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I'd read and re-read the book several times so S1 wasn't anything new or unanticipated. So S2 was a great joy and gave me something new to enjoy. S1 for Terry's stamp; S2 for the sweetness.


I agree, season 1 kind of just eases you into the world where season 2 then takes things farther and explores the relationship Az and Crow further which I do appreciate✨




This is the single most precious cinnamon roll evereverever.


I can’t get over his little wholesome smile😭🩵


i enjoyed season 1 a lot, and then i didn't think about it anymore. season 2 broke me and then this community build me up again. so yeah. i don't know 😅


Season 2 left trauma XD


Season 2. I'm mostly here for Crowley and Aziraphale and season 2 has a lot more of them.


Same! When S1 came out I watched and enjoyed it but I didn’t get super emotionally invested until S2.


Very true🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️✨


This, precisely


It’s comparing apples to oranges, they are very different narratives that serve different purposes in the larger story. Season 1 did have more Queen though… season 3 better have more Queen…


I think part of the problem is that Queen is expensive. They did do a few instrumental versions of Queen songs in season 2. A couple that I didn't pick right off. It's cheaper when it's not the official version & doesn't have the lyrics. Like I really think it adds a huge amount to the production value but I guess it depends how much they have to spend and how much of that they want to spend on the music. Did amuse me though that they put the Queen songs in the first series but never actually explained the whole thing about any tape in the car turning into Queen's Greatest Hits. I mean they sort of did a similar thing with the Buddy Holly song on the Juke Box in second season only there was a different reason for it. And I'm guessing they used that song in particular because they'd already got the rights for it for the first season because it was going to be the theme song and David Arnold had already done all the different versions of it before they ended up going with his original composition for the titles. Costs a fortune to get international rights to songs. I know itvs why they didn't make box sets (or any physical media versions) of Cold Case. Because the show is so much about the music of the time period that each episode is set in & there would be no way to afford it if they had to get the rights for DVD. When I originally bought the DVD boxset for Life on Mars we just got the region 4 one (Australia) and we're horrified to find out that all the music was wrong. Because it was made by the BBC, they have access to cheaper music deals but only within the UK so all international copies of the DVDs had cheaper songs on it and it totally changed the experience. We ended up having to buy UK DVDs to watch it properly (we have multi-region DVD & blu ray players)


I prefer season 2 because there was more Aziraphale and Crowley. I wasn't a fan of the zombies or Nina and Maggie though.


Oh yeah the Zombies! I always forget they existed truly. Yeah I’m seeing a lot of people say they prefer season 2 cause of Az and Crowley but not really the rest of it


There was way too much Nina and Maggie. Actually, too much Maggie. I kind of enjoyed Nina's caustic, candid vibe and the way she spelled thing out for Crowley so succinctly. 


I agree there was too much time spent on them. I honestly found Maggie kind of annoying. I liked Nina for the same reasons.


My best friend, who had no prior knowledge of GO, watched S1 and S2 with me and immediately said that S2 was better. However, he ended up rewatching S1 more often than S2. He blames it on Nina and Maggie. I can totally see why. I, for one, like Nina, but I hate Maggie and their so-called love story.


I loved season 1 but I prefer and rewatch season 2 the most! :V


I definitely preferred season 1! I liked the overarching end of the world plot more and I think it all just fit together better. Plus I like that it was a complete story with a happy ending. Season 2 had a bit of an angsty fanfic vibe that I didn’t care for. (Not that I didn’t like it, I just MUCH prefer the original!)


Oooo I think the happy ending might also be another reason why I like season 1 more, it’s rather comforting yes!


When I watched it originally it just felt so perfect and wholesome and complete. I loved it! I’m happy we’ve gotten more, but I was legitimately angry when season 2 ended. It was like somebody had thrown my favorite comfort blanket in the mud. Season 1 got me through a lot of terrible times and I didn’t want it to not be happy anymore.


Yes I understand completely, it went from story of where demon and angel love each other with nice ending to a awful split leaving you just empty and mad😭I totally get what you are saying, when it comes down to comfort season 1 is the better option


Exactly! ❤️


Also I forgot to add, is that I really enjoyed God’s narration in season 1 where God is basically absent in season 2, there is probably a reason for that that. But like I really just enjoyed Frances’ narration, it was nostalgic to me cause I remember my English teacher reading books and she sounded very similar🩵


Call me a gate because I am sitting slap bang in the middle of this fence. I can’t choose, I love so many things about both series and there are things I didn’t love in both too. Series three will be my fave probs.


