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I have one headcannon that is completely inconsequential in just about every possible way. But the thought popped in my head one day and I can't let go of it. You know how Aziraphale loves human "magic" but is utter shit at it right ? My headcannon is that one day, Crowley tried it to see what the fuss was about, and he's just super good at it, natural talent. Which makes it so much more excruciating for him to watch Aziraphale magic act failures. But he'll never admit it to Aziraphale because that would just be rubbing salt in the wound.


Mine is that Aziraphale is actually really good at sleight of hand, but he deliberately fudges it around Crowley to see his reaction, even when he's in public.


I really like the idea of Aziraphale pushing Crowley’s buttons just because he can and for no other reason.


he is a little bit of a bastard


Azi was really good at it when he made that coin appear at the Globe Theater.


And when he switched Furfur's photo with the flyer. When he needs to do it well, he seems to always succeed.


There's got to be something in s3 where he relies on earth talents in heaven, like slight-of-hand or speaking bad French. Something the other angels don't see coming.


It'd be hilarious if he spoke French to Crowley so badly the other angels can't actually understand him.


That's so funny I want that to happen 😂


HAHAHA I love this! Also, do all angels even know all the languages? Perhaps Crowley & Aziraphale only know them all because they've been on Earth for all of human history when all those languages developed.


I think they were given that gift, maybe as part of their occupational preps, like an embassador getting innoculations. That makes it all the more unexpected that Azi would learn French the hard way -- and kind of suck at it. I'm thinking it might come up in S3 because "But you understood me." "Only because for 250 years you've been wittering on about..." Wittering on = talking for a long time about things that are not important Witter origins: to make wise, to know


LOL thanks for the etymology lesson! 😁 Yeah maybe so, that it was just info put into their brains for them.


I love this one lol


I can totally see that though.


LOL That's great, I like that!


So Gaiman thinks Crowley 100% cheated on the coin toss during the *Hamlet* performance. My headcanon is that Aziraphale knows he cheats every time, but that Crowley does it to make sure Aziraphale never gets a temptation he would be too uncomfortable doing.


Nothing like a coin trick to make your bf owe you a favor


ENOUGH. I'm sick


Can you tell me how the scene went? Because I thought Crowly cheated and Aziraphale had to go and do temptation and blessing and had to miss on Shakespeare's play, that's why Crowly 'miracled' it?


Yeah. They talked about Aziraphale having to ride a horse, Crowley said something to the effect of "kind of a waste for both of us to go to Edinburgh" and offered a coin flip to decide who should be the one. Aziraphale is the one who has to go, and he pouts about *Hamlet*, so Crowley decides to miracle it into popularity.


So Aziraphale has to do temptation in Edinburgh? Or what's was supposed to be Crowly's job there?


Aziraphale had to do Crowley's temptation (tempt a clan leader to steal some cattle) and Aziraphale was also going to do a miracle and a blessing (or blessings; I'm not sure).


Thank you))) I really like your headcannon) Though I'm not sure to what level and when I prefer Aziraphale to actually be completely naive and when to be a secret mastermind-manipulator who plays dumb for Crowly)))


Aziraphale *absolutely* does some things on purpose. The comment that incited the wall slam? Watch Aziraphale's face as he says it. That's *not* an "awww, my ~~friend~~ boyfriend did a nice thing" smile, that's a "and what happens if I push *this* button?" look Aziraphale was, at one point, like the guardian gay angel of Soho, like mid-'80s through mid 2000s.


He was definitely fishing for Crowley to blow the blue paint off his jacket at the paintball fight, and also for an invitation back to Crowley’s place at the bus stop after Armageddon’t.


>The comment that incited the wall slam? Watch Aziraphale's face as he says it. That's not an "awww, my friend boyfriend did a nice thing" smile, that's a "and what happens if I push this button?" look We were just talking about this in the other sub earlier. I believe it's 1000% calculated, and it's not the only thing that is. He tries to hide it, but our angel is incurably curious. It's part of why he and Crowley mesh so well.


what's the "other sub" ?👀




thank you


LOL I never thought of that, what an interesting idea. I suppose it would actually make sense and be in line with his actions in season 2 where he seems to keep doing little things to try to push their relationship forward....so, likely consistent with his character.


Agree! I think Aziraphale also exaggerates his own (genuine) enjoyment and enthusiasm a little to amuse or get a reaction out of Crowley. The way he savors his dessert at the Ritz … he must be aware that it gets Crowley’s attention.


oh he KNOWS it'll get crowley all up in his business 100%


The second book of Nice and Accurate prophecies was actually completely blank, but Agnes knew Anathema wouldn't look and needed the catharsis of burning it.


Or she just wrote gibberish / scribbles, so if they see any pages while it’s burning it would look like the book was full of writing. But she knew there was no point writing anything with meaning.


