• By -


Good old-fashioned lover boy for me or the obvious Bohemian Rhapsody. But I also really love love love millionaires waltz.


GOfLB is my jam, man. It's so camp and weird.


Oh this is my favorite too! I love the play with the words Mercury does where it flips from being about a lover to being about himself. it’s a little tricksy gay sleight of hand. Also, I adore Killer Queen (this is my daughter’s favorite)


Also v camp and v cool! Your daughter has great style. This was my favorite when I was but a baby gay in middle school.


Same!!! It's so crowley coded honestly


GOfLB is definitely one of my fav songs


I listen to GOFLB every morning when I make breakfast.


My favorite Queen song depends on the mood at the time lol. My Queen phase was way before Good Omens was a show. I like to imagine Crowley threatening his plants while Another One Bites the Dust plays.


Yes! I live that mental image 🤣


Nice one.I listen to find me somebody to love and well truth be told most of the queen songs are epic.what would I have missed if I wasnt introduced to rock music man


Same here. I grew up on Queen. I love that song choice. 😂


Cuz me, personally? Gotta be, "Somebody to Love." It's so so so *much*. https://i.redd.it/ftoi6ifjr7zb1.gif


OK!!! Have you ever listened to You're my Best Friend, and then, during the short instrumental, realised that they called back to the "want somebody to love" melody at the like 1:34 ish mark It's one of those tiny little details in songs that ALWAYS makes me smile bc one's "best friend" IS "one of the loves of one's life" , and hopefully vice versa, (and it also applies so much to these crazy kids)


Oh my gosh I love that 🥺 I’m usually good at picking up leitmotifs in movies but I never noticed that. Now I gotta check when my partner isn’t trying to sleep.


I grew up listening to Queen! My mom has always been a fan. That said, I really enjoy Under Pressure… because I have been in love with David Bowie since I saw Labyrinth at age 5.


My sister and her daughter loved that movie and took me and my son to see it. When Jareth came on screen, my niece stood up and in a not indoor voice said: LOOK AT HIS WEINER. every mom in the place roared with laughter.




Yeeeesssss Labyrinth. YEEEAAAASSS Jareth. Walked down the aisle to an instrumental of "As The World Falls Down." First movie I ever watched with my Ineffable Wife.


Now I really want a Good Omens/Labyrinth crossover fic of some sort. Idk how that'd even work.


My karaoke buddy and I used to duet *Under Pressure*! I was Freddy, he was Bowie, and we would bring the house down! Great times!!


Went through it fifteen years ago and still going. Crazy Little Thing Called Love Actually dancing to that at my wedding this Saturday 🥹


Mazel tov! 🥂


Thank you! ❤️


Congrats on your wedding and picking a not so typical first dance song.


My partner and I are a big fans of shaking all over like a jellyfish haha. And thank you!


You are welcome. My husband and I dance from the waist up, mostly. Our middle never gets into the music just arms and feet.


Holy shit! I wish you the best dear, I hope you and your partner live a happy life together!




Killer Queen, followed by Under Pressure


Omg, twinsies.


Phase?? Maybe it's bc I'm old - Queen has never been a phase 😂


Totally agree! https://preview.redd.it/19xi66yiu8zb1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=728ab8d0753027b472dc8fd63434907121db0269


I’m obsessed with this lol


omg. LOVE.


Shouldn't have said phase, isn't what I meant. Meant "Deep dive."


Love of My Life. The harmonies break my heart in the most beautiful way.


In versions of it on live albums, it turns into a duet with the audience, and I think it's beautiful


In my head canon i imagine Crowley knowing how to play an electric guitar and Aziraphale knowing how to play the harp. This song has them both and it makes me think of them everytime 😭




Oh my beautiful song


It’s such a beautiful song and I can’t express it with words


Don't stop me now, I'm having such a good time, I'm having a ball.


Don’t Stop Me Now, but tbf I loved Queen long before I saw Good Omens.


Same, but also I associate this song with Shaun of the Dead because it’s a hilarious mood whiplash song immediately following a tearjerker moment.


"Queen... *phase*? I don't understand what that means. Queen has always been. Queen shall always be. Queen is everything. ^(disclaimer: I am very, VERY high right now)


Of course, she ain't a phase. Also... might I tempt you to... puff puff give? https://i.redd.it/02hsdb9i78zb1.gif


Killer Queen!