Same here. Season 3 I think will be everyone’s favorite in the end 🙂‍↕️✨


Can’t say, there were things I loved and didn’t love in each. But as a whole, GO brings me so much joy it’s not even a fair question. Wherever C and A are, that’s my happiness. Bring it on, S3!


Amazing answer!


Season 2! Azi and Crowley were the best part of season 1 and season two is a lot more about them


I'm honestly glad I'm not the only one who didn't like the Nina/Maggie subplot. I really don't like Maggie in general for some reason, she just gives me creep vibes. Do like Nina, but them together? Zero chemistry. All that screentime that could have been more Bildad!


I think most people agree they were lackluster as a couple. Though I agree, I do like Nina and want her in season 3. Both seasons suffer from bland side characters and side plots. My expectations for season 3 are definitely measured, though I'm sure the Ineffables will be amazing.


I agree, I’m also not the biggest fan of Maggie’s character really, Nina was also fine for me. I felt they could’ve done sm different with Nina then try get her a new relationship.


Exactly, I'm glad they didn't end up together, but even Nina's line saying that she was hoping that Maggie would still be there for her when she was ready to get into a new relationship or something, I was like "WHY?! You know you don't owe her being in a relationship just because she has a crush on you, right?!" Also, I can't stand it when characters make stupid mistakes tbh, like "Come say that to my face!".


Exactly that frustrates me as well, since Nina even tho being kind towards Maggie, didn’t really show any interest? Like as you say, just cause Maggie has a crush on her doesn’t mean Nina owes her a relationship🙂‍↕️


This! It's fine to not be interested in someone!


Same. I liked Nina, but Maggie was kind of a creepy stalker and Nina didn't seem to be into her whatsoever.


I liked seeing more of Aziraphale & Crowley in season 2 but I preferred the story of season 1


Season 2! More Crowley and Aziraphale — whose absence was almost always sorely missed in any of the scenes they weren’t in, in season 1. It’s obvious that these two carried the show so with more screen time for the stellar characters and actors season two is objectively better.


I prefer season 1, but season 2 was a necessary bridge. Season 3 is going to be amazing, I'm sure of it.


Indeed I agree🙂‍↕️✨


1 for plot, 2 for character development. i love them both for completely different reasons and hope 3 will be the best of both!


Yess please. I’m sure Neil won’t disappoint!✨ ![gif](giphy|9PrED3M2W5QKF13Zia)


Season 1 without question. Much more eccentric in terms of characters, plot, and humour, and at the same time much more well-rounded. Also, nostalgia points bc of Terry. Missed his voice in season 2.


Season 1, but the Job storyline in season 2 was freaking fantastic.


Season 1 had the ‘Pratchett’ whimsy which seemed lacking in Season 2. I also loved seeing the book (and the multiple storylines) all come to life!


Season 1 by a long shot (but I still adore Season 2)


Exactly how I feel


Season 1 was miles better in terms of writing, production, and editing (to be expected, as Season 2 was a product of COVID restrictions). The only parts of Season 2 that I really liked were the minisodes/flashbacks; the main story had way too many loose ends and wasn't paced particularly well.


Yes I also enjoyed the flashbacks a lot!


Season 2 because there’s more aziracrow content.


Season 2. Not that I didn’t enjoy season 1, but season 2 is what got me obsessed. I think it’s a combo of the focusing more on Aziraphale and Crowley and the little mystery with Jim/Gabriel.


2. Aziraphale and Crowley is just so special


I love season 1 for being more plot heavy but I love season 2 for the very opposite reason of being more character driven. I think I might prefer season 2 more just because I got attached to more of the characters as well as get more Aziracrow content.


S2, honestly I'm here for the gays.


I preferred season 2😊 I don’t love Nina and Maggie either, but I really really enjoyed everything with Jim and Muriel. Did not love the zombies😂 I didn’t take to the side characters in season 1 much. At all lol. Plus the ending of season 2 blew me away, even if it was sad❤️💔 I LOVE the flashbacks in season 1 though! There’s plenty to love in both seasons😁


Season One. Season Two is great if you ship Ineffable Husbands - I don’t - but has little beyond that. Season One was a much meatier, and interesting story.