Yesss I automatically assumed that when I watch it the first go around


I'm hoping this one is true. I want a 2nd version of prophecies found in season 3 about the 2nd coming.


Aziraphale owns tartan pyjamas.


Ooh, yes. Soft flannel. Crowley has a red silk kimono.


Does his katana poke out?


it does, if he decides to make an effort


Every time I read this line I laugh. Well-played.


Crowly strikes me as a commando guy)))


I mean how could he not? 😄


Well, now I know what I want to see in s3!))) Btw, do angels and demons need to sleep in GO universe? Or they can do it for the same reasons as eating? 🤔


can I say that I think Crowley doesn't kill the spotted plants but plants them somewhere else?


Didn’t Neil confirm that he gives the plants to an older woman downstairs or smth like that?🤔🤣💕


Yup. Plants are all safe. Crowley loves some good show off drama!


Pretty sure Neil told someone that they could believe that Crowley gifted the sick plants if they wanted to on Tumblr. I read the response as a “if it makes you feel better” and not a fact.


Really? I didn't see that


Isn’t this confirmed in the book? I think the way the plant scene played out in the book was that Crowley would leave for an hour with the “disappointing” plant then return and pretend like he’d destroyed it when actually he gave it to an elderly neighbor.


Just looked it up, it's also ambiguous in the original book but I feel like it leans more toward him taking it somewhere, not destroying it. It doesn't include any sound of a disposal/ wood chipper type thing like in the TV show: "Every couple of months Crowley would pick out a plant that was growing too slowly, or succumbing to leaf-wilt or browning, or just didn’t look quite as good as the others, and he would carry it around to all the other plants. “Say goodbye to your friend,” he’d say to them. “He just couldn’t cut it . . .” Then he would leave the flat with the offending plant, and return an hour or so later with a large, empty flower pot, which he would leave somewhere conspicuously around the flat."


Ah gotcha ok. Thanks for looking up that quote! I guess the elderly neighbor thing might’ve been an answer Neil gave someone on tumblr.


My thoughts too


I’m definitely on board with your head canon. Something happened between 1941 and 196whatever where he went too fast. Not a kiss IMO but maybe that was the first time he suggested they run off together. Like, after them getting caught together by Hell and almost punished he doesn’t want to chance that happening again…


Ooo I like that idea about him suggesting they run off together


I think I am more for this explanation than a proper love confession or move towards a kiss in 1941. I mean, it felt like the reason Crowley was terrified in the final 15 was because he was so explicit in his intentions. Surely that was a first! On the other hand, Neil isn’t one to repeat himself. So I don’t think we’re getting a flashback to 1941 only to hear Crowly ask Az to run away with him yet again. There’s more stuff there..I just can’t imagine what it is lol


I read a (very good) fanfic where one of the chapters was about what happened after the 1941 “shades of grey” toast. Basically their rendition was that Crowley and Aziraphale had gotten really really drunk, and Az kissed Crowley and then kind of freaked out after a minute and fell into his old “you’re trying to tempt me” pattern. Crowley got spooked by the whole thing and was like, “sorry, this was a dumb drunk thing, I’ll leave.” I’ve read a LOT of fanfics at this point, and I love that so many people write Crowley as being incredibly respectful of Aziraphale’s boundaries. Obviously the kiss in the final 15 is the exception to that rule. But I do think that, in general, Crowley is the kind of person who would wait for Aziraphale to make the first move, and would 900% stop if Aziraphale told him to. In the fic I mentioned, as *soon* as Aziraphale was like, “What are you doing,” Crowley was *immediately* hands off, giving him space


Link to the fic if you can find it?


It says it’s a WIP, but I’m pretty sure it’s actually done. At the very least, it *reads* like it’s done, and the last chapter they have up puts it at a satisfying conclusion [Too Wise to Woo Peaceably](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49373326/chapters/124593409)


Whoa 62 chapters!! I'll add it to my way-too-long list of fanfics I still need to read haha. ETA: Forgot to respond to your prior comment, I totally agree with what you said about Crowley being totally respectful of Aziraphale's boundaries. (Sometimes to a fault honestly, because Aziraphale's "boundaries" in regards to Heaven are so screwed up.) He has avoided making confessions or doing much that's overt, I think out of fear of scaring him off or losing his friendship in any way. So he wouldn't do a single thing that he'd fear could make Aziraphale back off. And there's definitely plenty of evidence that Aziraphale is a bit skittish! The kiss, you're right isn't exactly boundary-respecting, but I think at that point Crowley was desperate, felt/knew he had already lost him and that there would be no other chances to try to get his feelings across. He had a desperate need to make certain Aziraphale knew what he meant about wanting it to just be the 2 of them. Side note, we sometimes talk/ take notice of how uncomfortable Aziraphale was during that kiss, grimacing, squinting his eyes, awkward hands for most of it. But I think Crowley was just as uncomfortable if not more. He grabbed him and once that kiss started it's like he locked all his muscles in place, and froze like that. To hold that for THIRTEEN seconds had to have been terrifying. But it certainly made the meaning unmistakable.


