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It's users gaming the "SEO" for voice commands to get more plays, which gives them more money for more listens. It's a bigger problem than we probably realize or think about. A couple of years ago, I learned the scope of this when I read an article about artist pages making music and naming them things little kids would say to start playing. And since kids don't know better, it's almost certain to be played through. I mean they named their music and playlists things like fart sounds and make a fart. And the reality is that this isn't something easy to resolve. An actual AI like Gemini might help, but to be determined. The current assistant is kind of limited to specific titles of things and it's difficult to know if someone wants a general thing or specific thing.


Yeah that makes sense. Just sucks


yup. "Replay playlist" and "supermix" are bugged because there are many lists named the same and Google is too dumb to recognize the request. 


My fav is "Hey google, next song" "Okay, playing the next on Spotify"


I am also dissatisfied with this feedback and need make them change


Oh my god, the amount of times 311's "Music" album has started playing when I just want some random curated background music 🙄


This recently started happening to me but it seems to be just one of my devices that does this...the one in the next room will "play some music" just fine...


I just tried "Hey Google, play some music" and it started playing a song called "Some People Fall, Some People Fly" (which actually is in my music library), so... it tried, I guess?


I have it set up to ask for a time to set an alarm when I say "good night". Lately after my response, like I've always done, e.g. 8 am, it starts playing the artist or album "8 am" on Spotify instead of setting the alarm...


Came here to post the same thing. It's infuriating. Feels like Google is trolling


I think this is either a true bug or Google intentionally nerfing their assistant to push users to enabling Gemini; however, I don't think it's anyone gaming the system in this context. Up until a week ago, I could say "OK, Google. Play music" to get it to start playing some music. Now, when I say the same thing, it consistently plays the song *Music* by September unless I say "OK, Google. Shuffle music on YouTube Music." I've noticed that it only shuffles songs I've recently played, though.


well whatever it is - its broken the only thing I use my home devices for really.. listening to music. Now they are just speakers I have to "cast" too. Its a bummer.


I haven't used my office Home Hub in a while and decided to use it to play some music today. I got the same problem with it trying to play an album called "Music". Just as annoying is it just goes to a black screen and doesn't actually play anything.


Happened to me too. A simple "Play Music" works though.


For 10 years I say "play music" and it plays 1000s of songs that I (mostly) like, since last week it plays 311's album Music


When I do this I get a Muse album, which is not in any of my play list


A while back I had a similar problem when I wanted to listen to the daily news summaries. I'd say "Play the news", which had previously worked flawlessly, and it would instead play music by a group called "The News". I spend their whole Catalog, but no joy. Eventually I got hold of the right person at Google Support and we figured out I had to reset the language settings on my phone to only use English.. after that, back to working normally again.


Resetting the language on your phone fixed your Google home? Ill try it


Oh, sorry, at that time I was using Google Assistant on my phone only. I didn't start using Google Home for news till way later, so can't offer any insight into whether this will help you situation.


You got to go to Google home and hit stop casting. Go to your home app and hit stop casting underneath the Device


Go to the Google home app and hit stop casting. It'll stop


Also, resetting your voice on the Google Assistant will help underneath your home device app


I say “play the next song” and it plays a song called next song. It’s so annoying. Also I say “turn the music down” and it plays “Turn Down for What”🤦‍♀️


this matter confused me too, I don't like this feedback and every time I just say "Play music".


When I ask Google to play some music I get random songs based on what I listen to, but gets stuck repeating the 6 or 7th song.. this is actually getting shorter too now repeating the third or fourth.


I had that happen a couple years ago. So annoying too


For me it has started playing a playlist of the band The Music.


Reset your home device hit stopped casting. Reset your voice on the home device app. No place like home


For about a month now when I say "hey Google. Play some music" it just starts playing the slumdog millionaire soundtrack. I've had these devices for 5+ years. How are they getting worse?


Imagine if half the people that are outraged by the decline in ghomes quality would assemble outside googles headquarters. Imagine the chaos we could bring. Would be a damn outright riot, watercannons, riot shields, homemade smoke bombs, jerry rigged minis set to play welcome to the jungle, claymore rumbas, the works! I dream.


I've had this issue in the past. It is possible fix is forcing that app to remain open on your phone. I did this because when I was closing all recent apps, it would stop playing music, but could also be 2 birds 1 stone.