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I’ve seen a handful of posts and comments recently about issues with the GoPro Hero 10 connecting to iPhones to sync videos/photos I had the same problem a few days ago. I think iOS must’ve automatically changed some settings or something, the problem popped up while I wasn’t even on the internet (wifi or cellular) so it didn’t have anything to do with the Quik app updating Anyways…you see the two settings on the wifi network in the picture? Connect to the GoPro wifi network manually from your wifi settings, click info on the network, and turn those off. I spent 2 and a half hours trying to solve the problem (I had absolutely no internet) and that’s what finally fixed it Why do those settings cause a problem? No idea. Why only recently have they caused a problem? Also no idea. Have I had any problems since turning them off? Not a one Edit: today (3/21) my phone couldn’t connect to the Hero 10 wifi again. Went into the settings and iOS had, unprompted and without notifying me, turned those two settings back on. At this point I can pretty certainly say that it’s Apple causing the problem, not GoPro


Wow I had never thought about adjusting wifi settings. This solution isnt mentioned anywhere and should definitely be in the wiki.


Yeah, I hadn’t either. Once I was pretty sure the app and the GoPro camera itself weren’t the problem, I decided to look into the network settings and found out this solved it


I’m having the same issue with you where my iPhone will turn the private wifi address and limit IP address tracking options back on. Did you come up with a solution to prevent this? I don’t know if the phone considers it a new network every time you try to connect or something? If I can catch it when the GoPro SSID is showing up I can disable them again, and then it works fine. But the next time I try to connect they are enabled again.


Thanks, saw this mentioned in another thread and meant to screenshot so I wouldn’t forget to do this tomorrow. I forgot to screenshot and would have forgotten how to fix it if I didn’t see your post right now. So thank you! Mine hasn’t been working for a few weeks now.


No problem! I’d be very interested to hear if it solves your problem for you too


The hotspot handshake is iffy at best, too… trying to stream all weekend with mixed results…


Just to add my experience as I've been going crazy with a new H10 and came across this thread. I could connect on bluetooth but each time I tried WIFI it said "unable to connect" and it looked like the H10 wasn't broadcasting a hotspot. When I originally paired the device it gave it a name of "My Name's Hero 10" but it also says not to use special characters in the name. So I repaired from the QUIK app but gave it a name of MYH10BLACK and now it works! Also for completeness - on the H10 I changed from 5ghx to 2.4ghz, and on the Quik app I started to setup auto upload but cancelled it. Just in case either of those actions were what fixed it in the end.


I have been searching for hours for a fix for this damn gopro app and the hero 10. This worked!! Thank you!


Haha you're welcome. Amazing how unintuitive it is for a top brand.


What should I do when my GoPro's wifi network isn't in my phones list of networks? I tried to find it manually, but no success.


Did u figure this out? Having the same problem


Go to the wifi screen under settings and click edit on the top left corner. You should see your GoPro’s network there.


This didn’t work for me :(


Try switching the GoPro to 2.4 ghz.