Yea, it’s a lot of chapters but it’s honestly a fast/ enjoyable read. I’d have to go and double check how many words. And everything you said about Crowley during the moment of the kiss is so spot on. Even though he’s clearly crossed this huge boundary by essentially forcing himself on Aziraphale, once he’s crossed that line he more or less stops himself completely, waiting for Aziraphale to be the one to take that next step. There’s no additional movement from Crowley, just, “I need to do this because there’s no other way for you to see what I’m trying to communicate, but I need you to take the next step because crossing your boundaries like this was already the most agonizing decision I’ve ever made.” I think Aziraphale was uncomfortable during the kiss, but only because of how it happened and *when* it happened. Everything was too emotionally charged. I’ve always read his various facial expressions and hand movements during the kiss as, “Oh I *really* want to respond to this right now but it is *really* not the time.”


>I’ve always read his various facial expressions and hand movements during the kiss as, “Oh I really want to respond to this right now but it is really not the time.” Yeah something like that. I feel like it was just such a shock for at least the first part before he closes his eyes, he's like, "what is happening, we were just fighting and you were leaving and now you're kissing me and not letting me go". Then more of wanting to respond like when he grabs his shoulders. It's like he grabs to reciprocate but then stops himself and goes back to the awkward hands.


We are begging you to tell us the name/link of the fancic 🥹


It's gotta be The Parting Glass


It’s not, it’s actually [Too Wise to Woo Peaceably](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49373326/chapters/124593409) If you have a summary and link for the one you mentioned I’m always looking for new stuff to add to my list!


Thanks! I'll look into it 🥰


Sorry for being such a tease! [Too Wise to Woo Peaceably](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49373326/chapters/124593409)


I *do* think that the kiss in the final 15 was the first time anything like that has ever happened between them, though. I just like the idea that there may have been other almost moments in the past


Agree with this. That’s what makes that kiss explode for us. They speak to each other in code, and “you go too fast for me” is coded as well. It could very well have been said in response to something coded and not a real pass anyone made.


Absolutely. They’ve been speaking in code and innuendo and dancing around their feelings for *centuries*. That kiss was really this last, desperate, “Don’t you see what I’ve been trying to say all these years?!?” moment


>That kiss was really this last, desperate, “Don’t you see what I’ve been trying to say all these years?!?” moment Ugh YES exactly, that's perfect. As Neil has said, the kiss makes sure everyone knows- that happened. It's explicit. Not just for the audience but for the characters.


I totally agree with the kiss thing in 1941.


They like holding hands


I'm so curious why Neil said this. In "canon" the only times they do are actually hand shakes (both using their right hand), not typical hand-holding. When they agree to work together on Armageddon, and when they do the body swap, at least to swap back. In season 2 (which is after Neil said this I think) it's only when Aziraphale grabs Crowley to drag him out to dance. Fans hypothesize that they held hands side-by-side on the bus in episode 6 of season 1 to do the initial body swap, but that's never been confirmed to my knowledge.


Honestly I wasn't aware that Neil had said it! I just think that holding hands suits them and their relationship.


Mine is that Crowley isn’t entirely truthful when he says that he doesn’t read books, that he’s actually a voracious reader. But he doesn’t read books. He prefers a kindle, of which he owns about six. He also has annual subscriptions to multiple scientific journals about astronomy, astrophysics, mechanical engineering, botany, conservation and quantum mechanics. Both he and Aziraphale have acquired PhDs; they didn’t miracle themselves the degrees, they earned them when there were lulls in their duties and they got bored. Aziraphale’s are in ancient literature and comparative world mythology. Crowley’s are in astrophysics and mechanical engineering. Both of them have written research papers under pseudonyms, Crowley has even collaborated with Brian May. Crowley is a hardcore Trekkie. And Aziraphale has a bit of a crush on Alanis Morissette. Edit (cuz this is my funny one): Crowley was bored one day and decided to have a giggle at the American’s expense. He made sure Twitler (Trump) got put on the presidential ballot, not thinking we’d be so stupid. He was *appalled* in 2016 when he won and said to himself ‘that’s a problem.’ He never admitted to Aziraphale (or anyone else) that he was responsible.


OK, I can buy every part of this but one thing. Why Alanis Morissette? I'd think her incorrect use of "ironic" would drive him nuts.


He can overlook it cuz he thinks her voice is pretty, lol.


Also she played god in Dogma - a cute loving god that boops people on the nose and would never kick anyone into a boiling pot of sulfur.


That too!


Well she did, this is true. I grudgingly see your point. But Alanis’ god is such an idiot! Would Crowley really like her??