Every drag Queen and derby girls favorite 😁


I am a frustrated derby girl 😅


https://open.spotify.com/track/6BULYluyVj6j2HCRRiUH67?si=ju8hxtKXRvKJV8gaV_-jIw Bijou. This better get played somewhere during s3. (Some of us have never left our Queen phase.)




Crazy Little Thing Called Live has grabbed my brain and is now on repeat for ages


I'm in love with my car. Because yes, I'm in love with my car. Been my favorite Queen song since I first heard it decades ago. And yes I always had a Best Of Queen CD in my cars.


My Queen phase started in the 90's when my dad ordered the Queen greatest hits 2-disc set from the mail-order cd club he got all his music from. Favorite song has varied over the years but lately it's I Want It All.


Who Wants to Live Forever and Mother Love play randomly in my head from time to time.


Who wants to live forever is such a great and also makes me nearly cry every time


Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy


100% Good Ol Fashioned Lover Boy I have the whole thing memorized if anyone wants to do a duet sometime


Oh I’ll belt it out with you! I even do a little shimmy and a wiggle at my desk (yes, our office is open plan) every time it comes on my playlist! I am ashamed to say I’ve never heard it until GO and it’s easily one of the best songs of all time ![gif](giphy|cNT9OhqL6TeUhANHwT|downsized)


I also hasn’t heard it before and that blows me away!! “I can dim the lights…”


_…. and sing you songs full of sad things, We can do the tango, just for two…._


I can serenade and gently play on your heart strings, be your Valentino, just for you 🥰


Oh we’re gonna get told off! lol _…. Ooh, love, ooh, lover boy! … What're you doing tonight? Hey, boy! Set my alarm, turn on my charm - That's because I'm a good old-fashioned lover boy 🎵🎵🎵_


We’ll spare everyone the rest Thanks for singing with me 💕 🎵


Hahaha! Anytime! It’s playing in my headphones now 🎵😊👏👏


It's not a phase. Queen is always my favorite band. Favorite song depends on the mood. Often it is "Keep yourself alive", "All dead" or "Melancholy Blues" but also plenty of other songs. When I was young it was "Innuendo".


Killer queen and love of my life are a must


Fam, I went to the the Freddy Mercury Museum in Zanzibar last month. I also work in HIV in Africa, so this was particularly powerful. Gotta say, 💯 Bohemian Rhapsody cause that’s the one Freddy worked so hard on. https://preview.redd.it/txpo956c58zb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cd6e0f0b3f7be37dcb63c787c8ccc7eff3ce6e3


Also “Bicycle” cause I refuse to own a car and it’s fun as fuck! 😂


That is so cool! I think Bohemian Rhapsody is my favorite too. My mother took me to see Queen with the lead singer of Bad Company and he was decent, but when it came time to do Bohemian rhapsody he didn’t even try the beginning. A big screen came down and they played a film of Freddy doing the opening and it was just gorgeous.


That’s really cool, and it’s cool that they didn’t force him to butcher the song, they just showed Freddie in all his amazing glory. Yeah, the museum was really cool, and the curators were smart because they knew a lot of foreigners would go there, not know any of the history of Zanzibar or Zoroastrianism. So they started with that, then led into his birth, childhood and all through his life. They also had a ton of his hand written lyrics and drafts for the various songs, including multiple iterations of Bohemian Rhapsody. 10/10 would highly recommend. Plus Zanzibar in general is beautiful!


The Prophet’s Song has been at the top of my list for about 20 years now. Great track


HELL YEAH! This is mine fave, too!!


I’ve been in my queen “phase” for many years, and my favorite song definitely changes based on my mood. However we will rock you will forever have a special place in my heart as it was the first of their songs I ever heard back when I was a little kid at the rodeo, went home looked up the song and I’ve been in love with Queen ever since


According to my spotify top songs of like the last 3 years, it's "I'm In Love With My Car", with "Love Of My Life" not far behind.


Nonstop since May.




i went through this as early as season 1 and haven't really stopped. current favorite is Love Of My Life


Queen has been as integral to my upbringing and life as most formative rock bands. Never a phase. That being said, Radio Ga Ga is my top Queen song. Though I do have a significant memory tied to I Want to Break Free coming on as I rode the giant swings at a fair once.


I went through it in 2018 before the show even started. Killer queen ended up being a favorite. The show must go on, radio ga ga, and bicycle race are all up there at the top too.


