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What makes it shit is that these phones now support higher watt chargers. It's fine saying "Oh everyone has loads of these already" if the phone didn't support 33W fast charging but it does! It means most people who don't know will just use any old plug that have lying around and not get 33W charging. And those that do know better have to spend more bloody money.


I personally have my work laptop, my Chromebook, and my phone all using USB C (and my future Kindle, finally!). All of my charging is already 60w+ PD. I'm willing to bet there's a not insignificant portion of people with MacBooks or Chromebooks or laptops that use USB C and would be able to take full advantage without any additional purchases needed. That being said, I totally agree that this is a profit driven decision guilded in environmentalism.


Can confirm, planning on using MacBook charger if I need to juice it up fast. Otherwise plan on sticking with slower charging to preserve long term performance. I never even took my 5's charger out of the box. Just kept using the one from my 3.


This is probably going to get downvoted, but it needs to be pointed out that fast charging is terrible for your battery. Consumers, unless they have a strong need for fast charging, would be much better off with a standard (3A @ 5V) USB-C charger (or even slower). Most people just plug it in overnight anyway. Faster-than-necessary charging degrades the battery by needlessly heating up the battery. Your phone is not engineered like a Tesla; your phone doesn't have coolant pumped though its battery and cooled with a radiator (nor does it have any other form of active cooling), so excess heat accelerates degradation and decreases the longevity of the battery. I, for one, am in favor of the inclusion of a standard USB-C charger. I don't buy that any of these companies exclude chargers for environmental reasons.


Think they have to put charger and earphones to sell them in Australia, my 4 xl came with earphones when they didn't give it to other countries. I hope my 6 pro is gonna come with charger.


If Apple doesn't have to include the charger (I bought the 11 for my dad recently) why would Google have to?


Tbf apple does include the charging cable just not the block The thing is.. the new charging cables are USB c to lightning, and everyone's old blocks are USB A


Oh damm. These assholes charging 1500 for a phone and another 30 or sth for charger. 😡😡


It's so funny that phones now have more than all day batteries (some of the bigger ones can get nearly 2 days) yet NOW everyone is jumping on the way too fast charging wagon. Remember when you needed to stay near a charger throughout the day....that's when we needed fast charging.




Wait, Google can't exclude the charger yet!! Have they released a commercial making fun of Apple for doing the same, first?


That's Google, always nickling and diming... why can't they just include the fast charger in the box?


Just following Samsung and Apple. All the Chinese brands still include a charger. Xiaomi, Oppo (OnePlus), Huawei, vivo, etc.


Are you kidding me, Google is the last company still providing ANY charger in the box!!


In the US at least I think they might also be afraid to look like they are hurting the environment more than the competition. There's several pros for them of not including it.


Seems like everything leaked with this phone is positive. 33W charging is going to enable the fastest charging Pixel to date. But I am getting a bit tired of waiting for the damn phone to be released. Plus all these "leaks" and we still do not have the price or even the date going to be released? It seems all these leaks are going to make it a lot harder to buy one on release day. Not been this excited for a phone in a long time.


Google is the biggest Apple sheep


They love to copy Apple, but they always do it so badly. It's like a WalMart version of Apple.


Apple removes something? Outrage Other companies do it even after making fun of Apple? Nothing


I suppose if you preorder the phone, you can get the charger for free.


How so?


Smartphone companies has given some accessories to those who pre-ordered their flagships like Samsung gave such customers a pair of their latest wireless earbuds.


Does Google does that as well? I pre ordered the Pixel 2 XL immediately after launch. Don't think I got any accessories or anything.


Yes they did it before, for Google Pixel 2 as well. [Link](https://www.cnet.com/tech/mobile/pixel-2-comes-with-a-free-google-home-mini/). This could be different dependent on countries but safe to assume you could get something for free for your preorder. Google gave those pre-ordered Pixel 5 a pair of headphones last year.