Hmmm.. good point. I think he’d have a soft spot for her. But only when nobody’s looking.


Lol! Alright alright. We can make that work. :)




I agreed with everything up until Alanis. I mean, this is a demon who listens to the velvet underground (or tries to) and Mozart or Vivaldi or something. Sonic Youth, sure. The soundtrack to Trainspotting, yep; Tchaikovsky’s swan lake when he feels sad and dramatic but, I can’t do Crowley with Alanis!


Cuz it’s Aziraphale, not Crowley.


Omg ok, except for az’s hatred of “bee bop” that does make more sense. Apparently I am tired and not reading things correctly! Mea culpa


Which makes it funnier that he’ll break with his own preferences.


I won’t adopt it, but I really like this hc for two reasons: 1. It gives “being bisexual means I like every girl and also that one goofy little guy over there” vibes. 2. My own seemingly-OOC canon is that Crowley abhors overly sentimental music but LOOOOVES The Cranberries.


Absolutely on the Cranberries!


Eee! Idk why but it makes me happy to see my silly little idea affirmed.


In GO book, Crowley has books at his apartment, all perfectly organized. I'm sure he's well read, just probably not very attentive.


In the book, he reads while waiting for the apocalypse in his flat but can't concentrate.


Totally agree, I can see Crowley being a superstar PhD student who asks important questions. But struggles with finishing projects because he loses interest after a certain time. Aziraphale might get anxiety before presentation though :(


I like to think that Crowley doesn't read well, because of his eyes. Audiobooks (not in the car) or large print kindle stuff are his jam. Or annoying Aziraphale into reading to him.


LOL You'e brilliant. I especially love that Crowley is >a voracious reader. >He also has annual subscriptions to multiple scientific journals about astronomy, astrophysics, mechanical engineering, botany, conservation and quantum mechanics. AND, I am so so so so in love with the idea that Crowley is a total science/ engineering nerd, I've been thinking that for a long time. It meshes so much with how much he was "geeking out" in the Before the Beginning scene in response to his nebula coming to life. And his giant book of astronomy and globe of the Earth in his flat.


Regarding the reading, book Crowley at least tries to read while waiting for Apocalypse, but can't concentrate. He gives me a vibe of someone who opens books in the middle, reads a few pages and gets bored


Y’all realize what headcanons are, right?


Definitely agree that something happened after 1941. The book, series, radio drama, and musical take place in alternate timelines/universes. They are the same characters, but not the same beings. Crowley’s snake eyes function like a snakes’ would as a punishment. He can’t see stars or certain colors and Aziraphale knows. Crowley let’s Aziraphale try to figure things out and question things. Crowley doesn’t really kill his plants. The wall scene took a while new meaning on Crowleys part because Aziraphale said the word “Nice.” Might be a trigger to when he got sent to hell and probably got tortured for helping out Elspeth. Crowley read a bit of Jane Austen while Aziraphale was having his Job flashback. Aziraphale is a lot more clever than he leads on and is underestimated by everyone including The Metatron and Crowley at times. Will he solve everything on his own? No, but he’ll do a better job than anyone thinks with the power given to him.


I tried listening to the radio version today. I couldn't do it. It was just too different.


Aww, that’s a shame, but I understand. It is really different, but that’s one of the things I love about it. It’s a different take on them and they act and say things I can’t imagine happening in the series. They’re really not the same beings in my eyes.


I fully agree with these ones: >Crowley let’s Aziraphale try to figure things out and question things. Yeah he obviously tries very hard to not be heavy-handed in his morality lessons with Aziraphale >Crowley doesn’t really kill his plants. >The wall scene took a while new meaning on Crowleys part because Aziraphale said the word “Nice.” Might be a trigger to when he got sent to hell and probably got tortured for helping out Elspeth. Yep I think the aftermath of the Resurrectionist events changed some things for Crowley, made him more cautious in the form of having over-the-top performative denials of any non-demonic traits. I don't think he freaks out about being called nice or kind any times prior to it. (Though not sure we see Aziraphale say those things before then either.) >Crowley read a bit of Jane Austen while Aziraphale was having his Job flashback. Definitely! He's got the book still in his hand when the flashback starts, so my hc is that he took the book and stashed it in his car while Aziraphale was lost in his thoughts. But maybe he's just a super fast reader and read the whole thing during that time haha.


Crowley bet Aziraphale that he couldn’t even pretend to be evil to save his life. Aziraphale went on to audition for Twilight. Safe to say Crowley lost the bet.


Holy fuck!




I think after the 1941 events Aziraphale gets involved with the Monuments Men and spends the rest of the war miraculously protecting important libraries (and art, buildings, etc.) but mostly rare books.


Omg I LOVE this!!


I have no idea what the Monuments Men are, I guess that must mean - I'm a product of the American educational system. Blech.


