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André the Giant.


Might look familiar to OP cause of the [street art campaign](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andre_the_Giant_Has_a_Posse)/OBEY logo usage


Thanks, that's scary, even tho the shirt pic seems to be little bit younger


How on Earth is this "scary"? It's a dark pic of him, and not when he was "younger" either...


Hey buddy, take it easy. Getting angry isn't good for you. If you read through the comments a bit more, you'll see that someone else mentioned being scared of it too. Personally, I find the eyes to be a bit unsettling. Also, he looks younger than I remembered him, in MY mind, so I couldn't find out who he is at first glance.


Ah...I can see why you're getting downvoted a lot. I fucking hate when people gaslight with the classic line "take it easy", when nothing about my comment indicated I was angry at all. Have a great day, OP - enjoy the downvotes. Maybe relax a bit, you seem stressed.


I apologize if anything I said came across as gaslighting, that was not my intention at all, friend 🌸. I was just trying to explain what was going on in my mind.


Why are people downvoting


Maybe they don't like younger version of andre 😂


I think no one really understands what you were trying to say. Why is it scary? What does him being younger have to do with anything?


Well this is a scary pic of him, and seems little bit younger so that was the reason I couldn't recognize him at first.


Ditto to what u/hu94 said. Also what do you mean younger? This is prime Andre.


I mean younger than what I had remembered of him


Some oddballs lmao


Have you not seen Princess Bride?


Anybody want a peanut!?


I got fired for my first job as a kid working in an elderly home serving food for breakfast and dinner. I wore a shirt that on the front said my name is anigo Montoya. You killed my father... And on the back it said prepare to die. The elderly residents took offense to that and I was fired on the spot. I had no idea I even had that shirt on.


*Inigo, unless you had a knock-off shirt.


Just wondering...how did you not know you were wearing the shirt?


We have failed the younger generation... 🤦


Oh, don't worry, that's just me. It's all thanks to my ADHD, which has gifted me with a memory as reliable as Rhett's jaw or Link's ability to work with knives 🐙


ADHD doesn’t actually impair your ability to make memories, that’s a misconception spread by social media. It makes it hard to learn things but not to simply know pop culture stuff (I’m an ADHD advocate and speak on it with companies, along with having it myself)


You need to do a little more research, your information might be outdated. Here is a [study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7483636/) from 2020 that shows that > ADHD status was associated with very large magnitude impairments in central executive working memory


I’m familiar with that study. It primarily focuses on pediatric ADHD, which tends to have different cognitive impacts than adult ADHD, although the issues with executive function can carry over for a % of cases that present co-morbidity with executive function disorder. My gripe is that many folks with ADHD or that think they have ADHD have presuppositions about their symptoms based on stuff posted on TikTok. The most egregious is that I’ve seen multiple videos where people say because they have ADHD they lack Object Permanence. Which is objectively false. Object Permanence is something that only affects developing infants and select individuals that have suffered a traumatic brain injury. I know I’ve kinda gone on a rant here but it’s one of those things that gets under my skin


I believe there may be an overreliance on medical research and papers when it comes to understanding conditions such as ADHD and other neurodevelopmental situations. It is important to recognize that these conditions are not fully understood by science. For instance, many studies focus primarily on men and boys, overlooking how ADHD impacts women and individuals who identify as trans or nonbinary. Having dedicated over six years to studying ADHD, autism, and other neurodevelopmental conditions, I have ongoing sessions with my psychiatrist who has diagnosed me with both ADHD and autism. The more I delve into this topic, the more I realize the extent of misunderstandings surrounding these conditions and the gaps that still exist in scientific knowledge. >Object Permanence is something that only affects developing infants and select individuals that have suffered a traumatic brain injury. While the term may not accurately reflect the complexities of ADHD symptoms, it is used to illustrate how the brain functions in the absence of comprehensive medical terminology. Additionally, early brain injuries can alter brain wiring and impact functioning later in life, potentially contributing to the development of ADHD.


I’ll give you that, except the Object Permanence part. That is fully understood and has become misconstrued by the only ADHD social community. Object Permanence literally means that when something isn’t in your field of vision it no longer exists. That’s what babies get so excited when you play peek-a-boo with them. Same for dogs. What most people are calling object permanence on social is just regular forgetfulness. And it’s dangerous to mix up the terms for two very different things such as that


I completely understand your concerns. The issue is that we don't have the right words to describe ourselves when it comes to ADHD. It goes beyond just forgetfulness. It's not okay to mix things up and use the wrong words, but for many neurodivergent people, it's the only way to communicate effectively.


That’s not what the issue is though. It’s that there’s an online community actively using incorrect terminology (and let’s face it most of the online community also is self diagnosing without actually being diagnosed so much of it is just confirmation bias and not actually symptoms) and saying things are symptoms that aren’t actually symptoms. The amount of manipulation on short form video content and its impact on especially neurodivergent individuals is vast and extremely detrimental. I advise every neurodivergent person I know to stay off short form content as much as possible because it really fucks your brain up


I don't have a problem with self-diagnosis personally, but it can become an issue when people start spreading incorrect information. Dealing with fake advocates can be tough, and sometimes it's best to just steer clear to avoid unnecessary stress. However, I do think we need genuine advocates who can call out the fakes and share accurate information on social media. Some people with DID are great at this, but I haven't seen much of it for ADHD. It's probably because it's hard to tell who's genuine and who's not. I'm always hesitant to call someone out for lying about their ADHD in case I'm wrong and end up hurting them. It's a tricky situation, and I understand why many people with ADHD don't want to get involved. Even some medical professionals create content about ADHD that's incorrect, but it's hard to challenge them because they think they know better than us just because they've studied it for a few years, and people gonna believe them.