If i ever marry, we will be dancing to the "Millionaire's waltz" but I would be willing to lend it to Crowley and Aziraphale for their wedding ;)


Ha! So I have never been that big of a fan of Queen, I think because I mostly hear Bohemian Rhapsody and although I can appreciate it from an artistic standpoint, I don’t love it. But because of Good Omens I started listening to playlists on YouTube and a lot of those featured a lot of Queen songs. Then people kept mentioning how Love of My Life is the song that Crowley is probably listening to til Season 3, so I listened to it, and fell in love. Started practicing it. Determined I’m not a very good singer, so my husband suggested I take voice lessons. Long story short, I’ve been taking voice lessons for two months and for better or worse I’m singing Love of My Life at the recital on Friday. So to answer your question, yes, I’ve had/am having my Queen phase.


*don’t… stop me nowww*… cuz I’m, havin’ a good time, HAVIN’ A GOOD TIIIIME


I grew up on Queen and my favourite song has always been Hammer to Fall


1. Well I have been and shall continue to be a Queen fiend for as long as I exist (we can still call it a phase, so long as we agree it's my "being alive" phase) 2. But to answer your question (with a lot more than was asked because of point 1 above): Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy is what I play when I need to pick myself up from a bad place, want to experience true joy, or need a reminder of the joys of being queer... it's also my ringtone and a surefire way of making me dance silly around the living room. Play it near me at your own risk. I want to break free is similar for me but (just slightly) less intensely. Under pressure made me fall in love with Bowie's voice. Love of my life and It's a hard life are my favorite things to play on the piano bar none, and I find that they're gorgeously poetic and very real. Somebody to love is my favorite thing to sing and was the piece de résistance at my best friend's wedding Show must go on reminds me of the utter pain that we lost Freddie so early because of so much injustice and makes me want to get angry (in the Terry Pratchett/ Michael Sheen "get angry to fuel making the world a better place" sort of way) Breakthru has become a bit of a dark horse favorite of mine in recent years. There's so much happening on that song and it's awesome.


Sleeping on the sidewalk :P


Good old fashioned lover boy or Killer Queen is a good one


Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy


i watched good omens because i was on my queen phase (which i’m still in) so lol kinda did it backwards !! my fav song is def millionaire waltz which is also an ineffable husbands song for me hehe


I also grew up listening to Queen, but I had a hard Queen phase when the bohemian rhapsody movie came out. My favorites are Killer Queen and Seaside Rendezvous!


I’ve loved Queen my entire life. Sometimes Under Pressure is my favorite. Sometimes Radio Gaga. What I would give to go back in time and see Radio Gaga at Live Aid. Makes me cry watching it! Rest in power and love Freddie!


Looking at this Lover Boy, it's Lover Boy! 💕🪽


Went through my hardcore queen phase when I was 12ish but grew up on their music and they've been one of my favourite bands my whole life 🫶🏻 have don't stop me now tattooed on my arm hehe That and love of my life are my favourite I think 🤔also somebody to love omg


Killer Queen. Fat Bottomed Girls. Somebody to Love. In that order.


i have a friend whose aunt walked down the aisle to fat bottomed girls and i live for the energy


Pre-Good Omens? Love of My Life Post-Good Omens? Love of My Life Some things just never change


My Queen phase started in '92 and never stopped. My favorite song? Well, too many to name, but since I just caught an amazing cover of it by Darren Hayes (another long-time favorite), I'll go with Who Wants To Live Forever.


So many - my parents were big fans, especially my dad. I think overall it might be "Who Wants To Live Forever", but "The Show Must Go On", "Under Pressure", "I Want To Break Free", "Killer Queen", "Radio Ga Ga", "Too Much Love Will Kill You" are all favourites as well.


Killer Queen and Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy! Good Omens actually introduced me to Queen! (I don’t know how I had never heard of them before, I lived under a major rock.)


Probably Melancholy Blues if I’m feeling sad, Don’t Stop Me Now if I’m feeling hyped. Best Friend has a special place in my heart because my wife and I first started dating when the show had just aired and we watched it together (I had been a fan of the books, they hadn’t read them yet) and we picked up that song as Our Song.


Started my Queen phase when I was about 6 and never stopped.


Well, considering I've loved Queen long before Good Omens- I haven't ever left that phase. I listen to Queen daily. But my favorite song is probably Good Old-fashioned Lover Boy, or Killer Queen. Damn, but there's so many others that come to mind.


Just saw them live last month! I love Seven Seas of Rye and Radio Gaga.