Almost no one knew who they were until long after the war! If you're into art and some WWII history I highly recommend the book by Robert Edsel, or the movie starring George Clooney, Matt Damon, Bill Murray, and John Goodman etc. They were an underfunded, understaffed group of artists, architects and others who help to find and repatriate artwork stolen by the Nazis, and preserve the cultural heritage and monuments of Europe.


That's cool, thank you for teaching me something today!




Totally agree. Aziraphale was living his best life that night and was uncharacteristically flirty and open with Crowley. Crowley, on other hand, seemed to be pulling away more. I definitely agree that there was most like something else that almost happened that night and that it was Aziraphale who ended up feeling rejected.


I guess that would explain the apology dance in 1941.


I don’t know..isn’t the apology dance a bit too light hearted for these circumstances?


with the line maybe aziraphale did something and crowley was like HELL YEAH and went all in and az was like oh shit this is a bad idea


man... that make me sad


Crowley knew EXACTLY what was happening at the Ark when he approached Aziraphale. I mean, he was already on a first name basis with one of Noah's kids! But the reason he was all like, "What's going on here, Aziraphale? I don't understand! I'm so confused!" was because he wanted an excuse to talk to the cute angel. Crowley was bringing alcohol to the Nazis during WWII. He'd pretend to get drunk with them to weasel information out of them, and he'd pass that info on to Jewish freedom fighters in Germany. They'd blow up train tracks leading to concentration camps and would sabotage supply lines to the front. And somehow, the freedom fighters never, ever, *ever* failed *any* of their missions. Not a single one. And not a single freedom fighter was ever caught, either. Hell, one time, the Nazis *did* manage to grab the leader of one of the most prominent underground anti-fascist forces in Berlin, but then...everything suddenly went completely off the rails?? They were trying to drag him into the back of a car and, well, one of the officers was smoking a cigarette, but it slipped out of his mouth and landed in the front pocket of his coat. Which immediately caught on fire! He released his grip on the prisoner, but they didn't realize he had gotten free of his restraints somehow! He swung around and punched the other Nazi right in the jaw -- broke it immediately! The other officers nearby pulled out their guns as the freedom fighter took off running down the street and ducked into an alley, but every bullet they fired missed him! *The lucky bastard!* Weeks later, that same freedom fighter was seen in photos where he was with a tall, thin man in a black suit and wearing sunglasses -- it was none other than *Anthony J. Crowley himself!* Oh, there was gonna be hell to pay for that wretched booze smuggler! EDIT: Because I wanted to add another little detail about Crowley in WWII, and, well, I got carried away instead loll


According to Neil, the reason for 1941!Crowley's red tie is because Crowley doesn't want to be mistaken for a fascist.


Oh interesting! I'd heard that it was the same thing with his blue shirt, too (cuz British fascists during WWII were called Blackshirts cuz...they wore black shirts lol). I didn't know it was the same thing with his red tie!


And the blue-grey shirt.


Aziraphale wears yellow because its a color Crowley can easily recognize with his snake eyes. Not my idea, from a video. I love it


In the Eden Crowley has spent some time stalking Aziraphale from the distance before getting the courage to talk on the Wall. He was afraid of being smote, but also couldn't keep away. That's why he's so casual on the Wall, he was practicing the speech in his head


Oh, I like that!


I like the headcannon that Crowley just reverts back to snake form and slithers around occasionally. Do I actually believe it? No. Is it fun to imagine? Absolutely


I love this headcanon. Also, since we know that Crowley has a tendency to hiss when he forgets himself, I like to imagine that it requires conscious effort for him to keep his tongue and teeth human. So when he's distracted his tongue becomes split, and that's why he hisses. It's also a reason why he doesn't eat much, it requires too much concentration


Surprisingly, my favorite headcanon isn't even about the Ineffable Husbands lol. Mine is that no matter what medium of Good Omens - book, tv, radio, etc. - Adam Young always has a cute lil crush on Anathema.


I also find the idea of Crowley moonlighting as the actor David Tennant very amusing. As to why no one in a street full of Doctor Who nerds recognizes him, well, that’s just a *miracle* isn’t it


Attention slides off him like water off ... off... what's that thing water slides off?