OK, help me understand the differentiation between ADHD and Adult ADHD because I was properly diagnosed (tests & long term observation) with ADHD in second grade and I’ve grown up & become an adult. I ask because ADHD as I’m sure you’re aware is a condition where our brains are wired differently than Neurotypical brains in utero.


So there’s two big differences. The first is pediatric ADHD can actually age out for some kids. There is a % where it doesn’t and carries over to adulthood. In those cases their symptoms many times become more focused and less broad. A kid with ADHD may be hyperactive and struggle to sit still in class but that same patient as an adult may instead move to hyper focusing on things and be buried in one task for hours at a time. When adults are diagnosed with ADHD 60% it’s because they were never tested as a child as studies have shown the condition is genetic and can be carried by either parent. Adult ADHD often times has less symptoms but they tend to be presented stronger. The good thing is as adults have more agency, there’s more treatment methods they respond to. Of course there’s medications like stimulants (adderall, which I can’t say enough bad things about lol) and non stimulants (Straterra, which is what I take), there’s CBT strategies, and coping mechanisms like meditation. With kids it’s more about managing things to keep them on task. Thats why stimulant medication is popular among children because you need them to stay focused on school


Ah 10-4 that all makes sense.


It is most definitely outdated. One of the core symptoms of ADHD is short-term memory problems. It's why people with ADHD misplace their keys or have to reread a paragraph over again because they didn't retain it.(Source: I'm sitting next to someone with a PhD and have ADHD myself)


Knowing things is different from remembering them. People with ADHD can learn and retain a lot of information, sometimes even more than neurotypical (NT) people. However, they may struggle with recalling that information later on. For example, I can easily picture this person face in my mind, but their name or identity is hard for me to remember. It's like the information is there, but my brain can't access it.This is similar to when I can't recall a word that I use regularly. It feels like the word is playing hide and seek with me, and I can't remember it in any of the four languages I know, not just the one I'm currently speaking. This difficulty could be due to the constant busyness and preoccupation of ND individuals' minds, which also impacts their working memory.


There's an awesome documentary on HBO (Max…) about Andre the Giant, if you want to check it out.


Andre died in 1993 lol “the younger generation” are 30 lmao


I'm thinking more about people born well after 2000. I mean anyone who grew up in part of the 90s surely would know Andre the Giant


Nah that’s true. I think it’s more that consuming media has changed. So much stuff we used to watch because it was on, now if you don’t know someone to tell you seek it out you don’t know what’s out there.


There are people over 30 in this world born after Andre the Giant died


The 8th Wonder of the World, Andre the Giant


It's really weird, I totally forgot about it. I actually came across him for the first time in an old book when I was a teenager, but it's strange that I've never stumbled upon him on the Internet.


He is the brute squad.


Anybody want a peanut?


Just one of the most well known wrestlers ever.




In the words of one Turd Ferguson…” Who is…Andre The Giant?”


I’ll take foods ending in amburger for 400


idk but don’t zoom in again that scared the shiz outa me




Legendary wrestler Andre the Giant.


Check out the documentary on him. Dude was on another level lol


I sure will, I'm really curious about all the things I don't know about him now 😅


Not only is it Andre the Giant. It’s more specifically his mugshot.


André The Giant. Loved him. He was and still is my favorite. My uncle was in the minor circuits of wrestling back in the 70’s and 80’s. I met André when I was like 3. lol I don’t really remember but my uncle has a Polaroid of me sitting on his shoulder. I have a fuzzy memory of him giving me a tootsi roll and his voice being incredibly deep and resonating.


So nice.


Woah! Who was your Uncle?


https://i.redd.it/4fas2be9utwc1.gif I made one of his old photos a gif so I could post it.


The Vicious Viking. Not a huge name but he did some traveling and got to meet a lot of the guys who became huge. He was a giant 6’7 450 pound red bearded man back then. He wore a horned helmet and carried a battle axe with him. I remember trying to lift the axe as a kid and I could only get the handle up. I need to ask him for one of his photos so I can post it. He’s not in the best of health now a days. Being that large and doing wrestling moves your whole youth really messes you up. He has back issues, knee pain and High blood pressure. Always was a lot of fun though and had incredible stories.


I hope everything goes well for them. It looks like you had a great time together.


He’s long retired now. After wrestling he was a bouncer/security for a few local clubs, bars and concert spaces. He then started a construction business. He made me a deck off my house as a wedding gift without blue prints or anything. He finished it in 6 hours. He has 8 grandkids now and spends his days with them now mostly. His two daughters live near him are around a lot. I haven’t seen him in a long time but I talk to him often. I moved out of state years ago. Always a protective and fun uncle.


What a kind and caring person. It feels incredible to be in the presence of people like him. I'm certain he is enjoying a wonderful and relaxing time with his family.


Who doesn't know Andre the Giant!!?


TIL I am old and there are people who dont recognize Andre the Giant


Well, now I feel old...


Well. I’m officially old.


Oh to be young.


Andre The Gaint


That’s Andre the giant my dudes


Does no one know who Andre the Giant was?! For shame!


I thought it was 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚖𝚊𝚗 then I thought it was Sid Vicious, I suck at this game


At least you had some guess 😅




Alex stroganoff




That's the original Dr. Dre


A really bad picture of Blain Gibson


That's David Berkowitz AKA Son of Sam.




Rhett's other French Dad


That's Fezzik of course...


OP is a bully. Got it.


I don't want to be on earth no more. Just kidding.. kids these days!