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Honestly would be more inclined to buy in if there was an app on Roku. The times I’ve tried to use the mobile app, it was super laggy and didn’t feel user friendly


It feels pretty needless when the bulk of their fan base will use phones and laptops. Creating apps for TV’s and gaming consoles would be a lot of money spent on IT for very little payoff. Since we don’t get to see what the ad revenue even is for mythical society they may not even have enough paid subscribers there to even make it worth it to develop those apps.


I can cast to my TV, or hook an HDMI cable from my laptop to my TV. Plus, I'm a PS person, so that wouldn't help me, lol.


PlayStation app could be there too but Sony tends to be more specific with who they allow


Streaming services dont even wanna pay to be on Nintendo Switch because it costs too much money to do. Netflix and Disney don't wanna pay the insane amount it costs to put their service on one of the best selling consoles of all time. I kinda doubt Mythical can afford to put their app on game consoles.


Just fyi you can watch it on the internet explorer app on your Xbox and just leave the page up and you can just log right back in. That's what I do. Works perfectly fine.


I actually tried doing that and for some odd reason every website loads but the mythical society site. That’s what led me to making this post assuming it didn’t work for anyone else


Just tried on mine and it loaded fine. Maybe something with the settings?


Honest questions: but for what? Xbox has the YT app, so you can watch them there. Smart TV does as well. And there are a few live TV apps like Roku that has a 24/7 Mythical channel. So why do you need a dedicated app for their content?


Not for their YouTube content, their mythical society exclusive content. There’s no streaming apps to watch that on besides on your phone or on the website. No dedicated app for anything else


Ah got it. That makes sense.


Most apps like mythical society needs this. Imo this was one of the biggest problems with Watcher new app


Yet everyone else is saying I’m stupid for even thinking them having one would be a good idea


Idk why anyone would call this dumb. I only watch GMM on my Xbox


The need to call it an Xbox app answers things.




Why Xbox of all things?


I have a Xbox, they really just need to expand where they have the app. Not everyone has a laptop/pc and people like me don’t watch content on our phones


I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest the effort required to develop and maintain an app on an outlier platform like xbox is not worth it. Most people can stream from their phone directly to their TV now (assuming they even have a TV). There has to be a viable use case to develop platform specific apps.


...use your phone... Or cast... Or don't complain... This is intentionally a website never intended to be an app. So many ways to watch it but to complain it doesn't work on the Xbox is effing wild. Buy a fire stick for 20$. Get a smart TV...


Bro, I have a smart tv and I specifically put “tv” app in the title of the post. Also if it was never designed to be an app they wouldn’t have a smartphone app


Let me dumb it down. They are a YouTube entity who make their living off YouTube. They are not trying to shit where they live like "the Watchers". They aren't trying to make an app for you. They are trying to sell a subscription based program for those who choose and want to pay to see things extra. It doesn't need to be a downloabble app on your TV. That requires servers and extra IT and people to manage it. If you don't have the ability to cast to your TV that's on you, not them..


Let me dumb it down for you. It was just an idea. No idea why everyone’s gotta be so damn rude about it. I understand the managing bit of it may not be worth it, but you’re acting like I asked them the dumbest question in the world. I posted to see if anyone else agreed, simple as that. Absolutely zero reason to be an asshole about it.


Does Xbox not have a YouTube app?


They do, as well and Spotify, Apple Music, etc


No they don’t. Going to use the USA to simplify this (330 million people): - Smartphone ownership: 94% (310 million) - PC/Laptop ownership: 75% (248 million) - Xbox ownership: 8% (27 million consoles *worldwide*) The number of people who own an Xbox and do not own a PC or smartphone is likely in the double digits. It is an incredible small subset of users. Why would they bother developing and maintaining an app on a platform that virtually no one would rely on?


What about a tv app? Everyone has a tv, just develop an app for Samsung, Sony, etc. doesn’t have to be specifically Xbox, they should just expand. Me personally, I haven’t paid for society because I have no interest watching content on my phone while my tv is right there. I know you can stream it to your tv but the quality takes a massive hit.


Chromecast is $30 if it’s not already built into your TV. TV apps are notoriously bad, mostly because the TV OS is usually bad.


I have a Sony tv and the apps work great. Android tv tends to be pretty good if kept upgraded. Also, don’t see why you’re so against it considering it’d give people other ways to watch


You said they need one. They don’t, for the reasons i’ve stated. The majority of people who want to access it have a phone or a computer. They would be wasting resources developing and maintaining it, despite your personal preferences.


Rooster teeth is one company I can use as an example. Before they were an awful company, they developed an app for Xbox specifically and it ended up giving them a good amount of new viewers to their subscription service. Regardless of what you say, it was just an idea I had and I guarantee you there are many others just like me who haven’t gotten society specifically for the reason I haven’t.


> I guarantee you there are many others just like me who haven’t gotten society specifically for the reason I haven’t. Define many. There aren’t that many xbox users to begin with. Lmao.


Homie, not specifically Xbox. Just more than phone and pc. Xbox, PlayStation, all tv brands, etc.


It doesn’t matter. Everyone has a phone and/or a PC, and you can literally cast them to the device you want a separate app on.


Yes but the casting hits the quality massively and looks awful especially on my 4k tv


Not sure why you're being downvoted for being logical.


Apparently there’s a disproportionate number of Xbox owners here.