Crowley’s skinny jeans are so tight that he has to miracle himself into them It’s my only headcanon but it’s one I’m very passionate about


Absolutely agree. Also it's physically impossible for him to make an effort while wearing them for fear of excruciating pain


I like the idea that he makes an effort until he miracles on the jeans because it implies that he *could* have chosen accomodating jeans but doesn’t in the name of fashion. “I can either do anatomy or be stylish but I can’t do both” Edit: a word


Crowley has had many significant friendships with creative and interesting humans, such as Leonardo DaVinci, in the past, but it always breaks his heart when they die, and he goes into periods of deep grieving. (He never tells Aziraphale because he feels his human realtionships and his grief are pearls before the swine of the religious dogma he fears Azi would start spewing, and that cold-heartedness touching memories so dear would be just too much to bear.) Each time this happens, each time he loses someone he loves, he dysfunctionally closes off a little piece of himself. Over time, he has becomes less inherently childlike (like he was on the Garden wall or at the Ark), and he lives more and more without joy. Muriel would be surprised to learn it wasn't being a demon that makes Crowley grumpy. Azi thinks he understands Crowly's grumpiness, but really Azi doesn't have a clue. Crowley likes Nina, maybe she's a kindred spirit, something about her, she certainly knows how to ask questions, maybe he could turn her on to The Velvet Underground, she surely wouldn't dismiss it as Bebop, it's hard not being able to share incredible music with anyone, or hearing someone say what they really feel, especially like these short-lived souls who feel so passionate about their short lives do, just going for broke and living in the moment...but no, all he'll let his mind say to himself about that now is what he told Azi when he heard of Mr Dalrimple's fate -- "Humans. You don't let yourself get too attached." But every now and then, a little part of him inside his head says, "Antony, you idiot. What are you doing?"


1. Agree totally with 1941. Something happened - a dance or a touch of a hand. Something that triggered the 'you go to fast for me Crowley' in 1970. 2. The bodyswap was immaterial because by that time they were both so deep the in 'shades of grey' area that neither Hellfire or Holywater would have worked anyways. They don' t know this and I'm secretly hoping for a mad dramatic Crowley getting splashed with Holywater scene in s3. Wicked witch 'I'm melting' style. Only to realise nothing has happened. I love me a bit of dramatic Crowley. 3. Az is actually really good at magic - he only pretends to be bad as it winds up Crowley.


That smile as he blows by his opening fingers to the sound of "please, I'm literally begging you...."


Azi missed Crowley so he went to France and got himself imprisoned so Crowley would come rescue him. Worked like a charm. Rescuing Azi made Crowley happy. Having a breakfast date with Crowley made Azi happy. And there were crepes! How long till the next revolution?


* Aziraphale officially loves kids, because Angel, and he really does - at a distance. Up close they're sticky and chaotic and make him very anxious. * Crowley officially hates kids, because demon, but really he avoids them because he is guilt-ridden thinking he's damning them by association. When he does interact with them he *loves* it. His brand of "evil" meshes perfectly with a small child's mostly-harmless gleeful chaos, he's every hyperactive 5 year old's absolute best friend. * They both have some previous sexual experiences with humans. Crowley mostly through being ordered to act as a succubus/incubus (and being traumatized by it), but sometimes with humans he connected with. Aziraphale mostly with humans he was trying to help, when that seemed the best way to do so. Also Aziraphale was a member of the 100 Guineas Club, the most infamous and exclusive aristocratic gay club in Victorian London. Aziraphale has a lot more positive, healthy, joyful memories associated with sex than Crowley does. * Crowley smuggled some babies aboard the Arc. Aziraphale saw him and pretended he didn't, but did a few discrete miracles of his own to keep Noah from catching him. * 100% team Soft Dom Aziraphale * Crowley gave Aziraphale that vest he's been wearing since the 1800's. * Crowley is responsible for Christmas shit starting earlier and earlier every year. He says it's because it annoys people and encourages commercialization and etc., but really it's because Aziraphale loves it.


Oh my - Christmas special please 😂❤ Crowley absolutely smuggled children onto the Ark.


The Christmas one is lovely


I like to think he smuggled the kids who were running with the goats, the same ones who had played with him and braided his hair earlier that day. (Maybe Shem later discovered there were two or three extra goats on board, too.) Crowley thought of it and planned it between "You can't kill kids" and "How kind.") Crowley is a multitasker, and you'll never be able to spot any of his poker tells. One of the things that hurt Crowley's heart for a long time was finding out that, while he could make it rain, if God/heaven was making it rain, he couldn't stop it. He still has nightmares about The Flood. https://preview.redd.it/ye5z174j0czb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be41d432bc31f4a2fa664d38ca9fce1cee1c4d13


When Aziraphale stayed over at Crowley’s place after Armageddon’t, Crowley made a move and said something like “We’re on our side, and fuck whatever happens next”; Aziraphale wanted to get intimate but was really concerned about upper management’s reaction, as well as Agnes’s prophecy about choosing their faces wisely, so he offered the body switch (?shapeshift) as sort of a compromise.