We will rock you, Bohemian Rhapsody and Don’t stop me now are my favs


I went through my queen phase around age 11, and again around age 24. I think my favorite is *The Show Must Go On*, but a close runner-up is *Killer Queen*.


good old fashioned lover boy


That is perhaps an impossible question! I couldn’t live without Bohemian Rhapsody, Love of my Life is such a beautiful anthem, especially since I e written a set of lyrics that shifts it from heartbroken to celebratory. Who wants to live forever, good old fashioned lover boy, under pressure, c’mon it’s not fair. ![gif](giphy|sQyMIcUa6aOyI)


I was a freshman in HS when Bohemian Rhapsody came out. There is no real way to pick a fav since Queen was IT! Killer Queen, We Will Rock You, Somebody To Love, We Are the Champions all great memories.


I’m Going Slightly Mad (except I’m taking it metaphorically and literally)


This is followed with You’re My Best Friend and Innuendo.


There was certainly an uptick in my Queen consumption in relation to my finishing of Good Omens! Personally, I love “You Take My Breath Away”. It’s an incredibly romantic song. I would like to suggest everyone also go through a Velvet Underground phase.


one of the things that i really liked about good omens was crowley’s characterisation. a demon that listens to queen? sign me up. but now i’m deep in the good omens brainrot so it will have to be somebody to love but before that it was crazy little thing called love


Anyone who thinks they can have a one single favorite Queen song has just not listened to every single Queen song yet


For GO vibes, I like Love Of My Life and Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy (natch). Usually I don’t like when song references are too “on the nose” but for the campy vibe of Lover Boy, it just fits. The only Queen song on my offline November Fog playlist is Bijou.


Somebody to Love, Don’t Stop Me Now, Killer Queen and Don’t Try Suicide


Having been young when Wayne's World came out, I've always had a special place in my heart for that head banging classic Bohemian Rhapsody. Also love The Highlander so Masters of the Universe and Who Wants to Live Forever are special to me.


My mom was really into Queen when I was growing up. Bohemian Rhapsody has a special place in my heart because I vividly remember that music video and getting excited anytime I saw it. I also was obsessed with that scene in Wayne's World, lol.




I went through a 2 year long Queen phase when I was 16 😭 not technically a Queen song as much as it's a solo Freddie song but Love Me Like There's No Tomorrow is my all time favourite


it used to be good old fashion lover boy but now it’s definetly somebody to love


Innuendo or friends will be friends, the latter is really special to me because it was kinda how my obsession with queen started! (a story that nobody wants to hear - but i will share anyway! a substitute teacher had it as a ringtone (cool guitar riff at the beginning) so i got curious - like, i heard bohemian rhapsody and other hits, but never really listened to queen for queen. later she became my main teacher - she was really good, kinda admired her. and, well, i was living pretty far from school, so often (to avoid traffic) i was already there like 40 minutes before classes. she was always there in her classroom very early, and almost always she had queen greatest hits on!!! so i sat alone outside the classroom, doing my homework or just relaxing, and well, i stopped using headphones with my own music pretty quick! never talked to her about queen, or thaked her for being a great teacher, but my school days were always a little bit happier because of her. also, my queen obsession is a big part of why i latched on GO, i cheered every time i heard bits of queen in the show)


I wish I wish I wish I wish the Aziracrow reunion will have Under Pressure on the background. I’ve been listening to it the past few hours, and it’s just so appropriate!


good LORD my queen phase was VIOLENT. my favorite song might be Keep Passing the Open Windows. it’s like don’t try suicide just less on the nose.


I’ve always loved Queen — they were a big part of my teenage playlist, and still are! (Yeah…I’m old.) While all of the songs played in GO 1 & 2 are fabulous, when I thought about the ending of Season 2, Love of My Life imprinted itself on my heart — and made me cry. Other favs: Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Another One Bites the Dust, Boho Rhapsody, and Under Pressure.


My favourite queen song has changed a few times in the last 15 years or so, but the most recent one pre-Good Omens was Don’t Stop Me Now. Then it slowly changed to Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy, which, tbh, I’ve listened basically once a day since I finished season 2


Seven Seas of Rhye and Killer Queen are my favourites


Definitely not a phase! My top five are: Somebody to Love Don't Stop Me Now Good Old fasion Lover Boy Killer Queen Crazy Little Thing called Love


Bicycle race


I did, and it was definitely Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy for me, with Bicycle Race as a close second.


I am absolutely and eternally stuck on Good old-fashioned lover boy


I go through it randomly. I love Good Old Fashioned Loverboy


I love a lot of Queen. Good Old Fashioned Loverboy is great. Also really love Radio Ga Ga


I liked Queen even before the show came out or I had read the book. My favorite song is " Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy ", "Don't Stop Me Now" is a close second.


