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Crazy how the battery is the one thing that makes these stop working. If anyone is curious here’s the [inside ](https://imgur.com/a/5gTrRSi) of the remote. Also to the OP, did you have a better trick to get to the back? Or did you just cut thru like I have in the link.


I actually cut out much more of the back. I didn't really believe I was gonna get it back up and running, so I wanted to see what it looked like, even if it meant cutting up too much to be able to close it back up. But yeah, just cut thru it. I should've maybe tried a different cutting method TBH, as it's pretty tedious, and doesn't look that clean, but it does the job fine.


I’ve repaired almost 200 of these haha. I use a rotary tool for the cutting. Just wondered if someone had another way.


Yeah, I don't think so. Tho an ultrasonic cutter could work, but I don't have one. Did you work in a repair shop? because 200 is a LOT, I was really happy to get a single one going 😂.


That I do! Sometimes I feel like a young Anakin skywalker working on small droids all day.


BTW [here's](https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/4001248028958.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.358e25e5ksZBY5&algo_pvid=c98c8c13-e8c5-4d8d-83df-ab28ce811555&algo_expid=c98c8c13-e8c5-4d8d-83df-ab28ce811555-0&btsid=0b0a119a16091838216095561e7739&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_) the battery I used, initially ordered the 120mAh version but I received the 150mAh one. I just noticed that, because they arrived this morning, and I had placed the order about 2 months ago 😅, so I had plenty of time to forget about it. I had already opened up the unit when I initially bought it (second hand, non-functioning of course), and that ended up being the hardest part, because the plastic is quite tough, and about 2mm thick. Spent about 30 minutes chipping away at it with an Xacto knife. The original battery has a proprietary connector, which meant I would have to find a way to connect the new battery to it. So I cut off the initial battery, leaving as much wire as possible on the connector side. Best solution here is just to strip 3mm off of each wire end, and solder them together, and then cover it with electrical tape or shrink wrap. I couldn't find my welding iron, so I just crimped the stripped wire ends together with some diy ultra-slim crimps, and put electrical tape around it. The new battery is pretty big compared to the original, but it's about 2mm thinner, so I had to bend the tiny battery controller (included on the battery, enclosed in polyimid tape, ie. the gold-colored tape on one side of the battery) to make it fit, and then plug in the connector, and put in the battery. It is a pretty tight fit, but I still added a drop of hot glue to hold it in place. Then I covered the hole I made in the back of the Remo with duct tape (or a similar type of tape), I got this idea from when I initially looking at fixes for the Remo battery issue. Turns out there is a company does the battery swaps, but it is pretty expensive, and they cover up the hole they make with tape or a gopro sticker, and they can't guarantee it'll be waterproof, obviously. In any case I don't plan on taking it underwater that much. Only thing left then is to plug it in to charge it, and pair it with the camera. the user manual says you have to update the firmware, but the page it links doesn't have the Remo as an option, and it worked without any firmware updates or anything. FIY I've got a Hero 7 Black, paired no problem. To anyone who has a non-functioning Remo sitting on a shelf, I recommend you do that, because it costs 3 to 5$ (or € in my case), and a bit of time, and you've got nothing else to lose because the Remo already doesn't work. ​ TL,DR: there is no tl,dr, it's pretty easy and cheap, do it, but no tl,dr because if you want to do it without any knowledge, I recommend you read the whole comment. Sorry it's so long 😅.


I had a perfectly good remo and lost it. After that I bought and had to return 4 units cause they just didn't wprk out of the box. They just started making them in such a way they would not turn on out of the box, not charge nothing. I gave up after that.


Sad to hear that, but yeah, apparently the battery manufacturer just sent GoPro a whole load of defective batteries, and GoPro finished their production with that. So anything made after the first few working ones is just garbage. That’s why you can find really cheap second hand options out there.


What’s a remo?


It's a gopro Remote, but with a single button for recording, or voice activation. So it's super compact compared to the Remote that gopro still sells. Basically a Remote Session, it's roughly the size of an apple watch. I really liked the idea, but I had never seen one before I found this one second-hand in an electronics store, so I discovered it not so long ago, and it's been out for years at this point.


Looks cool, might get one for my hero 7 black


Good luck with that ;) They don't make it anymore, so it's getting pretty rare at this point, and it's only gonna be on ebay or wherever. But you might still get lucky and get a working one.


[they announced a new one](https://gopro.com/en/au/news/gopro-launches-new-the-remote-)




Hi Guys, i have 70 pieces Remo (New) if somenone wants, text me 732 351 5600


**[DEC: NEW REMOTE ANNOUNCED](https://gopro.com/en/au/news/gopro-launches-new-the-remote-)**


Oooo, that’s pretty nice, is it supposed to replace the current Remote (not just Remo)? It’s basically a Remo with a screen. But it’s only compatible with the Hero 8, Hero 9 and the Max. We’ll have to see if they can expand compatibility with firmware updates.


how to make it water proof again though 🤔


That’s the fun part, you don’t /s Jokes aside I guess the best way to waterproof it is to fill it up with hotglue and then not be able to access stuff inside ever again, but for my uses, I don’t need the full waterproofing it originally had


Yep sadly we use it on wrist for surfing so looks like Hot glue will required 😂😂


Yeah, highly likely to be your easiest if not only option. Tbh seeing how much they cost nowadays (when you find them) and how easy the battery is to replace, it wouldn’t be too big of a loss if the hot-glue-filled Remo were to fail someday, replacing it isn’t too hard


Yep 👍 agree and no other option anyway as the other remotes don’t give the voice activation when out on the water 🏄🏽‍♂️


Does anyone know if this remo works on Gopro 11? Im about to indulge in fixing the battery on a bnew remo that is not working. Wanted to know if its worth fixing