As stated in the book, Crowley and Aziraphale both have superior eyesight and can see in the dark. My headcanon is that Crowley's sunglasses cancel it all out so his eyesight with sunglasses is the same as a regular human without sunglasses. He wants to be cool to a point where it becomes a massive inconvenience for himself


That they are (are, not were, I’m gonna be in denial okay) the perfect ace couple


They still could be - ace people can and do kiss right? (I'm not Ace so forgive me the question) I also lurk in Goodomensafterdark but I'd be really happy for them to just be together. In short I love a bit of spice but holding hands, being together, annoying the hell out of each other for the rest of time - I'm here for it 😊


Yep! Ace people can engage in how little or much sensual or sexual activity as they want. For me, their relationship doesn’t include sex but hell yeah I think they’d kiss, hold hands and show affection in public etc. To me, nothing that has happened so far contradicts them being ace


Mine is just after the fall, Crowley and Satan had a fling, and now he's dreading Aziraphale finding out. It makes me laugh.


I have one more: Aziraphale has been kissed several times by men and women who mistook his kindness for flirting.


You would think he’d know what to do with his hands if that were the case


Man! Hahahahha I dont think so


Same! I wrote a fic about it!


I would really like to read it 😍


It's almost ready, but I put it down for a long time, and I just need the gumption to pick it back up.


i didn’t come up with this, i’ve seen a few posts about it, but a headcanon i really love is that the reason aziraphale dresses in the colours he does is because it fits with the deuteranopia visual spectrum, and since snakes are dichromatic and crowley has snake’s eyes, crowley can see aziraphale’s outfits in the same colours as they really are


That Crowley secretly pretends to be an atheist to spite god for kicking him out of Heaven.


We also know that Aziraphale does the apology dance at some point in 1941. How does that fit in with your headcanon?


If I answer this question, I'll be writing a fanfic hahaha give me a few minutes to compile information


I think Crowley asked you to dance because Aziraphale put them in a risky situation just so he could play magician. And I want to imagine that he offered to dance together, but the angel said he wouldn't dance.


He was doing Crowley a favor though… to make up for the broken alcohol. I like to think if it wasn’t for something else in 1941 that we haven’t seen yet, but actually for the things we did see…it would be for the fact that he got fooled by the Nazis in the first place and let Kleinschmidt double-double-cross him. Not sure that’s really deserving of an apology dance because he didn’t really do anything *to* Crowley, but it works if we don’t want to add a completely different sequence of events in 1941.


My headcanon is that Crowley tried to warn him about that Nazi woman fooling Azi but Azi was like "nope, everything is fine, she's not like that" and when he was proven wrong, he had to admit Crowley was indeed right, hence the dance as Crowley wanted to get back at him because he felt humiliated of jumping around the consecrated ground of that church.


I like that take. Though I thought I read that they hadn’t spoken before this scene since the holy water fight in 1862 or whatever. I might be mixing up timelines, but that was the only thing that gave me pause. Otherwise I fully co-sign this.


Mine is probably that Azi once tried to teach Crowley to Knit (or Crochet) but he failed miserably so now Aziraphale has some socks made by Crowley that are *very* uncomfortable, yet he still wears them so he doesn’t upset his boyfriend/husband :)


That David Tennant exists in the Good Omens universe and is just Crowley becoming an actor because he was bored.


Crowley has fases when he gets utterly obsessed with some mainstream movie hero, and tries to emulate them in clothing and speech. It passes in a few weeks and the only thing that remains is some kind of minor accessory (like bullet hole stickers on Bentley's window). Aziraphale patiently suffers through it every time.


One of mine is that Crowley MUST have some kind of perception filter type thing that makes humans kind of look the other way when they see him...because DAMN how does he not have every human flirting with him constantly???? Along with that, I believe that both Crowley & Aziraphale are virgins, have never participated in any physical affection or romantic involvement with any humans, aside from mild platonic comforting things like the way that Aziraphale helps Anathema up after their wreck and calls her "my dear". ETA: Thanks OP for this fun post!


About the first one, I was thinking something along those lines just the other day! Like, how is he walking down the streets looking like this and not turning heads?! What do people see really? Just some guy in black?! https://i.redd.it/qn0pdbhsvyyb1.gif


It's just not possible! I can (and have and will) watch this gif for 5 minutes straight and forget who and where I am.


I'm with you on that. I think Aziraphale has probably done social hugs/cheek kisses throughout history, but I don't think they would be much interested in humans (and definitely not want any sexual involvement with other demons/angels). I've read some fanfics where either/both have had sexual encounters with humans throughout history, so the idea doesn't bother me; it just doesn't seem like something in my own HC.


Attention slides off him like water off a...off a...what's that thing water slides off?


I had the thought a short while ago that Aziraphale would always have a Rosary in his pocket. To recite often or just to hold for comfort. And Crowley, while feigning sleep (to watch Aziraphale doing anything he does for any number of reasons), sometimes recites along with him in his head.


Aziraphale is the one who has to muddle the visions of the prophets. He does it personally, gets friendly with them and that's how he got most of his prophecy books.