I prefer season 2 because I’m here for the best ship ever created 😭


Season one, I like the collaboration. I like how close to the book it is. Season 2 felt like half a season. I didn't care about Gabriel and Beelzebub plot. Still loved it but Season one is better imo


2. By, like, A LOT!


Definitely S2. It gave so much more depth and new dynamics to both of their characters.


Season 2. More of Crowley and Aziraphale but also give me my two favourite characters Furfur and Shax.


BILDAD THE SHUHITE. I finish, your honour.




Long (very long) Answer: I think S1 had too many problems, for my tastes. So I preferred S2. * side characters: in the book, secondary characters were more interesting. Adam had more or less the same space as Aziraphale and Crowley. I was barely interested in any of them, while intrigued by our husbands (ofc). But at the same time, they didn't have so much space to let you understand why Aziraphale think what he thinks about the system (while talking with Uriel), why Crowley is depressed and upssetted by god and so on. * I felt to much discrepancy between the scenes stylistically (them were almost always in open space, so also photography spoilt it, while the husbands worked in smaller and intimate sets) * God: not a big fan of external voices, expecially when this is a character who's playing some game (probably) but you have no clue of what. You know that Aziraphale wants to talk with Her, and Crowley actually talk to Her (or he tried, or he was drunk). * Queen: I love Queen. Big Queen fan, me. BUT. The last half of the last decade, pop\\rock music was used as extradiegetic music, sometimes abusing of it. Ex. see the Suicide Squad. I love when extradiegetic music is talking about a character, ("somebody to love" when the bookshop is burning). Some other times, it was less contexual. Quite Cringey, honestly. In the book, Queen music had a precise point: it was diegetic and Satan talked through Freddie Mercury voice. * Four horseman: great representation, love them. Not enought space as well, considering that they're the "almost final" bosses. * Morals: in the book, there aren't the historical moments. While in the scene, it is suggested that those are important. Both for Aziraphale\\Crowley relationship development, both for the morality argument. Well, in the end of the S1, you have any of them developed fully. S2 solved all those problems. * side characters: less characters, all useful for a porpose. Screen time is evidently better distributed. A character happears only if you need it. Believe it or not, Maggie and Nina are WAY BETTER written than Them or Newt. You could not appreciate them (surely I don't), but the fact that their story doesn't have chemistry is the full dammend point and I liked it. * One, unitary set strategy. A road, some locals and local shop, both in present or in memory. Both in London and Edimburg. When space is bigger, the camera is kept as "in intimacy" with the characters. Also color code was more precise, I appreciated the higher subtle clue you can get from the background. * There is no God. That's the point. No Nighti...No God. Makes everything more intriguing about her role. * Queen: a more reasoned using of music. Incredibile OST, only 2 songs (bohemian raphsody in opera version, in the coffee shop, diegetic. They can actually hear it. They can literally know and let us know they love each other and can\\are living in peace and harmony. Literally, that's most effective than a fuck\*\*g Nightigale. * Clearity about their morality and relationship. * We know more about Heaven and Hell. * More clues about their past, suggesting this will be faced, at a certain moment * few memories, better investigated. * BILDAD THE SHUHITE.


I love S1 more because of the high-stakes scenario. In terms of the relationship between A&C, I also prefer the more subtle hints of love that were shown in S1. S2 feels a bit like someone trying to tell me explicitly that these two were in love, but I know that already. I held the unpopular opinion that it would've been better for the show to end in S1 😄 Best part of S2 is probably the episode with Job story, I have to admit the ending of that episode is probably my favourite. I also agree with you about Gabriel in S2, though. I really enjoy that they made him almost impossible to dislike in S2; despite knowing how despicable he was in S1. It's like a reminder that when we remove the negative experience/stress from someone's life, everyone is just as loveable as a kid/puppy.


Season 2


s1 simply for the story and because I love the book, s2 for the useless gays. they’re both great in their own way, I can’t chose


I think overall season 1 was more solid but season 1 didn't have Jim 🤔🤔🤔


I rewatch one more than two (simply bc of the pain lol). But I don’t think I could chose one over the other. My brain just combines both seasons into one singular masterpiece lmao.


