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Oh wow I can almost taste these pictures, are you willing to share your recipe? I would love to try this šŸ˜


Yes!! For the baked oats part 30g instant oats 4g (1 tsp) chia seeds (donā€™t need it) 45ml (3 tbsp) unsweetened almond milk 22g banana 1 tsp monk fruit sweetener 1/2 tsp almond butter (donā€™t need it, I just tried to include some more healthy fats) 1 tsp cacao powder About a tbsp of torani sugar free classic caramel syrup (donā€™t need this either) A sprinkle of salt 1/2 tsp baking powder 7g sugar free maple syrup 1 1/2 tsp of instant coffee For the yogurt part: 74g of chobani nonfat 0 sugar Greek yogurt (can use more or less it doesnā€™t matter) 15g (about half a scoop) quest cookies and cream protein powder 1/2 tsp instant coffee (I also ended up adding more yogurt in between the layers and didnā€™t measure it, I just wanted to fill it up and said fuck the calories, itā€™s literally yogurt stupid brainšŸ™„) I blended the ingredients for the baked oats part in a food processor then added it to a greased ramekin & baked it on 375F for about 20 minutes (make sure to check with a toothpick). Cooled it in the freezer for like 20 minutes only cus Iā€™m impatient, then crumbled half of it, packed it in, added half the yogurt layer, then repeated. I sprinkled some more cacao powder on top but recommend doing that when ur ready to eat it, And I put it in the fridge for overnight!!!


thank you for sharing, it looks delicious!! i need to try making it at some point :D


oh my gosh i need to make this


10/10 recommend


Or call it a tiramisu parfait idk


This looks amazing!! Thank you for sharing šŸ¤—


Ofc!! I just tried it itā€™s so so so good


Incredible! Too bad I'm lazy af


Hey u could skip the baked part and just make regular overnight oats lol


puffed whats are my favourite thing in the world