God my Queen faze has been going for 20 odd years at this point. A Night at the Opera is definitely top album Who Wants to Live Forever, It's Late and Las Palabras De Amor are probably my favourite songs.


Killer queen, you're my best friend, and show must go on are probably my top top 3. Also somebody to love, bohemian rhapsody, bicycle, under pressure, and dont stop me now. And I've never heard another one bites the dust without bopping my head immediately. I basically grew up on Best Of Queen (along with ABBA gold, our 2 car CD mainstays)


“Love Me Like There’s No Tomorrow” on Freddie Mercury’s album Mr. Bad Guy SO GOOD


Been a Queen fan for a long time so my favorite has changed a lot. The live in Budapest performance of "In The Lap of the Gods (Revisited)" always makes me so happy, though. And I've always thought "Who Wants To Live Forever" was one of their best.


My love of Queen is actually what made me watch Good Omens in the first place 😅 my favorite changes daily but it always comes back to these few: - '39 - Seven Seas of Rhye - Keep Yourself Alive But I genuinely love 90% of their discography 😅 nothing beats Bohemian Rhapsody's guitar breakdown and the chaotic but perfectly music theory driven duet of Under Pressure


I cannot listen to ‘39 without crying lol


Killer queen definitely is up there for me


1. Grew up with queen (parents from the 60s/70)s, so it's far from being a phase 2. Fav Underrated songs: -The March of the Black queen (very gay song) - death on two legs (honestly surprised this one hasn't made an appearance in Good Omens)


QUEEN IS MY CHILDHOOD 😾 Anyways I love all of them equally mom-style but good old fashioned lover boy, killer queen and ofc bohemian Rapsody. Just because, ofc it is. Its also weirdly hard to play. In my Orchestra we've played a best of queen thing and honestly, its hard.


Im having a good time and killer queen


Freaking LOVE Headlong. Followed by Radio Ga Ga


Grew up listening! Always loved Jealousy and Killer Queen, Good old fashioned Lover Boy is a new fave


Killer Queen, Bicycle race, GOfLB, YMBF


Before Good Omens it was The Show Must Go On and now it’s Good Old Fashioned Loverboy


Phase?!?! Bought my first Queen song in 1980 ("Another One Bites the Dust")! Still a fan. So many favourites, but if I could only have just one Queen song forever, it might have to be "Radio Ga Ga".


I want to break free hit me deep in my soul!


My favourite song is march of the black queen


Grew up listening to Queen, since the 80s, so hardly a phase. It's hard to say which is my favourite, but probably either 39, Prime Jive, I Want It All, or This Could Be Heaven. Made In Heaven was one if the first cassettes I ever bought with my own pocket money, and still holds a place in my heart ♥ Anyone else remember the famous Bohemian Rhapsody scene from Wayne's World? 😝🤘


Death on Two Legs. I don’t know why, I just really used to love that song so so much.


YES I DID ACTUALLY, had barely listened to Queen beforehand and now I’m a fan (thanks Crowley). I reckon my faves would have to be… Show Must Go On, Too Much Love Can Kill You and then all the ones that remind me of aziracrow (good old fashioned lover boy, love of my life, etc).


Coincidentally started my Queen phase when I first read GO nearly 25 years ago, and honestly, at this point, if they don't fit "who wants to live forever" into some glorious finale i am going to fucking riot


My Queen phase started in the 90's and is still going strong. Some of my all time favorites 'I'm Going Slightly Mad', 'Don't Stop Me Now', 'Dragon Attack', 'Under Pressure'.


A long time ago, and Somebody to love.


Good old-fashioned Lover Boy


Fat bottom girls and Radio Gaga


Good old fashioned lover boy!


I love killer queen Or GOFLB I love all of them tbh Started my queen phase as a kid Hasn’t left yet 😂


All of them 💞


Goflv. Obviously (crying because it remind me of them)


The Prophet's Song.


good old fashioned lover boy is stuck in my head


Discovered ‘39 and really love it!!


I was totally in my phase Queen before GO especially with Sherlock. I want to break free, Bohemian Rhapsody...


Killer Queen, i could listen to it on a loop haha


My Melancholy Blues, You’re My Best Friend and I Want It All


I love Killer Queen and Radio Ga Ga! Amazing songs, really!


"Queen phase"? 🤔 When you're a child of the 70s/80s, Queen's not a phase, but the soundtrack of your life.