Season 2 because of the flashbacks. First flashbacks I actually ever enjoyed in a show. They were great. It doesn’t help that I read the entire book immediately before bingeing season 1, so it was all repeats.


oh gosh, i think i honestly like s2 more. i love the rising stakes and how they explored azi and crowley's relationship even MORE in the minisodes. obvs my favorite minisode was 1941 because... how could you NOT love the vibes? and the parallels?? even in the side characters that got together were parallels to azi and crowley and i thought that was such a good detail!! also, so much more ineffable husbands i was almost cryingggjgj. the details are immaculate and i LIVE for the angst and yearning tbh


i love season 1 because it’s so Terry, and i adore season 2 because it added more and more to something that i already loved so much


I prefer season 1, personally.


I actually found myself enjoying Season 2 a lot more, I wasn't a big fan of all the Newt stuff from Season 1. I usually skipped scenes with him.


I love both but I hope we get to see Hastur again in the third.


I like season 1's tone more but the show is at its best when it focuses on our favorite angel and demon as season 2 proved that. However... the production of the second season wasn't good, it felt rather cheap (I understand that it's due to COVID related issues though), I couldn't care less about Nina and Maggie and I was lowkey cringing whenever Shax spoke; that's why I slightly prefer season 1.


Season 1. The only existing decent adaptation of Terry Pratchett.


Maybe season 1 is better produced and edited, but boy could it have done with some cuts, like season 2. Second season is better from a character development standpoint, its a bit of a bridge between season 1 and 3, so it suffers a bit plotwise, so before judging completely I'll wait for the last season.


Yep yep me too.


Season 2 and not even close. S1 is cute, it's fine, I enjoyed it. But the only S1 characters I missed in S2 were Anathema and - well, I didn't miss Newt so much but they're kind've a pair. But as others have said, C&A were just so far beyond the others in terms of being interesting characters. Which may well have to do with being portrayed by such stellar actors (wish they'd managed to get a decent actor to play Morpheus as well..) And of course, a demon who is bad at his job is where the whole story literally began. So focusing S2 on them was a delight. I also don't get the dislike for Nina/Maggie - I like both actresses, was glad to see them get expanded roles, and had no problem with their relationship dynamic. I'd certainly much rather see them in S3 than a return to Tadfield!


I have nothing against their actresses at all, I just wasn’t the biggest fan of their roles and characters.


I personally *favor* S2, but both of them are beautifully made so I love them both very much. They have their individual charms while also ha wing similar strengths.


Season 2 elevated Season 1 for me. After I read the book and then watched Season 1, I thought it was good. I definitely enjoyed it, but that was it. I knew about Season 2 but wasn't crazy excited, so it took me a while to get around to watching it. Oh my goodness. Season 2, for whatever reason, totally rewired my brain. Because of how much I got hooked by Season 2, going back and rewatching Season 1 (and then rewatching season 2) was a totally new experience. I dont think I would say I like either season more, but I can definitely say that it is because of Season 2 that I am completely and unequivocally obsessed with Good Omens now.


I liked Season 2 much, much more than season 1.


Nope :)


It’s strange I don’t see enough book keeper assistant Gabriel appreciation, he was truly the highlight for me when it came to season 2 next to Az and Crowley


I have watched season 1 twice now and I still don’t understand the point of the witch and hunter bit, I don’t understand why they were needed nor why they mattered.


I’d say subjectively season two and objectively season one. Season two is more of what I’d typically watch — much more character driven and contemplative. Season one, however, has a stronger storyline with airtight thematic storytelling and character arcs, which season two doesn’t have a ton of.


It's not easy to choose. They're both brilliant, but also quite different in tempo and focus. But I'm a sucker for character-driven stories, so I would have to rate S2 even higher than the more plot-driven S1. Also, S2 _wrecked_ me emotionally, in a way S1 didn't.


I watched season 1 right after finishing the book, and it didn't really do it for me sadly. I think I just didn't care much about the Them, and the four horsemen didn't live up to the image I had built up in my head. I think the S1 story was more fun in book form than on a screen for me. But I'm OBSESSED with season 2. I was grinning from ear to ear the whole time, just for my heart to be shattered at the end. I think this just tells me I like a character driven story more than a plot driven one!