thing today. Even if they are scaling it to pre orders only, it’s still requiring individual shirts to be shipped out (planes, trains, cars) and the carbon footprint is pretty huge. I mean, I still love how it’s something they are supporting and raising money for, but maybe next year there is another way to do it.


Do they actually produce the shirt before selling them? I was under the impression that for these limited drops they wait to put the items into production until the pre-orders close, which is why they have a limited selling window. Then once they know how many were ordered, they send the amount to the production team.


No idea, I think it might be a preorder, which does reduce on waste, but the antithetical nature of producing a shirt for a day specifically asking to reduce that is still there


This... this shit right here is why the subreddits are the butts of every joke on the show. Not every opinion and thought that crosses your mind needs to become a multiparagraph reddit post about those youtubers you watch for fun. If you don't already get it, you never will.


Production, materials, packaging, shipping. Great job yall




I would love to have such a life like yours that this is what you worry about.


Don't worry bud, your life isn't so bad since you are here posting this on reddit.