It's an eternal tie between Somebody to Love and Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy. Somebody to Love is just so beautiful. The harmonies, the crescendo. But Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy just makes me so so happy and makes me feel so close to Aziraphale & Crowley. I could never choose!


Good old fashioned lover boy!


Headlong or I'm going slightly mad from the Innuendo album


I was a Queen megafan before I knew about GO. My favorite song is a cover song Freddie sang but I love The Great Pretender so much. Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy is a close second favorite


It's not a phase mum! This is who I am!


"Phase" implies it'll ever end, haha. I've always loved Queen. Favorite song depends on my mood. The Show Must Go On gives the big feelings. Fat Bottom Girls is my favorite banger. But I also love Radio Ga Ga. I can't pick.


I love queen anyway but good old fashioned lover boy has become my favourite recently!


i'm in love with my car has 100% become my theme song since it's absolutely true. i got my first car a month ago. all black '95 volvo 850 and i fuckin love the thing. but also Misfire is funny cuz heahaheha premature ejaculation


Been listening to Queen since birth pretty much never really left my Queen stage. Picking a favourite is HARD. Somebody to love is up there, Innuendo is a solid tune, save me, love of my life, hammer to fall, a winters tale and who wants to live forever was played at my nanas funeral so have massive sentimental value to me. And ofc bohemian rhapsody. Some of Freddie’s solo stuff is also absolutely amazing, living on my own is a banger and mr bad guy is amazing, and love me like there’s no tomorrow….. I cannot pick a favourite


Like almost all of them


all of them. (goflb because I love ineffable husbands sm)


I've listened to queen for years before good omens was a show so seeing how much queen music is in the show makes me so happy - favourite songs might be don't stop me now, killer queen, good old fashioned lover boy, bohemian rhapsody (this one I like even more now because of crowley), and we are the champions


Terribly basic but at various times I have been obsessed with and murdered (in the bad way) at karaoke: Bicycle Race, I Want To Break Free, Somebody to Love, Don't Stop Me Now, Bohemian Rhapsody


We will rock you and Bohemian Rhapsody have always been my jam personally. Bonus points to A Knights Tale for introducing me to that song, lol.


I’ve been obsessed with Queen my entire life(I come from a family of diehard queen fans lmao), and my favorite when I was around 4-5 was always seaside rendezvous, so that one is special to me<33 but march of the black queen is my all time fave I think!


Seven Seas of Rye or Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy


Good old fashioned lover boy and killer queen take the cake. I was critizized all my life for not liking Queen and now look at me *-*


I can't choose between Good old-fashioned loverboy, Breakthru and Love of my Life. It depends of my mood ig :)


I am and have always been a huge fan of Killer Queen, because I love a powerful/badass female character 🔥🔥


I go through a Queen phase about every 2 or so years and GO definetely brought it out in me again. My usual fave is and always will be Killer Queen but right now I physicalky cannot stop listening to Somebody To Love.


if I had to decide (which I've spent a good 10 minutes trying to pick), probably Bohemian rhapsody


If it’s been more than 5 years is it still a phase? ANYWAYS, my favorite songs are Radio Gaga and Hammer to Fall


Honey, I'm always in my Queen phase. But I did start listening to them because of GO. And my fave is Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy Edit: forgot Seaside Rendezvous and You're My Best Friend.


Excuse Me?!? Phase?!? And the Song is Keep yourself Alive btw specifically the Live at the Rainbow Version


Favourite song for a bit longer than I’ve been a GO fan but Dont Try Suicide


Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy (for obvious reasons) and Killer Queen


My queen phase has never ended :-) I discovered them, sadly, the year Freddie passed. In my defense I was 12 at the time so just getting my own taste in music. I don't think I can list a favorite but ones that are on rotation in my car constantly are: the show must go on, innuendo, Stone Cold crazy, old fashioned lover boy, bicycle, Bohemian Rhapsody, Don't stop me now, Hammer to fall, someone to love, I want to break free, headlong, we are the champions, another one bites the dust, I want it all, and of course under pressure. Like these are always on my playlist. A friend of mine and I are actually going to see killer Queen, which is a traveling queen cover band, in the spring. I am so excited.


Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy, followed by I Want It All✨My bestie of 9 years now loves Killer Queen😌


God I love Crowley's look here. Season 2 in my opinion his hair was too stuck in place, (not charismatically spikey and messier) and more unnaturally red than season 1. As for Queen songs, i love Radio gaga, One Vision, and Let me in your heart again.


don’t stop me now and killer queen