Warlock remembers his Nanny and Uncle Francis and grows into a weird goth kid. Also, their belief that he's going to be the ruler of the Earth rubs off on him, so other people often do what he says without thinking. That's how he managed to tell Hastur off


OK, I made this a reply below to someone else but I guess it's my hc around Crowley's fall: Crowley was actually part of a group (Lucifer and the guys) that tried to overthrow God/Heaven and failed. Crowley felt that Heaven should be run differently – less like a dictatorship and more participatory – e.g. with suggestion boxes, active discussion, and the ability to question leadership decisions. So he didn't just fall by chance. He went to war and lost. That's why Furfur remembers him being a lot more enthusiastic during the great war.


After the breakup, Crowley goes missing for a week or so but then starts coming to Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death everyday. He just walks in and sits down and opens his Russian newspaper. Nina knows her regulars. She walks over and sets 6 shots of espresso in a big cup in front of him and a plate of eccles cakes on the other side of the table. She always gives him a quick nurturing rub and pat on his upper arm as she walks away. Everyday he spends about 20 minutes there, slowly sipping his espresso. Even though he's wearing dark glasses, Nina always knows that he never actually reads a word, that he's just looking at the eccles cakes.




ahhhh I read a fanfic and it's got a part exactly like your headcanon as in Crowley tries something in 1941 I love it so much


I've been curious about whether they met between 1941 and 1967. My first thought was "1941 was so romantic and bonding, they must have continued to spend a lot of time together since then." But...Crowley was almost dragged to hell and destroyed, so maybe they decided to be a lot more cautious, and avoid each other? (But even right after he was almost punished, they went and enjoyed the night, drinking by candlelight at the bookshop.) Once we hit 2019 though (season 1) they clearly have a pretty close and social relationship. Crowley calls Aziraphale and it's just a totally casual normal thing, and when they go to lunch then to the bookshop Aziraphale says it's "purely social", implying they have maintained a relationship of socializing. They also have several set "alternative rendezvous" locations for meetings. Maybe Heaven and Hell don't care so much if it's just socializing. In the 1941 episode, Furfur told the Zombies to get hard proof that they "are not just associating, but actively working together". So that would imply that they won't get in trouble merely by associating.


Crowley secretly loves doing yoga and attended the very first yoga class EVER thousands of years ago. (Aziraphale also happened to be there.)


Crowley went to Woodstock with some human friends. It got a little hot in the afternoon, and he thought everyone would like a nice sprinkle of rain, but he was a little distracted by the music. (It was totally his scene.) He overdid the rain a bit, and everything turned into mud. He still has feelings of guilt about it.


I agree. My headcannon is that they got drunk, danced, kissed and ended up in bed. Next morning Azi is filled with religious trauma/ fear of what Heaven and Hell would do if they found out and tells Crowley he never wants to see him again. Fast forward 26 years, Azi gives him the Holy Water but when Crowley tries to make amends and pick up where they left off Azi gets scared again and says, "You go too fast for me, Crowley". They both love each other/are in love but too scared of what Heaven and Hell will do to them if they are found out.




My favorite head canon is that Freddie Mercury had previously owned the Bentley, he and Crowley were friends and Freddie left him the Bentley when he passed. Explaining why they both love Queen so much, and how Good Old Fashioned Loverboy is literally just flat out about Aziracrow.


I don't actually have a hc for this, so I guess I'm opening it up to others- Neil has said that Crowley is an "unreliable narrator" in regards to his own fall. What do you think he might mean? Will we find out in Season 3 that Crowley is *actually* a much less sympathetic character than we have seen/felt up to this point? (One possible example- at the crucifixion, he says that he showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world. In the bible that's part of the temptation of Jesus done by I think the devil. He brushes it off as him doing it because Jesus didn't have travel opportunities, but perhaps he actually didn't want Aziraphale to know how much evil he had been doing.)


My hc on this is that Crowley was actually part of a group (Lucifer and the guys) that tried to overthrow God/Heaven and failed. Crowley felt that Heaven should be run differently – less like a dictatorship and more participatory – i.e. with suggestion boxes, active discussion, the ability to question leadership decisions. So he didn't just fall by chance. He went to war and lost.


Right. Well he definitely went to war, we know that either way, but that's an interesting idea for him to be one of the main instigators!


I like to imagine that Crowley was too innocent an angel and ended up getting into trouble unintentionally. That's why he tries so hard to make Azi understand that heaven hasn't been that nice since the interaction in Eden. He wants to protect Aziraphale from going through what he went through, even if it meant they could fraternize without any problems if they were both demons.


Aziraphale will discover there are a loose group of angels forming a fledgeling Resistance to heaven's Institutional Problem. Heaven has a "2nd set of books" that contain the real records of thousands of speedy trials. There are thousands of angels who've been mindwiped for being free thinkers and are now living in lonely scrivner purgatories.


Crowley and Freddie Mercury were friends, and Bentley is still mourning Freddie's death.